Trap, Trans, Sissy thread

Trap, Trans, Sissy thread
Get in here you mentally ill fucks

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pantyboi here

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Fucking gross dude

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Dat ass tho

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Hey faggots, follow the link and tell what you think
motherless /c3ecc4b

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Top teirs only not rejects fucking ew.

Waste of time

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Aww, I really like how I look in those

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Not terrible, but you could've just made a webm


I tried but it was too large. Im new at this :( sorry

Lol someone is posting the same pics I posted the other day, nice

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I need a degenerate femboy fwb to feed my cock

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Looking for the fat butt trap from last thread. I never got your contact. :/

Show ass, qt.

Who likes my Irish butt?

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Compress the file, then find an online mp4 to webm converter
Get good nigga

I do. I'd blow it like a bagpipes.

I love the Irish but hate posters who post plain ass because there's almost nothing feminine about that besides just shaving

So I'm undecided

Want to cockslap your dumb girly face

Where u

I didn't claim to be feminine, nor do I want to. I'm just a standard fag who likes dick.

spread it

Do you like to dress up at least?

I'd rate that ass wholesale, what county?

I will. I've been lurking here for more than 10 years, I'll get this posting shit down


I'd do it indoors if someone wanted me to.

Well i'm from up North.

Any examples?

Damn I didnt know gay people were allowed to be there

not enough shemales

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Me: look at these faggot guys dressing up seeking validation for their low self worth fucked up mentality

Also me: beats off to shemales

No, i'm not that gay.

That's TS Nikki Nicole. Old school porn star, not sure if she is still active.

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It's not common.


Thought you guys would be interested in my complete cringe and failure story:
>Be me 17 complete virgin betafag
>Brain probably understood that girls wouldnt be happening soon
>Started being into traps
>Download Tinder/Grindr and searching for traps
>Unlike with girls im actually getting matches and there is some talking
>Be swiping on Tinder when i see a doubtful looking girl
>Look on her bio and there isnt anything about her being trans
>She is pretty feminine, could give it a try
>Superlike her
>About a day later i get a match with her
>After a bit of talking i was planning on asking her if she was a trap, but she said it first that i was
>Ok. Things are going well
>We both like japanese food
>Ask her if she would want to go out with me anytime to have some japanese food
>She says she knows a pretty good japanese place, but its kinda far
>never went there, say i would prefer a closer place
>she says they deliver and that i could go to her place and we order delivery there
>Say yes for sure
>We meet at her place the other day at about 7pm
>She is a bit taller than me, but looks pretty much like the pics, really passable
>We order the japanese food and she brings me to her room so we can watch Netflix
>We start watching a random tv show until the food comes
>The food comes and there is a LOT of food
>For some reason we eat it all, im completely stuffed
>We start flirting, she says she is really attracted to young guys like me
>We start making out and im immediately hard af
>She notices it, but doesnt say anything
>I clearly notice the bulge on her panties, it is pretty big
Just to make it clear here, im average to smaller size, but never had a problem really with it
>i start taking her panties off from behind
>she seems a bit reluctant to take it off, but lets me do it
>when she turns to me she is fully hard and the thing is huge, like 23cm
If anyone is interested in the rest

I'm irish, can I pls kiss your ass irl

If you wish.

Well hopefully you make it out alive and soon. I'm in the middle country and its awful, cant go outside without people looking at me like I have 4 arms for just having a big head of hair


I mean i've no idea where you live, it's really not that bad. You can be openly gay here and it's fine, i've had no issue with it. Just depends on your area.

My kik is smithboy12794 . Really I would be honoured to meet and kiss your ass and do whatever else you want

do trap butts taste like girl butts?

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Where you from though?

I'm from donegal, I study in athlone tho, what about you?

sure, give us more of the story

Can you guys document the assworship date?

I'm just referring to how most places in Ireland are just a dead end for the youth in a broader sense but more personally it is allowed to be gay but everyone does treated you differently because in the end Ireland is essentially a bunch of small towns where the older people are too religious and most the youth is too stoned and drunk to care about anything

moar moar moar, any pics?



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hahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahah hahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahah hahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahah

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hahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahah hahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahah

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hahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahah hahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahah hahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahah

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Speaking from experience no they do not.

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What do you think of Ait, I think its horrible and mine lecturers are on the leven of con men

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hahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahah hahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahah

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Abandon ship, someone start a new thread!!!!

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We have succeeded brethren

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is her head big or is that just me

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If there's any irish people here who want to be worshipped pls message me, kik is smithboy12794

No kik unfortunately, dunno if I should make one or not
Butt tastes like butt my guy

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I would but it's up to whoevers ass I'm worshiping

New thread

Found a pic i screenshot from her tinder profile
>she takes mine off and sees a smol pepe
>I try to not compare them, but it is inevitable
>dont say anything
>not sure if she noticed that i was comparing, but she gives it a giggle
>after that i couldnt stop thinking about it
>we start making out but almost immediately my dick starts to get flaccid
>i try to not touch her with it so she doesnt notice it
>eventually she starts to get down on her knees to suck it and notices it is totally flaccid
>she tries to get it hard again by sucking it, but it doesnt work
>Her dick continues fully hard throughout all this and i cant stop noticing the size
>i say that i need to go to the bathroom and ask her for a second
>i run to the bathroom desperate
>i try to get it hard, but it doesnt work in any way
>she knocks on the door and asks if im okay, and that if it didnt get hard she could top if i wanted it
>i dont reply
>started getting dizzy af
>the japanese food hit me
>starts vomiting
>not sure if she heard it
>clean mouth and immediately run out of the bathroom
>she was still semi-hard completely naked sitting on the bed with a condom on her dick and lube besides her
>i say there was no way i was going to bottom
>she gets a bit uncomfortable and asks me to get clothed and get out
>i do it as fast as possible
>when i get home the adrenaline starts calming down and i get a boner kek

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More please

Sissy/ trap server

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My lecturers are nice, aint exactly experts but they know their stuff for the most part. Studying software so of course you may have a completely different experience in another department

fake and gay

read the rest, def not fake, possibly gay kek

New new thread lol

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Bagpipes are scottish...

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damn,bailey got some cute ass feet

Actually the Irish Tenor pipes predate the Scottish pipes

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Bailey got some cute ass everything


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Don't forget to derail this thread to Hitler

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high interest achieved

Also don't forget this one
I think someone started a 4th thread too

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Yeezy Yeezy what's good ishya boy, Max b,

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Mien fuhrer the thread busters are now at your disposal.
Nichts ist unmöglich für das Vaterland!

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what happened

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awesome boipussy

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she is one of my favs, shame she is cut and the dick is small

Join before it's too late

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Keep the pressure up. Let them run to imgur

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You're failing we can just keep making more threads. You can't derail them all.

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Join before it's too late

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love kylie!

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one autistic nazi can't stop our degeneracy

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Like Der Fuhrer showed,
you don't really have to win to make everyone good and miserable.

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Challenge accepted!

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Don't listen to these other anons, I think you're hot ;)

All small dicked traps/trannies should be locked in a chastity cage tbh.

Damn yall are close to the image limit. About to derail this one.
Now what about the other 3 threads? Lmao

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Trap / sissy server


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Almost there lol
We'll make 2 more threads once you reach the image limit here lol

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We are getting stronger tranon.

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Trap, scat, and vintage hitler pics. Overall, solid fucking thread tbh. Gj, OP. You were't a faggot today.

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Who wants my cock? Gobble it like the good girls you are .

Did someone say Goebbels?

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Threads dead, but you won't be able to reuse the images


I wish she would make more content

she's got an instagram and streams still. Same name.

not sure if she fucks herself on cam anymore tho

Don't worry my friend there are many more to come. MS paint will lead the way!

I think that skinny little twink would have made a good trap

We still only need 1 pic to start a thread, you'll do the rest and keep bumping all the threads.


Still needs to stay alive

You're mentally ill you should just kys

Hahaha, you underestimate my power and how I operate. You can enjoy as many tranny threads as you want, but remember, Cred Forums isn't for your amusement alone!

Lol is this what you do all day, how pathetic

is lexi still here

What made you draw that conclusion? You missed the mark yet again. I'll make it plain for you to understand, Threads are trolled for personal amusement, not to crusade for some higher purpose. If you can't understand this then you are on your own to figure this out. Gn.

Bro just let it go, trap threads have been going on for like years. You aren't going to end them in 1 day by spamming some dumb pics

Read the above post, im not going to put the carrot in your mouth for you.

Trans are masturbatory delusions:
in real life, they look almost nothing like the pictures and the actual experience is not even 1% as good as expected. Most of them are stupid lowlife junkies.

Lol, subhumans always have such drawn out replys

Why are there like no transmen compared to transwomen???
I'd much rather fuck a transdude than a transgirl
no fucking homo

Hypocrites also

Trans might as well be listed under subhuman in the thesaurus

Same reason you've seen more porn of women than men

Right on its a mental illness that requires helping the burdened individual, not encouraging it.

name please

Mariana cordoba
Its in the corner of the pic bruh

based kamilla

I think Traps have inhibited my acceptance of Trans people.

Most of them are mentally ill stupid lowlife junkies who think they are smart enough to trick you into paying for drugs or other scam : it does not matter how much they charge.

Attached: kimberjames2.jpg (620x911, 188K)

Attached: 1570780399190m.jpg (819x1024, 117K)

luv kimber

Kimer is fucking bae.
Too bad she srs


Who dis...

sherry something

Guess that's a start, thanks mate

Join now before it's too late

Searching for SPH/small dick humiliation/cock comparison tranny porn videos. Can´t find it anywhere. Please, I need it so much

Crazy this thread hasn't died completely yet. Anyone still here?

I’ve been trying to find her too I remember seeing her ig a while back but don’t remember it and can’t find it pretty sure she had an onlyfans too

Nice bro

Fuck yess

bless brother

Now does she web cam or anything?

Join now before it's too late

Fuck this shit, don't even click

Shameless bump

shemales bump


That's the spirit

Just a little longer

its not fair that this beautiful girl has a nicer cock than me.

It's okay bro, just suck her cock it'll be alright


Go for it

Were the post op vids any good?


Both traps?

Name on them s one?

Don't judge me monkey


I mean atleast you admitted your mentally I'll. Most people defend themselves when they wanna fuck a man who looks like a women but with a penis. I respect you for owning up to it. But a penis on a woman? Cmon its weird


Venus lux

What is this girls name? Also, are there any vids of her cumming?

Time to go





Go away


Sage sage

Sage s sage

Never mind, figured her name out myself. Katie Ayanami is her name for anyone wondering.





Thanks bro

Let the thread get pruned, we aren't really contributing. Let it die we can make new ones.