
This is your daily reminder that it's perfectly acceptable to have sex with a non-human animal as long as:
1.) It's possible to have sex with the animal without causing physical or psychological harm or distress, and you proceed with the intention of avoiding and eliminating the infliction of harm and distress at all costs, taking precautions to do so.
2.) The animal initiates every interaction, and every interaction ends immediately upon the animal's slightest expression of displeasure. (This counters the consensual imbalance of power between humans and animals.)
3.) You don't incorporate any sexual abnormalities not typically observed in the animal's sexual behavior (i.e. BDSM, scat, breath play, etc)
4.) You don't coerce the animal into cooperation. (Coercion, in this instance, refers but isn't limited to (a) punishment or the threat of punishment, (b) reward or the promise of reward, and (c) manipulative tactics like the use of peanut butter.)
5.) You don't brute force the interaction with the animal.
6.) You don't involve anyone, human or otherwise, who doesn't express somehow that they actively want to be involved.

Bestiality can be beneficial to the animal's health and happiness if done correctly. Now that you're all caught up on zoophile morality, you're free to leave this thread and have a nice day!

Attached: smiling happy doggo.jpg (1200x795, 194K)

that dog looks so happy, do you think he just knotted someone

Attached: 1574601905733.jpg (656x615, 78K)

Incorrect beastiality is immortal, animals can't consent no more than a minor person can.

He's knotting someone just out of frame, you just can't see it.

Maybe if more people gave their holes to pitbulls, they wouldn't be so cranky and attack as much. [shrug]

The problem here is that children are not dogs. Sexual interactions between adults and children are inherently harmful to the child in ways that don't apply to dogs.

Right, but that doesn't matter.

my dog thinks you're full of shit

Attached: d3966808132a67ec8cd37e7bc88a11ca.jpg (736x911, 109K)

OK but it does? Because it completely negates your point.
Dogs can consent and having sex with them can be harmless for them (under the correct circumstances), the same can't be said about children.

You shouldn't own a dog.

my bitch agrees

Attached: bpb-01.jpg (2318x3939, 862K)

I don't really own my dog, he just lives here

and really loves boning people

Attached: 1472654092977.jpg (656x735, 419K)

please tell me that's a manly female

Attached: bpb-03.jpg (2304x3006, 754K)

oh thank god, i can fap now

Attached: bpb-02.jpg (3532x2316, 850K)

i hope there is a real dog involved in this at some point

Attached: 1472653769318.jpg (800x705, 136K)

Stop making this thread every day you fat unemployed diabetic retard

Oh hey, it's (You) again.

Probably not, seeing as real zoo porn will get you b&.
Cartoon/animated/illustrated is fine, though.


Attached: plugged.webm (1280x720, 1.91M)

genuinely had no idea male german shepherds were so much bigger than females.

>animals can't consent no more than a minor person can
Once you've seen a male dog who realises he's got the OK to fuck human females you'd agree that he's definitely giving consent, and is up for it to the point where stopping him can be a problem

They're not all that much bigger. Slightly, yes, but dogs are pack animals so all have to hunt and fight. However, the size of the dogs vary, as per humans - that's just a big GSD and a smaller one

>and (c) manipulative tactics like the use of peanut butter.
Nothing wrong with that either

that female dog is underage, i'm calling the police

AOC is about 18months - you sure she's under?