Tired of defending trump everyday?

Tired of defending trump everyday?

Tired of making up new conspiracies?

Tired of flip-flopping so it fits your narrative?

Maybe it’s time you try: Reality.

Talk to your doctor about Reality.

Reality may cause unwanted pain and suffering. In a trial, Reality cured 100% of mentally unstable trumpers of their delusions. Other side effects include: awareness of other channels, treating other cultures and races with respect, taking responsibility for your own actions, being happy for others, reading the Constitution, etc.

In rare cases, Reality has been known to be contagious.

If you or a loved one may be suffering from delusions, talk to your doctor today about Reality.

Reality, apply directly to the forehead.

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Other urls found in this thread:


four more years assbruise, cry harder

0/10 troll harder OP sucks black cocks

rotfl, trumplodyte triggered

Damn, I just heard you suck nigger's dick. That's fucking nasty.

i voted for trump in 2016, worst mistake in my life!
i won't vote for him ever again!


Donald trump: Unchecked and Unbalanced.

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The very idea of Barack Obama — an educated, dignified, gracious, and intelligent black man, as a democratic president for eight years — was so utterly intolerable, so deeply offensive to the Republican world view, that they are willing to destroy our democracy in the name of Trump, just to ensure that never happens again.

dat redditspacing, tho.

>ha, I win
>oh he's totally triggered!

jew in training, drive carefully

This is what they want. Republicans know Trump is guilty. They are reveling in his lawlessness. They want to bring forth an age of tyranny and letting Trump get away with treason is the catalyst. Trump's acquittal will seal it.

Republicanism has become a nihilist cult. They will go along with literally anything he does. Tomorrow, Trump could declare martial law and cancel the 2020 election and there would be zero resistance from the GOP. This is not an exaggeration. Trump could announce tomorrow that he intends to repeal the second amendment, and they would let him do it. Why not? In their gutless subservience to an illiterate rapist, they have abandoned all the rest of their so-called conservative republican principles.

>tired of watching liberals project all of themselves onto conservatives to attempt to stop their tears?

No. More.

Telling you what reality is because looking outside doesn't support their narritive.

Liberal 101

I think you're the one who needs a dose of reality if you think the president is anything more than a figurehead to placate the public. There are people with far more power than the president, everything he's done so far, was ran past them first.

You're so full of shit it's coming out of your ears.

No, they're that stupid.

>no trust me I can see the future I have to stay inside eating cheetos because of my staggeeing genius.

my mistake kek

Retards who can't figure out what's between their legs today talking about other people needing reality.
Never gets old. Die mad, cuck.


Literally zero proof of this, so it's clear your dislike is, like all libs, based in emotions rather than logic. Or you could try a source or reference for your claim. CNN, MSNBC, WA Post or HuffPost are automatic disqualifiers.

My 401k rate of return begs to differ fam

On point

>based in emotions rather than logic.
Oh honey baby sweety no.
Its the Conservatives that vote with their feelings, every single time.
They didn't USED to be that way, but yes, this is now the case.
You are the party that can't stand people living their own lives in a way you don't approve, because it ruffles your jammies.
You are fine with letting the rich control everything. because they have placated and fooled you into thinking that you are in the right
You unanimously seem to believe you are in the right about your convictions, while at the same time denying facts you don't like from most highly educated actual specialists, as the highly educated tend to lean Left (the exceptions being the smart AND nefarious, the Right is for them because they know they have you sheep to milk)
Snowflake pretty much encapsulates the Right as a whole.
In this, the extreme Left, and entire Right behave the same.
Babies who want their feelsies acknowledged.

Bezos is the richest man in the world. He's liberal. Amazon's warehouses are regularly decried for their practices.
Your point is moot.

nice larp, try to cope with the next 4 years

Can't wait for Trump to win 2020 and then get rid of the 2 term limit so Trump can be president forever.

>Look I named a rich Liberal
>Checkmate libtards.
At least it probably made you feel better.

the democrats did it to themselves they'll never have another president go un-impeached, no supreme court nominee without false rape claims, it'll be republicans acting exactly as shitty as the dems from here on out

what treason?

The treason of hurting libtard feelings.

>the democrats did it to themselves they'll never have another president

thats a neat opinion you have

Fine, this is also reality.

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In before libtard screeching

>>> not being full nat soc

jeez u guys is losers


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> no u
wow awesome comeback, it's weird to watch this level of cringey projection though

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Also this.

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thank you for the edit

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>Lays out specific examples
>equates to no u
Whatever makes you feel better Rightie.

I predict the next president will be black. The next one again, white. This will escalate till the end of times. Such is american schooling this meme has been deliberately elected in order to get rid of the memory and legacy of Obama. Americans are too stupid to go beyond any point rather than "he's nigga"

Sooner or later in time the election will stop being relevant (not that today it factually is) and become only a perpetual vendetta beyond two kinds that can't suffer each other, forced to live in the biggest sky-opened jail in the world.

lol nice try. Gaslighting and strawmanning will net you no points with me.

I could also edit the rest, but it's redundant, since they'll never hold power again after this stunt, and therefore never have to worry about picking nominees. As far as I'm concerned, the entire Democratic party may as well just form an orderly line in front of the gallows. They're finished.

slapping a bunch of gross over-exaggerations together does not make you sound smart

This also is happening

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Except Trump wont make it through 2020 and theres no people of color left on the Dem playing field. Besides Warren who thinks shes Native American.

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Heh, saved. Fuck that cunt.

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Unless its from your own party I guess haha

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Your party seems to think it does
Are you on the verge of an epiphany user?

the hypocrisy is deep this morning

That fucking forehead slope.
Niggas gonna nig, I guess.

i never specified who's "side" i'm on, i just didn't agree with you, so of course like a mindless robot you went on your typical tantrum, but tell yourself you're soo much better then me and then go back to smelling your own farts and loving it.

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niggers gonna nig

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>seems to
you don't even know for sure, but you're happy to parrot whatever someone else tells you i guess, try thinking for yourself you silly bot


Reality is also accepting that skills are more important than race.

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>The left are snowflakes
>The right are snowflakes
The reality is, most PEOPLE go with their feelings, not logic.
The difference seems to be what those feelings are.
The left, in a nutshell, is ok with some people abusing the system as long as that system provides help to those who truly need it.
The right, in a nutshell, is ok with people who truly need help being deprived of it, as long as those they don't approve of cannot benefit from it.
The leftist feels good helping his fellow man.
The rightist feels good by making people he doesn't like feel bad.

1. America isn't a democracy. It's a democratic REPUBLIC.
2. The Republicans I knew at the time Obama was elected mostly went: *shrug* ok, let's see how he does.
3. He was a shit president (but all of them were, as ruling over people is a shitty thing to do). The only "good" president was Harrison because he died before he could even do anything.

Example, a common opinion shared by people on the right: Forgiving student loan debts would be a slap in the face to those who paid theirs off
So, in other words "People having easier than I did makes me feel bad. Do not hurt my feelings. Younger generations should have it just as hard as I did"
Isn't making life easier with more opportunities for future generations kind of the point?
We should stifle human progress because... it makes you feel bad?
But no, its the left who are snowflakes with soft feelsies.

Nah. I'm a right wing isolationist

Haha OP gottem

>eventually maybe you'll be bothered

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"Forgiving" debts is illogical. Then you get the whole "well, if I give you one, then I'll have to give one to everyone else" scenario. Which means "FREE MONEY FOR EVERYONE" which is ludicrous & impossible. A loan is an agreement. "Forgiving" a loan doesn't make sense. It's disingenuous in it's wording. It is purposefully worded to make it sound like the person voluntarily agreeing to the loan was tricked or taken advantage of, which is false. If your stupid ass didn't know you'd have to repay a loan, it's YOUR fault for not READING A FUCKING AGREEMENT THAT YOU'RE SIGNING. Be a fucking adult & read shit before you sign it. "But I want a degree in gender studies." Ok fine, but don't come bitching to anyone when you learn that there's not a job available that's applicable to that degree. You should've looked at the marketplace to see what jobs are needed & got a degree in that & you would've easily been able to pay off your loan. Continue to be a dumbass & no, nobody is going to feel sorry for you. Nobody is going to "forgive" you for making a dumb decision before thinking about it. This is the same kind of shit that keeps abortion around. "But I oopsed" No you didn't. You know full well what you're capable of & you didn't care because you thought you could use the system to correct your ignorance. FUCK OFF for thinking you're justified in using everyone else to make up for your mistakes.

Fucking Bernie bro cunts like this need to die in a fire, get resuscitated, given skin grafts, medically seem like they just might pull through, and then die in a fire again.

there's no better option for a lot of Americans

you people are slaves to your inescapable debts and it's utterly third world

Sorry he hurt your feelsies user

Life doesn't adhere to the same rules as candy in kindergarten lol. Some people get more, some people get less and it's ok as long as everybody has their needs met.

I signed my college loan paperwork when I was 16. I wasn't an adult by any metric. How can you enter into an agreement that's twice the length of your current life?

Settle down Beavis and take your meds.

Yeah remember when having an affair was a political killer! This guy pays off porn stars with campaign money and the GOP says nothing. Evangelicals, nothing. The party is full of corrupt humans that are deplorable.

Who openly funded terrorism. ie and actual palate full of cash to Iran who openly murders homosexuals. Which means they would murder you if they could.

Like Putin, Trumps real boss because that’s where all his money comes from.

Quints of failure and retardation. Your mother must be ashamed. Your father would be too if your mom knew who he was.

Fo shizl. My retirement has been going nuts.

Girl was going to go through with it but didn’t because of death threats. He’s a rapist. Walked in on Miss Teen pageant dressing rooms, confirmed by contestants!

First of, I have no student debt. I (shocker) care about other people.
Second, the price of an education has increased tenfold over the last 30 years, in relation to the salary you earn with said education.
>This is the same kind of shit that keeps abortion around
I love how you guys are for forcing people to have kids, and also against helping them once they are born.
Basically you are all just pro 'making other peoples lives harder because FUCK you'

how can you losers argue about one man as much as this

>The party is full of corrupt humans that are deplorable.
The quints don't lie

Stay mad, Ponyboy

I think you hurt this guys feelings user
And now he is trying to hurt yours because its all he knows kek.
Poor lil fella.

I'm pretty sure there's absolutely nothing they wouldn't put up with from Trump. He was a blatant con man when they nominated him.. and he's lived up and exceeded every con-man trait since then... and they still love him.

I think this is the whole point the other guy was making. Look how furious you are at the thought of someone having their loan written off either due to poor choices or circumstance whilst someone else can pay theirs off and still have an objectively better life.

How? By being an idiot & getting a loan for a degree you haven't even scoped out to see if there are viable jobs available which apply. That's how. You can thank your govt for playing ball w/banks & letting you younglings sign off on all this.

You make it sound like the republican party was reasonable while Obama was in office...

I'd say the feelsies are on those who are crying about their debt & begging daddy govt to make the collection calls stahp

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He's not wrong....

Anyone who wants a govt is deplorable. To want this shit means you literally want your family, friends & neighbors to have guns in their face if they don't do what you voted for.

“You don’t have any other society where the educated classes are so effectively indoctrinated and controlled by a subtle propaganda system – a private system including media, intellectual opinion forming magazines and the participation of the most highly educated sections of the population. Such people ought to be referred to as “Commissars” – for that is what their essential function is – to set up and maintain a system of doctrines and beliefs which will undermine independent thought and prevent a proper understanding and analysis of national and global institutions, issues, and policies.”

retarded incel takes like this is why I only browse Cred Forums for porn nowadays


"Forcing people to have kids" ??? Really? Someone holding a gun to their heads & making them fuck? Or did nobody tell them where babies come from? LMFAO
On top of that, there's adoption AND the morning after pill that you can get AHEAD of time & just keep on hand in case your pull out game sucks & you refuse to use a condom.

But, I get it I get it. Who the fuck wants to be responsible when you can be an idiot for free!

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Obama was awesome a true man of firsts.

First to have hope and change as a slogan, leaving a legacy of having more people hope and begging for change.

First to have a horribly broken healthcare system named after him.

First to make the entitled more so by having a phone named after him.

First president to be married to a transgender.

First to be a nigger when it served him, but was half white.

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jesus take your meds... we all need to work together to some degree to have a SOCIETY

>They are reveling in his lawlessness

So lawless, which is why the articles are contrived idiocy. Dems know their base are stupid enough to buy it, like you.

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Tired of hearing about this shit. There is a world outside of the USA cunt

Also, boo fucking hoo that you didn't know it's cheaper to learn a trade & make middle class wages without a loan. No degrees here, no debts. Made it to middle class, wife, kids, etc. All I had to do was learn a trade. Govt cant FORCE the marketplace to produce a job for these degrees that don't apply to reality. Wear your big boy pants & learn a trade, start a business, or don't & keep whining on the internet & hoping Govt will some day make things better (which it historically does not).

Then talk about it if you want. ya cunt

I don't want to talk about it, that's kind of the entire point I was making

Actually, if a bank decided of it's own volition to start forgiving loans, I wouldn't care. The real issue here is that they want to use govt to "fill their needs" & that's a bad idea every single time. Govt isn't good. Granting them more power, especially economically, is always going to end badly.

You have a wife, kids, and own a business and are calling little kids on the internet faggots in the morning on a weekday?

and I was talking about the world outside the usa...
Eh... I figure most of these Trump threads are created by mods to get traffic going. They work

After seeing the nig nogs at his rally's, there's no way he won't get re-elected. Focusing on taking the Senate is our only recourse. That way nothing gets done in his second term.

Fair point

Yeah, you're obviously a leftist, as you don't understand typical right leaning statism. They don't "like" & are not "ok with" people who need help being deprived of it. They just don't want govt to do it. Why? Because if govt "does it" then that just means they're forcing everyone to give something up. Will the money actually reach those in need? It typically doesn't. Have you seen how much the govt spends on regular items? They pay $45 for a muffin & you think it's smart to give them money?

Don't care. Fuck off.

I'm married & have 2 kids w/a 3rd on the way.

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I don’t think banks can legally forgive loans (debt) as they are a measure of capital. It’s like deciding that all of your assets and money suddenly doesn’t exist and, as consequence, cannot be taxed.

Huh? You're projecting, not responding to what I said.

"Work together" isn't what I'd call govt, seeing how they force you to do things at the threat of violence.

They absolutely can and they regularly do. Banks /= the federal reserve.

Trump derangment syndrome, and it's real.

Lol you're in fantasy land.

Debt forgiveness is a transaction. It doesn’t just disappear. It is paid like money. Loaners buy debt all the fucking time. What happens to the money that is debted? Does it just vanish into thin air? Use your head.

And you've got it.

fucking kek

What do you mean I'm projecting? You asked how you could sign a loan like you described. As if it's impossible to enter into agreements or something. If your claim is that it should be forgiven because you were 16, it was govt that made all this legal & you want to add more govt to the mix? Because this really LOOKS like it was all a plan by govt in the first place to get more govt dependency from the populace.

The only way out of that is to STOP asking the govt for help. Leftists are like addicts.

i found a book in my local library about trump's casinos in the 80s-90s. it was copyrighted in 1991, so this book was long before all the political bias and drama of today.

its called Trumped! and i highly suggest you try and read it.

it was very interesting to see trump has not changed at all since then, same slogans and attitude. he was insane and incompetent, corrupt and cruel for the sake of it. a huge idiot who was definitely not a good business man.

every sign that this guy is a idiot was there in front of us the whole time. just that few people bothered to look.

Yes. That's exactly what happens. Do you think if you buy debt from a bank you pay the actual value of the debt? Use your head. They recover pennies on the dollar and wrote the rest off. It just goes away. It's why creditors will bargain to get payments. You know nothing about banking. Why are you pretending like whatever you just thought up is true?

Go ahead & try not to pay taxes. See what happens.

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Money is literally a representation of a debt you fool.

>it's a conspiracy maaaaaaaaan

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"...not a good business man." He's got more money than you.

Nothing happens. They send you a bill. They take you to jail if you owe a lot. They garnish your wages. They don't beat you to death XD.

How is the wall bois?

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Tied of Trump bait threads?...

Yeah, me neither.

Most of us don't have a fucking tantrum when we're asked to contribute to society.

Not at all. It's a convenient medium of exchange. You're insane and you have no idea what you're talking about. If you owe me ten thousand dollars I can just decide you don't anymore. That's how it works for banks too retard.

No, what they're doing is legal. Because they made it legal. So, not a conspiracy by definition. Though it is foolish to think conspiracy doesn't happen seeing how the definition is simply: planning to do an illegal act.

If you're measuring conspiracy by constitutional law, then technically it happens all the time.

If you don't earn money you don't have to pay taxes. If you don't like taxes you're free to move to Borneo or whatever. There's nobody stopping you by threatening you. You're willingly agreeing to the terms of the society you live in. If you don't like it, bye.

So throwing you in a cage against your will isn't violent to you? Furthermore, if I don't participate with being caged, they will escalate to the point of shooting you. Are you willfully ignorant of the people who've not complied w/govt demands & have been killed for it?

If you don't cooperate they will shoot me? I don't think that's how it works.

Funny what a big inheritance from daddy can do, isn't it?

I do contribute to society: voluntarily.

Govt doesn't "ask" you to contribute & on top of that they aren't exactly good at distributing money for good causes. Go look at some govt spending bills & you'll see they pay WAY more for everything than is necessary.

Being imprisoned for breaking the law is not "violence" you retard. Comply with laws or leave. It's perfectly up to you.

Brought to you by team "So what if Trump broke the law? Trump 2020!"

Banks are not the same as just one individual owing another individual money. There are laws, taxes, everything. When you receive a loan, you are selling DEBT to a bank. This is like the first sentence you’d hear in a high school economics class. The debt can’t simply vanish. If that were true then the existence of a currency would do a complete ass discharge and fail almost immediately. You can’t just say it doesn’t exist anymore or the fed will be running at you with scissors.

They do ask. You're welcome to leave and live in central Africa if you would prefer a lawless society.


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Hey guys, take a break from arguing for a brief moment and check out my dubs

Yeah, that's violence. What you just said isn't any different than "gimmie your wallet or I shoot you." Or, "we all took a vote & the 4 of us are going to rape you, but it's okay because we voted." Get some morals.

They constantly do. You should tell banks that they're gonna be very surprised. Why are you arguing this? Are you that retarded?


Not quite!


>what is a government?

The entire backing of the law is that, agreed upon, they can kill you or put you in prison if you fuck up.

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beat up your dad for inseminating your mom here. i guess idk what to tell you

Run for the House and propose a bill that would allow children to beat up their father for cumming inside their mother.

You can’t just say something is okay out loud and make it so.

you were supposed to tell him about your life in prison user, so that faggot over there could make wiser life choices

idk what either of these posts are supposed to mean and also I don't care lol

trumptards are "people"

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a truer form

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this is the most retarded post i've ever read on this board and it's not even close

premise false
all predictions absolutely wrong


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Hey guise quick question. Is having Mike Bolton testify part of the plan???

I'll hang up and listen.

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Can't tell you yet. Have to wait until after to predict the future lol.

Of course not.
Rs have threatened to basically fillibuster the 'trial' by calling all sorts of unrelated witnesses.
Unrelated? Bidens? Yes. Has nothing to do with whether T was abusing power. If the Rs thought Bs really did something wrong, they'd open a separate investigation. They know they didn't do anything. So this is just a threat because Rs have become traitors to America. They kowtow to T because over the decades, T has assembled massive dossiers via his relationship with The Enquirer on enough politicians that he is able to blackmail them to do his bidding.
The Rs are saving their own bacon, because in Washington, it's always all about themselves.


This is savage OP make sure you repost.

I award you one whole internet, sir. Fucking gold.

It's the right one... look at the quality of the arguments. Reality always wins.

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at least it's not putin's cock.



I thiink frankly all Trump supporters should be arrestes

Surprisingly not the articles of impeachment, you pathetic little fucking internet faggot cock sucker.

if you think so, come get me you pathetic little fucking internet faggot so I can fucking kick the ever living fucking shit out of you.

post your address here

you're pathetic

orange fan mad

>no u

You aren't a worthwhile, meaningful person in any way shape or form.

Kill yourself you pathetic little internet faggot.

>not the articles of impeachment

Mad about what? I'm going to watch pathetic little internet faggot seethe and screech about orange man bad for 5 more years.

You are a living joke.

So all in all, great guy. 10/10 would elect again. Shame trump will never know what that's like, ya know, re-election

Do they not realize that just going off on insults and saying kys is basically the white flag of "I give up and can obviously be disregarded"?

And he never went blind that day, MORE WINNING. I never get tired of the WINNING.

It said crimes he committed, impeachment was not mentioned.
I know reading is hard user, take your time.

as i said

Ok boomer

donald trump: the first president to be executed by hanging

You are really this dumb to believe this was a valid assertion?

If Trump was such a criminal, those crimes would have been on the articles of impeachment.

How fucking stupid of you to post that to me as if you had something valuable to say.

You are one pathetic, dumb little internet faggot.