Nobody on this site is truly happy

Nobody on this site is truly happy.
Change my mind.

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First lay out your definitions.

What do you consider "truly happy"?

Of course no one is happy!
Furry, porn, YLYL, traps, Dubs, Logs, Dick rate threads... so on, everyone needs of Cred Forums

no shit sherlock

your mind cant be changed change my mind

Being a NEET is a very comfortable existence. You get to do what you love all day, and someone else provides for your every need. On top of that, you don't have to worry about things like taking showers or throwing things out because you can just throw it around your lair.

until the provider has had enough of your shit and kicks you out

happiness is relative and therefore not a real measurable entity, and assuming you mean 100% by saying "true", happiness is the counter to sadness, and to experience happiness you require a time of opposite emotion to compare it to, so you can never really achieve 100% happiness.

Nobody is even slightly or superficially happy in this place, so iot doesn't matter.

Learning new things changes your mind in some ways.

shit thread

Cope, also, your argumentation is lame

No, but it's a stupid concept. You should not go for some vague romantic notion of "true happiness." You can be happy with some things and just focus on them. If they make you forget other things, including some abstract idea of happiness, or some utilist overall score, you're fine.

you cannot argue without agreeing on the definitions first
there never were any arguments made

You asked for the definition of "true happiness", and I said it's pointless to discuss it since anyone here is actually happy to sart with, making OP right

agreed, i won't be truly happy until i'm dead

If you are happy because of some things, that means your happiness is dependant of that thing, meaning it's not true happiness, it's just a superfluous and superficial one

go back to elementary school

what it means to be happy is a question of philosophical nature, aside from that being happy is a moment, a final step on a way you are happy because you have succeeded in something challenging, that's why you need to have challenges in life, because if you don't you get sad and get depression

You can't recognize happiness, therefore you don't see it anywhere. More importantly though, happiness is not something people have or are, it's a fleeting thing that we pursue and cultivate. You're being sloppy on poirpoise.

What a great argument, you brainlet, cope

I disagree, being happy is a state of mind, it's continuous, not momentaneous.

You can know if you are happy tho, forget about reading other people, you can recognize it on yourself.

Then you're using the wrong word and calling it happy. There are many people who use the wrong word for what they mean to represent. You probably have strong opinions about what 'freedom' and 'love' mean too, but I bet you're wrong about those words just as much as you're wrong about happiness and its meaning.

>Nobody on this site is truly happy.
Nobody is truly happy

Look up some synonyms for happy and you'll see what you're missing.

Shit, look up the etymology of the word and you'll get the picture.

are you responding someone in particular?

Can't change your mind OP, but if you choose not to dismiss this as nonsense, I might just change your perception.

This site is mostly autistic/skitzo/incel/tranny retards trying to enjoy being outcasts there are a lot of unfeeling sociopaths and/or psychopaths (depending on how you view the personality disorder). The more extreme cases are unable to feel sad, that being said, they really can't be "happy" either... Buuuuhhhttt they do find gratification, entertainment, and enjoyment in there actions, more so in their sadistic ones they can preform anonymously with little more than a few keyboards strokes. And reading into philosophy enough can make you really realize nobody is truly happy and we are all afraid of death and all the things we choose to have in our life is just a way to cope. In way, a lot of this sites more veteran users are some of the happiest people in the world.

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An attempt was made

OP must have a PhD in psychology to reach such a conclusion.

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