Why do people like this fucking kike so much?

Why do people like this fucking kike so much?

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Because muh 1% even though I own an iPhone and buy shit off Amazon every fucking week

he promises low income people free shit


He gave me a handjob once

Don’t make me reference the Matt Bors comic.

Because he gives a shit.

Because he's the one candidate that triggers the republicunt faggots.

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>hurr-durr that makes them 1%

Kys you ignorant nigger

It's true though. All these liberal retards bitching about Bezos everyday even though they buy shit off Amazon constantly.

>believing this

>Hur dur I can't read
>Hur dur I'm a retard with no father
>Hurrrrrr pay attention to me
Move along kiddo

>Because he gives a shit.
Oh he gives a shit, but not for the reasons you think

because it triggers faggots like you OP

Because jews made their long march through the halls of the institutions, infiltrating and subverting them, often taking over by means of blackmail; you know, their classic MO. And those jews have been fucking with the heads of humans for decades, completely brainwashing people to accept jewish hegemony; painting it a good light wrapped in very beautiful sounding language, even though what they're actually promoting is hell on Earth

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and especially not for the reasons your deluded ass mind thinks.


Yes because most of us participate in capitalism to survive, even if most of us aren’t thrilled with it. But I do see where you’re coming from.

Sure kid, keep thinking this nigger is on your "team" while he owns 3 fucking houses and has millions of dollars to his name. Funny how capitalism is so bad and evil until it benefits Bernie. Then all of a sudden it's not a problem.

YangGang fuck that commie

>Yes because most of us participate in capitalism to survive
Oh really? So why the fuck don't you leave junior? You know where capitalism doesn't exist? Africa, so feel free to go there. Which you won't because your lard ass would die within the day.

>believing green text validates you.

Prove he doesn’t, the mans been consistent for years. That’s why the smear campaigns aren’t working this time around.

Why should I have to leave when I pay taxes? the system is supposed to be for the people & right now it is not. It’s an oligarchy. So you can take “hurr durr jUsT lEaVe” argument. I’m not leaving anywhere, & this time around Sanders is getting the nomination then the presidency. November is coming fast & I look forward to all your panic induced freak outs.

After a while every revolution needs a new one.
America is off course and the existence of the 1% is a sign of how the economy and structure of the US are distorted.
He is the only person on the stage who could help America to get back on course. It will not be easy as the vested interests are strong and well resourced.
They even have poor people convinced that they need the rich and to send their children to yet another adventure in America's perpetual war economy.
Shit is fucked up and it's not getting better.

YangGang are people who hate Donald trump but bandwagon Elon musk.

Right, so it's a bad and evil system until you benefit from it. Just like your kike hero Bernie. So why don't you shut your whore mouth and stop all that bitching, kike-boy.

I have a friend who can't make up her mind between Bernie and Trump. WTF! One likes capitalism and the other seeks to destroy it.

He's honest, which is amazing for any human politician, especially a kike. He's got my vote.

You’re a genuine idiot if you think when Bernie is elected people aren’t going to be working and making money all of a sudden. It’s always the misinformed bootlicker that push this false narrative.

If Bernie thinks capitalism is bad then why is he running as a capitalist Democrat u fucking mong

Africa is a CONTENENT consisting of primarily capitalist countries u dumb nigger.

Trump like corporate socialism, Bernie like democratic socialism. Fixed that for you.

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cultural jews don't believe in anything. They spend their lives as iconoclasts.

No, he'll just steal money from people who are already working and give it to those niggers and spics you people love so much. Then you will run out and make more excuses for your kike messiah.

>then why is he running as a capitalist Democrat
I see, so you're just a fucking idiot who probably isn't even American. What butthole of a "country" do you live in? I need to know so I can laugh at you.

you haven't the slightest clue of what you are talking about. why do retards like you exist?

I don't hate Trump, but you did catch me on the Elon part :/ I think he is a very progressive conservative in disguise and I would love to see him on the ballot, not these other fucking crazy people. He actually cares and does blame people for being people.

I took economics in college, sorry. I defer to your superior knowledge from your ass.

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Feel free to cite something , then, dickbreath.

>Right, so it's a bad and evil system until you benefit from it.
Not him, but you hit the nail on the head. Democracy and the government are supposed to treat both rich and poor people the same way. The problem is that neither low to upper middle class benefactor from it as much as the ultra rich. This is not only bad from a social economic stand point about money flow, but also from a standpoint that everyone burdening the system more has to provide higher repayments. In example: amazon evades taxes, good and fine, but at the same time they profit a lot from free roads paid by taxpayers money.

Because The State embraced Corporatism and now the people want Socialism
So using Majority Rule Democracy they will vote to suicide the status quo as revenge.
He is the means of revolution.

the DNC will never choose a socialist to win the election

>Democracy and the government are supposed to treat both rich and poor people the same way.
Actually, it's not. And I'm not even gonna bother reading past this line of bullshit. Poor people shoudn't even be allowed to fucking vote.

This was for you.

How is trump not a corporate socialist?

How is sanders not a democratic socialist?

I never said anything about evil.
You seem to not grasp the idea of what Sanders wants to do.
But the gap in wealth inequality is higher than ever, wages are stagnant, people are barely getting by, the middle class is dissipating, people can’t afford healthcare, more are becoming homeless, issues that are affecting more and more Americans everyday. Issues that no democrat or republican have viable solutions for.

While many of the elite in this country horde the wealth, which is the exact opposite of the good ol’ trickle down econ theory.

all you can do is use slurs & slander Sanders. I’m looking forward to this November.

Oh, fuck, you are right, the US is classified as an Oligarchy by the UN. Sorry, no democracy here.

He seems like he is in it to make the world a better place rather than to become more powerful, unlike every other politician running. I don't even side with him on many issues, but he doesn't seem like a soulless piece of shit somehow.

Seek mental help if you’re not beyond it.

Even most Vermonters dont buy into his bullshit

Elon Musk tried to have a former employee swatted by LVPD. He doesn’t care.

Bernie sanders is a social Democrat he is a capitalist Prove me wrong

Must be why he keeps getting re-elected.

What is there to prove wrong? There is social capitalism and anarcho capitalism as two sides of the coin. Sanders would like social capitalism, not socialism

>But the gap in wealth inequality is higher than ever, wages are stagnant, people are barely getting by, the middle class is dissipating, people can’t afford healthcare, more are becoming homeless, issues that are affecting more and more Americans everyday
Yes, and your team(the democrats) make all of those things worse by the day

>I took economics in college,
Get your money back.

Lenin and his virgins called themselves "Social Democrats" before they took power.

Has anyone on here had an actual, tangible change in their life because of who they voted for president?

Honest question

Democratic socialism still has a capitalist economy you fucking 3rd grader.

Jesus, gomer. You are incredibly stupid.

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kek best reason I've seen for any candidate yet

not the same guy, but the burden of proof lies on the one making the claim. you demand proof that says otherwise, but provide none of your own in the first place. you are a retard.

So if he wants to "make it better", why doesn't he house homeless people in 2 of the homes that he owns? Yet not one word from the kike followers about that.

Correct, thank u.

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I’m sorry but neither of them are doing anything. Conservatives are destroying what’s left of Medicaid. You don’t get a pass to blame.

No wonder after running a presidential campaign costs an estimated billion. How could worker joe ever even imagine running for any higher political position without companies funding the shit out of him

Better yet, let's start with your initial claim. How IS Trump a corporate socialist? How IS Sanders a democratic socialist? Why do others need proof, yet you don't feel the need to supply your own?

The closest I am aware of, is that with Obama as president, the guy with the Obama outfit who competed on Ninja Warrior. And the crowd is all "Yes We Can" and then he fell it was all "No You Can't. Nooooooo."

>social Democrat he is a capitalist
Why do you and your kind live in a binary world?
I guess it's comforting for you.

It’s like you guys are willfully disingenuous or straight up uninformed.

>Conservatives are destroying what’s left of Medicaid
Okay so you don't actually live in America, got it. You're just an expert because CNN told you. Fucking kike.

>How IS Trump a corporate socialist? How IS Sanders a democratic socialist?
That guy is just gonna keep on acting like a fucking dumbass. He's lonely and needs attention because his daddy wasn't around when he grew up.

Love it when hillbillies spout their racism like its politics.

Most of them are. You constantly need to shoot down the same talking points over and over again. It gets tedious.

OP! In a country that has 100% of all the wealth owned by TWO PEOPLE this should be no surprise to you. (Read Sander's voice)

>Fucking kike
Careful with that edge, user.

corporate socialism

subsidies in all sorts of fields and industries, corporations practically telling the government what to do in many cases. tax cuts with a double-digit trillion deficit....

Bernie is weak. There's no way he'd stand up to the Military Industrial Complex.

Right, he wants to house them all AS LONG AS he's not the one personally doing it. But I know, we're not suppose to act questions about the socialist leaders. In the future you people will make questions and facts illegal.


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I voted for Reagan in '84 and my roomate's girlfriend never spoke to me again.

Amazon paid no taxes many years...corporate socialism

Do you think rich people have a vault of money they swim through like Scrooge McDuck?

I live in America. They recently converted Medicaid funds to block grants so they can use the funds for other programs.

You think saying kike over and over helps your argument. Spoiler alert, It doesn’t.

As are all Presidents. I think the last to stand up (or at least speak out) was Eisenhower.
There are battle you can fight and others must wait until you have more weight on your side - if that's even possible.

Because he’s based.

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What a great display of ignorance. I love it.

The most tangible change from a President in my lifetime is health insurance sucking because of Obama.

I had a guy at the dog local dog park rant about how obama was destroying the country and he was really getting into it like foaming at the mouth and when he stood up a bunch of empty beer cans fell out of his jacket and then he got he real quiet so that was something

Nah, some have private islands of children.

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No, that's a social democracy. "Socialism," whether Democratic or not, cannot include Capitalism.

And how many people did they hire those "many years"? Oh no, those DAMN questions we're not suppose to ask. Instead we have to pay more taxes so Tyrone can sit on the porch he does not own, while selling drugs and having kids he doesn't raise. And retards like you will continue to play fucking stupid and dance around like faggots when someone brings it up.

You live in America and you're this stupid huh? And what is your monkey ass going to tell us next, that conservatives are the reason niggers and spics keep on breaking the fucking law, and whites commit crimes "at the same rate", even though there is literally zero fucking evidence of that?

So you have no argument.

Because people like you hate him

Trips Witnessed!
Oh, during the Bill Clinton era, I saw the Linda Trip makeover kit in a hustler
And the saxophone solo he played on the Arsenio Hall Show

Still not Socialism.

No. It's propping up the stock market - until the fed's fuckery comes home to roost and all those companies that are swimming in cheap debt start to fail. Then the market will also collapse.

That is a semantic argument and has no basis in reality. If you are to stupid to take a poli/sci course, you can take the retard-level "comparitive governments". Then, you wouldn't sound like a fucking farmer.

Jesus, what the fuck kinda retort is this. Like trying to end homelessness is bad because he’s not personally buying houses but rather has bills that will help alleviate the crisis.

You are arguing in bad faith, nothing I say no matter how rational, or thoughtful, or respectful will satisfy you. There’s no purpose in continuing this. I love how most of you were like “Let’s give Trump a chance.” But y’all won’t give Bernie one even if he wins.

>>not paying taxes is socialism

He will have to for his plan.

>Bullshit that never happened

Read the Panama Papers if you want some context.

and he triggers DNC faggots too which is why they will keep fixing primaries.
he won't get elected, because the powers that be don't want it.
democrats sold their souls and became neo cons to get slick willy elected in 92. it's been more of the same ever since. 2 fucking conservative parties controlling this country.

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He is right
Capitalism or social capitalism are economy structures, while the way the leaders are selected are governmental structures.
That leads to strange country systems like anarchistic democracies, anarchistis theocracies or communist democracies.

Kennedy did, and Trump has, too. That's why they're impeaching him.

You're right, saying "Corporate Socialism" is ignorant.

yeah, it's coroporate socialism, you trailer park piece of useless sauerkraut.

That is no semantic problem, see my answer One is a form of government, the other one a form of economic stance. That is also why ancaps exist, they believe, companies would do better than any people elected rulers.

You have clearly never been to a public dog park

Maybe you should get your fucking head out of Bernie's ass. This nigger owns THREE fucking houses and he wants to bitch about homelessness, and you think that's perfectly normal. So why the fuck isn't he coming them in? Why does he have 3 houses? This is what makes me fucking laugh about you dumbass niggers. Bernie bitches about the fucking 1%, when in reality he IS the fucking 1%. You know what kind of people have 3 fucking houses? That's right, rich people. But sure, you keep on sucking that jewish dick thinking that nigger Bernie fucking Sanders is on your side. Watch in a few months he takes his next payout from the DNC and laughs at all you retards, while telling you to vote Democrat.

amazes me to see all these low iq retards buying into this kike's bullshit

Critically think about why disenfranchised groups commit crime. Some are assholes, some think they have no other choice, no support system. The issues are larger than you can fathom. But you’re main focus is being a racist tool who believes anything to reaffirm your beliefs that “white man is perfect.” because thinking about the reasons means acknowledging some hard truths you can’t or won’t accept.

If you like amazon stealing billions from you and me, take a bus to the other side of the border and do not return. You are too much of a bitch to live here.

Sorry I fucked up, anarchy is also government type. See how complex the world can be

That's the sonuvabitch who paved the way for the media takeovers and take down. 500 to 5 companies handling our information.
Community Radio is the last holdout.
Fuck him.
Fuck him to hell and back.

>Trump has, too
omg that would be so funny if it was not so sad.
>That's why they're impeaching him
The military industrial complex were involved in impeaching Trump. Seriously?
Why would they do that? He gave them fantastic tax cuts, he is still prosecuting foreign wars, he has given them more you your money.
Why would they want him gone?

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Socialism is the public ownership of the means of production. Capitalism is private ownership and the voluntary exchange thereof. They are opposing economic systems. Bernie is a Social Democrat, not a Socialist.

Uh huh, any bullshit excuse for your pet monkeys breaking the law. It's NEVER their fucking fault. But let me guess, next you're gonna say we need "free" college for all your pets. Even though they can't even do grade school math or write and read at a 4th grade level. But we need to pay them all to go to fucking college so they can take up space and resources from people who give a fuck, while they all study blunt rolling and ass twerking. Is that what you're gonna say next? Or will you throw another pity party for your pets?

reporters are always asking him the wrong questions, it's not so much about his political philosophy, but they need to be asking him what the fuck he thinks he will actually be able to get through congress without being butchered by corporate interests

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The social standards for being with a dog are much lower than being with a human and dog parks prove that. Pupper doesn't care if you brought a flask to the park.

Right, so when are you moving to Africa? We have them on the phone, and they're willing to take you in as soon as tonight.



Simple, hes been saying the same thing for almost five or six decades you kumquat. If any of those windbags in government have any sort of integrity this old boi has. Maybe this country wouldnt be fucked as bad as it is. Who the fuck cares if he wants to give free college or make poor people a little more happy. We get it, you like sucking your bosses dick. Most of us just want to be happy and travel without everyone fucking pointing us out as Americans because our over bloated budget army needs to spend a few billion showing some muslims whose boss. Fuck you, I wanna go to space. Cant go to space if we got a bunch of Christians telling us to blown up a village for their space jew blood god every other month.

He also pays the lowest taxes he can.

They're not stealing anything, grow up.

One is his primary house, the own him & his wife own. One is for vacation which he rents out most of the year. One is required for his job.

You guys are super fixated on these 3 houses. Bernie pays his taxes, & publicly has released them. He talks the talk & walks the walk.

You just can’t handle the fact the guy you voted for is a chronic liar who wastes taxpayer money, sure he deferred his paycheck, but he’s wasted & more on his golf trips.

Its possible for capitalism to be more fair and still be your good ole american dream bullshit or whatever you think it is.

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>Right, so when are you moving to Africa?
Only after I charge you tax for a product I don't have to pay tax for, free money. Or we cut the middle man of goods and you just pay me 20% for everything you buy.

>anarchy is also government type
too stupid to contemplate.

What do you think the CIA is? Oh, BTW, Democrats voted to increase the military budget. Yet they claim Trump is Putin's puppet.

bernie sanders niggers here

Yeah, give up. You just clearly stated you don't know. Take some classes. Fucking farmer.

If he didn't constantly talk about rich people being bad, him having 3 houses and itemizing his taxes to pay less wouldn't be hypocritical.

>they are opposing economic systems

They are COEXISTING economic systems. Every country on the planet uses a combination of both.

Go to school.

I’m not saying it’s not their fault.
I’m saying there are root causes for the reasons these cycles continue. Like we need criminal justice reform to, you know, focus on reforming convicts like they do in many countries in the EU.
Education reform for the many underfunded schools where teachers have too many students that they can’t do much to be involved in their students lives.

You lack the ability to think critically. Maybe it’s because you’re so full of hate you can’t. Seek mental help, you need it.

>He also pays the lowest taxes he can.
Of course he does, because he's fucking smart. Which makes it even funnier that people really do fall for his bullshit.

My ass he walks the walk. He's a fucking hypocrite and people like you suck his dick on the daily. Why he is renting out his house? Why doesn't he take in people for free? Oh right, because he's a fucking kike and PART OF the fucking 1% he loves bitching about, with faggots like you dancing around and playing fucking stupid. Now you're trying to deflect to Trump when he has nothing to do with the subject at hand. So what other bullshit are you gonna spew for the rest of us? Or are you just gonna keep on parading around like the faggot you are?

Anrachy is a government type, as it is the complete lack thereof.
>I am above the wealthy and poor scheme, because I own nothing

The democrats so far have pretty much been controlled oppositions for corporate-right.
All they've done is put on a guise of being good lefties when their real goal is to pay lower wages.
First by bringing women into the workforce, and now with immigration.

I don't like it, but I think the pendulum is going to swing back -across acceptable compromises- and into socialist territories.

Is that all you can say? You really can’t say anything other than that?

Bud, did you start packing or what? Those niggers in Africa are waiting for you.

too poor to access a dictionary?

>hmm, you live in a society and yet you think society could be better
>I am very smart
right wingers are the most retarded people on the planet.

Wat? Do you really believe economy = government?
Capitalist oligarchy china is calling socialist democratic norwegia

so many of the changes clinton made are the reason things are so fucked up right now atleast econmically with these exaggerated markets.
Democratic corruption is so fucking insidious were as Republican corruption is always so obvious, i mean no fucking one believed iraq had any weapons in 2003

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Well Amazon doesn't exist in Africa, so what's the problem? You hate Amazon but only when they're not delivering your shit or streaming your shows right?

>>fucking farmer
This attitude is why Trump was elected

And yet you made the dumbest post in this thread by far. What a fucking waste of trips.

Nah, rather learning russian and chinese, they seem cool people.
Sadly china already owns a big portion of africa and the US, so I rather move to our new motherland.

Nope. Government programs are not Socialism.

yeah, amazon could never exist if they treated their employees better and gave back more to society. Why the fuck are you right wingers so dishonest?

Well, since you asked, Bernie comes across as the only authentic person in a sea ob bought-and-paid-for neoliberal candidates offered up by the democratic party.
Sort of how people pre-disposed to right leaning ideology recognized Trump as possibly the only candidate without masters holding his puppet strings in the last election, Bernie is similar for those of us who are left-leaning.
I respect your choice to choose Trump, and the left in general should stop blaming Russians/electoral college/etc for Trump. The simple fact is that the democratic party put up a candidate so universally despised that everyone , even across party lines was able to unite around 'Anyone but Hillary'.

Trump handed the democratic party 'elite' their own asses. Guess that's what happens when you ignore the plebs too long while being a party obviously prone to nepotism and corruption.

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lmao your posts are so shitty they are giving me cancer.

Oh you would prefer moving to China? No problem faggot, we can arrange that for you.

Taxes aren't the only way to help a society.

>i mean no fucking one believed iraq had any weapons in 2003
The Senate voted nearly 99-0. Everybody believed it.

So someone of the left has to live like a monk?
You obviously don't understand his politics rather you have taken the lazy approach by repeating shit you hear others repeat.
>fucking lazy people who don't think or learn

Would like so, pay me a flight?
They search for grad ITsec guys from here.

So they should "give back to society" huh? And what have you given back? Do you house the homeless in your own home? No of course you don't, so maybe you should shut your kike ass mouth the fuck up. Like you have any right to demand other people give more back. How about you give the fuck back yourself if you wanna be so fucking generous, other than giving that asshole up for nigger dick.

yeah like I said, not treating their employees like shit would help a lot too.

At first, maybe. Nancy Pelosi admitted that they were shown all of the intelligence, that it was bullshit, and that she could have pushed to impeach Bush.

>pay me a flight?
Nah kid, that ain't how it works. You got a mouth, so use it. Go hit that fucking street corner. Those nigger dicks ain't gonna suck themselves.

lmao you realize amazon uses societies infrastructure way the fuck more than I do, right?

I encourage people to avoid taxes. He does not. So his actions are hypocritical.

Don't imply jobs also help the society, because those companies also burden any community they operate in which then has to invest tax money to fix shit. IE roads and garbage disposal.

CIA? wtf are you talking about?
Of course the establishment democrats increased the budget. Who do you think paid for their campaigns?
They are as much corporate whores as the republicans.

I agree, but Amazon workers should unionize, leave, or stop bitching.

lmao you realize you're a worthless nigger and amazon actually provides value to society, right? Just log the fuck off and get off Cred Forums. You've embarrassed yourself enough today.

The House does not vote an war powers. The Senate does. Why not stop while ahead?

The Senate = Everyone?
Get fucked assclown. The same Senate that shotguns through bullshit, fucks around on everything else, and only works to sow the seeds of its own corruption as its an unstoppable force of feces flowing over us like a political Poonami?
Fuck off. The Senate has been, and will continue to be, shit.

Because your focus is on hypocrisy. You have no room to talk when they guy you voted for is actually a Yuge one & its verifiable.
Like I said Sanders isn’t trying to enrich just himself. He pays his staffers a living wage, he genuinely cares, he has for decades. Him doing capitalism while living in a capitalist society is something you can’t really use against him. You can try but he’s doing fairly well, on track to be the nominee. But again, I don’t care What you believe. November is coming, be ready.

>log off Cred Forums
jesus you're even more retarded than I thought. Can't even strong a coherent thought together, let alone an argument.

>Don't imply jobs also help the society
Right, so instead we should give money to all those niggers and spics you love. So they can sit on the porch, THAT THEY DO NOT OWN, while selling drugs and stealing shit that doesn't belong to them. And then fags like you will run back here and say HUR DUR STOP ARRESTING MY PETS THEY DINDU NUFFIN. After Tyrone gets done fucking your asshole for the 5th time that day.

Of course you would reach that stupid conclusion from the previous imaginary bullshit you've been spewing so far.

>Nah kid, that ain't how it works.
Darn it, so I have to wait for my next job in china? But how do I go to africa then? The country the US is currently exporting most goods and service to?

because they don't take orders from you, huh?

Millions of people, all over the world, (who didn't owe their living to corporate donations) marched on the streets.
They said, we have heard you, we have seen the evidence your presented and we don't believe you!
Millions of people!

>Government programs are not Socialism.

>I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about - The Comment.

Most people don’t love him. He has a bunch a fanatics with boners over freebies who would follow him over a cliff like the lemmings they are, but he’ll never win a general elections because most people are smart enough to realize his policies would bankrupt the country.

>Darn it, so I have to wait for my next job in china?
Not at all! All you need to do is steal your mommy's jeans and stand on the street corner. Don't worry, there's no shortage of nigger faggots for you out there. You'll have the money for that flight ticket in no time.

lol like that time he cared so much he took a massive house paying bribe by HillDog to drop out of the race

Different guy, I don’t use Amazon? I’m asking why you just tell people to go to Africa. Like you’re not making any point other than “don’t like it? Leave.” Which anyone can say to you.

So democracy = capitalism, dictatorship = communism, oligarchy = socialism? Better ask Venezuela, if they just made a hoax about being socialist and a democracy

I've never seen someone with a more obvious cuckold fetish

This does not make sense.
Have you been drinking?


Sadly no, The flight company doing most flights to eastern asia banned the whole country. I would have to hijack a plane.

Bernie voted against the war in iraq. Literally c-span footage of him doing so.

What you are trying to say, nimrod, is that social programs and macroeconomic socialism are both socialism, but they are not synonymous.

You are painfully stupid.

I mean he conceded to not cause division in the party, but it happened anyway. Because it was bigger than him.

I mean I know he campaigned for her but do you have any proof that he took a bribe?

Because it's fucking hypocrisy. The same people who bitch about Amazon not paying taxes, are the same fucking retards who constantly buy shit from Amazon and/or stream their services. So what are you bitching about? They also love to leave out the part that Amazon constantly expends, has hired thousands of people, didn't make a profit for years, AND on top of all of that avoid taxes using the same fucking laws that their team passed to begin with. So yes, if you don't like it fucking move to Africa. And then these are the same fucking people who don't donate a fucking dime to charity themselves or take in people off the fucking street, but they wanna be "generous" and give free shit to smelly minorities. But only as long as they're not the ones who have to pay for it.

How many countries joined us? I'll wait. Bush went to Iraq because the vast majority wanted it.

Why don’t you love to Africa?

>I would have to hijack a plane.
Wrong again bud, you can go fucking horseback there. Granted, you might have to go "horseback" yourself a few times, if you know what I mean. Shouldn't be a problem for a faggot like you though.

kind of like when you right wing retards rail against pedophiles and then give trump a pass for being best friends with one and hiring another as his lawyer

they did-
it totally collapsed in 16 yrs.

He did. The first accurate post.

Hey retard, how about you take your fucking pills and try to stay focused. We're talking about Bernie and his retarded ass clan members.

It’s also highly speculated he fucked some too because one of Epstiens victims said she saw Trump at his estate back in the 90’s & he ogled her & Epstien had said “not her she’s not for you.”

You want to argue ethics when your guy is highly unethical.
Sorry but Trump actually has Klan members supporting him lol.

>Sorry but Trump actually has Klan members supporting him lol
I doubt that, given the KKK was started by the democrats. But I'm guessing they left out that part when "taught" you about that part of US history.

Scratch the surface and you will find the US at work.
It has been happening for fucking decades upon decades. The US don't like governments that are red or even slightly pink. The US wants the resources for themselves. In the 50 & 60s it was US agri-business. It overthrew democratically elected governments like Chile for the copper (throwing the people into death and torture).
Now it's Venezuela for the oil and Bolivia for the lithium?


>highly speculated
the post-

>KKK was started by the democrats
What is wrong with you?
Yes they started it but that does not mean they continue with it.
I guess they left that sort of logic out of your education.


Actually they do, given David Duke has endorsed him too.

Yea they did start out as democrats, but party lines switched, generations changed. Not saying Democrats can’t be racist or sexist which they can be, but deflecting from the fact the Republican Party has a racist problem doesn’t make it go away let alone solve it. Examples are right here in this thread.

>Yes they started it
Good, you admit it. Now you can fuck off while the adults talk.

>Yea they did start out as democrats
Right, and they are democrats today. I didn't even bother reading past this line. As least both of you retards admit the KKK are democrats. Usually you fags love to lie and say hur dur no they're not. Good to know you own up to it.

Listen to her interview if you don’t believe me:

Faggot, do you think any politician is different? Goddamn you're a stupid nigger.

You really do love rolling around in the mire of your own ignorance.
At least you're not eating your shit but posting it here. That's progress.

The reason you don’t is because you have no argument. It’s because for all the big talk of being on the side of facts & logic, you don’t like any.

You’re using slurs, It’s not helping your argument for “DEMOCRATS BAD FIRST!1!11 REPUBLICANS GOOD” you inane dipshit.

And Republicans legalized abortion you ignorant fucking nigger. Look up how the party positions change just to confuse mongoloid faggots with low IQs like you and your kind.

>if you don’t believe me
I do not-

Faggot, does every politican bitch about the 1% when they are the fucking 1% themselves? This is like some guy saying every faggot should die when he's a fucking faggot himself.

Kid, we're talking about the democrats here. Why are you trying to change the fucking subject? You admitted the KKK are democrats, it's over. Own it. It's okay, we already knew your team is full of shit.

>hur dur parties switched
Oh yeah? How many people switched parties back then? What was the exact number? Let me guess you don't have it.

>You admitted the KKK are democrats
Show me the post that an user said that?
Your opposing something that exists only in your fucked up mind.

Ignorance is bliss. Enjoy your bubble.

I am going to enjoy your bubble-

That’s all you took from what I said to you? LMFAO, you are either really unhinged or just an absolute moron.

Ah so now you're gonna play stupid? Okay, I'll play along with you. The KKK aren't democrats hur dur. Also Bernie isn't part of the 1%, oh and black people are good at math. Hehe, I love being a fucking moron like you. This is so fun :)


Trying to prove that conservatives aren’t racist by being racist. You’re sure showing us lol.

Well the KKK are democrats right? Okay then, you lost. You can go fuck away now. Maybe move to Africa with those niggers you love so much?

What was racist about what I said? Saying blacks aren't good at math is racist to you, even though this is literal fact?

Why don’t you move to Africa?

You said you want to play “stupid” & said the opposite of what you believe. What did you say about black people?

ersistent, willful ignorance is not fashionable
Mis-stating someone else's position in order make a point is just all sorts of dumb.
What happened to you user?
Are you ok? Should we contact someone for you?

Why would I? I'm not the one bitching about Amazon or the 1% am I? Your team is the one doing that. So when are you moving?

Why don’t you move to Africa? I’ll help you pack.

the best decision

Attached: 1537005928048.jpg (388x443, 39K)

free everything. and in a society of lazy fucks, thats why hes popular.

Buying products off amazon doesn’t equate to survival. There’s nothing there you need to survive. Local produce markets, butcher shops, and some toiletries from any store is all you need in a civilized nation.

They need mental help. Too bad they probably can’t afford it.

So you're saying black people can do math? Is that your argument, yes or no?

None of what you said is an argument. You keep on acting like a fucking moron, so I'll treat you like one. Otherwise you can suck my cock.

i wouldnt be too mad if he won

iPhone, classic tool of the 1 percent

Are you 60 years old you boomer faggot

lol weak bitch

Lol I didn't even notice that idiot said that. How the fuck does anyone need to buy shit from Amazon to "survive"? How does buying a fucking Benz and $300 sneakers help you survive? What a ridiculous statement.

Workers being able to unionize their labor isn’t free everything.
Social programs being placed above endless wars isn’t either.

My point is you don’t think black people are good at math.
I can’t say it depends honestly on the individual.

i had to look iconclasts and it looks lame

long tie guy should show b4 long-

nothing more embarrassing than being in yr mid 50s and deciding to post on Cred Forums

No, you can't say it because people like you would rather be "politically correct" than state the fucking facts. So when someone says something factual about black people, people like you act "offended" despite knowing that it's fucking true. And yes, I am telling you right now they are not good at math. This is literal fact. If they were they wouldn't be dropping out of HS in large numbers or graduating college with bullshit degrees. But please, feel free to keep on being PC and saying oh no you can't say that about those poor black kids.

I never said that solely buying from Amazon was for survival. I support my local coopts. But again people participate in capitalism to survive regardless if you believe that or not. When all you do is say how great it is, while being unable to handle the slightest criticism of it because you’re all so thin skinned when it comes to that it shows y’all are bootlickers.

>But again people participate in capitalism to survive regardless
Yeah? Please explain to us how you "need" to buy a fucking $1000 iPhone and lease a BMW every 3 years to "survive". You wanna help break that down for us?

Race based stereotypes aren’t factual however.

Again You’re trying to prove conservatives aren’t racist by doubling down on inane race based ideas.

Do you think I buys a $1000 phone?

I didn't pull out when I fucked your mom. Now THAT was embarrassing.


No kike for a soon to be dead candidate

>Again You’re trying to prove conservatives aren’t racist
Am I now? That's funny, I don't remember ever saying that. Almost like you're just making up fucking bullshit because you know you're wrong. So you gonna address what I said or are you just gonna keep on parading around like a faggot?

No but those niggers you love sucking dick for do. So tell us, how does buying a $1000 new iPhone help them survive? And I should have to pay for their college, why again?

>Communist Democracy
Okay, you got me to laugh. Good one Cred Forums.

"The world's greatest deliberative body" just fucked itself in the ass along party lines,
Well done, Merrica.
You are truly the "light on a hill".

every drug dealer i've ever met was nikola tesla when it came to the metric system. black ppl are plenty good at math

You’re so out of touch with Americans living at or below the poverty line. Jesus. This isn’t an argument, this is speculation that you’ve convinced yourself is true when it’s not. Most put their money towards food, rent, gas/fare, while trying to save. Also again wages are stagnant & everything else is going up, lots of people have to get 2 jobs to get by. I had too, but I was fortunate enough to get a job that has decent paying

The FBI is watching you now haha.

Ivan, your Russia is showing

You must be a very sad angry lonely person.

>People learn skills when they are paid
Brilliant deduction there, my dude. Maybe we should bring back child labor for blacks? Then maybe they will want to go to school!

>Most put their money towards food, rent, gas/fare, while trying to save
Yeah no they don't, actually. But I'm the one who's out of touch am I? And how many of those "poor people" buy new iPhones, alcohol, cigarettes, new cars, and a bunch of other shit they supposedly can't afford? I'll help you out, kike. A LOT of them do that. In fact I'd say most of them. Also funny how they supposedly don't have money. But when it's time for blunt rolling and ass twerking, suddenly there's money for that. But I know, you just believe whatever bullshit your DNC heroes tell you about all those "poor" niggers and spics. That way when they steal your money and give it to them, you'll stand there and smile like a fucking retard.

>Black people are plenty good at math
Are they now? So why aren't they all getting STEM degrees? And I love how you imply doing math for fucking drug sells is "hard". Is putting on your own fucking shoes also a fucking challenge for you?

Anyone you put in the office will be immediately kiked. Just look at ultra kike Trump. Lmao and you faggots believed in him. Face it, America is lost.

And when the fuck did Trump ever claim he hated kikes? Let me guess CNN said he does right?

it used to be ppl were racist on Cred Forums bc it was funny. then dipshit nazis decided to come on here and make all this cringey rageposting abt muh taxes. and its all there is now

Yes sometimes the poor buy drinks, sometimes they buy a phone or a game, some of them smoke, some get a car when they can if they can.

But again, to get to work some need a car & a phone.
& being able to enjoy things once in awhile isn’t fucking radical at all, especially since wages are stagnant. God forbid poor people have a cigarette or eat out, or do things that make their lives a little less shitty.

Keep being a racist, you’re totally proving my point that conservatives are the KKKs base. You’d fit right in.

idk if he hates them but the Jewish NYC property elite always looked down on him. He hated that.
Now he is trying very hard to please them - hence the Jerusalem embassy and the peace deal that is not a deal but gives Israel everything

>conservatives are the KKKs base

Casual Vs Formal racism

No not at all.

Okay then, so you admit you're full of shit. So yeah, they want healthcare, daycare and college those niggers can fucking pay for it themselves. Otherwise YOU can donate your own fucking money if you love those monkeys so much. And then you can suck my dick.

Maybe you could get your head out of your ass and start listening to what he's been saying, fucktard.

Attached: trump-israel2.jpg (525x364, 50K)

Okay klan man. Stay mad, Sanders will be your president.

>Poor people shoudn't even be allowed to fucking vote.
Fucking this

>While many of the elite in this country horde the wealth
Why do people keep on parroting this retarded shit? It makes no sense and just highlights your complete ignorance

Nothing says you’re pro democracy & freedom like banning people from voting.

Read the Panama Papers.

I don't know if I've learned more in this thread or the loli one.

What? How about you read a fucking economics book so you can understand how shit in the real world works.

Why should people who don't own homes or businesses or property, be allowed to vote? Other than that these same people will vote for your DNC heroes.

where is the long tie guy?

I do, there are lots of countries that are capitalist but also invest in their citizens social programs. Allow unions, nationalized healthcare, etc. so the real question is why do you hate poor people so much?

So you’re just gonna ignore facts because you don’t like them? Pathetic.

Because finally, fellow Communists comrades can put into place the seed that will grow into the workers haven that Bernie will herald in.
Once this takes root all the hard work that was done preparing for this moment will bear fruit.
Then and only then will the masses see their rightful destiny.

Bernie 2020 for life.

And which countries would that be? And I don't hate poor people. I hate people who think they are entitled to other's people money and property, sitting on porches they don't even fucking own and demanding free shit from everyone else, while they have hoards of kids and do fucking drugs everyday.

What fucking facts? Why do you refuse to answer my question, while dancing around like a gay ass bitch with a butt plug in his ass?

Most communists don’t like Bernie. Well the authoritarian ones at least.

Trump you don't have to make threads because he's going to be the next president and you're going to be in prison :)

So you’re gonna ignore what user said about the Panama papers?

>other's people money

Attached: 1571940419385.jpg (480x460, 39K)

>Communists hate Bernie

Am I gonna ignore fucking bullshit? You bet I am, champ. Maybe if he would stop dancing around like a faggot I would take him seriously.

>b-b-b-but muh society!
>b-b-but you should give back to others
>even though i don't donate a fucking penny of my own money or help other people in need
>nooooo don't pay attention to that reeee

Which countries? You’re telling me to go read a book & you don’t know which counties are like that. Idiots like yourself are really annoying because I have to answer your questions then you still get mad & dismiss what I say. But to answer your question Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, too name a few. Germany, Canada, & Australia base some of their programs on those models too.

How so?
As a loyal Bernie worker I was assured that once in office, John Bachtell will play a pivotal role in his administration.

>America is off course and the existence of the 1% is a sign of how the economy and structure of the US are distorted.
>He is the only person on the stage who could help America to get back on course. It will not be easy as the vested interests are strong and well resourced.
You fucking dumbass, Bernie Sanders is the fucking 1%

He's promising free shit from people that everyone purportedly hates.

Who wouldn't like to live in that fantasy?

I don't hope the kike dies

Read what I write fully before you respond, dolt.

Love how conservatives who don’t take the time to genuinely understand the differences between ideologies of their opponents act like they know what they’re talking about.

ignoring facts doesn’t make them go away coward.

>Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, too name a few. Germany, Canada, & Australia
Interesting, all those countries just HAPPEN to be overwhelmingly white. But I know, we're not suppose to play attention to that part. Not a lot of porch sitting and leg spreading going on around those countries huh? But I understand, next you will say your pets commit the same crime rates as white people do, without evidence of course. And while we also have to ignore every high-crime gun violence city just HAPPENS to be black, and white places aren't like this. Is that what you're gonna say next? Or are you just gonna make more bullshit excuses for your pets instead?

I did read it, and it was complete dog shit. You should join that other faggot and dance around like a fucking fag. You're off to a pretty good start.

See? He's doing a pretty good job himself. Now join him.

It takes a lot more than having a net worth of 2 million to be in the 1%

thomas sowell is a retard apparently

>panama papers are bullshit

you wanna know how i know you're a shill?

>It takes a lot more than having a net worth of 2 million to be in the 1%
Are you sure about that? You might wanna do a little research there, champ. Because last I checked having millions of dollars and multiple properties, usually means you're doing pretty fucking well. Much better than 99% of people, in other words. But sure, Bernie rants about muh 1% when HE IS the fucking 1% himself, but he does that because retards like you eat it right up.

Again you genuinely believe you’re not racist?

>Facts are racist
Kid, it's over. You lost this one. You need to log off and finish that math HW.

>I did read it

I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $100

He’s a genuine person the problem is he believes in the agenda and not the facts

He owns 2, one is required for his job.

So if one is "required" for his job, why does he have 2 more? And this motherfucker isn't the 1% to you? Why many people do you know with 3 fucking houses? Then I'm suppose to believe this kike wants to end homelessness, my fucking ass.

So you genuinely believe that you, being a conservative. Don’t have a issue with racism?

Facts aren’t racist, assumptions about other races are.

right, and you are the expert. hahaha-

Are you having fun, dancing around like a fucking homo? This must be practice for you, when you do it on pride day, right in front of the parade for the entire world to see.