Why are republicans angry that sensible young people see the value in criminalizing hate speech?

Why are republicans angry that sensible young people see the value in criminalizing hate speech?

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Fuck off jew

Fuck off commie fascist.

Of course you'd want to keep it legal to hate people. We want a hate free society.

Do you want to become the Democratic People's Republic of America?

As much as I don't support hate speech, you cant draw broad lines against speech. Eventually it will be used as precedent to silence dissidence.

this. and if you can't invalidate some "other argument you believe isn't valid", then your's the is the argument which isn't valid. no one likes that last part caus muh brains and facts.

sorry, it's all protected or none of it is.

Anything is better than it is now.

what like the occupied Palestinian Territories?

Free speech is all in or nothing. Locking people up over speech is very Chinese.

brandenburg v ohio faggot

Jews make the best leaders.

OP is a nigger and a faggot, like always
>51 percent

>majority of Americans
>51% of Millenials
Which is it?

It’s a good idea.

LOL. kys or move to a better country user. Literally nobody is keeping you here but yourself.

>thought crimes
fucking nigger, Orwell warned us of people like you

The future is now boomer.

>muh freedumbz
>muh guns
>muh consteetooshun

Get fucked squeaker.... your pussy feelings don't limit my rights. Crybabies.

My love for my country is why I am here.

Ok boomer

Murrica is changing like it or not, old man.

Because it never stops there. When you allow freedom of speech to be subject to the whims of the day you open it up to abuse. This is why the founding fathers made it an unalienable right.

The greatest mistake conservatives in the west made was removing the religious blasphemy laws.This is how leftist all over the world operate.They get into power by using free speech and then ban free speech to silence their opposition.

What this shows is that leftist can't handle democracy and freedom because they are the real fascists and totalitarians.

If leftist put forth a policy of hate speech,then I think republicans should also introduce their own version of hate speech where any leftist that criticizes our country,christianity,white people,white men in any way should be hauled off to jail and executed.This way ,we can execute every leftist journalist and academics.

Proof the majority is dumb. Further proving representative democracy is mob rule

Start with stoping your hate for white people then, and the amendments they wrote.

That number so immediately infers it was a biased, dodgy poll. As retarded and superfluous as your toilet cleaner killing 99.9% of germs.

It wasn’t even just orwell. Good anarchists know the right stands for anti-fascism.

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thinking you can remove hatespeech...
learn to accept what humans are. greedy territorial animals, even you :D

The evil of whites brings the hate upon them.

>sensible people want to empower the elite with more power

Kys ruling elite shill

no one gives a shit of what the left says anymore let alone get angry

So you dont want a hate free society then.

>Majority of Americans.
>Cites millennials.

Fuck off

Jesus fucking Christ.

Define hate speech.

nice hatespeech, youre the criminal too now
hypocritical cute shit

Leftists are mentally ill tho. we should just ban speech of the mentally ill. Leftism GONE

because they know that they won’t be able to trace cp for tattoos anymore if they have to have them inspected to keep their drawing license

The majority of Americans also shit themselves at Walmart

“Occupied Palestinian Territories”

God damn I am batting it out of the park today with political troll posts.

This next election is going to ruin America, years later the zoomers and millennials are going to be blamed for ruining everything just like the boomers were.

words expressing hate or disgust

>"Majority of Americans"
>Of millenials

Fucking shills. I'd sooner take to the streets and cause public disturbance than live in a world where you can't tell a nigger to get fucked.

Remember kids. Nigger is a powerless word to describe Lazy Ignorant people not exclusively blacks.

lmao nice try, Komrade

Teacher: "Although only 12 percent of the US population is African American, they are responsible for over 50 percent of the murders"

In a country where hate speech is illegal, this statement would be grounds for imprisonment. It doesn't matter that it's true. It would be considered hate speech. When you re-write the first amendment, you make it impossible to tell the truth because it could hurt the feelings of a minority group. If we aren't allowed to tell the truth, how are we supposed to fix things?

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Imagine how much the jewish media and banks would profit from a downfall event.

America is changing boomer. You’ll be dragged kicking and screaming like every other time.

Terrible trolling attempt. Too bad the average 4channer is retarded.

Go to bed, Ivan.

If your a liberal, you should be fighting to keep freedom of speech protected. Also true if your conservative.

For liberals, Do you want Donald Trump to have the power to restrict your speech? Conservatives, would you want HIllary Clinton to have that power over you.

Freedom of speech is one issue the liberals and conservatives should agree on. The only people who want to remove freedom of speech are SJW who havn't realized how the right will use it against them, and corporations, who want to try to censor anything that doesn't benefit them financially (against the war in middle east? your pushing anti-semetic hate speach...according to the military industrial complex at least)

There is no such thing as hate speech , you are just a gigantic faggot.

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How does that little orange dick taste?

Nazis are anti-American. The Confederate flag is anti-American.
People who support those groups need to be charged with treason.

Ok genius let's have hate speech laws right now. Trump gets decide what you cant say.

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Being anti American is not treason or every collage professor would be in jail.

Bro I support Bernie, and have been making regular contributions to him. I voted Jill Stein last election because I was in NY, which goes to Hillary no matter what.

If your arguing trump should have the power to censor me, then clearly your the one who likes his dick

A little late to the boat

People who supported those groups were charged long ago and have died

go back to Cred Forums faggot

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the confederate flag should proudly be painted on every police car in America
it represents those heroes who capture black slaves to assemble laptops and cellphones for zero dollars an hour in private prisons

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Reported to the hate speech police

the DNC will absolutely nevar choose a socialist to win the election

Who gets to define "Anti American"? you?
just because you say so?

>in a country where hate speech is illegal,’this would be grounds for imprisonment”

Maybe we should make telling lies like this illegal, there would be no conservatives left.

51% of americans aged 25-40
people younger than 25 might be weird but they love freedom of speech more than anything else, sjws are mostly millenians and genxers for some reason

We went to war against Nazis. We went to war against Confederates.
That’s how we decide. Comprendo?

cant tell if troll or just stupid

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genexers are sad, sad people

sure ivan

Lincoln was a fag. Your ghettos are his contribution.

yeah, no shit moron. it's worked so far. youre here bitching on the internet and not getting locked up for even having a computer

History is written by the winners, sugar buns. The losing side in war (your side) doesn’t get to choose the future.

Unbelievable. It's fine to change the first amendment because muh feelings but God forbid anyone ever suggests the second amendment is ever altered.

Probably because they know it will inevitably lead to that exemption being used to make peaceful protest illegal which will in turn lead to them being beheaded by poors who aren't allowed to bitch about how they're being fucked over anymore

who lost? do you mean the compromise restricting slavery to Big Tech factories in private prisons?

2a should be abolished.

Personally, I don't mind hate speech or anything of the sort. However, I do believe it's time to institute some sort of identification on all online forums. South Korea, iirc, has some sort of system where you sign up for internet access using your SSN so you're identifiable no matter where you post. It'd cut down severely on the amount of hate speech people are willing to spout especially in anonymous forums. What you say could be tracked back to you fairly easily and I think that's the way it should be. As for the need for anonymity, I don't think there is one. You either stand by what you say or you don't say it.

Things are far better for the average black person and America in general than before Civil Rights.
Progress is being made to improve things but it will take several generations.

I will speak with words and illustrations and paintings or with bullets.
your choice.

It's been noted earlier, but the reason why it's upsetting is because the first step in controlling what people say is controlling what people say. Plus, it's always easier to do something than to stop doing something, so if you start controlling what people can say, then it's probably 50/50 that you can manage to undo that within this century once you realize that those controls are a bad idea.

Sure you will tough guy.

Are we talking about the same prisons where 40% of the population is white?
Where black police and black police chiefs in a cities with black mayors in a country that recently had a black president sometimes arrest white people and send them to prison? That’s the prisons you talk about right.

It’s already being used like that.

If you want know who really hates freedom of speech the most, look at who tries yo make voting harder.

All white people should have to endure 2 years of prison to make up for the evils inflicted upon the world over the last few centuries.

Yes it is. Changing into a pussified safe space for people that think being enslaved is a better life than being free because it is easier that way. A dark age is coming upon us young man. I hope you are resourceful enough to survive it.

Do you know what a thought crime is? Or are you just spewing right wing talking points like some sort of npc

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no I’m not

>51% Millennials don't like hate speech

More like 100% of kikes. And fuck the kike who created this thread. Fuckin faggot ass pussy. That's why the first amendment is important.

who gets to define what "progress" is?
some fucking elitists in the DNC and then expect the rest of the leftists to follow in lockstep?

Are you mad that we jews financially dominate you so badly? You are a dumb goy who simply can't compete.

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you should have the right to say whatever you want despite who it offends

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Joo detected.

Thanks fam I was almost big mad.

That's why I fuck your women and get them hooked on drugs than leave them. Last one overdosed right after I left her .

I think he's saying 51% of millenials is not 51% of Americans.

>not believing msm about anything
>unless it fits my narative


Fuck off nigger.


trading child sex parties to world leaders in exchange for military support isn’t exactly dominating anyone
the truth is going public

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If you know a better source than the FBI crime database, I would be happy to check it out.

Define hate speech. If hate speech becomes a crime anyone could just go and accuse whoever they wanted of saying nigger or jew.
Also, this gay website would be shut down and you would have to look for your trap and cuck porn somewhere else.
Think about that.

Your birth was a hate crime.

Fuck off jewnigger

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check out the hate speech on this one.

That's discrimination, you're calling me out!

This. Take notes.

You snowflakes think that being able to censor mouths censors minds, it doesn’t. All it hurts is freedoms. Get a tougher skin, or fight mofos that say fucked up shit.

Suck my fat Scottish cock

Stoopid thought police detected

These are stats released by the gov. No shills retard


>majority makes it right
Since when was communism a good idea?
Thought so.

What's your full name cuck?

Jeffrey Epstein

>history is written by the winners
Go back to school.
Anyone who says this is so incredibly stupid they cant factually be trusted.
It sounds like a rational statement, until you ACTUALLY understand how we learn about history.

>make voting harder
For who?
If you're a citizen, it's not even breathing.

51% of millennials Is the majority?
Its a lil over half a certain age bracket!
That's a percent of a percent.

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>We want a hate free society.
>The evil of whites brings the hate upon them.

so which is it? cause it sounds like you're just saying you want a white-free society.

if you're comfortable saying that, then replace "[white]-free" with another race and then we can see if it sounds any better

if hate speech is a crime, isn't the thought of saying something racist now a thought crime?

thanks for the insight, literally hitler

he walks among us

That's gay faggot wine aunt shit. You can't force opinions or equality. That will just bring a war that you will lose horribly. Gay faggot nigger loving kikes, I swear...

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If I stand in the 5th Avenue and scream "YOU ALL DESERVE ANOTHER 9/11, I HOPE IT HAPPENS TODAY" that would be my opinion, and the US police would arrest me or even shoot me in the act. You only care about muh freedom when it's you the one being censored.

Have you seen NY lately? They would all walk past in a daze. I saw a stream earlier of some antfa protest today, they want free subways and rid of cops... But I saw that they put out LITERAL SEESAWS, in the middle of the street, for the public to stop and go up and down on...

You think that the FBI is involved in a conspiracy to make it look like black people are committing more murders than whites? Show me some evidence. I'd be happy to check it out.

Because you know everything and we are just stupid, eh?.

imagine thinking this data is wrong. you truly cannot accept anything if it doesn't run parallel with your ridiculous ideology

worrying about an american bait thread
don't you have an attempted succession to worry about instead?

I'm not a republipedo or a libtard. I'm reasonably sensible(what does this even mean user?) and i do see, absolutely, the value in criminalizing hate speech. It's such an effective way to control how people think that literally every dictatorship i know of employs this technique. The first time i noticed how effective it was, was when i was learning about Stalin. Literally anyone who said something even slightly beyond the party line could be shot for treason and anyone who stayed within the party line could get away with raping children without repercussion like Gorbachev.

> majority of americans
> 51% of millennials
oh media

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