Reminder that Joe Rogan is a literal cuck & cannot be trusted

Reminder that Joe Rogan is a literal cuck & cannot be trusted

Attached: JoeRoganCuck.jpg (839x1600, 318K)

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pft he can fuck her friends and thats transgenerational sociel equity hes got for life/transgenerational life cause hes not a fucking moron unlike u, what exactly is he raising by that point anyway? who fucking posts this shit

non-cucks who a) don't touch white women who have been blacked and b) don't reward such behavior by FUCKING RAISING half black kids lmao but hey you keep believing what your tv tells ya bud, life is all about fugging and feelin goob :D :D

he didnt raise shit and this is the first awareness i even had of her after 12 years of rogan and seeing him walk down street with his 2 princesses

i dont wanna publically name names but keenans also got a princess im watching(+1 protec good way) ur intelligentsia princesses comin through.... xx

>trying this hard to create some shitty bait

also thors...

maybe also a danes royal fam little ones too xxxx


I would love to be in the room with the Russian Think Tank that is creating these posts to discredit Joe Rogan and all because he supports that Jew Bernie Sanders.

Speak English.

And you don't see pics of them like with his little ones because she's so fucking old already, he literally raised a half black kid during her worst, bitchiest teenage years lol.

Why y'all getting so mad about Cuck Rogain

not to you not about you mind ur own business random retarded faggot

>speak english
ur probably an american


Just stick with RAYCISS, it still scares more people you dullard faggot

So you understand quoting as well as your grasp of the English language. Good to know. Are you a bat eater or a street shitter?

Fuck he literally is taking nigger leftovers
Fucking hilarious
My life now is better than rogans life will EVER be

Even with his money that's all he could get is aids baby and nigger wife. This is the best shit ever

special forces

Rogan hates America and is obviously controlled opposition

I guarantee with 100 percent certainty that the photo that OP used was created as part of a coordinated effort by an organization that is trying to discredit Bernie Sanders. I've seen that exact template used several times by anti-Bernie groups. I don't like Bernie Sanders, but I know a shill when I see one.

He proved to be a traitor when he endorsed Bernie

americas blacklisted and rogans bavarian illuminati

now mind ur own fucking business or ill get nsa to drive a satelite up ur ass

Rogan literally wants to destroy America you literal retard. Abort your children

Just because Rogan has aids don't blame the other guys on his team . They are actually ok

Dude short bus is not special forces we talked about this.

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i was born spec4 schizo(psych concreteness)

Fucking niggers.
Keep telling yourself that his endorsement was real

Keep rationalizing your bullshit world view you piece of shit racist.

If he knocked up his step daughter then his two real daughters would have a new sister/brother and a niece/nephew.

So short bus?

Attached: 1378770707212.jpg (961x538, 105K)

This is not the Russians. Bernie does not support Israel over Palestine. There are organized Jewish groups who are creating these memes to discredit Joe Rogan because he supports Bernie. Look at some of the other templates they use. Look familiar?

"Bernie believes that Israel and the Palestinians can, and should, peacefully coexist, and that the Palestinians should have a country of their own."

Attached: Anti-4.jpg (873x512, 101K)

no one thinks ur funny kys

>mfw disinformation campaign against JR because of Bernie support

Do your corporate GOP masters know how much of a good boy you are?

Attached: received_255682448431817.jpg (112x112, 2K)

who fucking cares you incel faggot.

you're the type of pussy that becomes obsessed with trying so hard to not be a beta faggot that you overuse the phrase "alpha" and put your alpha complex on display for every female you interact with and then wonder why you're still a virgin

Ironic you being the one saying retard shit isn't it.

No I made it through sapper training and was special forces. You are being very disrespectful to real men.


Jerk yourself off some more faggot. Did Obama let you cum inside his ass too? You are a literal fucking dork.

Loving and marrying a woman who has a much older child from a previous relationship is not cuckolding. Do you faux “Israelite” shills even take the time to look up definitions of English words before you vomit your garbage? Nutting money on any retard that’ll suck your cock in congress. Y’all are the reason people on here simultaneously hate “Jews” (when in reality they just hate the elite, so you can scream “antisemite”) and the people YOU determine to be “goyim.”

Are you actually defending raising a single moms nigglet lmaoo

Raising another mans child is LITERALLY the textbook definition of being a cuckold.

A kid needs a father. Doesn’t matter the skin color. A man will step up to the fucking plate vacated by the degenerate. A man has compassion in his heart. Clearly Rogan stepped up, his step daughter changed her chooses his last name.

And yet she’s still an anti-white blm cunt who resents the parents who raised her XD

Settle down Beavis.


It's literally not.

So if another man was a shit father, the mother is condemned to take care of the kid, who must now grow up without a father figure in their life, through no fault of their own? Judge a bitch on who she is, not what she’s done. Judge a kid on nothing, and if it works out with the mom, be the best father you can be. Just because most of you retards would make socially awkward retards for fathers, doesn’t mean that what I’m saying is wrong.


low quality bait lol. I guess Cred Forums really is pretty much just shills and porn spam now, huh? yet I keep sticking around hoping for that decent thread that crops up once in a blue moon

>even when it's not the Jews
>it's the Jews

I love fucking with people who hang by joe rogans nuts at every word. I used to be the same. Listened to his podcast since like 2011 and really looked up to the guy

If you find someone at an older age most people will have kids already. Serial-monogamies are pretty much the fucking norm, doesn't mean it's ideal. In fact personally I think it sucks, and we should work to reverse the trend. But like I tell lefty snowflakes all the time, we live in the real world, not your made up fantasy.

You're not a fucking cuck for not killing off any previous kids before impregnating the chick yourself. We're not gorillas.

pretty sure being a cuck is getting off to it and encouraging it


And being cuckold, as in the original meaning, is raising another man's kids unknowingly due to the female being adulterous.

Neither of which is the case here.

This is some bluepilled shit. I’d never raise a half black child like rogan did. What a cuck

I mean, as a "newscaster," I can appreciate that, generally, he's an adequate neutral party for airing hugely disparate viewpoints.

And he as a host is almost always genuinely curious about the position that his guests have, and often asks insightful and challenging questions in a forum where his guest is able to give a genuine and nuanced uncut and not time restricted answer to properly articulate their viewpoint.

Sometimes he's an immature asshole, but some of the discussions that have occurred on his podcast have changed my thinking on certain issues.

Again. No.

Joe Rogan is a smoked out rich prick who doesn't give a shit about you. EAD and move on

Rogan actually puts the stepdaughter to take care of his kids and then he fucks her.
Bald Men is an ALPHA.

Yeah except he doesn’t really have anyone on the right side of politics express their views anymore. Joe doesn’t acknowledge any form of positive white identity like he used to. Just another Jewish cocksucking Hollywood puppet.