The wuhan corona virus is very similar to SARS which is also a corona virus...

The wuhan corona virus is very similar to SARS which is also a corona virus. Out of thousands infected SARS only killed under 800, the vast majority of those being elderly or suffering form pre existing health issues (also largely elderly). If you are young or middle aged with a health immune system your chances of surviving it are actually very good unless you suffer a complication. Just like the flu actually.

You know what this means? The Wuhan corona virus is an anti-boomer virus.

Attached: coronavirus-thumb-l.png (1200x840, 1.79M)

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I woke up and shat a bunch. Now i want to go back to sleep, but i feel like i'm not done.

God dammit, i hate this "stuff goes through a tube" system. Doctor Ido can go fuck himself.

is an airborne HIV

You don't quarantine 40 fucking million people because of the flu.
Especially not at just 600 infected (or was it lower?)

Working as intended.

Attached: 1580532546063.jpg (750x493, 76K)

~12.000 in China so far.

Shut the fuck up, this shit is crashing the market right now and I'm trying to make some buys and profit.

Coronoa virus is very scary and bad please sell all your stocks very quickly before the world economy collapses ok thanks

The Coronavirus seems 100% manufactured. I rarely ever get into tinfoil situations but this to me seems forced and planned. They're trying to cull the herd.

>Coronoa virus is very scary
Actually he is right, it is not even as ddeadly as ebola. It is just a little bit more deadly than the common flu. The reason why people are fearmongering so much is because it has a very low incubation time and you can infect others before showing the first symptoms.

>just a little bit
>flu kills .1%, rounding up
>corona kills 40% rounding down
>only only 400x more deadly

SARS killed 8000 in 9 months.

coronavirus killed 8000 in one month.

Where are your numbers from, idiot?

my bad, johns hopkins has updated their numbers to show more dead than recovered.

so 52%, or 520 times more likely to kill you than the flu.

sources are for fags:

Yeah, because sars has a low infection rate, it tends to kill people before they are contagious.

Where do you get the 52% percent from? 250 deaths from 12k infected is not 50%, faggot

>marketwatch, a known stock shilling page
>BBC and a medical research university.

but which is telling the truth?

infected means neither dead or fine. hes getting 52% because 259 died and 252 recovered. thats how rates work

a major thing that scares most virologist and epidemiologist about viruses like corona is this.
Viruses that start out from animals and jump to humans have already shown they have mutated once. Most of the "scary" viruses like SARS, MERS, Ebola, corona, even the FLU, are all RNA viruses.

RNA viruses can mutate easier. mainly because when RNA replicates it doesnt have strong proofreading components like DNA does. As the virus jumps from host to host it has a high chance to produce a mutation which will create a slightly different virus once released to another host.

The faster it spreads from person to person the more chance of a mutation each time.

Right now it is only killing old or immune compromised people.

If it mutates enough it could become stronger and start killing more people.

Most virus infection are not going to be the end of the world. But it still should be taken serious because shit could turn south quick.

"Unfortunately, a human H5N1 pandemic might emerge with initial lethality resembling that over-50% case fatality now observed in pre-pandemic H5N1 human cases, rather than with the still-high 1-2% seen with the Spanish flu or with the lower rates seen in the two more recent influenza pandemics."
This holds true for any Corona epidemic, be it SARS, MERS, NL1, NHK63 and a few others, reasons are similar too and there is something seriously wrong with taking the absolute number of known diagnosed infected and calculating the lethality from there.

He has the autisms.

wow he seems smart to only count diagnosed infected

You tell us, they're all run by jews and unreliable for anything but goyim food

His medical research page is right, the death rate is 2%

I like when anons post sources that completely destroy their point. The 50% rate was posted by media as a survival rate for elders and younglings.
Fuggedy off, corona has a possible period of being infectios of almost a year, although the first few days are the critical time period that kills you.
have some site citing a who report

6 billion people have the black death. none have died. none have recovered. nothing to worry about right?

I dun goofed, here the site

my father is doctor and this is this is the first time he's ever been worried about some virus. his concern is its super easy to spread and people can spread it before they even know they're sick. theres not enough data to even speculate if it will be 1% or 50% fatal. china is not known for its accurate reporting.

There is a patent for it, look it up

With legal abortion, and all of the dicks your mom took, you were the best you mom could pump out of her cunt?

Millineals make the worst argument.
And they have fucked up the world even worse now that its their watch.

Wait till this shit kills your grandma.

Whatever Snowflake

Attached: sb.jpg (214x236, 8K)

SARS killed pregnant women like a bitch man

I also wonder if its a designed bio weapon. The time it took for China to admit its a issue is crazy.

sure, blame the fucking virus on your inability to properly play the stock market.

The whole conspiracy thing is bullshit.

Simple fact is that this started in a wet market, where the chinese have no sanitation or safeguards what so ever.
They butcher and kill animals on the sidewalk, and that shit easily gets spread around.

Civilized countries butcher animals in sealed clean rooms by law and oversight for a reason.

>I also wonder if its a designed bio weapon.
Semi confirmed, most likely not a bio weapon, but china had three corona high security research labs to research it and find vaccines in wuhan. Reason being they are plagued by the corona stem viruses for almost a decade now.

>killed 8000 in a month

Nigga stay off of Cred Forums

Underrated post. Only thing id point out is fatality used as an indication of "strength." From an evolutionary standpoint of the virus, less fatalities = more infections, generally. Lethality is usually an evolutionary "mistake" with less-fatal viruses having a reproductive edge over more-fatal ones.

>Things we already know
>It's an anti boomer virus!

The punch line was stale and so is that oomer meme.
OP is being a super faggot today.

None of what you said is true, who is telling you these lays user? lol

Being at the peak of health is not always the best thing. There is a forgotten outbreak that wiped out a shitload of people. and I mean a shitload of people here in the USA in 1918. Its known as the Spanish Flu. It wiped out entire towns. The survivers were children and the elderly. Those with a weak immune system. See what happened was the virus hit so hard that it put the immune system into overdrive. What killed the people wasnt the virus, it was the immune systems response. Killed by their own over reacting immune system

Attached: spanish.jpg (1240x698, 443K)

The body count was so high that when someone died, they would place the body by the curbside, much like we do with our trash today. a truck would do rounds and collect the bodies. Remember this is in the USA in 1918. not long before the roaring 20's. here is a pic of them digging mass graves

Attached: 09272018_mass_graves_Philly.2e16d0ba.fill-735x490.jpg (735x490, 149K)

here is a truck delivering coffins. Also USA 1918. Hospitals and funeral homes simply couldnt cope

Attached: 8cebaa21d1aded3698a90dbfe91f0360.jpg (700x508, 82K)

>52% mortality rate

Yeah in shithole 3rd world ciuntry like china where they don't want their people to live. Its more like 5-7% if you get it in someplace like the us.


I agree this is a 3rd world issue not something a American should really worry about.

He's referring to the point in time they Initiated the quarantine.

Yeah, but the spanish flu occurs randomly to this day and it is now a joke we laugh about, because you literally would just have to take anti inflamatories to not die.

Of course not. The US is prepared. The government ordered thousands of plastic coffins years ago

Attached: coffins.jpg (307x164, 14K)

Very true. my point was that when shit goes down, it goes down so fast it overwhelms infrastructures. Think about this. due to walmart inventing it, most companies run "Just in time" inventory systems. So there is just enough in an area to handle regular sales. no warehouses with old time capacities. this includes medical supplies.

Really did they? I don't know what that picture you posted of FEMA camp platic coffins for 2008 has too do with your post, but could you post a picture of them.

259/252 is still greater than 50 percent. That number can come from and apply to a lot of things. So you can both be right, but you'd only be wrong in assuming he's using your Stat for something else. When you can just do the math of dead/recovered. That's the scary statistic, but people can die faster than they get better. So we'll see if recoveries can keep up. It uses to be a difference of 40 people, so recoveries are catching up


There are patents for many natural viruses and diseases too. Explain that. I can, they're patenting their work on mapping out the genome.

and you don't seem to understand how probabilities and heuristics work. The first 10 days are the days in which the virus is lethal, after that you are infectuous for another two months, so not counted as healthy, but also not in danger of dying. Your 50% shit is fearmongering par excellence, even you should understand that you cant work with those numbers based on a virus that emerged not even two months ago.

there’s a patent for breast cancer too but nobody owns breast cancer dumbass

it’s airborne HIV
do you really think that evolved in nature?

I heard chinese already developed a cure is that true?

North Korea already cured this kind of hiv years ago

look how the Chinese are walking past sick people lying in the streets.
oh ...that's normal for chinks you say. kek

Woah do you think Dr. Dad can drive a tongue depressor through their hearts and save us all?

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