People say Marijuana isn't detrimental to the brain, but when I see this shit I have to wonder

People say Marijuana isn't detrimental to the brain, but when I see this shit I have to wonder...

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Marijuana is like coffee:
Yes it’s a psychoactive drug, but smart people use it and dumb people also use it.

Don’t even have to guess, I know this family was black

which makes the son doing his homework all the more ridiculous

the effects on a developing brain have been studied and shown to do immense damage

and on all ages to cause paranoia

In light doses it is fine. Just kids will abuse it if not parented. Studies also say the brain goes back to normal is abstinence is had for 6 months.

isn't alcohol the exact same?

Yes but it is respected and accepted.

>Studies also say the brain goes back to normal is abstinence is had for 6 months

i highly doubt that because i didn't even smoke that much weed growing up and i feel like a complete fucking retard now

OH, it IS.
I've been smoking for years, my short term memory is crap, which made my log term memory also crap. It's very difficult to learn new stuff, my attention spam is about half an hour on a good day, I'm completely Ok with being bored, So I don't do shit, I only want to smoke weed, masturbate and play vidya. And also eat. Weed makes everything taste good so I got fat. I've been smoking about 15, 20 grams a month. I've tried to quit at the end of every bag, but I always convince myself of getting more.

Smoked every day since I was 14 it's fine kys

this sounds like bullshit

Dont buy into the media bullshit. Lots of people use herb .. Hell the previous president was a fan im sure. If you want to watch a movie about herb stay away from the halfbaked and look for the saving grace type(not the tv show the movie saving grace)


>blaming your autism on herb
Yew wot m8?
Maybe .. And i may be going out on a limb here... But maybe you are just retarded and have always been. Jist a thought

God dam .. You are jist stupid and blaming herb for your neet.
Its not the herb bro ... Its you

It's not the most harmful drug around by far but it can have negative effects if abused. My sister got addicted to marijuana and now she just sits in her room listening to music or watching TV at full blast while giggling all day every day. I'm not saying don't legalize it but if drugs are going to be legal, we really need a system to make sure people don't go crazy with them. Easier said than done, though, huh?

Yup. Kids should neither drink alcohol, smoke or doing weed.

If you’re an adult and don’t overdo it, you’re fine.

mexican, ese

>back to normal is abstinence is had for 6 months.
that's not how brain destruction works, unlike the rest of your body (e.g. tongue) your brain isn't regenerating itself. kill a brain cell, it stays dead

Most sensible thing ever said on Cred Forums

overuse of anything is bad. Im a servere alcoholic and I have the same symptoms as this guy. Heavy use of anything burns brain cells. casual to moderate use isnt usually harmful for the more common drugs. Its when you go overboard for years that your brain begins to suffer

weed doesn't kill brain cells, it just changes them in a way in which they might as well be dead

Marijuana isnt to blame they are just retarded by nature

I don't understand why smart people use weed, dumb people using makes sense because they don't have the intellect to engage in intellectually enjoyable activities, but smart people do so why bother with weed?

>how much is 1/8th
damn, weed is ruining that kid's brain.

This. I’d put it closer to alcohol but the same principle applies. Enough people smoke weed that you’re gonna have people from all walks of life using it and some abusing it. I stopped smoking until my senior showed a snap of his place and he had a bong on his table and I realized everyone tokes

they do it to forget, about what they think, or just have fun, its kinda eazy

>I realized everyone tokes

i'm sick of this fucking meme, not everyone smokes weed dude

You look liek smaht so check out what smaht people wrote about doing weed, there's a lot on it through history, other drugs too.
As a cerytified smaht u gonna win it m8


That could easily be clinical depression and the weed is tangential.

>breaking news
>chemicals do nothing