It won’t be reported for another 15-20 minutes...

It won’t be reported for another 15-20 minutes, but the journalist I intern for will announce that BILLIE EILISH has been found dead in Los Angeles. Possible suicide.

Attached: D1928F83-A06A-4343-975E-AE5405CFC47A.jpg (1280x1920, 483K)

Other urls found in this thread:

we'll see about that, faggot


I hope so. Stupid bitch

Attached: 1573374827095.jpg (750x600, 35K)

nobody cares

It might be fake but I hope it's not

Put me in the screen cap

Attached: what-characters-will-be-in-the-lord-of-the-rings-gollum-1579388557.jpg (1000x563, 86K)

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She’s not currently in la, dipshit



Lmao screen cap ss1990

About 18 years too late, matey

Nice bait

Wtf is a "BILLIE EILISH"? what it do?

Checked. Nice quad feed


1- I hope not I actually think she has one of the best voices
2- I hope not because she hasn’t gotten old enough to have her nudes/sex tape leaked

Dude.. Get train!

Fake and gay, go away!

who's this?

What a fucking liar! Burn in hell! Bastard!

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Get reckt negroid

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Her singing sounds like she smoked 3 snoop doggs and she is ugly af

Fucking love this gif

Time to watch fantastic 4

discord DOT gg/hE2hKs

I like her singing tho lmao. And then titties!!

Billy English she's a nigger loving Australian or something and she tries to sing



Stay away from children you predator

And not the other way around either

Rolling for this

you better not be lying about this, faggot!

18 yr old with tits of an overweight middle aged woman after having 3 kids. Sooo hawt. KYS

yeah right she just set all kinds of records at the awards the other day. keep dreaming faggot. also OP is a faggot

holy shit its real

fucking hell this week has been crazy

well you're a retard, so that's understandable.

holy shit its real

fucking hell this week has been crazy, first Kobe, then Alec Baldwin, now Eilish,

OP same fagging. OP will be the next death


You're just mad you can't lick her pink butt hole

Op delivared

Attached: unnamed.jpg (481x512, 62K)

So your retarded ass made me look it up. And no. Alec Baldwin is not dead and neither is the big titted Billy Eilish so you can go fuck yourself user

Attached: Zh5I4UDw_h9)0.jpg (640x360, 41K)

Reply quicker next time for better spot

Attached: Screenshot_20200130-014041_Chrome.jpg (1080x2280, 816K)

OP must be desperate for (you)s - the dead celebrity threads are always made by those craving attention.
Socialising would alleviate that need.
Get out more, OP, I believe in you!

P.S. Eilish isn't even in LA atm.

Attached: Google.png (600x158, 50K)

lol that’s not her faggot

Never heard her sing. But she's definetly ugly as fuck

cool more like this.

I like Bobby Eyelash

Attached: Billy Elish.jpg (500x542, 79K)

Attached: A86E176A-0746-448E-9761-5B205DBC50E2.jpg (1024x1007, 288K)

nope, but it was decent b8 none the less, see this
haha you dumb bitch, i got you

Her hole is brown with one freckle on right cheek near the point of insertion.

Yeah right dumb ass, that as believable as Epsteins suicide

i cant believe that nig would pose likee that with her dead body :( this world is sick esp blacks

How's that proof she's dead moron that's only proof she has aids

Fucktard. she aint dead. shes just in the hospital for her ankle.

Attached: Neat.gif (492x360, 1.02M)

Fuck this bitch is annoying. I haven't heard a single song of hers, but I see here all over here and twitter. That face is so fucking punchable.

numbers if true

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case closed. pack it in, its not happening

dear diary: today was blessed

burn the coal, pay the toll
dumb nigger

Faggots, even with trips

trips means triplet+1 thats quad
quick mafs


im in yall

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Billie Eilish is op and is trolling Cred Forums
Tbh that is not even that unlikely

If I roll dubs you're telling the truth

wtf? that just makes me like her more.

its not true, no matter how much we wish it was.

this smells like a samefag, who is definitely not that nigger fucking whore who will eventually be beaten probably to death by one of those drugged out apes she lets fuck her


ITT: Billie Eilishs A&R trying to increase the search requests for Billie Eilish

Yes, it's all a conspiracy, it's all connected - not just some Cred Forumstard making a slightly iffy trolly thread.

And here are my quads

Attached: 5a86bf561b673.png (512x512, 149K)

Attached: DQZekl4VQAEbWnj.jpg (540x505, 70K)

Not a conspiracy, just harmless gorilla marketing


Im not mad you lied to me, im mad you made me give CNN my visit

>uses the wrong format for npcnn links
try harder with your fakeass shit, faggot

Attached: ugly.png (518x330, 60K)

Fake and gay bc journalists don’t announce these kinda things. Most of them time it’s the estates of the deceased or authorities, which ever comes first.

If only Cred Forumsro's