I've only eaten tinned hot dogs for the last 7 years. Sometime in buns, sometimes just on there own. Nothing else...

I've only eaten tinned hot dogs for the last 7 years. Sometime in buns, sometimes just on there own. Nothing else. Ask me anything.

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This specific brand too.

just kill yourself already, man.

No I'm happy

Is this how you self-medicate your insatiable desire to suck cock?

their serving suggestion is to just dump them all out in a pile and drop some parsely on them?

you would be dead from lack of vitamins so clearly bs

do you just throw them all on the floor and hoover them up like a fucking animal?

I am bi so no need for that. If I want to suck a cock, I suck a real cock.

You must have a 1,000,000,000,000% sulfite count. Do you piss wine?

where would the alcohol come from?

Well I'm not dead so your science is wrong

i dunno, fermented brine?

No but my piss does smell like brine sometimes

Yes but I skip the parsley

At the very least you would have weaponised scurvy by now.

No I'm no animal. I use knife and fork

I have eaten about 20 jars of those in the past months.
Hot dogs are really easy to make and tasty. What makes them so bad is the sauces you add. Without sauce they would not be that much worse than a sandwich with some ham, but having to add all the fat and sugar made me limit my consumption recently.

I once added ketchup, mayo (remoulade actually), mustard, relish and roasted onions. Delicious.
What was your fanciest hot dog?

Don't know if I would buy them in a tin though, makes me doubt the quality of the meat even more.

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hot dogs in brine? canned hot dogs? what the fuck why?

I don't use sauce. I buy tinned because I like my electronic tin opener lots and they're easier to get out.

I enjoy the taste

the cheapest

what did you eat before that?

A normal varied diet