Say hello to your next president

Say hello to your next president

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Maybe if I lived in Moscow

Mitch for 2020-2024?

No. Hes going to keep on the senate user. The dems will win 2024. It's the cycle. They will find someone better in 2024.

Trump jr is going to be president after Trump's second term. It's a fact. I'm from the future I know.

You look like you will expire very soon

All hail Ol’ Marble Mouth Mitch!

Moscow Mitch has a secret weapon

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He's been running the show killing bills while Trump tweets and acts all leaderish

might as well call him president

american voters are some the dumbest people on earth

>the dems will win 2024

nah,there gonna win 2020.because all republicans have is bump stock donny who wipes his ass with the constitution while he and his supporters are to retarded to understand why most of the party hates them

we need to get rid of these creepy old white men, they are all buzz kills and they are kleptocratic fascists

you're not kidding, they are the dumbest and most easily duped and fooled fools on earth

The dems are more than likely going to throw the election by screwing Sanders out of the nom to go with Biden. That's literally just Hillary again and he'll get fucking destroyed. Sanders is the only threat to Trump. Even Trump said so.

lol,a sack of dogshit could win against donald trump at this point.and trump is an idiot,95 percent of america hasnt listened to a word he's said for years now

also,i would vote for biden just to make you redneck red hat morons mad.because you know your gonna be all like

>hurr durr,he was obama's running mate! no niggers in our white house!

Foghorn Leghorn?

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Anything better than Trump.

Can't believe I said that.

so america goes from a "billionare"who couldnt run a casino without bankrupting it and cant even pronounce the english language some hillbilly retard

sounds about right considering how stupid america has gotten

dont worry,trump supporters arent real republicans

I would vote for Pence and that's what scares me.

Sad state of affairs when Western Civilization would be better off with a bible thumping fag shocker in power in The Dumbest er Greatest Country in the whole Bizzaro World

Agreed. It's bad enough to cater to the Evangelicals, regardless of president's beliefs.

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you can say that again. leningrad lindsey for vp

That guy is too fucking old!

Just realized a funny thing.Seems that Trump has listened to Pence and we haven't heard anything from the Vice President.


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hey look, its "The Turtle"

Very funny

>comma,no space

Time for a little drinkie-poo.

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Governor Slugwell!

Jesus loves you more than you can know.

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That is bullshit.

That's not how anything works. You're a stupid person.

Tired of "winning" yet, Trumptard? 3 years of constant humiliation for you, hope you're enjoying it so far.

If anyone threatens the US he'll puff out his chin to appear larger.

No, it's true! Jesus even died for you!

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So which one of you niggers dropped a bomb on an Iranian terrorist general and didn't give two fucks? Certainly wasn't any of you pussy ass cuck loving dick slurpin sand niggers.

What a way to miss the point.

That's really good. Thanks.

Mr turtle?

Yeah, because your vote in the public election means something.
Pfffffftt hahaha.