Complains and points fingers at the 1%

>Complains and points fingers at the 1%
>While he is part of the fucking 1% himself

Why does no one call out this fucking jew on this?

Attached: bernie-sanders-2018-ap.jpg (1440x907, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread: net worth

The people who like and support Bernie are fucking retards or non-whites who just want free shit, that's why

Are you ignorant or do you have difficulty with comprehension? I just want to know where to begin the explanation.

they do literally every single day, and that's only on Cred Forums

Oh no! He wants to raise taxes on himself! What a fiend!!

What was ignorant about what I said? Are you denying Bernie is part of the 1%? You sure I'm the ignorant one here?

Bullshit he gets called out on being a 1%er. I have never seen anyone call him the fuck out on this.

Why don't you kill yourself?

>He wants to raise taxes on himself
Are you fucking retarded? Nothing he has proposed would have him paying more taxes. The only people who will pay more taxes, are people who actually work for a fucking living.

give me your address and I'll print the threads out and mail them to you

Because who's gonna fuck your mom?

And who has called him out in person on being in the 1%? Be specific

Why is OP a faggot?

>Wants to increase inheritance taxes, which would mostly affect those in the upper classes, since 60% of wealth is inherited anyway.
>Wants to increase tax rates on the upper class incomes, which again would not affect the working class
>Wants to get rid of the cap on social security tax, which again only affects the upper class

Yeah. Nothing he has proposed would have him paying more taxes at all.

I don't think you comprehend what the 1% is, they have a lot more than millions of dollars
lmao how would he not be paying taxes?

This fuckin' nimrod ruined his chances of ever becoming president back in 2016 during that one rally of his in Seattle. He let those dumb nigger broads interrupt and overtake him at the podium, saying in his dumpy Jew voice "LHET DEM SPEEKUH!" This, for many Americans in general, no matter which side you're on, was seen as a huge sign of weakness. Politics aside, he looked like a huge pussy letting two fat unintelligent rope-haired boons dominate him.

Also, college will never be free. Fucking idiot.

Attached: stoner11.jpg (800x1769, 203K)

>believing in a few thousand year old conspiracy
all right bro

You want me to tell you about a Cred Forums thread in which bernie was called out in person? And tell you who was posting it?

Attached: Cicero.jpg (330x495, 35K)

Big oof

>Wants to increase tax rates on the upper class incomes, which again would not affect the working class
Income taxes don't affect the fucking working class? How fucking retarded are you? I mean really, are you legit just stupid or underaged? You do realize you have to fucking WORK in order to get an income right? Rich people don't even fucking pay income tax, and even when they do it's still a small percentage of their total net worth they're paying in tax. Ironically it's the fucking middle class that gets hurt the most by income taxes. It's fucking pathetic that I have to even explain that to your retarded ass. Was daddy not around to teach you how taxes work? No wonder you support Bernie.


Even without that his chances were slim. No grown ass man or woman, who isn't a porch sitting welfare monkey, or some liberal arts retard who can't even do fucking algebra, would vote for Bernie Jew Sanders.

You're pretty retarded there, arent you?

> 80 year old progressive leader writes popular book and makes a few million dollars.


I know you're a really stupid human being, but this isnt that hard to follow. If you subtracted Bernie's net worth from a billion dollars, you'd be left with approximately a billion dollars. Bernie and progressives dont have any issue with someone having a few million dollars. That would be stupid, like you are. For every single dollar Bernie has, Bezos has something like 40000 dollars. Stay in high school, learn about powers of ten, and come back later when you're slightly less retarded than you currently are.

You don't need multiple millions to be in the top 1%


I love how you left out the part where he also owns multiple houses and high-end cars. But sure, he's not part of the fucking 1%. Because Bezos has more money hur dur. By far the stupidest fucking shit I have read here all day. But sure, keep thinking Bernie Kikelord Sanders is on your side. That way when he tells you to vote for the slave masters, you will do as you are fucking told like a good sheep.

>>Why does no on call out this fucking jew on this?

Because it's a stupid point.

Attached: e47.jpg (814x578, 102K)

These people are fucking stupid. They don't even understand what being in the 1% means. The fact they think Bernie isn't a 1%er tells you everything you need to know, right there. It's like this user saidThe people who like this kike are fucking ignorant

Never said they don't affect the working class. What I said was that the tax rates he is proposing would more affect the upper classes, like the one he belongs to. While we're at it, he also wants to increase the capital gains tax rates as well.


discord gg/9je5F7C

server with no rules. Anything Goes!

loli, gore, nudes, and A LOT of shitposting!

you get to see all the hidden boards as you obtain ranks. hidden boards have all the good stuff. shhhhh ;)

>Never said they don't affect the working class
Yes the fuck you did, you lying kike. But I get it, your daddy wasn't around so that's why you think only the "upper class" pay income tax. Or, you're just a dumbass nigger who thinks anyone that makes more than 30k a year is "rich". So is that what's going on here? You're a nigger who grew up with no father?

>While we're at it, he also wants to increase the capital gains tax rates as well.
Oh and btw, because I almost missed this part, the "rich" don't pay capital taxes either. So again, more bullshit taxes that will not affect actual rich people.

Come on retard, you dont get to define the level of wealth that progressives consider an issue. Bernie isnt even in the ballpark. You might have a problem with an 80 year old man owning a few houses and cars, but we've already established that you're a really stupid human being. No one has an issue with Bernie because no one (that isnt a retard like you) has an issue with that level of wealth.

Again, go learn about powers of 10. The people Bernie and progressives consider a problem are billionaires. It's an entirely different category of wealth. You suggesting that Bernie and a billionaire have anything in common really just shows your stupidity.

Whew! You need some help or something. You're all over the place.
Take a quick look nimrod

My god, it's like I'm reading something a literal chimp typed out. No one has a problem with that level of wealth my asshole. How the fuck are you gonna rant and rave every fucking day about the 1% when your kike ass IS THE fucking 1%? Do you even understand what the 1% is? You obviously don't and you make that obvious. I'm also gonna have to assume you're not American and in fact, you are a literal fucking chimp. I can tell from your pathetic attempts at the fucking English language.

Yes I am, I'm all over the place with facts you don't like. Are you triggered? You need a safe space bud?

Did you just come back from somewhere or did you fail to go somewhere you should have? Cuz this is... man.

Again, please explain to me how rich people are hurt by fucking income taxes? You think that hurts rich people more so than the middle class? Rich people don't even pay fucking income tax. And even the ones that do, it's doesn't hurt them whatsoever. Yeah they might pay a 6 figure income tax, but compared to their overall wealth that might come out to be less than 3% of their net worth. It's the fucking middle class that get fucked over by income taxes. And capital gains taxes? Are you fucking serious? That is a goddamn joke.

>P-Please stop posting facts
>I-I'm t-triggered
It's okay bud, just hang in there. I'll find you a safe space.

No one is out to hurt rich people, why do you think that?
It's about redistributing wealth. But I do understand that some of you guys have a hard time comprehending that concept

nah but for real tho why are you so coked-out off-meds-bipolar tier nutso rn, politics aside?

>Rich people don't even pay fucking income tax

Imagine believing this.


Look dude, it's ok to just admit that you're kind of a stupid person. It's really not hard to understand why 1/1000th of a billion dollars isnt our concern. I also dont have anything against any other 80 year old person with a few million dollars. These are not hard concepts to understand. The fact that you've decided you get to dictate what we should be bothered by just makes you look more retarded.

Go find a real issue to complain about. This one is stupid, and you are stupid. You arent going to convince anyone by continuing to push your retarded point.

That tax plan is only raising taxes on people who +250k, 3% points for the 250-500k bracket.
How is the middleclass getting fucked over?

>this kike
frogposter pls go

Well to be fair, odds are good that politicians are ignorant and fucking retarded themselves, and don't even understand how taxes work. So I'd imagine they, like the idiots who vote for them, believe rich people actually pay income taxes when they don't.

They don't kid, but you keep on believing they do. That way when you get your first big boy job, and you see all those taxes you're paying, so Tyrone and Juan can sit on the porch they do not own all day long, you'll just smile and be happy about it like a fucking dipshit.

Are you American yes or no? Because I'm not gonna bother wasting my time arguing with a fucking peasant

I dont think there's much of an argument here really. You're saying something patently retarded and easily dismissed and I'm telling you you're retarded and trying to explain why I'm instantly dismissing your stupid argument. Really its more me trying to educate you about some pretty simple ideas, and you struggling with accepting how dim you are.

And how many jobs do you think pay over $250k a year? And what's going to be the excuse when your hero says "oh hey guys, so super duper sorry but we're gonna have to lower the bracket to 100k a year now, so super boo hoo :(" and lower and lower until everyone who isn't a porch monkey is paying more. What is your stupid ass gonna say then? And before you say hur dur that's not gonna happen, don't bother because it ALWAYS happens literally every single time your team introduces new taxes.

So what is your solution? Continue voting for Trump who's only benefited billionaires?

>slippery slope fallacy

>Continue voting for Trump who's only benefited billionaires?
You see, when you say stupid shit like this, it confirmed you're a fucking idiot and I don't need to waste time on you

>foot in the door theory

Why would that even be the case? Where are you getting this from? This is just something you're pulling out of your ass

>stupid shit
>the truth
pick one

So you're saying it doesn't happen? Your team doesn't increase taxes every chance they get? So you're a fucking moron or do you just love acting like one?

How has he benefited the middleclass who you guys are saying will be oh so fucked by Bernie?

>trump's foot up my ass reality

Uh, wow! Nobody has had this hot new take before, well done user you've blown the lid off Bernie's entire campaign he'll never recover!

do you even know what a logical fallacy is brah

you're stupid if you think the middle class is better off since Trump took office

>Why would that even be the case?
Because it happens everytime? Look at toll roads for example. When they were first introduced, the bullshit excuse from the left was hur dur it's only 25 cents stop complaining. Those same tolls now cost 50-1.50 today. Also look up the history of income tax and how it has ONLY gone up since it was implemented. My point is that it's NEVER going to be enough for the democrats. They'll always find a new bullshit excuse to raise taxes, just to turn it around and give it to their pets in the form of "social programs".

do you even know you need to be 18+ to post here, "brah"?

But they were better off when that nigger was in office right? Compared to that bullshit I'd say yeah, they are. You gotta leave the porch to know that though.


What kind of faggot wants a jew in office?

Even if I were an infant I still wouldn't unironically use logical fallacies and expect to get away with them like you're doing faggot.

deep thoughts frogposter
deep thoughts

You know what makes me laugh about this? How you people love to spew the whole "muh society" bullshit every time you want something. How much of your own money do you donate to charity? How many hours do you volunteer? Oh what's that? You don't do either of those things? Okay then, you should shut the fuck up with this muh society bullshit.

whoever voted for trump

Attached: JEW SA!.jpg (677x381, 46K)

You do realize that there is a net gain when investing in "social programs" such as health care and education right?

Attached: Trump's Owners.png (877x495, 698K)

What's your deal with other people's dad's you bloody fruit

Never been called out on it huh?

you're actually missing and proving the point at the same time

>be poor
>call out the predator class for ruining the world
You're just jealous because you're poor!

>be rich
>call out the predator class for ruining the world
OMG! You're a hypocrite!

No way to win with you boot lickers, is there.

If you live in the USA or most of the west, you are already in the 1%. A homeless guy in America often has it better then half the global population.

What would you say? "Are you gonna raise taxes on yourself?"
"Oh. Well... GOOD!"
"I agree."

So centrist millionaires and billionaires who support neo-liberal policies. Shocking.

He’s not rich. Just being Jewish doesn’t make you rich. You idiot.

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Oh fuck off with this net gain fucking bullshit. Yeah bro I really "benefit" from having to pay more fucking taxes, so Tyrone can sit on the porch HE DOES NOT OWN, while selling drugs all day and stealing cars all night. Get the fuck outta here. Then I have to pay for that nigger to go to fucking college, where he will do nothing but take up space and waste everyone else's time. All while studying blunt rolling theory. Tell you what, how about you donate your own fucking money then? How about you walk the walk for once in your fucking life.

>While he is part of the fucking 1% himself
A lifelong goverment employee owns as much as the Rothschilds and Johnson and Johnson? You're fucking retarded

you are a retard

That's simply false.
That's why nobody is pointing it out.

>Are you denying Bernie is part of the 1%?
Yes retard
>You sure I'm the ignorant one here?
Yes retard. I make more than Bernie I'm middle class

Fucking idiot

>is a moron
>doesn't an hero
Why doesn't anyone call out fucking faggot OP on this?

So you're a stupid fuck, got it. And you don't make shit given you sound like a fucking underaged kike yourself.

Try reading comprehension instead of niggerfagging get this hard
I'm not voting for a reddit president but out of all the candidates he's the only one that's consistent, really not hard to follow him at all.

This is such a brainlet and disingenuous take holy shit.

having a man on the inside is more valuable than rejecting his help

He’s not 1 percent because he’s not rich enough to be in the top 10 percent. 1 percent would mean a lot more rich and the top 2 percent..l you know what, I think you know better.

>or some liberal arts retard who can't even do fucking algebra,
You understand you need basic algebra to graduate college, right? Do you understand how much math is used in almost every profession?

>I'm mad because this cartoon is mocking me

It's not against jewish doctrine to rob from the goyim.

Your mom's eating dogfood now because tRump cut her foodstamps. Feed your mom asshole!

Back to Cred Forums

Attached: 5CC6F3BF-1C58-486C-8B09-42FA7570B330.jpg (318x360, 37K)

>But sure, he's not part of the fucking 1%. Because Bezos has more money
That's literally the statistical reason he's not on par with the WASPs 1 percent you fucking mongoloid hurrrrr

>Then I have to pay for that nigger to go to fucking college, where he will do nothing but take up space and waste everyone else's time. All while studying blunt rolling theory

If you actually believe this then you are just a retarded racist, i knew you were probably racist, but a retard as well? Must be tough.

What do you think happen to a country when more people are educated, or more people won't get financially ruined by going to the hospital?

That's right, you get a larger, better functioning work force. Now who actually produces value in a society? Yes that's right, the very same work force

Okay retard I'll play your game. What do you define as 1%? At what net worth?

>How much of your own money do you donate to charity?
10 percent as ordained by Jesus.
>How many hours do you volunteer?
Five a wrrk but I'm also a nonprofit social worker for crisis intervention
Get wrecked faggot

Do you understand what 1% means you fucking idiot? You think it's only billionaires that are 1% don't you? Is that the bullshit Bernie is telling his followers these days?

Sure kid

So tell the UN to stop hampering these countries with stupid solar and restrictions on pesticides. They're fucking dying in mud huts and they won't let them build a fucking coal plant.

>being middle class is stupid
Imagine the bootlicking this user does daily.

Because writing a book and making enough money to cross an arbitrary threshold doesn't automatically turn you into a corrupt corporatist. Bernie's been on the side of the working class for decades, and he's got the voting record to prove it.

>user forgets to check both directions because he's too busy thinking about black people rolling joints on their porches
>gets hit by a car
>his mom can't afford to pay for his health care and he loses his part time job and can't get a new one because he's a cripple and now his mom has to become his full time carer watching him shitpost on 4channel
fucking leeches am i right

Is it a coincidence that 9 out of the top 10 richest men in america are from jewish families?

Attached: jews.png (923x698, 215K)

>an arbitrary threshold
He's the one that defined that threshold. He is the one we must eat, according to him.

>lrn to google you fucking faggot
>actually surprised people in the MIDDLE class aren't in the top 1% of wealth
You are a shit troll literally no one is this stupid. Sage

>2 m8 b8 retard

i'm in the 1%. not hard to make money, nigger.

Attached: 9937622.jpg (300x300, 11K)

So wait OP you don't even know wtf the 1% even is and you're talking shit about it??

That's why we pay taxes user

The 1% isn't the problem. It's the .01%.

Right so you don't even know what 1% means. Are you even old enough for this website? I have a good feeling you're not

How cute, you acting like a dumbass nigger who can't fucking read. Or are you just a nigger for real?

And then next it'll be the .0001 percent. As long as Bernie isn't at that level himself it's a problem.

>Implying that some rich people are going to die and leave him money
>Implying he doesn't have his assets and income sheltered
>Implying he's not effectively Retired and will actually pay an Income Tax
You're a special kind of stupid.

and all these years I've been autistically leaving out the decimal point

I'm not surprised you don't understand figures of speech, but nobody wants to eat the rich, we just want them to pay their fair share, which Bernie is all for.

Taxes make a society?

Not saying anything for him. Funny you assume that though. How much do you argue in your own head? I hate all politicians because at some level they're sucking up to the elites. He never mentions how many jews control the vast majority of financial power in the country. It's racist to point out that *fact*.

How are any of these a problem? They didn't steal from you. The poor. The poor are stealing from you. Bernie keeps comparing the US to Sweden. Sweden taxes the poor more than any other bracket. Let's try that for a change. Time for them to pay their fare share.

Passing through this thread to teach math, please don't foam on me.

280 trillion / (1% * 7.5 billion) = 3,733,333.33

Wealth allegedly controlled by 1% divided by 1% of the worlds pop means each 1%er allegedly controls (NOT earns) an average of 3.7 million in assets. Apply that knowledge as you will.

no we pay taxes and hold our government responsible for making sure its citizens are taken care of.

1%ers can only pay so much to a politician. 421k puts you in the 1%. That isn't shit compared to the real power brokers. You think 400kers are paying off politicians? It's fucking billionaires making policy. How many billionaires exist?

How is raising taxes on poor people going to help anything? And no, in Sweden it is not the lowest bracket that pays the highest taxes.

>figures of speech
He said "anyone who makes over a million dollas". That's not a figure of speech. He changed it to billionaires after he became a millionaire. We should impeach this lying cunt.

No it's not kid. We pay taxes to keep the government running. There you go, j just taught you another lesson your daddy never did. Tell your mom to come over tonight.

>Someone didn't read about the financial crisis in 2009 where the banking industry stole hundreds of billions
>Politicians steal millions by funneling tax money into their shell corps.
>fuck off

>Sweden taxes the poor more than any other bracket.
source: Breitshart

I can't wait for the day we go full on French Revolution style on the 1%

>What is your stupid ass gonna say then?
Instead of making up what your imagined version of them would say, why don't you genuinely ask and allow for an answer? It's entirely possible that they might say "That's not right. $250k was one thing - and I still agree with that - but I don't agree with hiked taxes for earning of $100k a year, and especially no lower". Stances can be nuanced user (not that that's a particularly nuanced one). Humans are almost always more than just the pre-baked images you've assumed them to be.

But user, other people are richer than Bernie. Therefore he's not in the 1%, according to this ridiculously stupid logic

And half of these are self made. So may s they are simply smarter and more capable.

>We pay taxes to give the government jobs and that's it
the ultimate cuck position

It depends on how you define it. 1% in the world, or 1% in the US?

As of 2016, rough numbers are:
>Top 1% earners start at $350k to $450k per year.
>Top 1% net worth starts at $10million.
Bernie makes it into both categories but is able to use various "funds" and "investments" to keep his net worth around $2 million... so he's only a top 10%

>still a rich old white guy

we live in a society

Okay... And what does the government do? Do you think it's just a big hole in which money is poured and fuck all happens?

When's the last time that happened? I can't even tell my rep what I want, HE tells me how to vote. I pay a fuckload of taxes for shit I don't want. Bernie wants to increase those many fold. This whole crony system has failed.

i sure hope it does nothing that could be ever be said to enhance or even lay a finger near society

Because it's their most loyal tax base (their words) and they benefit the most from it. And yes, they went socialist in the 70s and realized they fucked up and pulled out of it in the 80s. They sold gov't businesses back to private, introduced school vouchers, relieved regs and taxes on businesses, and taxed the poor. They want a prosperous nation. They still have high taxes, but they're still puling out of their Socialist mistake.

The dumb ass kike once wrote and published this shit:

"A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.

A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously."

Attached: sanders-essay.jpg (630x500, 146K)

Well by that logic everyone living in the US is in the 1%. But it's just funny to me how retards think rich people just have piles of cash lying around and they're just sitting on all of it. It just proves how fucking ignorant the average Bernout is. And these people are allowed to fucking vote.

That's crony capitalism and, like you said, the government stole from you. Bill Clinton deregged the banks and forced them to loan to unqualified buyers. This wouldn't have happened if it were a private business with their ass on the line.

You guys still don't understand how better health care and education benefit the whole of society, you're so focused on your own pockets and whether or not you will have a couple of hundred bucks more a year that you don't see the consequences and the true benefits these social programs brings.

That's fucking topkek

Right. Where do you get these facts? And you still believe that raising the tax on poor people does anything beneficial?

Oh yeah, because I really benefit paying for some dumbass nigger to go to college when he clearly doesn't belong there, or some fat fuck's healthcare while he eats burgers and smokes cigarettes everyday. Give me a fucking break. How about you get a fucking job and pay for that shit yourself?

>It's about redistributing wealth.

Paying your fair share they call it in the rest of the developed world

>blaming Bill Clinton for the 2008 financial crisis
You sure like oversimplifications and easy answers don't you user? Bernie seems perfect for you

But he’s not wrong

You're stuck in this ridiculous train of thought. If you really believe this is the general case then there is no convincing you. I guess you haven't been at a university, maybe not even a high school?

He also colluded with his wife to defraud a college. That should be factored in.

Yes, it does that. You see something different?

What do you call it then when the top 1% has 32% of the total net worth, while the bottom 50% has a measly 1.6% of the total net worth? How does this make any sense?

Infrastructure and basic education

I see schools, hospitals, police, fire dept, roads, national parks and more. I guess I'm misled somehow?

I'm in college right now and I'd say at least 80% of the niggers that go don't belong there. All they do is take up space, waste everybody's time and major in complete bullshit. Do you even go to college? Probably not.

So far it's a problem in every other country that's socialized healthcare. Obama care at least doubled everyone's premiums. A guy at works went from ~$250/mo to $1800. It's fucked 350 million peoples' healthcare and insurance, removed 11 million from the system, and added back 9.something million that didn't want it. This is not the future anyone wants. Why do you want this?

>What do you call it then when the top 1% has 32% of the total net worth, while the bottom 50% has a measly 1.6% of the total net worth?
I call it Darwinism. Maybe if your pets would put the blunts and basketball down and learn some fucking math, they'll not be poor anymore? Can you at least ASK them to do that?

Faggot, I could post their quarterlies and you'd still debate it. It benefits everyone because it incentivises success instead of rewarding junkies and laziness. You have less poor and a more productive society, which leads to a higher GDP.

>Why do you want this?

Uh, it didn't start with him? Do you read much?

Yes, that system wasn't perfect. The idea is to get completely rid of insurance companies in the end. Why should anyone profit off of people needing medical assistance? That only creates systems where you try to squeeze as much profit out as you can, by lowering quality, or as the insurance companies does, fucking over people.

You are one sad racist cunt. I guess there is no convincing you then.
If you wanna know, yes i study Physics at college

Sounds like an awful lot of "muh society" bullshit

>It benefits everyone because it incentivises success instead of rewarding junkies and laziness. You have less poor and a more productive society, which leads to a higher GDP.

Where has this proven to be the case?

Attached: 4 Horsemen.png (1080x607, 1017K)

>The idea is to get completely rid of insurance companies in the end
Nah kid, I have a better idea. How about you move your bitch ass to fucking Cuba or China if you want "free" healthcare? Why do you people refuse to do that? Afraid to walk the walk I'm guessing?

You majored in physics and you're this fucking stupid huh? Let me guess, you now work at a university doing "research". Is that why you're so fucking out of touch?

Infrastructure is failing at every level. Levees, bridges, roads, everything. Parks and libraries and schools are also included in infrastructure.
Basic education in the US is failing hard. College has become HS. A HS diploma no longer means anything to employers. Test scores have been decreasing ever since the Dept. of Education was created in 1981. Charter, homeschool, and private schools all outpace public school on every level.

Yes the bottom 50% is of course all black and potheads. Where the fuck do you live? Some fucked up shithole i presume?

>Infrastructure is failing at every level. Levees, bridges, roads, everything. Parks and libraries and schools are also included in infrastructure.
But we can't fix those things, because Tyrone needs more gibs and Maria needs an "immigration" lawyer, because her spic ass doesn't understand she can't just crawl her monkey ass here illegally and expect us to treat her better than our own citizens, even though that's what the democrats are doing

>college will never be free

State universities my state you dumb fuck.

Right wingers are so fucking ignorant. So glad I don't live in flyover.

You live in a completely different reality than me i guess.

Why do you want to have insurance companies for things such as healthcare? How does that benefit the hospitals and the medical care? The only thing it does is filling the pockets of those who own the companies.

You don't understand how percentages work do you?

you are so right, I had to check where I am.

>State universities
Let me guess, you live in fucking California right? I dunno what bullshit your klan leaders are spewing over there these days, but no those schools are not "free". They just jacked up taxes on the middle class to pay for it. All so fags like you can dance around on campus like a fucking homo while you study liberal arts and cock smoking.

Some are private. All should be private.
A city thing. Your police should patrol your community accordingly.
>fire dept
Same as police.
Failing at all levels.
>national parks
Land you can't use because the Fed grabbed it and put restrictions on it. Google "Federal Land map". There's no reason for that.
>and more
I guarantee all failing. Amtrak? Post Office? Education? Tariffs? Dept of Energy? Dept of anything? HUD? TSA? Tell me. Tell me what is a success that has come from the government.

>Dept. of Education
created in 1979-

I majored in physics and seem to have a better grasp on what i beneficial for a country. Just take a look at any other developed country and how their education and healthcare is compared to the US.

In America, he’s right. Billions actually. Trump is 2 percent not 1. So Bernie would have to be richer than Trump

>The idea is to get completely rid of insurance companies in the end
Why? And where does it end? What about the couch-bound cheeto addicts, the crackheads, the daredevils? What about my home insurance? Or car insurance? I need a house to survive, and a car to get to work so that I can eat, right? It wasn't broken before the government got involved. Why is more government the solution?

And why do you think this is? Might it be because those areas are being drained of funds to pay for tax cuts for the rich?

Every aspect of your life. You one of those "everyone gets a trophy" kids?

Well by this same logic, why bother having insurance for anything? In fact, let's also ban doctors from collecting salaries while we're at it. I'm sure that will work out REAL well. All so Tyrone can fuck another sheboon without a condom, because after all he has money for weed and air niggers but not condoms, *cough even though you can get them for free cough*, then he can get all the "free" healthcare and abortions he needs. Then he can return to that porch THAT HE DOES NOT OWN, and sit on it all day like a true kang. Would that make you happy?

Oh yeah, which ones exactly? You mean the countries that are overwhelmingly white, or the ones that are broke as fucking shit and filled with hoards of monkeys? Which one are you referring too?

this is why people hate you disgusting creeps

Sorry, my memory's off. Wiki says "It began operating on May 4, 1980". For some reason I thought it was a Reagan thing.

lol bet you wouldn't say "Nigger" to a black guys face you pussy

>In fact, let's also ban doctors from collecting salaries while we're at it.

Why should doctors benefit from people getting sick? They are there to help and cure people. I'm not saying we don't pay them, I'm just saying, why give an incentive for profit in those areas? Same with prisons. Same with fire dept. You don't see them running around lighting fires in order to get paid, or the police advocating for more criminals in the streets.

>get a load of this dumbass
are you trying to be a strawman of the Republicans?

Most other developed countries have better health care and education. Doesn't matter what your racist ass thinks about the demographics.

I suspect you have no clue what the 1% are and are stuck in your fact resistant pity angry state.

>subprime lending exploded in the late 1990's, reaching over $600 billion and 20 percent of all originations
by 2005
>More than half of subprime loans were made by independent mortgage companies (not effected by the CRA), another 30 percent by affiliates of banks or thrifts (not effected by CRA), and the remaining 20 percent were made by banks and thrifts themselves.
>the worst and most widespread abuses have occurred in the institutions with the least Federal oversight.
Bill Clinton's amendments to the longstanding CRA hardly touched let alone forced banks into cultivating the housing bubble, which itself wasn't even the sole reason for the crash. The absurd risk-taking of banks shouldn't be let off the hook or attributed to "crony-capitalism". It's also silly to pretend in those years of political neoliberalism that capitalism was particularly fettered, and that a laissez faire approach would have saved anything when such attitudes, such as exhibited by the lehman brothers led to such obvious and fatal ruin.

You know where all of that is already a reality? Cuba, so I'll ask you again. Why do you refuse to fuck off there? Afraid to walk the walk kiddo?

Are you trying to be the biggest faggot on Pride Day Parade? No worries there, you'll be right there in the front, dancing around like the giant faggot you are.

Actually it does, because I will never vote for that bullshit. As either will anyone who doesn't still fall for the democrats' line of bullshit.

>lack of
social psychologist say this is why socialism fails every fucking time it is tried.

>I suspect you have no clue what the 1% are
Actually I do, but let me guess. Bernie isn't 1% because Bezos is richer than him right? Did I just ruin that post you were ready to type out bud?

>Why yes, yes I am trying to be the largest Republican strawman the world has ever seen.
Please continue Senator.

You don't know much about real life, do you? You what it takes to become a doctor? You think people are going to invest that kind of time and money when you're going to pay them the same as a janitor? Ever wonder why all the best doctors are in the US? It's because we fucking pay them to be the best. You take the incentive out of being a doctor, you get shitty doctors.

>tax cuts for the rich
How does this even apply? I mean, they have a budget, they promise to fix these things. They never get fixed. Every year, my state (CA) claims "record revenue" in December (like that's a good thing), then come May it's "Oh, we didn't include pensions and liabilities. We're now 319 billion in the red". Taxpayers are something like 42% here. What happens when it's 30% nationwide? The rich are the only ones keeping this state alive. Class envy will get you nowhere.

>subprime lending
started under Carter with the Community Investment Act.

>You know where all of that is already a reality? Cuba

And the rest of the west, yeah

>fails every time
>to name a few
Yeah look at all those failed states.

>Why yes, yes I am trying to be in the front of the Pride Parade
They'll save you a spot, don't worry

good to see most of you agree that the current administration is fucking bullshit and that we need more socialized systems like the rest of the developed world already has. I know Trump is still gonna win but I believe once these rural cucks realize that they can't afford a fucking check-up meanwhile billionaires keep getting richer, then they'll come around

They were forced to lend to people that couldn't afford it. Look this shit up. It's well known and the fact that you're arguing shows that you've been asleep for 20 years.
>inb4 Clinton left a surplus

Well then just don't look at the statistics, keep believing in what you're being fed by the rich who wants it to stay that way

The rest of the west? Where in the "west" do Doctors work for fucking free? You're still in fucking high school aren't you?

screwed up-Community Reinvestment Act-

I mean keep on screaming about gays, jews, blacks and mexicans dude. Why don't you tell me about the 5th column of Japanese immigrants and those Atheist Devils too.

Yeah, those damn rich people sitting on porches they don't own and demanding more handouts in life. Wait, no, that's your pets doing that. Oopsie, did I just spill the fucking beans?

Are you aware that under the ACA, they get penalized for return visits? They follow the diagnosis to the letter for fear of being fined for prescribing something out of the billing code.

The incentive shouldn't be to get paid by how many prescription drugs you give to people, of course there should be a financial incentives, as I believe there should be with teachers for example

>where in the west
Nowhere, yet the Canadians, and like all of fucking Europe can walk into any clinic and get free healthcare anyway. Imagine that.

Yes, been mentioned above. They're either pulling out of that system or struggling with it.

you are delusional-
Norway has no minimum wage and some of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world.
dream on, you are on a roll-

I'm not on the jew hate shit, but Bernie has like 3 summer houses, how is he not a part of the 1%...?

No, they're really not.

That makes no sense

best we got

They also have socialized medicine and some of the best social security nets in the world for their citizens.

Kid, I asked you a very specific question. Now answer it. Where the fuck do doctors work for fucking free? Are you afraid to answer that? This ain't fucking fagbook where you get to avoid questions and facts you don't like.

I think I need a source on that

Not him, but I agree. They should be contracted by whatever clinic. If they underperform or pad the bill, kill them. Just like those leech teachers.

>why don't you answer my bait question?
Nobody ever said Doctors were gonna work for free stupid.

Bullshit.. for anything that is not a minor injury or a fucking cold, they get put on a waiting list. Sometimes over a year... Why do you think Canadians come to the USA all the time to get treated. You're a fucking retard.

>You can tell I'm a civilized man because I want to solve all my problems with violence.

Norway is an edge case because of their oil money, but take any other northern European country

Uh, yes they are. Michael Moore even touched on this. It's been an abject failure.

Who said doctors should work for free?

Something being "well known" doesn't make it the truth; lots of people think public healthcare is a backdoor to socialism. People want easy answers, the truth is they that these lenders weren't forced they were just parasitic; they were overwhelmingly not even effected by the Community Reinvestment Act which supposedly forced the market's hand.

>they get put on a waiting list.
Nope. They walk right in and get treatment that day. Canadians are NOT coming across the border for American medicine, Americans are crossing the border to smuggle affordable medcine back into the US.

I think you can do your own homework on that, as you'll just ad-hom no matter what I put up.

Oh, so you didn't just go on this gay ass rant that doctors "benefit" from people being sick? Okay so how much should they be paid? 20k a year? And who's going to pay these people? Let me guess, the fucking government right? Then I have to be the one who has to pay MORE fucking taxes to make that happen. But I know these are all things your pre-teen mind didn't consider since you have no fucking real life experience and hence, have zero clue how anything outside your mommy's house works.

Its really not big guy. They all love not having to pay out the nose for live saving medicine.

Seems to work with abortion. If we can kill kids, why can't we kill our representatives and doctors and other public officials when they do a bad job?

Michael Moore is fairly solid proof of the abject failure of the American healthcare system.

Are you that fucking stupid? More people like you need to gtfo and move to Canada then.


Alright, don't look it up. I give a fuck.

You don't watch the news much, do you? Or maybe the government censors it.

Oh of course, you have bested me with your superior logic here, I see that.

Note the fuckstick in his natural habitat. When called upon to provide sources for his arguments he plays the victim card without fail and refuses to support his arguments with anything but the most basic attempts at manipulation.

>Oh, so you didn't just go on this gay ass rant that doctors "benefit" from people being sick?
Nope, sure didn't.

A fetus isn't a child.

true, however the government is the trustee of all natural resources.
I study economics, you are naive to the point of delusion. Socialism is easy to sell, hard to successfully make work. People are rebelling around the world as we speak. It will get much worse.

I'd rather change American polices to exhibit some sanity.

But they pay 50-70% taxes so they are paying more. Plus they have to wait forever to get it.

Imagine if healthcare were iPhones. You think you'll get one tomorrow? You think it will be quality, once Apple finds out they're secured by government contracts? You think standing in line for a shitty product that you might not even get is a good thing?

>You don't watch the news much,
Ah, get all your information from Fox News I take it?

>People are rebelling around the world as we speak. It will get much worse.

That has nothing to do with socialism.
Also, there are no socialist states in the west.

Sure kid, you're fucking retarded. There are multiple people right now literally roasting your dumb ass. You're a fucking clown. Just close the browser and work on your weekend HW for the rest of the night.


Oh, sorry I didn't fall into you troll trap, where you get to say "Where you get that, Fox news?". Fuck off you low info fucks.

>People are rebelling around the world as we speak.
Not against Socialist practices. People are rebelling against all sorts of shit like,
>American military presences in their countries
>Chinese attempts at totalitarian control
>Corruption in their own governments
and the like.

Look at AT&T. Got in bed with the US, sucks shit even more than before.

>Plus they have to wait forever to get it.
Categorically false.

It just keeps getting better, you won't provide a source, and now you say that you got it from Fox and friends and that people wouldn't trust that?

So you do get your info from Fox?

I have looked it up, I'm not basing my opinion off of 20 year old general consensus. My initial greentext wasn't just my opinion on what percentage of lenders did or did not face Federal pressure, they were the facts as laid out in a hearing before congress in 2008 amidst the crash, looking at the role of CRA.

Or PG&E. Fucking garbage, in bed with the CA government. Highest rates, Newsome forces them to turn off power when it's windy, shit service, forced to buy shitty solar... No thanks.

>>While he is part of the fucking 1% himself
>2.5 million net worth
Sorry no: net worth

Also, are you suggesting that _any_ politician will vote their wallet, not their conscience?
The absolute state of GOP voters...

think what ever. I will point out, this is your opinion.
Nothing more. No basis in fact. That said. I hope Bernie wins the nomination. Trump has an elite education in .....economics. Should be fun.

Ok kid. You were too lazy to look up the first thing, now too lazy for the second. Prove it.

Oh no, i'm being flamed on the internet how will I ever survive these third degree burns from this savage roasting. Facts are facts dum-dum.

lol the dude talks about spreading wealth while driving ferraris lol

too stupid to reply-

You can split it all you like. Those were his words. "Millionaires and billionaires". Then it changed to just "billionaires".

>too lazy to look up
That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

>literally roasting your dumb ass
I like how having a discussion about the economic setup of a country has turned in to "literally roasting". How did you come to that conclusion?
We're discussing ideas, some try to convince others that their ideas are better. It has little to do with roasting in my opinion. But I will still point to the rest of the developed world and their take on health care as a proof that this for profit system the US has is not working as well, and does not have the peoples' interest as a priority.

>this guy is currently at college
sure thing bud

>too stupid to reply
Well you gave it your best shot, that's what's really important.

>this is your opinion
What is? That there are no socialist countries in the west? Because that's a fact, not an opinion.

>"A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.
I can't help but read it in his voice.

>never had a real job.
>owns multiple million-dollar houses.

>has been arrested for civil unrest.
>elected to the house he was literally protesting.
Yes, pic is Bernie.

>and does not have the peoples' interest as a priority.
This. Healthcare simply should not be a predatory profession. The cost of Insulin shouldn't be gouged so pharmaceutical company CEOs can buy more boats.

Fucking mobile.

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According to Forbes, Bernie was worth $2.5M. A 1% is currently defined as a net worth of $10M or more.

Bernie isn't called out as a 1%er because
is isn't one. He's only a quarter of that. Unlike OP, who is 100% faggot.

Yeah that's a mark in his favor.

>what are tax brackets?

Criticising someone for protesting for change against the government of the past while running for government in the modern day on a platform to implement change is a kind of weird position

>The top one percent of household net worth starts at $10,374,030.10

Bernie is not in the top 1%

OP can't contest the facts, because he's a stupid fucking faggot.

The faggot is still richer than the rest us

>what is democratic socialism for 100, alex

Which somehow means he cannot criticize the system?

I like socialism because i am a sadist.

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bernie innit

By that logic the US is socialist because there are programs such as food stamps and health care though?

No he cant criticize the system because he is retarded.

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user, they've moved closer to a mixed economy now, even they're countries are still getting flooded with "refugees", so I wouldn't call it a success.

>Trumpfags calling someone else a kool aid drinker.

Because he is the system, you retarded redditfag.

He is criticizing the system though. Its his whole platform. The one who seems hung up on not criticizing the system is you. So by your own logic, wouldn't that make you retarded?

>>elected to the house he was literally protesting.
worked within the system for change
literally hitler

How does refugees have anything to do with how they have structured their economic system? How does that come into play when we are talking about taxes and social programs? It's not like the refugees have anywhere else to go at the moment.
Where would you go if you were to flee the US and seek asylum elsewhere, Mexico?

Yes these are 100% evil programs designed to give power to politicians.

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A single senator from Vermont is the entirety of "the system"?

Right, because he is in the system he somehow is the system. Then we are all "the system" and cannot criticize anything

if yr gonna compare him to a genocidal maniac at least get the political leanings right and go with milosevic

No we , the human race has never been as well off as it is right now. By any objective metric the world is fantastic. the only problems we have are caused by government interference.

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>Then we are all "the system" and cannot criticize anything
That's literally what he and the Republicans want. Just like the CCP. You're not allowed to criticize the government because you're supposed to submit to their total authority like a good little drone.

>Are you denying Bernie is part of the 1%?
sanders net worth is $2M, less than any Toronto homeowner
yours is comedic

user, all senators are part of the system.

That's what he wants while criticizing the system and calling for change? I don't get it

The berntard has never been anything but part of the system , he is a lifelong power hungry politician.

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>the human race has never been as well off as it is right now.
That doesn't mean it can't improve further.
> the only problems we have are caused by government interference.
Right, with things like, illegal surveillance of American citizens, Citizens United, gerrymandering, wars started on false premises, obstruction of justice and the complete abandonment of the Constitution and the abdication of their oaths of office said Constitution.

>politicians are not allowed to criticize anything about the country in which they are elected

You misunderstand, when I say "He" i don't mean Berine. I mean OP.

>Getting rid of government authority by increasing government authority via socialism
Jesus Christ, you people are retarded

Yeah that must be why he's been hopping on whatever political bandwagon came around. Get fucked. If Bernie was power hungry he wouldn't have been the Only senator to vote against the War in Iraq. Bernie is the single most principled politician this country has seen in decades.

Politicians only criticize the system until they get power .
Trump 2016: " the FED is blowing a bubble in the stock market"
Trump 2019: " we need negative interest rates."

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Ah, gotcha

Yet he can't stand up against 2 black women climbing up on to the stage during a rally, pathetic.

This thread: Paid shills from the right and left ranting at each other while the real Cred Forums posts on do not share and ylyl threads.

I believe Bernie when he says he want's change, as we have proof of that since he has demonstrated for it his entire life.

Trump on the other hand...

which side are paying you

ok i agree and i will add to your list : preferential tax treatment for green energy and coal and oil.
Free money to the people who produce nothing.
I am not a republican i am against ALL government interference.

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But it's fun though, better than watching crappy porn and other shitty threads

>Stand up to
Why would he need to? You faggots are the only ones who hate that because you think black women are less than human. Bernie gave those women the chance to speak and it earned him a massive amount of credibility from the people who actually give a damn.

This "all politicians lie" rhetoric is really lazy.

you are cute , you think he is the good one . Fun-fact there are no good ones .

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Why, do you want to hire me?