Trips decides how I kill myself this week

Trips decides how I kill myself this week.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Conquering Venezuela.

You don't.

In a wild, cocaine-fueled orgy.

After changing someones life for better


trying to teabag trump

Robin williams

By cop

On twitch, pills


Old age.

Suicide by on a bus

Literally Stop eating until Death.

Nose dive an A-10 into mecca.
Fully loaded of course.

Re roll suicide on bus

OD on heroin

Sit on a knife


^This. You're forced to live your miserable life to its natural end like the rest of us.

old age

Drink bleach and coom to death

Old age

Old age

Old age

Shit the fuck up, pussy

If i get dubs can I decide next week?

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overdose on magic mushrooms

Inject hydrogen peroxide

suicide bomb Michael Bloomberg

shoot literally any politician and then yourself




Helium in plastic bag


blowing up congress


Rolling for this lmao

nevermind winrar

you live a long-lasting life till natural cause of death

ohh uhh damn this is bad,

love you Cred Forums



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abandon thread!!!!!!

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Oh boy

Furry and cub has been derailed Desu you are welcome Desu

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something resembling that which was done in mid sommar

Cred Forums tonight is safu because of Desu. Kekspeed user

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hyper based hyper redpilled


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i want to be in screencap

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You start to take HRT and when you are passable death by asphyxia

send pic before you attempt. ur gay otherwise

Drink a bottle of draino

subway/rail train
easiest death, most painless death, most painful for onlookers

remember he said any politician, that includes local; go nuts op

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Toaster in the bathtub

OP where do you live?, if you're gonna shoot someone shoot someone evil

Cutting off your penis and bleeding out. of course, you do this after you covert to Islam you dirty infidel.

for the sake of Allah

for the sake of Odin

for the sake of Tengri

for the sake of Yahweh

for the sake of

Check out this story, about a suicidal man, it could change your mind ;)

be horny

Ha! who needs a fuckn therapist!

Based, only mind-fucked fags need a (((therapist)))

Choked by nigger dick

Death by garbage compactor

op the faggot wont deliver because hes a nigger

Old age

Chocolate bars

inhaling tabasco sauce. breathe out, fill your mouth with it, take a big old inhale, suck that shit down into your lungs and drown.

What do you do with the chocolate bars exactly?

Death by cop

Drop this life you have now..go down to mexico and buy a bunch of hookers and cocaune in tijuana

old age

Same way you do every other week, you sit on your mom's dick

Get me in the screenshot if OP goes through with it

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Eat shid n fards

Drink Drano.