Feels thread. please keep pics sfw. Thank you

Feels thread. please keep pics sfw. Thank you

How are you all doing today, my friends?

Come get what's bothering you off your chest

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I'm nervous about leaving my long-term NEETdom behind by starting to put in some job applications in next week. But I know it has to be done.

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ive gotta go to work soon, miss my free saturdays as a child, even if we we're poorer back then

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Fuckin forced Slavery
maybe if we were making enough money to escape the endless cycle, but they make sure we are not...

im caught up in some furry drama and some girl is lying about me in a mass email/note to her watchers

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well, i'm on a drugs from a psychiatrist that i'm taking because of my depression and they had some side effects. so i lowered the dose. No more side effects but i feel like a shit again.

side effects sometimes take a month to go away dont change your dose without consulting your doctor

I have tried so many anti-depressants...
I think the unable to feel anything including fun and excitement side effect far outweighs the slightly less sad effect.

Ahhh I'm so sorry, friends. I forgot I had the thread running. I got caught up in personal matters

Best of luck getting a job, friend. It may be a struggle at the beginning but it feels better earning the money you spend!

Ah I'm sorry to hear, friend. Do you at least earn extra money for working weekends there? Do you get ANY days off in the week?

If you have proof of her email/note, you can sue her for slander if you have proof that it's all a lie. That's very gross of her over something so petty

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The thing i was experiencing was Akathisia and it was driving me crazy. I was totally unable to function properly. Also i was facing it for few months and it was only getting stronger and stronger to the point when i was experiencing it every day. I've changed meds twice and it didnt help btw

Few years ago my girlfriend of 5 years killed her self life hasn't been the same since, I've travelled made new friends tried new things got a new job went to therapy. Every day I still have to fake that I'm happy. Really been thinking about becoming an hero.

What do you think she would say about that?

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My Cat gets all frustrated when I try to play with his toes
It is not my fault they are so fluffy and cute

She's probably love it we where together 5 years but it was 5 years of emotional abuse. Sometimes I think I shouldn't even feel bad about her being gone but doesn't make me feel any better.

I see those must be some tough feelings to fight with
I am not really in a position to offer love advice...
but I hope you will keep trying a little longer, maybe you will find someone even better, who will help you feel good again...

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I'm actually trying to move out of my current girlfriends house. Shit was good for a few months but now I can't even stand to be around her. Waiting to tell her I'm leaving her till I have enough money saved up to not have to stay with her after the break up.

My cock smells because i fucked past night but didnt shower.

At least you have a solid plan
That is more than I can say for most people who are feeling out
I believe in you, you can find your new happiness!

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Had a stupid fight with my SO. We are going to see each other today as I will pick him up from work. But I don't know. It's been rough lately as whatever small argument we may have escalates a lot because we are both stressed and anxious about different things.

Also, I'm studying and graduating soon, so I have a lot on me right now. I also have money problems and barely make even every month. I had some family issues and I had to give my mother almost everything I was able to save up to her. So I'm broke and stressed. I just hope things get a little better.

I fucking hope so man I've been thinking about killing my self since I was in middle school I'm fucking 28 now and almost nothing has changed.

Gotta Run
Good Luck Everyone!
I know you are strong enough to fight your demons, for at least a few moar days!

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Thanks for making threads!
You probably really like to but must be a bit of a headache to help everyone here

Sometimes it is cathartic
and can help you process your own issues
to try to focus on someone else's for a little while...

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