Why didn't he just drive there?

Why didn't he just drive there?

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first u get the mony
then u get the power
then u get the women
and then u get the chopper

He would have if he landed safely. What a retarded thread

Traffic nigger

LA traffic

Doesn't answer the question

No he wouldn't have, because he would've already been at the fucking school. What a retarded comment.

It was Sunday morning. I seriously doubt traffic is that bad on Sundays.

It is statistically safer to fly in an unlicensed helicopter with zero visibility, then it is to drive.

Fly from one airport to another. Take car from airport to meeting location.

When you're no longer a teenager, you'll get to travel.

No it isn't. Unless you have a sauce for that?

I see now you're trying to crawl your monkey ass back from the bullshit you just said. Let's try this again, and I'll even use caps so your retarded ass can understand. DUDE WHY DIDN'T HE DRIVE FROM POINT A TO FUCKING POINT B, FROM HIS HOUSE TO THE EXACT POINT HE WANTED TO GO TOO. You got it now?

says the dude that doesnt live in la

It was an 80 mile trip. With no traffic you’re still looking at an hour and a half.

hes gonna reply back with "fuckin leave earlier then, holy shit" i guarantee it.

He faked his death so he can live peacefully

that thought had crossed my mind but how though? hes internationally recognized and would be almost impossible to blend in anywhere

Why fly anywhere when you can drive cross country and take boat?

So you're really gonna tell me traffic is that bad on fucking Sunday morning? You're this dumb?

And your point is what? So it's worth dying because you might have to drive for more than 10 mins?

>Why fly anywhere when you can drive cross country and take boat?
Because there is some thick fucking fog outside?

There was no traffic that day
I live in Corona Del Mar which is right next to where Kobe lives.

They flew because Kobe always flys. He never drives or gets driven period.

are you? do you live in the los angeles county? have you driven the freeways here? its 10pm right now and getting to hollywood right now would take me about 1.5 hours. Public transportation is a joke here which is why no one uses it. even if it was decent, try getting la residents to not drive anywhere. add the overpopulation of this city and you can guarantee theres traffic at almost any given moment. i work 10 miles away from where i live and in the morning, even before rush hour starts, it takes about 45 mins. do the math, faggot.

>Kobe always flew
>he never drove
>got driven

My man, I live in fucking NYC and I have zero problem getting around anywhere on a fucking Sunday morning. Now what other bullshit are you gonna tell us? That Kobe would injure his fucking fingers making his own sandwich?

Pics with timestamp or bullshit

I've driven Vanessa's pussy into a mountain yesterday.in remembrances of gigi

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Hehe, I remember when I was 12 years old

Isn't everything in New York compact compared to LA where everything is spread the fuck out everywhere

And who’s decision was it to fly?

its pretty easy getting around that shithole thanks to your subway system. also, your entire city is like 5 blocks wide since you mooks built your city vertically. and he probably wouldnt make his own sammiches. im sure the lakers didnt want him risking his hands for a snack.


Why didn't he walk?

Yeah pretty much. If you live in Manhattan, you could legit live in one place and not have not to move 2 blocks for any of your needs.

Kobe's? Or did the pilot hold a gun to Kobe's head and force him to get on the plane?

kobes, obviously. whats your point?

>also, your entire city is like 5 blocks wide
Lol, try again faggot. Each borough is pretty much it's own city in itself. You've never been here though so you wouldn't understand that.

Why didn't he swim? See, I can be a fucking moron just like you if I want.

Yo OP, it's simple. Once you have money, you'd indulge right? Like user said.
Isn't it as simple as enjoy the luxuries?
What would you have done?
Drive everywhere, under constant harassment because you're a celebrity?
Erm, everyone has eyes on you.
Idk what's your take?

>Why didn't he swim?

I almost wrote that so that I could be as moronic as you. You truly lack self-awareness, but I figured "because water didn't connect point A to point B" would be your low-hanging answer, so I chose "walk" as a less easy to dispute option and, unsurprisingly, you were unable to dispute it.


you finally said something right, i havent been. why visit that shithole?
>muh time squares
>muh statue of liberties
>muh best city ever
no one outside of new york gives a shit about new york just as much as la.

Okay fine, I'll be as dumb as you. Here we go.


Bigger question: why was his daughter playing ghetto ball in a league on the due opposite side of one of the biggest cities on the planet?

Couldnt find a local league?

why didnt he crawl there?

And no one outside of California gives a fuck about it either. Until you retards run out of there and vote for the same bullshit that fucked up the joint. Any explanation for that?

So I see you're unable to explain why he didn't walk.

This user raises a good question: why didn't he just crawl there?

its easier to stage a helicopter crash

My point is that Kobe isn’t a pilot, and he wasn’t driving.

Geez that's a GREAT question. Let's see. Her father, THAT WAS IN HER LIFE UNLIKE YOURS, made millions of dollars playing this game. Anything else I can help you with?

Why didn't he just pogo-stick there?

oh no, you insulted california. im so hurt by your words. how dare you talk bad about this state. Im gonna report you for hate crimes. And to answer your question, democrats are the explanation.

Yes, why she had to play in a league on the opposite side of the city.


so no point then? because im pretty sure everyone knew he wasnt a pilot or that he wasnt driving.

Are you retarded? When a plane crashes do you blame the passengers?

not unless they had something that directly caused the accident. in kobes case, his stardom influenced his pilot to make that flight regardless of the inherent risk. so in this situation, yes i would blame the ONE passenger and not the other 7

>They flew because Kobe always flys. He never drives or gets driven period.
He takes a helicopter to the shops? To the golf course? School run?

Is south LA just wall to wall helipads?

It was foggy, too dangerous to drive...,oh, wait. Oops.

>Is south LA just wall to wall helipads?

It's not

What's your point?

more on that, it was a flight made my Kobe multiple times before, which i fathom might have been something he said to the pilot to get airborne

Unless airports were closed down, it wasn't too dangerous to fly.

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some flights were grounded though

you cant drive anywhere in LA in under a hour even if its 5blocks away. plus he had the money for it.

his actual reason of buying a helo was to spend more time with his family rather then be on the road.

>My Kobe
And who the fuck are you?

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Are you slow? He does not 'fly everywhere' nor 'never drive'. Life can't work like that.

He was just using a rich man's privelidge and it bit him on the ass.

nobody. iunno where the fuck that my came from. ignore the my and answer the rest of the statement though.

So it wasn't too dangerous to fly.

I'm bored of your trolling now. Goodbye

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Truth =! Trolling

You are a simpleton

for airplanes no, since they would have been in the fog for a few mins at most until they went over the fog.

I think he thinks youre me. Im

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At least he drew the foul

what a faggot

that aint it

it was made in the moment. too lazy to fix it

So... not too unsafe to fly then. Thanks. Bye

Yes it is
>mfw user is too poor to afford to experience LA traffic first hand.

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It was nature's karma from his atmoshphere-ruining over-use of a helicopter. Nature always wins in the end.

So the pilot knew there was a good chance they’d crash and die, but flew anyway because Kobe is famous?

How are you absolving the pilot of all responsibility?

Because he's a super-high-effort troll

You realize he flew a passenger plane all over the country for 20 years right?

Exactly. Bad karma.

when did i say i didnt blame the pilot. i just said he was influenced. he still had the choice to walk away but still took that flight because hes flying for a star. he wanted to be able to say he works with kobe. he died with him too now.

Helicopters have been flying in fog for years this ain’t no "accident" he was an expert pilot

He flew a passenger plane because his career demanded it. Flying his daughter to a basketball game on the opposite side of the city because he is too spoilt and lazy to drive is just karma bites

eh, basically. though i legit like hearing peoples pov on certain things, like national news. yes, i know some dont consider this news. shut the fuck up.

>i legit like hearing peoples pov on certain things
>shut the fuck up.

Pick one. You're boring the fuck out of me, your high effort trolling isn't even good.

It was entirely the fault of the pilot. He chose to fly in those conditions, and he caused the crash.

The police and news stations grounded their helicopters because of the weather. Id bet the pilot was pressured into flying

This is exactly why Frodo couldn’t just fly the ring to Mordor.

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No idea. Helicopters are death traps, your much better off in a plane or car.

A basketball game at his sports school for children. A much more virtuous cause than playing in the NBA.

>high effort
like i even tried. youre over here getting mad

ultimately the blame will fall on the pilot because no one is going to want to blame this on kobe.

because you can't rape anyone if you're driving alone.

Quite frankly, I’m surprised he didn’t rise from the dead after 3 days.

the way the media is portraying him i totally agree.

hes a nigger. theyre always late

and i bet you thought this was funny

i giggled.

don't be that guy.

kinda. im laughing it off now. Im past grief.

Hehe, nigger and fried chicken. DUDE SO FUNNY LOLZ

inb4 "so you think racism is funny"

damn, nevermind.

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What kind of shitty car takes an hour and a half to drive 80 miles. That's a 45 minute drive, tops.



Lel civic, homes

it's funny because it's true.

also: if you're tired of blacks being blamed for crimes, tell blacks to stop committing crimes.

in a straight line, yeah. too bad the roads here are laid out all stupid.


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You’d have to go 65mph the whole way to make that trip in 45 minutes.

>doesnt account for surface streets or traffic lights
traffic lights are assholes

I live in NYC as well, been to Cali twice.
That saying new yorkers say, “If you can drive in NY, you can drive anywhere.”
That’s a lie, driving in Cali is a slow death.

>That’s a lie, driving in Cali is a slow death.
>Traffic slows down
>The shoulder is right there

then it just becomes another lane to fill with more cars. The circle of life continues.