Gulp gulp gulp

Gulp gulp gulp

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looking for the set, anywhere you know to find it?

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Who is she? Love seeing girls write degrading things on themselves

I dont know who she is but she drink her own piss


Your in luck. I found her.

Attached: (751x1000, 86K)

except that is not her name in the file name

she does more than that with her bodily wastes

Water is refreshing. I agree.

Why dont you want me and just my opinion?

Alright? I just named the file what I found. If you're gonna be an ass you won't get anymore.

What else?

coherent sentences please.

i am javier

Poop on de face

She was blackmaled, So there are videos out there of her licking her shit, choking herself, etc, etc. Pretty sad, tbh. Think the guy that did it got arrested, but not before the videos and pics got out. Really hard to find the nasty stuff now though.

Of which you were never birthed from.

Pics or u lying

Don't know if you were attempting to pull a Shakespeare by blatantly using words incorrectly, but birthed has nothing to do with the sentence you just wrote.

I Found a shitload of video's of her on xhamster, don't have the links