Why are you anti religion?

Why are you anti religion?
Israel is an illegitimate state
Muslim's are stuck in the 13th century
Christians support pedophiles

Yet I know believing in a higher faith leads to greater health. What do Cred Forums?

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Buddhism. It's the only religion that gives you observable results here and now. Specifically Theravada Buddhism.

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How so? How can i incorporate Buddhism into modern life?

Basically Buddhism is a process of observing the nature of the body and mind. We suffer so much because we don't understand the way things are. When you really understand what the mind is doing, why it's doing it, and how to counter it, you can be free from the suffering.

Suppose you are carrying a heavy stone. It's too heavy and your body starts to ache and you get upset because it's too heavy. Why are you even carrying the stone? Just put it down and you are no longer suffering from the weight. It's the same way with thoughts, feelings, opinions. Stop holding them if they are causing you to suffer. By practicing dhamma you learn how to let go. You no longer identify with and bear the burden of the mind. You learn to just watch them come and go like the clouds in the sky. When you learn how to do this, you are left with nothing but peace and contentment. You gain equanimity and are no longer bothered by anything. We don't understand the mind like this, so we are always suffering, always craving, always clinging to things that can't bring us lasting happiness. We look for happiness in things and people that are impermanent and ultimately unsatisfactory. So we learn to cultivate happiness that isn't dependent on anything or anyone. It's a sustainable happiness and contentment because of this.

You can incorporate this by following the 5 precepts. Don't take the life of any living creature. Don't steal. Don't lie or speak harshly. Don't drink and do drugs. And don't commit sexual misconduct, as in rape, sexual assault, cheating.

You also need to become proficient in meditation and do it consistently. I don't mean new age bs meditation, but the meditation that Buddha was teaching 2500 years ago. There's more to it but these two things are the foundation of the practice.

Start listening to dhamma talks by Buddhist monks as well. They help a lot with understanding.

I've been practicing for many years now and I can tell you from direct experience that it does work. You just have to put in the time and effort.

I support Israel because they are God's chosen. I want them to dominate the world and lead the way.

>Don't take the life of any living creature

Impossible. Fungi, bacteria, insects are all creatures. Even being a vegan brings a certain amount of death with it. Many of the products we use rely on animal byproducts. They key is finding a sustainable balance.

Intention is what matters. If you accidentally kill something that's okay. Also it only applies to sentient beings, not bacteria and plants. Also only the direct act of taking life, so using products and eating animals doesn't count.

Choosing not to believe in a God is in itself a faith based decision oh no the edibles are kicking in oooooooooooohhhhhh

That's the dumbest shit I've ever fucking heard. IF you consume the animal you are taking part in it's death. What a weak cope. There is nothing wrong with embracing the food chain.

That's because you don't understand. The life of the animal is completely irrelevant. By not intentionally and directly taking life, you aren't creating the conditions for your own suffering.

Also, no you aren't taking part in it's death. Someone else killed it. They committed the act. Eating something that's already dead isn't the same thing as killing it.

What is a "higher faith". Higher power? Some concepts/advices from religions I'm willing to accept as way of life/philosophy/ethics. But fuck all this higher being/God crap. People dying over nothing. But then, again, pretty standard for humanity

>Yet I know believing in a higher faith leads to greater health
It doesn’t and you can verify that fact for yourself. Read up on societal health indicators vs religiosity by country. By every metric, the least religious countries are the best places to live. The world’s worst shitholes are the most religious.

Correlation isn't causation.

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What cope? I think we agree. I do embrace the food chain. There is nothing wrong with eating animals, but the intention and act of directly taking life has an impact on your mind.

Why is a practicing Buddhist on Cred Forums?

Oh yes it is, my little godtard. Many of those shitholes are theocracies. The godtards are in charge and they have the power to improve conditions for their countrymen if they were so inclined. However religion is a scam designed to separate idiots from their cash, so nobody is surprised when they are NOT so inclined.

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Why not?

You seriously think an angler is gonna need counselling to cope with his PTSD after he catches a few trout for dinner?

No moderation
Do your worst Cred Forums


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I never said you would get ptsd.

There would be no need to be here. I think you're full of shit.

>dodging the point for Buddha

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I never claimed to be enlightened. Far from it. I still experience craving for mental stimulation and interaction with people. But the fruits of the practice are still evident in my life. I still have a long way to. I also enjoy sharing what I know with people here. Maybe I help someone, maybe not.

What threads were you lurking before finding this? All 'isms' are bullshit, yours is no different.

You are free to have your opinion. I know otherwise from direct experience that this one works. I don't care if you believe me or not, and I'm not here to defend Buddhism or change your mind. Just sharing my experience.

Also, you can find out for yourself if it works or not. It's not a belief, it's a practice with observable results. If it was bs I would have dropped it long ago.

Let's see how long your fervor lasts. Usually it's about a year or so, then it's gone. Again, a practicing Buddhist would have no reason to be on Cred Forums.

I've been practicing for 9 years, and you haven't given me a good reason why a Buddhist shouldn't be on 4 chan yet. Buddhists are regular people, we like entertainment too.

Not this type of entertainment. A true Buddhist would have zero desire to post on Cred Forums. You're a massive faggot, nothing more.

>true Buddhist

No true scotsman. Nice one. I think we're done here. I don't care enough to try to convince you of anything or argue.

If anyone wants to know if it works they are free to try it and find out, or not, I don't care. All I know is I'm happier than I've ever been and almost nothing bothers me anymore. It feels great.

Here's what you do :

You create something in your head, then shut up, never preach, and lax a lot on what you believe in...

Then channel it

I already follow those because it seems like the right thing to do. I guess I'm not far from Buddhism to start. What kind of meditation do you mean? What's new age bs and what did Buddha teach?