What is the dumbest thing you've heard a girl say or do?

What is the dumbest thing you've heard a girl say or do?

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Other urls found in this thread:


call me daddy big bear i l y s v m uwu :333 then stand me up cause she had a 3 hour bath salt anema poisoning after drinking bleach for a month because hollywood was trying to murder her

"I think I'll treat OP with basic human decency and hope he doesn't act like a fucking entitled cunt about it."

Had a rich customer's wife not know the Sun is a star. I still carry that weight.

When it came to the issue of 'global warming'

Why don't they just set up massive airconditioners on each street corner to cool the earth down?

It took a while to comprehend what I just heard.

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This one girl in science class thought you created plastic by burning cotton and this other one didn't think Albert Einstein was a real person.

Apparently your mom decided against the abortion. Dumb move on her part, you're a total fucking faggot OP.

Girls don't know shit like that. I've had girls surprised/not believe me when I explained the moon does not create light.

exist in my space

Knew a girl that wanted to budget for her wedding, she tallied up absolutely everything she wanted and called the total 'the budget'.


My gf thought world war 2 was in the 1920s and had no idea what nuclear bombs were. Or radiation. Even after explaining she still doesn't understand fully. Shes so hot but one of the dumbest people I know. All she worries about is her phone, food, sleep, going out, and sex. Her version of reality is that of a child's

what a babe qt/or genetically inheritable down syndrome

Had a girl in high school physics class raise her hand and ask the instructor what time noon was.

A girl told me "guess what, I'm not a virgin."

Women are thick as shit.

36 year old Sister in law:
"So where does the internet come from?"

during first date, unprompted:
"I would never suck a dick if I'm not in love"
90 minutes later: (muffled dicksucking noises)

Ah no.....you give him basic after he goes above and beyond? GTFO Chick Detected.

I heard a twitch thot say she'd take a shot of fireball for every $1 donation. She only had 1 kidney too.



Why would u suck her dick 90 mins later, user?
Atleast wait a few days


What the fuck

I hope he answered 12 hrs from midnight

>Taking first aid course
>Talking about the move where you bearhug someone from behind if they are choking
>Anyone know the name?

>Woman, sure as shit.
"The Heineken Manoeuver!"

"I'm so in love you with you rn"

chick hid her valuables in oven. forgot and cooked her shit when preheating.

My sides

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The Black Phillip Show

Everybody knows that the Heineken Manoeuver prevents the Corona Virus. What a dumb bitch.


I'm having a hard time singling out any specific quote or event. There's just been so many times when interacting with women that my brain has flipped the breaker and said "Fuck this, I'm out for a smoke."

We've all been there.

I met a 19 year old that had already fucked 35 guys and said there is nothing wrong with that and that she is still able to have a healthy relationship and guys should accept that lol

I met a girl that honestly believes that she got herpes from a guy kissing her because she has hspv1 and then went down on her and gave it to her. Even thought she fucks multiple guys on with no condom.


First Moon landing. Astronauts had small belly-cameras, and sent live film back to Earth. Was back then, not tested and never done before. Lousy quality, blurry and no good at all. Barely seeable. Danish woman:
"Why didn't they send a proper TV-team up there first, so they could have filmed humans first step on the Moon with better quality?"

The attempt to cram so much information in one sentence results not in information exchange but in white noise.
In other words: This post is pretty fucktarded user.

found the 'nice guy', doing something for someone does not guarantee or make you entitled to behaviour from the other, unless it was agreed upon first. Learn how to actually be nice and you'll have an easier time of it.

What items?

>at restaurant eating
>suddenly choking
>woman immediately stands up and rushes to my side
>begins profusely beating me with a Heineken to the amusement of other nearby patrons
>finally spit the food out after five minutes
>die moments later from internal bleeding

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>I met a girl that honestly believes that she got herpes from a guy kissing her because she has hspv1 and then went down on her and gave it to her
That is completely possible.

>user, when did vampires become extinct?
She was stone cold serious.

My ex said "I love you so much you're so perfect, how could I not love you? "

I learned the same day that she sucked a friend before that and had to leave her, I'm still sad about that...

Its a different virus, its theoretical, the chances of it are so small and it so unlikely.

There is nothing wrong with young girls exploring their sexuality. After guy #235 she will be ready to settle down with you.
That means you provide her with free housing and a car while she continues to fuck 235 more guys behind your back while everyone but you is aware of it.

It is a tough world out there for women, do you not understand?
When everything you have to offer is sex then you might as well become a professional.

no schizophrenic thats ur incomprehension projected on me as my obligation to make sure ur not an ignorance fucking retard

in legal theory we call this: retard schizo fucjk


That girl is cute, I would do her, idiot or not.

You missed the point, she obviously got it from one of the cocks shes had in her bare the night before.

next level protip, it actually does. Some of the heat from the sun that heated up the regolith gets turned from infra-red to visible light as it cools down. About 5 to 10% of the light making you see the "dark" edge of a partial moon is this light, the rest is the suns rays refracting in our atmosphere and bending.

So yea, the moon does create a (very small amount) of light if heated up by the sun previously. :3

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Attached: Women !! .jpg (540x675, 74K)

Dumbass shit males say:
I am wise
I am a good father
I am dirty
I am god
I am cool
I am sexy
I have a big dick

>I'm a girl btw


Do you understand sarcasm at all?
She was playing

Boys are at least 10 times smarter than girls

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If if you really are a chick....let me explain the joke. WE are watching you treat a guy as a boyfriend and not really treating him like a boyfriend. Getting free meals off a dude....and he's the bad guy for expecting you two are "together" no one has gotten to the sex yet. NewsFlash even the dude you are fucking only treats you nice for that.

Also very possible.
But what she said is plausible. Does not fit the category of stupid things said by women.
You fail, please close your browser in shame.

sold me >:3

think its retroactive cope..

>t. woman


>mfw Ricky gets dubs and all I get was kicked out of grade 10
Fuck off I got work to do.

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girls r stupid

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Tell me my 6x5 cock was huge

I hate to break this to you, user (I don't hate to break this to you) - but stupidity is decidedly non-gender specific.
There are idiots everywhere, regardless of sex.

But in these times of (pretend)tolerance I thought I'd include pic related.

Attached: Itisokay.png (400x512, 30K)

You are so lucky, user.

if i was born a girl ud have a nuked world rn for the psychic profit of a genetically down syndrome tier 1:1 equivalent and associated compromiseds

Being right at the wrong place is really useless, you know. And not understanding this is stupidity.

Bluehaired elder woman after a Hurtigrutten cruise along the Norwegian coast all way up to far north, sued the Hurtigrutten Company, because:
"They advertised that they had their own Midnight Sun, but it turned out it was the exact same sun as we have here in America."

"lets be friends" after together 2 years

americans should all be killed


While this is true, people with easier lives and more social connections that do not require merit other then looks DO tend to stay more ignorant about anything outside these circles.

Typical hot bimbo's therefore are just on average more ignorant of the world around them.

Does not mean that its by fault of themselves or that they are inferior imo. Just the world they grew up in.

Love this pic


Yes, all girls are stupid.
But then, all boys smell like piss and are rapists.
Let's judge each other based solely on the worst examples.

According to Cred Forums, there are only two people on the earth, and they don't like each other.

Attached: bmysogony.gif (600x351, 28K)

nobody should own their own private plane or helicopter. ive found many share this view. idiots

That's not dumb that's boss mode getting what you want

i dont smell like piss

Attached: wutt.gif (294x300, 1.83M)

I'm guessing neither sex wold fare very well on coming up with an approximate date for WWII. General knowledge shit like that is becoming a thing of the past.

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thats on her choice

life doesnt start, only continue. no point is the end

the mother of me friends gf is supposedly so retarded she couldnt figure out how to work a horizontal light switch just kept trying to flip it up and down

I hate to break this to you, user (I don't hate to break this to you) - but, reddit, is; another. Website. entirely: and, you would; probably ' be, more - comfortable. There. : )
when. You look up, graphs; of male - and, female; intelligence. It. Becomes, clear, that, most. Women, are. very, average.

But (in) these, times - of [pretend]tolerance I thought, I'd include. Pic. related -

Then it's a good thing you weren't born a girl.

My best women are retarded story:
>Be my ex Sarah.
>Doing schoolwork on a laptop.
>change position, knocks over her bottle of Fuze
>juice spills on laptop keyboard.
>wiped it all off
>laptop is fine, breathe a sigh of relief
>Keys are still sticky though.
>Brings laptop yo sink.
>Turns on tap.
>Runs water over keyboard.
>Laptop immediately starts doing weird shit.
>Completely fried in about a minute.
>Comes crying to me,
>"but it was fine with the juice user."
>"but I only ran the water for just a second!"

Sarah was such a stupid slut. Amazing body though back in the day. I've been telling this story for ten years because I've never heard of any non-retarded human being doing anything so obviously stupid.

blacks are bigger

thats actually how you shape a budget. Find the minimum requirements, look up the cost, add these up.

Perhaps her minimum requirements were over the top or whatever, but its a fucking wedding... who cares if shes the one paying it.

Oh, I can play that game too.
"Posting a useless platitude on Cred Forums and not understanding how stupid it is, is stupid."
I set the goalposts, and judge you accordingly.

Man it's easy to be a shit to people!

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There's a really easy way to not be quite so bitter here: stop thinking that it's 1950 and that you have to provide for a woman in order for them to want you. A lot of women DO want to be provided for sure but we don't always get what we want, so stop choosing to believe that it's everyone else's fault that you're alone

samefag is samefagginly obvious
how many of those fucking cancerous images have you made. do you really think they are witty? stupid cunt.

wrong. its a good thing all girls were born, they start at 50% given neutrality assumption rate

men 49-51 split

>most. Women, are. very, average.
Most of anything is average you dumb fuck that's how averages work

so if i have a collection of red and blue marbles, and the average size is 1.0, and more red marbles are nearer to that average size of 1.0, then the red marbles is not more average.
right, fully understood. you are utterly braindead and should kill yourself.
just do it.

fucking been there man

Tries to relate to you by looking up memes on Google and saying "THATS MEEEE" with every single fucking image.


this happened to me

>819736428 (Me)

decimation - humanities nature. sexes=/=same

Heh, you're very triggered now, aren't you?
Boys are so easy to trigger.
You are what you eat, user.

>proving my point and still not realizing it

No they are not more average you fucking idiot. There is no such thing as more average. The standard deviation of distribution is smaller. So you could say that they are closer to an average on average, but that becomes convoluted expression. Just like you are 3 sigma away from average and not on the smart side.

You forgot the pic.
I think I know where this enmity comes from, you're all angry, lonely, US citizens and as such limited by your self entitled culture.
So you must be forgiven your ignorance and tendency to shrill anger.


we achieve synthesis->progression/active eugenics through this

google com/search?rlz=1C1GCEA_enAU886AU886&sxsrf=ACYBGNQPVd8CVCirEeIVuK7ewJAnSp8wuw%3A1580554958268&ei=zlo1XsSJEIKd4-EPs6aV6Aw&q=negative+eugenics&oq=negative+eugenics&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i71l8.6196.6964..7075...0.1..0.174.1317.0j8......0....1..gws-wiz.CdEo6R6-HJ0&ved=0ahUKEwjEqNeGmrDnAhWCzjgGHTNTBc0Q4dUDCAs&uact=5

I can do that too:
>being dumb without knowing it
Your point being that this place is shit, made for shit, with shits shitting in it and therefore one should only post shit?

looks like an alien. 10 bucks say you're a virgin who loves aliens and hentai you mental retard

women are like this because men are 100% blind for female issues.
and men are like this because women don't care if a man is blind for it as long as he's handsome and tall.
all problems between men and women nowadays come from the superficial mating behaviour people have.

>admits the original statement is correct
>tries to use fancy words when he's caught out being a subhuman fuckwit
kill yourself reddit, women are more average than men. men dominate both extremes, making them less average.
you are average, you are nothing.

You are redarted.
It's ok user, you're not going crazy. I see it too.

yes and people need to keep their windows closed so the heat wont get out.. you cant make this shit up

No, you're missing the point and you proceed to make up the wildest things.
Can you just sit back and form a rational thought without resorting to the very shitposting that you seem to be against so much?
I mean you are projecting hard right now.

>be me
>work in warehouse out bound shipping located on the West Coast.
>we sort packages that are ups,FedEx,USPS, and international/nextday air.
>Coworker (little qt3.14 redhead) asks me if package to Hawaii goes in the international ship location.
>Look at her with blank stare. What? Hawaii is not international dear it's part of the USA.
>Yes it is user it is leaving the country.
>Hawaii is part of the USA.
>But user it is leaving the country and going over the large water.
This grill thought that because the package leaves the contiguous USA it is international.
>Proceed to ask her what ocean Hawaii is located in.
>"Is it the Atlantic?"

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Different girls asking dumb questions in my World History class in high school, this was 5 years ago during a REVIEW session for our final exam, so we had already learned these things, and I still remember them.
>Does anyone know why the Dark Ages were called the Dark Ages?
Girl 1:
>Is that when the sun went away?
>Who can tell me what the Berlin Wall was?
Girl 2:
>Wasn't that a famous part of the Great Wall of China?
Absolute morons

Guess. Again; ;)
I tHiNk I kNoW wHeRe YoUr AiDs CoMeS fRoM; Wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah you said mean words.
Have you always been bullied? It's pretty pathetic.

Who said I'm against it?
I'm very much being a shitposter right now.
And you're on the ride with me.

Over time you become immune to your own stench.
Hey, it could be worse. You could smell like fish.

The dumbest shit I ever heard from a girl or from someone in general was in my english class in college and then we were going over a poem or something from the holocaust. This girl was so confused on what the fuck it was and had no idea that the holocaust was even a thing or anything to deal with that in general she fucking believed we just went from pilgrims to how we are in less than 50 years or so. And the worse part that she wasn't fucking kidding too she isn't mentally retarded or anything but she was just generally fucking dumb. She later got kicked out of my school because our school paid for our college courses and she failed all 4 classes



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It's not the dumb things they do so much as the dumb people they do.

Well, you're just tit dirt, weh weh weh all the way home.
Were you always fat and ugly? It's pretty sad.

143 iq
2400 elo
rank 7 global
post grad STEM field
fucked 5 virgins
fucked 2 virgins assholes
buy girls roses every month
get hit on daily
good face
genetic/transgenerational irreplaceable or substitutable unique blood line


ad hominem ad infinitum reducio ad absurdem against ur self cope

Attached: dear lord and god murder america.png (1376x1744, 427K)

men give gifts, women, compliments

>Just like you are 3 sigma away from average and not on the smart side.
You could start fires with that burn user.

Go easy on her, the holocaust is a jewish lie after all...

I'm Pregnant

>be me
>have slave job because i am a complete fuckup in life
>think i'm important, but really i'm absolutely worthless
>girl asks a question based on geography, since it's an island 3,758 miles from the US mainland, and the whole of the US is a convoluted mess of retardedness based on domineering aggression and politics
>be me, an obnoxious overweight loner, can't function in normal society which is why i have a shit job in the first place, despite claiming supposed superiority and intelligence over this girl with the exact same job, that will be temporary for her, and permanent for me
>still remember it, and feel that it is interesting enough to post on an imageboard where i spend all my spare time, while the girl has friends and hobbies
>kill myself at the realisation presented in a reply

Listening to my (thankfully now ex) sister in law talking about how amazing NASA is (they are, that's a check) and how incredible it is that we've been to Mars (wat?)


165 IQ
10 inch dick
fucked hundred virgins
fucked 42 virging assholes
fucked your mum six times, she paid me.
I'm made entirely from brains and muscles
Is rich beyond the dreams of avarice

I too am amazing on the internet.

Attached: 01validation.jpg (259x149, 31K)

Wow, you sound like a right fuckin dick. What's your issue?. Ffs, how insecure are you to write shit like that?. Kek, glad that's your life.

hahahaha, i don't know what that means but it sounds wonderful. tit dirt, is that pseudo-smegma from infected teats.
which country are you from, are you a slavic cunt?

Literally every word you said was to boost your own confidence because you got absolutely butthurt.
>Why can't you engrish if you so smart?

We have been to Mars. You've heard of the Curiosity rover.

ur doing it again

*checks watch date*



cya loser


No, like manned missions. She thought we Apollo'd to the moon.

Her question was valid. Even if her assumption was wrong, she showed she can think for herself beyond "do wat label says, no ask questions"

keep ur egocentric projection at the reply box you dont need to hit enter, you saw it. hit the little red x after that. fuck off

Hohoho, I'm not privvy to that insight but it sounds grand, almost like we're having a real conversation.
But then I remember where we are, are you a fat, ugly boy?

I guarantee you don't know yourself.

250 IQ
7' 6"
40 ft dick that spins like a corkscrew
fucked over 9000 virgins
fucked 0 virgin assholes because eww poop
face of a Greek god if the Greeks weren't so gay
identify as transgenerational
invented the fucking internet
carbon footprint of a critically endangered yeti
am Al Gore

I'm no it isn't.
You start with a dollar figure you want or have to spend.
Then distribute this cost among the desired features.
I can't believe I have to explain this.

Hi, I'm looking for a car,
Ok, what's your budget?

185 iq
18" dick when measured from my anus
married 8,000 virgin teens, impregnated them all multiple times, half the population of the western hemisphere are my progeny
fucked 500,000 virgin anuses, and saved the shit and semen from each adventure in a swimming pool that i bathe in daily
fought every single kind of wild animal there is or ever was with my bare hands and won
demi-god tier genetics, can punch through solid polystyrene
own the world, rothschilds ask me for loans

ad faggo faggoton faggolohola ad ad ad agency ad aids ad cunt


u mad?

>the whole of the US is a convoluted mess of retardedness based on domineering aggression and politics
It is literally squared states as often as possible.

I've seen that poster before, or someone very much like him.
He goes on like this for every post, and the english and spelling is atrocious.
There'll be no meeting of minds with this one.

fuck off copezoo

>poster suicided after this post
you'll still be bottom of the barrel dogshit thirty years from now, faggot.

>”I voted for trump”

>egocentric projection
Literally a NO U

put the weed on.
what go around come around.

money=units of commodity.

commodity ratios have weightings in trade.

Kek, fuckin loser

supply and demand baby real truths real value

tangible and intangible

up: getting high and watching public fireworkds together comf

Heard some years ago about this girl believing that birds evolved from flying fish.

Attached: flying-fish.jpg (1500x1000, 471K)

Well, this escalated quickly...

>He goes on like this for every post, and the english and spelling is atrocious.
Can confirm. He just finds different ways to say no u in every thread while calling people out for saying no u.

>makes 10,000 reaction images, all of which are just a wall of autistic text and completely defy the point of it being an image in the first place
>one of them talks about others spending 15 hours on the internet, despite having spent 500 hours churning out these fucking pathetic text-as-a-jpeg tumours
>still hasn't shot itself on livestream

>poster shat his diaper after this post
You'll still be a smegma smelling trollard forty years from now, cuntboy.

you'll still be living in a basement posting cringe 30 years from now

go back to ur schizophrenic autism tranny trap containment hole u psychosis laden rejects

If that's what you call "thinking for yourself"

>getting high and watching public fireworkds
Explanation acquired.

fucking kek that would have been enough for me to 360 and leave

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Shut up idiot

My ex couldn't literally tell the left from right. I found out when she was getting her driving license and we were practicing her driving, I was giving her directions. She said she "gets them confused"

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Yes, but he cleverly (cough) avoids actually saying "no u".
Because he finds this to be beneath him.

There is a mental disorder that causes this but that's too much benefit of doubt.

So angry, oh so angry.
Have this.

Attached: ForYou.png (600x240, 21K)

Are you a slim, sexy girl, with shapely breasts, sleek shiny hair, clear eyes and a good set of chompers?
If you live within an hour of me, I'll meet you. for now, post your tits.

Just enjoy the slut.

fucking gross

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So much fucking vaghurt.
Lol, ' you guarantee'. Cute

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>thinks florida is a square
>thinks alaska is a circle
>thinks haiti is an X

Attached: B512800D-A4A5-446A-AF9C-3119E9E1897D.jpg (1024x1018, 161K)

Nope, I'm fat Cred Forumstard with hairy moobs, myopically runny eyes, bad breath and a tendency to fart.
But I'm a good kisser if you can get past the stench.

Widsom, widmos, wimdos, wisdom.

Out of all mental disorders she had I don't think she had the one that makes you confuse left and right

That's totally possible, and you're retarded for thinking it isn't.

samefag is extremely butthurt to the point of collapse, still posting while sawing into his wrists with his mother's sharpest dildo

This is way more common than you realise. My ex was the exact same, she had to look at the back of her hand ' she would poke her forefinger and thumb out and make an L , that meant it was her left hand.

My wife cannot do simple math in her head, also when baking doesn't understand why 1/3 is less than 1/2

how long did you spend deciding whether to put spaces in between the brackets and the letters at either side. did you clap your hands rapidly like a diseased tranny with aids and then jump up to grab your larger dilator in celebration?

Gosh, swing and miss.

Attached: Screenshot.png (1706x298, 83K)

well them trips don’t lie.

oppositonal defiance disorder schizophrenia /projection on me of some shit someone threw on you is why you hit reply

that aint lightning bending i will kill u


Damn that post really got under your skin. Are you triggered?
Will you be alright.


not my type, thanks for the offer though.
if you send gps coordinates i'll redirect the artillery when the war starts and put you out of your misery

>19 seconds apart

nice photoshop attempt, samefag, but no one is falling for it.

Ppl who call samefag but are proven wrong should be banned or some shit. They are literal autistic cancer.

Mmm, send me those soldier boys.
It's a fetish.

Voted for Hillary

Why do all of your posts look the same. Are you a bot.
Why haven't you posted an image with this one.

you do know what sex friends are right?
oh wait I forgot where I was for a second

Attached: bfsdick.jpg (460x336, 41K)


Attached: again?.png (1290x316, 76K)

>doesn't know how to use duplex gold accounts
>can't even drive a car


Not me, mate. Try again.

so you admit there's no samefagging

Telling me we're "better off being friends" all while coming over 2 to 3 times a week and fucking - then gets pissed and slits all 4 of my fucking tires when I get into relationship. Bitch constantly says she can't handle a relationship, but costs me $1200 fucking dollars cause I fall for another girl, continually texts and calls me leaving me voicemails sayin she needs me & misses now. Most women are fuckin psycho.

jesus christ. My general knowledge is shit aswell, I don't understand many basics of human physiology, can't repair anything, don't understand how machines work, but come on. Not knowing left from right is like not knowing how to walk


Attached: thisisgettingsad.png (812x408, 75K)

It was me, I admit it. I identify as a Russian bot. My pronouns are spaceeba/vodka.




A sexy Russian bot I hope?

megalopic post-indifferential wave pushes don't object to the freeform verilux, you'll never even see it coming ,

fourteen isn't over under your system, wait for the trip and you'll fall forwards

nine, that's right

But I'm tennacious!

>Taking words out of their context to imply stupidity
Learn to have a real conversation pleb.

>clanks and belches smoke sexily

>pulling the same 10 second lame photoshop job twice in a row and expecting people to fall for it
nice try, amateur

>Are you triggered?

Attached: 371.jpg (500x628, 171K)

one time i was eating lunch at a bar and the moto gp was playing, they were showing the footage from the front/rear cams on the bikes... some dumb bitch said loudly "if the camera man is so good why doesn't he start racing"

"Men are superior"

even a broken clock is right twice a day

I'm tittilated!
Excited and definitely tittilated.
My technofetish leans heavily on steampunk. Hhhhh

>dumbest thing
Didn't give me a sex. It was her greatest mistake

>oh my god i love this music ... its like walking in fuckin cheesecake

>im not stupid

no u

You mean; even a broken cock is right twice a day?

No, it's not. HSV-1 is just as easily transmitted to the genitals as it is to the mouth when you have an outbreak. In fact, you can spread it anywhere. You can get HSV-1 on your fingers from playing with her, in your eye from jacking off and rubbing your eye, literally anywhere. The only difference real difference between HSV-1 and 2 is the frequency and severity of the outbreaks, both are just as easily transmitted while you are having an active outbreak. I would know, because I got HSV1 on my dick from getting a blowjob from a girl with a cold sore.

However, herpes can lie dormant for years vefore you have an outbreak, so there's no way of actually knowing who gave it to you.

learn to prevent aids rather than trying to cure it, you fucking parasite.

its like ur audiance is ur missing lobotomized part of ur brain/negative space schizo

pretty sure this is the schizo johnathon pine gap fragile x syndrome nsa usa

>go back to ur schizophrenic autism tranny trap containment hole
this is that hole

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whatever helps u sleep at night bb


Sorry I don’t do retarded chicks

just go to the nearest highway and step infront of a big semi in an major english speaking country should do the trick.

Does that logic apply if the clock is one second fast?

What's the difference between an incel and the 10 babies in my basement?
The incel died a virgen


flagulating NIGGERS capitulate outlying the presummated yes or no
IV growth or lacking fronding barbituates without a standardised regulation dosage

you've never been

>learn to prevent aids rather than trying to cure it
Faggot projecting
What even point is you there to be?

>What is the dumbest thing you've heard a girl say
I trust you

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you were murdered genetically

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hit it a couple times
>kek, this is a stupid women thread and i'm not talking about women

Kek mfw

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>when your ESL classes break down mid-sentence

>Giving girls weed
What a waste.

Nice, almost like 1970's broken prose.
All we need is some fusion jazz underlying this rambly rambler.

What even point is you there to be?

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>posting while drunk

What point you be there is to?

Lol this entire thread just got triggered

It's posting without the benefit of meds, more likely.

dried part brightness dulled in the ever luging canteen on your blight spectred corporal.
burnt and doesn't even scrape

Not my opinion, this is what the doctor told me at the health clinic when I got checked.
In fact, when I went to the health clinic, they didn't even test me for HSV-1. They gave me a full STD test because I had an outbreak on my dick so I went to get tested. When I looked through the results they tested me for every STD including HSV-2 but not HSV-1. I asked them, if you looked at my sore and said it looks like herpes, why didn't you test for HSV-1? They told me that because it's so common, their policy is to not even test for it, because they feel that the emotional distress of testing positive for it does more damage to the person than the virus does. The only reason I am led to believe I have HSV-1 is because I came back negative for HSV-2 and every other STD.

i scrape, what do you think I'm some kind of degenerate

nothing, nobody talks to me ever

tss ts-tss tsssss ts-tss tsssss
then the rocky winter broke the apple green, smoke froth gouging where we hadn't thought we'd been

don't know if you have pick n' mix in murica.
You scoop mixed candies into a small plastic bag and pay by weight.
The girl i was with wanted some, and told me not to tie a knot in the bag because it makes it weigh more.

genetic blacklist dclxvi

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Yeah, cool daddio, cool.
that cat really knows his onions.

>not my opinion, that's what the doctor told me
>describes how they lied to him and have a policy of lying to patients
>i believe i have something, so it's real
I believe I died and was reincarnated as a cybernetic gift card.

“can you get pregnant from anal?” and this wasn’t even a blonde

especially if there is air in the bag

hey man, just because flowers don't have arms, doesn't mean they can't stick you. peace and fortified wheat flour, brachiosaur

Bruh a sore on your dick that looks like a cold sore is herpes, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. You're just in denial that you've been giving a buncha girls herpes and never told them.

blondes are statistically more intelligent, hence which the average iq of scandinavian countries is 6-9 points higher than southern european countries.
also, you can become pregnant from anal, read about it.

You're her emotional tampon. I guess if that's what you like then cool. Otherwise tell her to fuck off.

That's it mate! We'll sign a three-book deal post haste!

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u can if it leaks out and in.. i dunno how deep in.. probably her masturbating with it after to have chance but i dont know how right i am here could be wrong in whatever im thinking

dont fuck next time ok

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herpes is for faggots, hpv is the select choice.
yours can barely induce a secondary cancer risk.

A woman with no vagina got pregnant from a blowjob. True story.

Exactly, hence why they don't test for it, it's an annoyance, that's all. I've had my HPV shots already, I ain't worried about that. The point is, HSV-1 and HSV-2 are equally easy to transfer during an outbreak, the only difference is one gives one speck of an outbreak every couple of months, if that, and the other gives you a rash of an outbreak every couple of weeks unless you take medication.

>I still carry that weight

nigga how?

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i'd say it was a done dead down deal, but triptograph lacking left you obnodoraded.

a friend of my gf's didn't know what the holocaust was/what happened in it

Next stop, Hollywood!

it's not reported to patients because they want herpes to spread.
check the infection rate escalation since the 60s.

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what medication and how often

Ignorance isn't stupidity.

good, thank fuck there are still sane, unbrainwashed people in the world.
fuck jew permavictim parasite dogshits

Aclovir is the most common, taken once a day to suppress the virus doesn't cure it but significantly reduces the severity and number of outbreaks

in space everything is weightless, so anyone can lift the Sun
>girl here



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fucking made me kek user

i do

Oh no! Someone speaks English!

what are you going to stand on to lift it?
>marmoset here

literal mrs.atlasxx

>her dick

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Oh shit . ill post a few here
Dated this girl she was in college studying veterinary science makes these stories all so much more funny Story one comes to my apartment for weekend getaway wakes up before me and decides she's going to cook me breakfast comes to me and wakes me up asked me. Baby sorry bother you but how do you preheat the microwave i dont see perheat on the panel
Stupid thing 2
I drove a simi then .we are rollin out all quiet almost no traffic on the road its 2 or 3 in the morning her and I not really talking she's just sitting in the seat in the dark she goes user . yes bae . do wheels come in any other shape ? . i ask her . what did you say . do wheels come in any other shape ? I mean like other then round ? head lights come in different shapes so why not wheels ?
She loves earth wind and fire . but couldbt understand why theres always black people on CD cover
I tell her . the band is black . her world was destroyed

thanks for sharing dip-shit

which is why you go with: Fuck her.


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give them molly too

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get some sleep. you have school at 8 on monday

>loves earth wind and fire
>the band is black . her world was destroyed

>not inspect element
what are you fucking retarded mate?

bump limit

new thread

Mega based. I dose my wife's friends all the time. Never parlayed it into sex though.

Best sex I ever had the girl dropped ecstasy briefcase without even telling me. We fucked in a sex club on a swing in front of a crowd of betas. They clapped.

>using inspect element in 2020
>not being able to afford photoshop
negroid detected

At my wife's house i was explaining to her 18 yo cousin (friend of the family) what primary colors were. (That fact alone..) So im getting to the part of how you get all the other colors and i use the old line from the ziplock commercial about how yellow and blue make... I paused and waited fot her to answer. She didnt know. She couldn't even make a guess. So i kind of chuckled ans put the question to her older sister expecting a quick answer. She had no idea either. Neither one of these child bearing, actively voting, car driving woman could tell me what color you get when you mix yellow and blue...

Guess what bitch, all of us here on Cred Forums are retarded neanderthals who never bathe, and you know this pretty well yet you insist on having arguments with us, you can fuck off right to reddit, or better yet, post a half naked picture of you on instagram. Fucking hell
Female humans do not belong on here

>be me
>go to an artificial lake/reservoir/whatever you call it in English
>gf and her friend, let's call her annika, is with me
>annikas parents have a pool at home from which they drain water every winter
>'wow user so much water I wonder what they do with all the water in winter'

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>could tell me what color you get when you mix yellow and blue...
You're not as smart as you think you are, there are multiple sets of primary colors. Look up additive and subtractive color models some time. Beams of light don't behave the same as paint.

My gf is a psychology student and I thought she would be smart, wrong , she is fucking retarded, but she's cute and very feminine so its pleasing to the eyes plus she's like 5 years younger than me and it feels good to fuck young pussy daily

they do regularly drain reservoirs to clean them you cretin, arschloche, dummkopf or whatever you call it in german.

>i thought psychology was clever people stuff
>i write sentences like a demented nigger

>retarded neanderthals
Confirmed retard. Read a book.

it's not for drinking water or sth. just to bath and have fun. what to clean you idiot? the earth? fuck you

>going out
Hate to break it to you user, but if she's in a relationship and still dressing slutty/going out with friends to get drunk and dance, well, she's flirting with guys and possibly fucking some.

Any chick who says stuff like that unprompted on a 'first date' or similar, well, she will always do the opposite of what she says. Women 101.

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Story 3 she trys to explain to me how beer comes from a tree like maple syrup. Does
Story 4. Out at the bar . i just got home from a 3 day turn .all i want is a good meal a few drink and her . i have a few to many jack and cokes with my steak so i ask her to drive ny car . its a manual
Grind grind finds reverse grind grind finds 3rd .restart grind grind finds reverse .gets mad as fuck . user ? I dont understand ! If drinking and driving is illegal . then why do bars have parking lots !

>pollutor pollutes with pollutants
maybe you should stop polluting and they won't have to clean it

>she's flirting with guys
>possibly fucking some.

beer does come from plants you imbecile.

>flirting is fine
Amoral whore detected.

dude hoppes, barley is a plant

man this is all forms of bait

Dumb fuck
Beer does not come from trees like syrup Google maple syrup and see how it's made beer is not made that way

leviathan hobbes

adam smith supplementry

>thinks syrup comes from trees
it's a biproduct of the sugar industry you braindead cunt

You are obviously a youngin' with no real experience with what women are really like, and the amount of flirting that goes on during nights out.

Put it this way. If she was happy with getting her validation and attention from her partner, she wouldn't be going out to bars and clubs.

You super simple son of a bitch
Its a tree tap

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gay phone poster