Introverted as fuck

>introverted as fuck
>posts on ig for attention
Can this bitch fuck off already?

Attached: Target34z.jpg (1070x1823, 428K)

Introverted doesn't mean that you stay away from all social media you tard

It doesnt mean you reach out to it either faggot

Can you fuck off? Stop reposting this shit.

of all the natural tits to get redone... good lord why

Attached: qzmrs0kom8a41.jpg (2289x1526, 230K)


I got the entire internet of porn to look at so I'll be okay, believe me, but sometimes I wake up at night just thinking why oh why

Attention whoring is extraversion. She is not an introvert. Speaking as an introvert, when attention is paid to me my 'battery' drains. For a while after I published my book I kept a social media presence because my agent said it would help with reach and sales. After a week of it I felt like I had been non-stop socialising. It's exhausting for an introvert. I told her that the books could sell themselves if they were good and I would post once or twice a week. Worked out fine.

She is an attention whore, and attention whoring is extraversion. She needs other humans' validation to feel good, and she knows that most of the men who fap to her are NEETs who are taken in by cheap ploys like pretending to be like them, 'omg she's an introvert liek me fapfapfap'.

Holy fuck she looks way better

okay fine I'll give you a reply

She went from like a 4 to a 7. Is this her just posting constantly to get fans?

probably. I had to look her up to confirm that she was the woman with the recent boobjob that I thought was a total waste

These are not introverted manic pixie girls. They are college girls who’s entire expenses are paid for by their parents and, as a consequence, have the entirety of their time outside of the classes they won’t complete to gain attention and money by stupid incels (such as yourself) by self producing softcore pornography on the internet.

It’s about the environment. 100% could be an introvert and whores herself out for an exhausting 2 hours a day. Then the rest of the time read a book or play with her cat.

Introverts can be social. I know cause I’m an introvert. Example; I like I stop by your moms house to fuck your dad.

I kinda saw all the threads but never the before pic. Figured it was u running 3 threads of her at a time. Hows it a waste tho? The originals r just kinda floppy uneven clementines now shes got some nice perky grapefruits.

Making a lot of assumptions there bud. Just cause you’re jealous how easy they make money from their bodies doesn’t mean their parents are loaded

Yep. Great tits now. Before they were fine

Well shit if she is u congrats. I might fuck her if she turned out to be a decent girl.

I’ve fucked at least three of these types of girls. Instagram famous + tits = money. They don’t care how much of a huge whore they are. They are 20 and every man on earth wants to put his P in her V. She knows it and uses it, and has no worries in any other regard of her life because mom and dad pay for everything. It’s kind of like the male equivalent of mom and dad paying for everyone and he sells weed.

I am . I wish Cred Forums kept IDs... natural will always be better than fake imo (unless fakes eventually become indistinguishable from naturals obviously)

I think u have to really botch them or go way overboard for fakes to be noticeable.

all I know is I'll be on the side of naturals until fakes can squeeze and hang the way naturals do