Dubs decide what's next

Dubs decide what's next.

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Just fir context, this is a group focused on "helping" people get rid of the right wing mentality

cocи мoй члeн aндpeй

"How much did the rabbi pay you to say that?"


No thanks ru fag

This has potential

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yeah this

How can we make the kebab exit uk

"Hi Becky, could you please kill yourself"

So close

Tell them you're afraid you'll turn into a faggot and cut off your dick.

OP here
Can i roll in my own thread?



Dubs has spoked. Kek iswillthe people to DO!!!


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top kek

Do it OP, the dubs have been checked with dubs. Do it or your mom gay.

OP has delivered in record time

Almost too record of time... are we being played lads?

Sorry, i thought i was supposed to..

Becky, show tits or gtfo

Dubs have determined .... YES.

Becki haz must nudez!

This is just pathetic and cringe

Shalom my friend, you are perfectly right.

Kek is a playa B/.

Becky, would you help me lose my virginity?


Becky will my babies so my children won't be horrible right wing genes!!

The fags did not answer yet

Becky, is it true all right wing ladies such as yourself secretly want BBC bukkakes?

That’s because they’re busy backtracing you and reporting you to her majesty’s royal cyberpolice

Becky is fapping.

Meh, im a migrant, i've done worse, they never target migrants

now send a picture of your flaccid penis to her

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rolling for sending dick pic

Seems reasonable. Bitch is taking too long to reply, thinks she's hot shit, but wants the D.

Good luck with that, the bitch wont answer, didn't even see the message

Must ask for a tit pic to prove that she is real..

Prove you are Becky send a nude pic

Tell her "tits or gtfo"

here we go
get to it op

A FULL HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!

Needs tits to know he won't faggot.

Fuck a nigger with AIDS you ugly skank


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"america is a fucking shlomo oriented sionist cesspool and quite frankly, Becky, this is almost entirely your fault."

good job op
keep it going, even if she doesn't reply
i know you're there, becky. i know what you're thinking. is this guy retarded? or is he really so brazen as to demand i show him my breasts? well, you've got a choice to make. a precedent to be set. what will you choose, becky? what's it gona be?

Fuck i wish those were dubs

"I’m going to kill myself if you don’t call 911 immediately”


Too good, dont care if not dubs

88 is a perfect match to the topic

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No shit?

whatever number they have

TRIPS!!!! And a full house. Becky must respond.

She must show you tits in order to help you through your sexual confusion or you will an hero!!! It's her fault for progressiving you!

Just looked them up. I'm not even on the right myself - I'm a lefty - but this mob makes my skin crawl.
Careful, they may help you "exit" the far right, straight into prison (or into being "cancelled" if you're outside the UK/EU)

Gulag much?

If you don't like this, you're not really a lefty.

> Gulag much?
In the UK, gulags pretty much are a real thing at this point, yeah.

>If you don't like this, you're not really a lefty.
Just because I'm on the left doesn't mean everyone else has to be. I can be wrong. And some things don't have right/wrong answers at all. The back and forth between different ideas and the process of compromise is itself important.

ugh, meant to reference
for the second bit

It's a function of ideology. At its core, Left wing ideology doesn't offer that kind of flexibility. It's a forced system. Claiming to be a lefty who doesn't believe in forcing people into things is like someone stealing your shoes and then claiming they didn't, when they are walking around in them right in front of you.

>It's a function of ideology. At its core, Left wing ideology doesn't offer that kind of flexibility. It's a forced system.
You're describing authoritarianism, which can be present in left wing or right wing politics.
Yes, tankies and the "progressive" crowd are authoritarians who want to force you to think the way they do. Not all lefties fall into those camps, by a long shot.
Unfortunately, the side effect of being on the libertarian side is that we tend not to push hard against authoritarian types until it gets really bad. Kinda goes with the territory.

I argue that 'progressive' Left wing ideology is authoritarian in nature. That a Libertarian Lefty is nothing but a 'useful idiot', someone who makes the party seem more inviting than it really is. A bait and switch. Because there is no way for Left wing ideology to be implemented any other way than through authoritarianism.

> "progressive" crowd
Speaking of them, btw, there's some decent arguments around that they actually fall into the right, technically, but since they've internalized left=good right=bad they can't bring themselves to admit they're fundamentally about imposing highly hierarchical systems with a dictated and strict moral code.

Yes, 100%, "progressive" left wingers are authoritarian. I've always considered many are in fact useful idiots for corporatocratic types (who have little actual politics beyond self-interest) - a lot of what progressives are regurgitating with actual effect on that class was previously heard from the business-oriented right a few years ago. Open borders, companies have the right to do X, free trade, etc.
The only way the libertarian left tends to be useful is by being silent and by not banding together - problems I totally admit exists and try to rectify.

(The lib-left do argue BITTERLY with the auth-left tho, you just likely don't see it much externally. Cos we usually lose in practice despite winning the argument, and then a bunch just defect to the right anyway)

Many believe that this is only temporary, until the state can be dissolved, and true communism implemented. However, this can only happen after everyone is properly reeducated, and believe the same things. Basically, the state is no longer needed, because liberty has died due to persuasion and manipulation. So, essentially, a "Left wing Libertarian" is attempting to eradicate Libertarianism altogether. A scary concept.

You do not understand the situation. The lib-left is not a thing. They will never take control or power, and if they help someone else into power (as they tend to do), it will be at their own expense. As it always is.

>Many believe that this is only temporary, until the state can be dissolved, and true communism implemented
I assume you're talking about the "progressive" types here, or the hardcore communists.
And yes, if you think about it, that's not a lot different to what many theocrats believe.

> So, essentially, a "Left wing Libertarian" is attempting to eradicate Libertarianism altogether
What you just described isn't left-libertarianism though.

> You do not understand the situation. The lib-left is not a thing.
Mate, I live this. I have a pretty good picture of how the left is fractured in several countries (cos the country/region makes quite a lot of difference - tho that's reducing with the internet these days)
> They will never take control or power,
For its time, the US itself was a triumph of left-libertarianism. Of course, the spectrum has moved left since that time, so they're now considered relatively right, but still...
Anyway, most left-libs don't WANT power. They want fairness and honest dealing.

> if they help someone else into power (as they tend to do), it will be at their own expense. As it always is.
Yes, left-libs tend to be taken advantage of, and yes, it's somewhat endemic to the ideology.

The US itself was a triumph of right wing ideology, which was used and manipulated into thinking it was 'lib-left' in order to get Obama elected - who locked everything down. And everyone knows left-libs don't want power, that's why they're so easy for people on the left to use in order to get in power.

I am saying that it is not endemic of the ideology, but the whole point of the ideology. The 'authoritarian (real) Left', purposefully create and farm left-libs. It is 100% intentional.

All i hear is farts and shit coming out of your mouth

Well, another drawback to left-lib ideology is that it is packaged with an extreme amount of cognitive dissonance. I can't help that. Sad, but true.

>The US itself was a triumph of right wing ideology
I was talking about the revolution. The founding of the US.
By the standards of the time, it was a lib-left movement.

Becky, i order you to satisfy my need to see your frontbutt. Now, hurry the fuck up before the coronavirus stops me from getting my dick up.

I think, in a lot of cases, it really has to do with the fact that it's tremendously painful for a lot of people to admit that their mothers manipulated and twisted their thinking while they were growing up for their own personal gain, and don't actually care about them.


No, it was a Libertarian movement. A right wing Libertarian movement.

We do not question the will of Kek, faggot!

No, from the perspective of the revolutionaries, they were very much fighting against the right wing monarchist British Empire, and were heavily inspired by (and inspired in turn) french left-wing thinkers in the leadup to the revolution there.
By todays standards, absolutely, they'd fall into the right-libertarian camp.

(of course, left/right terminology wasn't yet in use, but the spectrum still existed before it was named)

Ahhh... So, you think that they would have changed over time to a completely different ideology, because? I see nothing wrong with Right wing libertarianism, and have zero reason to believe it was, would have been, or should be updated for any reason.

The general population (in the developed world, anyway) has veered to the left in the centuries since the US was founded. If they kept their place relative to the general political centre of the population, the founders would currently be left-lib. If they kept their original opinions irrespective of the rest of the population, they'd currently be lib-right.

I have a lot of respect for the honest lib-right folks, even tho some things we may disagree on. In the current day, imho, lib/auth is a more pressing political conflict than economic left/right.

I have respect for the lib-left, as I believe that the lib part is more important than the left/right part. However, the issue I have is the lie. The lib left is a lie to bring left wing authoritarians into power. Nothing more, nothing less. The development of sheep to be slaughtered into votes. Therein lies the problem, and where actual respect tends to go out the window.

Well, I don't vote for the lib-right, I don't campaign for them, I don't financially support them as a rule.
Where someone represents an issue I consider important better than other people, I'll support them on a limited basis - whether they're generally aligned with the left or right.
All I can do is try to convince other people to do the same.
What more is there?


Well, I don't vote for the authoritarian left, I don't campaign for them, I don't financially support them as a rule.
Where someone represents an issue I consider important better than other people, I'll support them on a limited basis - whether they're generally aligned with the left or right.
All I can do is try to convince other people to do the same.
What more is there?

That took me literally four tries to get correct. I'm off, working too long hours lately, I'm fucked. Night mate, have a good one.

Trips of doom... Learn more, young padawan. this is all you can do. I posit that what you believe to be 'left-lib' is really a propaganda created brain washing to bring in votes for Left wing authoritarians. Test that out. I, also, posit that Left wing ideology will always lead to authoritarianism. Test that out. Conversely, I believe the opposite about Right wing ideology. What you learn and believe in life is your business, however, I would recommend watching the world around you and learning from it. See what you come up with, and if you agree.