Is there a way to connect to a police radio using a civilian walkie-talkie? If yes, then how...

Is there a way to connect to a police radio using a civilian walkie-talkie? If yes, then how? And how do I know its frequency?

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Not using a regular walker takie. You have to get a radio that’s in the same band as the frequencies they use. Most likely 800 MHz if you’re in the US. The other thing is most police departments use trunking, so unless you have the control station ID you can’t do it anyway.
(This is to prevent people from doing exactly what you’re trying to do)
What police department? Again, if in the US the fx is probably listed online

In rural areas, yes. Check Radio Reference database. If you see anything other than FM/NFM as the type, then no (those will be trunking or encrypted). No way to listen to encrypted, but nice scanners can do trunking.

Horrible piece of shit baofeng radios can do basic analog can usually listen to analog police/responder.

Nah, even podunk police depts get fema grants for radios. Pretty much the whole country is on 700-800 MHz and all trunked. is a good place to look up the receive sides though

OP did you abandon your thread or what?

Sadly, my radio is a baofeng one. Which one should I buy to have a better chance of connecting to their radio?

Holy shit! You'll never guess what you see a ton of if you google police scanner.

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I was away for a few minutes man

Baofang isn’t bad because you can get the programming software and cables cheep. Again, you most likely can’t connect to pd, but if you tell me where you live I can give you ideas for other Jewish trickery you can do with it

I live at Chandler, Arizona

Baofeng is trash for poor people. Barely fucking works. Scanners and Anytone are what people with jobs and brains use.

He wants to talk on it though, yes they are trash but for the money, they’re pretty versatile, also you have to know how to program radios.

Any Hong else you want to do with it other than fucks with pd?

Also checking radio reference now for your local pd

No, I won't talk on it, just listen for personal shit

Get this... I just looked it up, your PD is in T-band UHF, and it looks like it’s analog, you may actually be able to do this

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Oh, In that case get a Bearcat trunktracker scanner

Just get a baofang off amazon.

Just never hit the transmit button

Alrighty, thanks, pal

Use an app you stupid fook

yup, the cops all have trunked and encrypted systems so a ham ht wont touch em

the more mundane and routine radio traffic is not encrypted, but you wont hear the juicy stuff

I use a software defined radio, the RTL-SDR usually works just fine.

It’s actually not too hard to program, if you do buy one is your best resource