Can some of you anons recommend the best anxiety and depression meds you have tried and know work...

Can some of you anons recommend the best anxiety and depression meds you have tried and know work? I need something that'll help me enjoy my hobbies again specifically and not feel like I have too much energy but at the same time no appetite. Also something that'd help me sleep at night without making me feel like I'm not in control of my body just before sleep.

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Better diet and regular exercise

not even joking this does literally all those things kek

Can you give me an outline of what would be the best to eat and what exercises would do best? I'd love to get off my meds but right now life is rough without them.


Face your fears. Gabapentin is good for anxiety and if you have pain its a pain killer as well.

the sticky over at /fit/ has great info but the link appears to be fucked at least from my end. Just 30 mins to an hr of cardio ideally every day of every other day, and don't eat a lot (or any) of fast food or garbage (doritos, soda, etc.). Lots of veg and lean proteins like chicken turkey and fish. Avoid alcohol and drugs, and if you have problems with either of those as many anxious/ depressed types do you need to address that or none of the dietary stuff will count for shit. Hope that helps

9/10 docs will put you on a low dose of an SSRI antidepressant if you go without ever mentioning the diet and exercise thing because muh pharma sheckles. Nothing wrong with SSRI's but you should try the fundamentals first imo.

Eat strictly clean and exercise 30 mins running (walk as much as you need but as little as you can in that 30 depending on your fitness level) for 30 days straight and I can almost guarantee your depression and anxiety will be significantly improved. If you do that and still are struggling then talk to a doc about adding in an SSRI and some therapy wouldn't hurt either.

Also take a look at your sleep habits. If you are regularly staying up jacking off to tribute threads until 4 AM every day and sleeping until noon your sleep hygiene is likely poor and will also contribute to depression/anxiety.

It’s not that simple. People are built differently, and different things work for them. We don’t even know the specifics of your situation or the nature of your depression, so there’s not much to go on.

clonazepam. though good luck ever getting off it. that said, has anyone here taken them consistently (1 year+) and got off them?



Try CDP-Choline (Citicoline) and some Noopept, it works wonders, if you wanna get crazy do some Bvitamine complex and strength training too

Tianeptine Sulfate 25mg once a day

Weed in the shape of butter infused edibles really helps me out at parties or any other frightening social gathering i force myself into

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2mg of melatonin helps me dooze off at 23:00 every night over an episode of star trek. Doesn't work for everyone but worth a try, shits cheap

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DS9 2 overpowered, take it easy user

are you retarded or merely pretending?

I kinda like melatonin but it makes me feel weird just before I fall asleep.

These are all retards who think CBD oil is anything but a placebo

It was considered a risk free drug until recently.
Recent research is quite skeptical about melatonins long term side effects
But im hooked

newfag, go suck a screw ashtanowth