Doesn't own a pitbull

>doesn't own a pitbull
>acts as if they know all about pit bulls
>doesn't understand its the owner's fault if the dog isn't trained/trained poorly
>acts as if all pit bulls are the same
pretty much if you dont own or have owned a pit bull you dont know what you're talking about with these bite/attack cases.

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Other urls found in this thread:

All dog-related murders are from pit bulls.

all pit bulls are the same. even the ones raised in loving households have attacked and killed family members.

it's a murderous breed that need to be made extinct.

While a pitbull can be trained, I still wouldn't own one. Any dog - even trained - can attack. If it does, I want to have the best chance I can of subduing it. A pitbull is a beast. I'm not small, but I know it would fuck me up even I can handle it until more help arrives. Pitbulls have increased levels of testosterone and vasopressin. You're taking a muscular machine and filling it with innate aggression. I've known several pitbulls I really liked. But I'm not taking that chance. And saying that training will solve these problems is ignorant.

Not an argument.

Every pure bred dog was bred for a purpose. A handful of breeds, of which pitbulls are included, were bred for violent tendencies beyond just hunting.

Pretending this isn't the case is absolute fucking retardation.

i have been in close proximity to about a dozen bears in my life, less than 20m, only been chased by 1 bear

i have seen 2 pit bulls in my life. 1 trapped my neighbor in her sauna and wouldnt leave her alone. she was in the sauna for about 40 minutes before the dogs owner came and got it. he never apologised to her. the second one ran me down while i was fishing froma shore bank and grabbed my pant leg and ripped my pants. i kept kicking it till it let go and its owner caught up and put it back on the leash.

basically fuck u op

Ok pitcuck

Pitbulls are for level 10 dog owners
There are very very few dog owners that are level 10. Other than that pitbulls as a breed no longer have a purpose in the western world. Pick one of the other 300 recognized breeds.

fact: 99% of pit bulls owners are badass wannabe retards, wonder why their dogs usually are retarded too

Every biker needs to be put in a gas chamber.

Pitts are naturally aggressive and dangerous dogs. Saying the attacks are the owner's fault is typical doggy-doggo-wooferfaggot delusion. You can't tame a pitt just like you can't tame a lion.

Imagine being so much of a wimp you have to rely on a retarded dog to protect you

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As someone who has worked in the Veterinary field for over a decade, I can attest to the validity of this statement: there is none. You're retarded.
Any and all dogs have a breaking point and I'd rather deal with a Shepherd or Pincher than a Pit anyday. They're bred for combat and 99% of the owners are retarded assholes who won't neuter their "pet" (home defense meme). The owners usually posturing males who act tough and cover themselves in tattoos to look the part, but wouldn't serve a day in the military. If you need this kind of dog to feel safe then you're a pussy.

Pit bulls were bred with the intention of being guard dogs with two traits beyond all others.
1 - The ability to kill anything
2 - To be trainable to extreme obedience

The problem today is the fault to the owners. 99% of those that have pit bulls either don't have the time or knowledge to train then properly, leaving the bred killer to oft cause havoc.

While it is true that many other breeds are far more aggressive (i.e. Chihuahuas), many of them are barely even a threat IF they are aggressive (i.e. Chihuahuas again). A breed such as the pit bull however, can injure you by simply playing a little too rough, and easily kill if they intend.

So, yes, it is the owners' fault that there are so many "pit bull incident", but it doesn't change the fact that they were bred to kill, and such a breed shouldn't exist in a civilized society.

This thread again

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>>wannabe pit thug detected

Or pit mommy

That is a wholly terrifying picture.

Not only that but they’re ugly as sin, why not get a slender, majestic greyhound?

> Understands that breeding anything for specific traits over multiple generations will almost guarantee those traits
> Understands that different dogs are bred for different purposes
> Understands that different breeds have different personalities, drives and traits because of this
> Understands that pitbulls attract retards who breed purely for aggression
> "Nah it's all the owners fault"

Pipe down retard.

Assume your ass off a fucking tall building.

A non inflammatory take? On my Cred Forums?

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Another fucking retard.

You forgot to mention which part of my post is false.

Do you actually have a counter argument?
> "Stop using logic r-retards!"

Or you can just acquire a few cats

Still murderous monsters but they have a harder time killing you.

Ah, the weakness of the pitbull owner;
Basic common sense and logic

Yea, I may not. But, I'm intelligent enough to read and understand statistics. I'm also intelligent enough to understand I am not an expert but however there are experts who do know such things, so I will gladly take their word for it and not own a pitbull.

The last kennel I worked at (I'm a vet tech) would not let Pitbulls in at all. They can be the nicest dogs, but they also are the most likely to attack people due to their temperament. Sorry guys if you don't like this. When you breed a dog for war and fighting they tend to be more aggressive then most other dogs.

OP fucks his pitbull and hes the bottom, confirmed

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I have had 5 pit bulls in my life, every single one of them was strong as an OX but completely friendly and never once did I have a behavior issue with any of them. You need to have them from birth, and neuter/spay them early. Make sure they get their shots and above all train them to be a loving part of the family. Show them a lot of attention, don't keep them caged up, don't let them be outside pets but include them in your life. Do those things and unless you get a dog with a mental issue you will be fine. Some dogs just like asshole people will snap for no reason at all. If that does happen, then I agree it would be best if you didn't own that particular pit bull. IT IS RARE, there are millions of Pit Bull's living in peoples homes all over the planet. You see maybe a dozen or two bad episodes a year or so.

....or just get one of the other 300+ recognized dog breeds that exist

If an insurance claim for gets wind you have a pitbull they are likely going to drop you our homeowners or renters insurance because of that dog. There are 4 breeds that fall into this category with pitbulls being top.
Insurance companies give no shits about politics. It's raw math to make the highest legal profits possible and in that a pitbull is a liability while other breeds are not

There are 4 dog breeds whose attacks aren't covered under home owners insurance pits are one of them