Am I just doomed to teach if I get an English degree?

Am I just doomed to teach if I get an English degree?

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what else would you expect to do with it

Same problem here except with a history degree.

Get into publishing?

Write books? Textbooks?

not even that.

you mean hosting a site that charges people 99 cents to download a pdf?


Depends. If you have any interesting stories to tell, you could write a book. Otherwise; teacher, waitress/server, and/or suicide is in your future. Good luck.

Technical writing?

This fucking world needs underwriters. Be a fucking hero.

The hell is an underwriter?

yes and no, to be honest most degrees under a Ph'D (depending on subject) are used for a determinate of basic skills.

You have alot of guys like me (History B.A. (though mine is a specialization which means fuck and all)) who dont work in history at all because history degree = good at writing reports and document analysis. Id imagine an English degree would be similar. That and yes, ALOT of university degrees seem to exist to create people to teach degrees (especially the humanities)

Figure out what you want to do and start building up to it now. I got luck where I was able to do history work that complimented my regular job. I now work in a field that compliments my degree' skill set that I enjoy.

TL:DR - Look at the skills you get out of a degree and not just the title of the degree and try to set yourself up while getting that degree in the field you want after.

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You will have dedicated at least four years to learning about the intricacies of a spoken and written language. Although that's something far from many employers' immediate conscious, it's up to you to make it a worthwhile asset to their teams.

You stupid fucks. Each and every of you.

College is a boomer scam.

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Yeah those fucking doctors why didnt they just stick to youtube and wikipedia articles for their career

If you learn only English you're doomed.
If you learn only English and your Asian you're really doomed.
If you learn only English and you're a teacher always remember before you say what you are again if you say that's same calling them the other can lead to double cancelation errors

Yes isn't no and No isn't yes/no because it's dualism, contradiction and inequality elements of pure deception and destruction, and 3 is always looped.
It's a kick in the head.

Pretty much. Learn fluency in a 2nd language and then go overseas to teach. Hot and cold running pussy for teachers overseas.

>Implying this rules out all the useless degrees that boomers brought into existence because fuck the next generations
The day of the pillow is coming you old senile prick. Better make peace with you being a freaking asshole that deserves everything coming to him.

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my middle class salary I got for having a post-secondary education tell you to fuck off.

People who get in debt or get shit jobs after are because they did not plan or picked a degree based around personal interest rather than financial/job security.

Is it stacked against you? Sure! But it takes two to tango

>cold running pussy
Is this some sort of necrophilic comment? Because I lost.

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also, left school with 5k in debt that I paid off a year after graduation because I want a fuck off

>liberal arts degree
>chooses english not even history
Ig if your gonna be fag you might as well go all the way

Am an engineer you damn prick. Can't grasp the concept of "Womyn Studies"... or how can you make a career out of it.

You are basically a professional complainer that get companies into the shitter for the kick and giggles. Or am I missing something here?

As far as marketability right out of college, yours won't be very high. You can be influenced by an English degree, however, and it can make you dangerous if you decide to pursue scholarship.

Aside from media, etc, don't expect a reliable pipeline to a stable job. Go into STEM for that.


You can be a technical writer, or if you really hate yourself you can write proposals, which can pay really well but is literal hell.