Ok climate change deniers. Explain this

Ok climate change deniers. Explain this.

It's the 30th of January and we have 14 degrees Celsius here in Bavaria right now. This is late March/April weather!

But we have it in the end of January! It should be -14 decrees Celsius right now and not 14 degrees.

Tell me again how the climate isn't broken.

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Then tell your government to make you pay more taxes to change the weather.

We just need to stop burning stuff ffs. Just remove China from this world and it would already help.

You can't talk to religious people.
You simply can't reach them.
If they don't value evidence or logic, they're outside reach.
Enjoy the fact that you and I will probably live a full life - we WILL see the world turn towards the worse, but it's the generations after us that will truly suffer.

I've given up.

Polar shift

Same mood, but I'm happy. I have no intrest in building a family and the end of the world is probably the biggest show ever.
Impossible to miss, that it. Kek.

You fucking mong can't tell the difference between AGW and natural weather pattern shifts. Throw yourself in front of a tram and save CO2.

I too have stepped back, no children, no wife.
I'm living in the moment, enjoying what I can.
Though being frugal and careful, I do have a moral standard to live up to, at least to myself.

Natural weather? Fucking 14 degrees in January? When it's usually never above 0? This is not natural at all.

Remember last winter? Then the problem was that it was too cold. Everything is a sign of climate change.
Pic related, it's your typical german musician

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Dude, I told you, you can't talk to the religious idiots.

Believing in models. Input in = Input out.

Attached: USMeasuredVsAdjusted.gif (720x654, 85K)


Garbage in = Garbage out

Attached: 1541756630870.gif (500x448, 65K)

They can't explain anything. They're just easily influenced by people who profit from the denial.


No, you tell me why those numbers mean anything, and do it with your own tools and measurements, without relying on the works of others.
The same way you would have me do. Because at this point believing your government puts the burden of proof on you, not me.

I am in Tennessee and it is currently 39 fahrenheit which is about 4 Celsius. The past week we've had as low as 15f which is like -10c.

We're in the south. This month has been cold as shit. Global warming isnt real you sheep. They dont push it to save the atmosphere, they push it to conserve the resources.

Our problem is overpopulation and overconsumption, not mild and irrelevant climate change

I can literally feel that it's way hotter than usually in January. Without measuring anything.

that is not a response but rather a shitload of shit uploaded to yt. You clearly have never looked into it beyond uh ah my teacher told me AGW is onto us. Go fap to the Thunfisch and Fuck off.

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Weather isn't climate you stupid fuck

>I can literally feel that it's way hotter than usually in January. Without measuring anything.
But can you tell me why?

Next level thinking, the Earth itself isn't just a solid ball, it too has hot spots that move

You have no idea.
Nor do you take an interest.
You just want the strife on Cred Forums.

>Next level thinking, the Earth itself isn't just a solid ball, it too has hot spots that move
he isn't told in school that jetstreams move and that there are acutal climate cycles. But let's not talk about something that has no impact on the climate at all, but rather pump millions into a scam to make trillions for the last couple decades pretending that CO2 is the enemy.

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>You just want the strife on /b
no objection. But anyway I have lulz over the Lederhosen-Nigger, thinking AGW is the true reason the shit is what it is.


It sounds like you don't get the difference between weather and climate, OP.

I live in Virginia, my grass used to die over winter. It’s still GREEN!

I'm in Georgia.
My pear and peach trees have already blossomed.
There are no pollinators out yet. I won't have any fruit this year.
Its suppose to be 70° Friday. We've only had minor frost this season.

You can pollinate by hand with a feather duster on a stick. If you have a lot of trees, you can also just rent some hives which they'll bring in on a truck for you.

My hometown got ridiculous amounts of blooming apricot trees all over town. Like every street corner had at least one tree with tons of apricots. Good shit , fucking delicious

Weather isn't climate, you little shit weasel.

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Nobody is denying climate change, climate is always changing, and has for millions of years before humans were even here.

Nice, saved and shared.

I'm in Georgia, this stuff has always happened. I think in 93. The weather was in the 70 in march for like two weeks, then the last week in March. we had the biggest snow about a foot. Whos to say it's because of man.

good ylyl there


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yeah no, you should thank Tony Heller

Netherless climate is a tricky bitch. AGW is BS, but climate change is real, but not as you get told. Stay save.

well it is only pasta so if you get a chuckle out of it, it is fine by me.