

Attached: IncelPost_1.png (684x193, 15K)

Attached: IncelPost_2.png (647x159, 9K)

Attached: IncelPost_3.png (629x170, 11K)

Attached: IncelPost_4.png (406x164, 9K)

It's scary how accurate this thing is.

Attached: IncelPost_5.png (710x186, 16K)

That... is frightening.

"I don't know which is worse: women dying their hair or men liking women. It's only a matter of time before one of them causes a matriarchal dystopia."

Yep, half of Cred Forums has been rendered obsolete.

Attached: IncelPost_6.png (691x179, 16K)

"If I had sons and caught them respecting holes I'd disown them."
Now we just need a shitpost generator and racims ditto and Cred Forums will become entirely automated.

Attached: IncelPost_7.png (733x203, 13K)

Attached: IncelPost_8.png (690x181, 12K)

I'm going to try posting some of these over in this thread

Fuckin lol OP

Attached: IncelPost_9.png (716x189, 14K)

Expected incel post generator

Got pedo post generator instead

Attached: 571469B3-9305-4956-AA61-D998C5D20BDB.jpg (750x351, 85K)

I'd say the fact that it repeats itself is a bit of a flaw, but that honestly just makes it more accurate.

Attached: IncelPost_10.png (413x156, 9K)

That one is golden, I'm gonna post that over there.

Attached: IncelPost_11.png (694x177, 11K)

Heh... I may have killed that thread.

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Attached: IncelPost_13.png (687x195, 14K)

HA! That one's far out. Post that one.

Attached: IncelPost_14.png (739x268, 30K)

Attached: Screenshot_20200201-075128_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 197K)

Heh, that post is often seen, without the benefit of a generator.

>post generator
>literally just pulls from a list of full reddit sentences
I've gotten the same "random" post twice in a few clicks, go shill your reddit karma machine somewhere else faggot

Yeah, it got old pretty quick. Once you've pulled all the different templates it looses its luster.

Attached: IncelPost_15.png (679x185, 14K)

Man - even with the greentext this reads as a generated post.

woops, spilled the beans.

Attached: IncelPost_16.png (695x197, 13K)

"If you didn't lose your virginity in high school, it's over. It would have been more humane to be stoned."

man, it's like being on Cred Forums

This is the gift that keeps on giving, thanks OP.

It was mostly amusing

Attached: IncelPost_17.png (733x208, 15K)