Today is my birthday, and not even my mother has wished me a happy birthday or said anything...

Today is my birthday, and not even my mother has wished me a happy birthday or said anything, would you mind wishing a happy birthday to a Cred Forumsro to make my day less depressing?

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happy birthday friend

Sorry to hear that man, happy birthday

Happy birthday, fren.

Happy birthday user
Go get some hoes


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Dont feel to bad, birthdays are not remotely important after you turn 21, I forget my birthday some years and it doesn't even matter. Do what you want every day and enjoy every day, you don't need an occasion to be happy and off you aren't happy change something or do something new. Is simple

happy birthday man, :)

Happy Birthday buddy. :)

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Fuckin loser just kidding happy birthday fckn emo

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Happi berf

I don't have any friend neither so i become emo listen this

Happy birthday, OP. Have some puppers

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happy birthday user, might I ask how old you're turning?

Happy Birthday user, things will get better.

How old are you? When you get older people forget your birthday. It just isn't as special anymore.

Thanks anons, I appreciate it

Thanks for the advices, I will try

Thanks user, but I don't like eating shit

I loved them, thanks

Thank you, I turned 18

I'm 18 yo now, and yes, I know, but its was suposed to be at least the last "special" bday

i've spent lots of birthdays alone since i don't have friends. i usually spoil myself by going out to movies, go ice-skating, or ordering pizza.
My mom also forgot mine a few times, but I figured it's because she's got a lot on her plate w/o having me make a big deal out of it.

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Happy Birthday Cred Forumsro. I genuinely mean that. We're all gonna make it brah. Stay strong, keep your head up and keep chugging along. Grey skys clear up and the sun eventually come around. You remember that.

Happy birthday man

I see you haven't noticed that Brexit has finally happened?

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Happy birthday user!

today was my birthday too, i had to go to work and deal with all that shit and i just got home. Who cares its just another day.