What is drinking?

What is drinking?

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The ingestion of liquids. Water, juice, alcohol etc

Getting ready to mix a couple shots of the nectar of the Gods (pic related) with a Vanilla Coke

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metaxa *****



Drinking some american pisswater

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nothing wrong with bud

A bit of red wine... I cant go hard tonight cuz I gotta get early for some stuff I have to do...

It sucks

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Yes, there is


Will be great
Overpriced for what it is plus the company is fucking cancer

Im drinking it so I can hang out with you retards. That's got to count for something.

Same. Also had some Canucker stuff.

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seriously drinking the same 24 ozer right now
its my "drive home" go to

>Overpriced for what it is plus the company is fucking cancer

agreed. Big brand named beers are made with a weak taste so it appeals to th masses.

But european beers like innis n gunn are works odf art.

buffalo or a quebecfag?

gonna crack a bottle of merlot
everybody i know gave us a bottle of red for xmas
theres like 17 if them in kitchen
whatev dont cost nothin

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Neither. Found some in new yawk.

Based. Though Coke Zero is the true patrician choice.

The blue in Canada has a higher alcohol content. I believe what you are drinking is around 4% correct? Ours is 5%


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4.7% it says

So a little weaker. I always thought it was strange they would weaken it for Yankee Doodles

% of alcohol actually impacts what trials it faces as an import. The US has a ridiculous chart of what and how to import beer, wine, and spirits.

Same. Had beer that was 5% or higher for around the same price. Tasted like crap tho.

bizarre. So you have to have weaker beer because of some antiquated laws? bummer.

Personal as a canuck I dont even drink our beer. I drink scottish ales and german imports like Holestien. Innis (scottish ale is 6.7) and Holestien is 8%

I like em strong and I only ever drink tall can versions. I had a bottle recently and I couldnt pace myself properly because it had been so long.

Same brand or just a random 5% beer?

Nah, I like diet coke, I've never tried coke zero, but I'm guessing it's supposed to taste like regular coke but 0 calories? Regular coke tastes really salty to me, can't stand it.

The savagest.

Steel reserve. 8% and cheap, but taste awful.

Coke zero has a stronger molasses taste.

this every night

its when you get fucking fucked in a good way

discord..gg/vkRbrZm ((remove the extra dot))

server with no rules. Anything Goes!

loli, cp, gore, nudes, and A LOT of shitposting!

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nigger detected

>Steel reserve.

Yeah, no kidding. You should try Saint Ides or old English in a 40oz bottle.

Im pretty sure as a canook you get the same treatment as any other bodies under the british. So you can import some some fucking hard ass rum and it wouldn't be anything extra. The US has a troubled history with booze.

Nah. Just had some pocket change, and tried it out of curiosity. Never buying that shit again.
I'll try em next time

goddamn baptists

As a Canook I didnt know this. But we do have insane liquor laws here. Only the liquor boards of each province can import bottled alcohol. Also if you buy beer in one province you cant cross the border into another province with that beer. Of course its impossible to enforce. But some do get caught.

Dude, in the US some states have an Acoholic Beverage Commission. So you literally have to buy booze from the state. Drive thirty minutes over the state line to a nonABC state and you can buy liters of alcohol at walmart. Americs is a godless wasteland of patchwork moralist laws.

Finished the last cup of coffee for the night. 6 years booze free. Feels good man.

the tears of my enemies

Thats how it works in most provinces. Any liquor must be bought there. Beer and wine is available in grocery stores in certain provinces, but anything else you gotta buy from the guv

It’s alpine tonight

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Do u know how easy it is to rotate a pic?

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In the Lower Mainland Vancouver Surrey etc...
Have private liquor stores where you can buy all sorts of booze.

My girl is out of town tonight, probably gonna get drunk and play some video games

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rotate fail. The desktop thumbnail shows it as right side up.

you shouldn't drink alcohol. it is a poison.

I am working on a bottle of Ripple


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the fuck

Belgian beer like leffe is the best imo

Really? Thats cool. I was there 2 years ago, but I was just in Vancouver and Richmond.

Why Richmond you may wonder? Business trip. But I was with a local so I atleast got a full tour of that area. B.C. is easily the most beutiful place I have ever been too.

I am an Ontariofag. Toronto local too. I know how you guys feel about us. Like things about how we dont even think of you. But most of thinks B.C. is the best province in the country

that looks really fucking good

Disband your samefaggotry

It isn't.