Cred Forums is pro Israel right anons?

Cred Forums is pro Israel right anons?

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Kill yourself.

wrong board i think your looking for /lgbt/

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I think everyone from left to right can agree with that statement.

USA is very jewish

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their land needs to get enriched and #BLACKED

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I'm against the concept of countries to begin with so yes that makes me anti Israel?

No, that makes you a faggot.

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Success has 2 C's

I'm actually bisexual.

without quality black people with proper BBC it will only have 1C

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Yes /ß/ is pro Israel.

I suport them for fighting racism

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I plan to. Just waiting for a good date and time.

Israel is and illegitimate state
Muslims are in the 13th century
Christians are pedophiles


fuck em the only true joy and religion in life is living off the land and raising a family

No, free Palestine

I'm left as fuck and I still say fuck Israel it's a bipartisan sentiment

Why are you saying that? Can you even tell me how many of the 1% are Jews?
That's so prejudiced user.

don't subscribe yourself to a political ideology user rise up

jews control the media and push porn on to children

no but pro trump. so yes

If you look at pedophiles in either modern Judaism or Islam you will find a shit ton.
but there's something wrong with Christians too.

trump is a puppet just like all the rest

you're right most religions have pedophilia tendencies. it goes all the way back to ancient greek polytheism at the minimum.
Asian philosophic "religions" are based and red pilled

To varying degrees they are, tho thinking about it you probably refer to taoism and such most and less to buddhism and it's intermingling with religious and cultural aspects which differs in a a drastic way.
We could have gotten there if not for shit tier religions, fuck this shit, but as a cultural motor the abrahamic religions are not just shit, they should be old artifacts, left behind.

there's been a few sexual abuse scandals (adults, though) in sects of buddhism recently, unfortunately. the community at large has been pretty good at condemning the abusers, from what I've seen.