For all of US history, conservatives have been on the wrong side

For all of US history, conservatives have been on the wrong side.

Conservatives in 1776 were on the side of the Crown.

They were the Confederacy.

They were the KKK.

They were on the side of the Robber Barons.

They were anti-suffragists.

They were anti-civil rights.

They were anti-LGBTQ rights.

They're anti-healthcare, anti-education, anti-environment right now.

With their failure to address Russia's attacks on our elections and their refusal to hold Trump accountable for his crimes, they're also now anti-democracy.

They have always been the bad guys in US history. Every single generation we've had has had to fight them tooth and nail to make progress. We win, and we leap forwards with policies like the abolition of slavery, or the vote for women, or child labor laws, or civil rights, or abortion, or gay marriage, but their wealthy owners sit back and regroup and launch another attack on civilization after a few years.

And it works. Specifically because conservatives are tribalist cavemen who will do whatever their Big Chief tells them to do. They're authoritarians by nature who believe that right and wrong don't come from structured moral philosophies, but from whatever their chieftain tells them is right or wrong. What's true or false.

They're weak-minded children at heart, who yearn for an all-powerful father figure to provide easy structure to their world. Because they cannot handle the complexities of real life. Because the burden of free thought is too much for them to handle. And because they are fundamentally terrified of change. Change, above all, is beyond their understanding, and they know it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

why do you hate jews, user?

>They were anti-LGBTQ rights.

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You actually have that mixed up dumbass. The Confederacy and KKK were both Democrats. The anti-everything were Democrat Governors and such. Revisionist history only works if people don't know how to look shit up.

conservative is a meaningless and overly broad term like liberal
are you talking about traditionalists? market libertarians? expansionists? nationalists?

Where did OP mention Republican vs Democrat?

The GOP was FORMED to fight slavery you fucking MORON!! This is the kind of shit low IQ liberals eat by the shovel-full. Eat shit and die.


Conservative =/= republican.

Unless you're trying to tell me that modern Republicans support black Americans against police violence?

What really irks me is criminal lawyers of president trump argued that as long as he is president he can commit as many and any crime he wants and can't be charged. Trump could kill someone and his dumbass retarded lawyers think that is perfectly fine

Oh no, OP is choking to death on cock

Republican /= Conservative.

Understand the republican party has been hijacked by the conservatives for the last 20-30 years.

Before that though you can see which party the conservatives had cuck'ed in history by their voting lines.

Conservatives have always fucked up everything.
Democrates wouldn't have the whiney loser limp wrist gender fucks on their side if republicans would grow a dick and stop sucking big fat biggot baptist dick.

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How far up your ass did you reach to pull this one? The only "criminal" behavior they have on Trump is equivalent or far less worse than what has been done by every president. They had way more justifiable rational to remove Reagan (which they didn't even attempt) than they do Trump. History is 0 for 4 when it comes to using impeachment for what it was intended.

Conservatives are fucking stupid.

If they were legit the land would just be full of quakers. Instead they just hate everything they dont like... try to banish it "in da name of JayZuhs!" and call themselves conservatives

Holy fuck would you newfags stop responding to bait threads. This cancer belongs on its containment board.
Sage goes in all fields.



Good job bumping it to page 1

But thats not true.

It was democrats that enacted the most racist laws like Jim Crowe and it was the democrats who literally founded and made up the majority of the KKK.

Hillary’s mentor; Robert Byrd was literally a grand cyclops of the KKK.

The Gov of Virginia is a blackfacing KKK robe wearing racist, who the democrats condemned while turning around a day later, excusing his actions. He’s still in power today and caused the gun crisis in Virginia becuz he tried to use red flag laws/pre-crime to confiscate guns and then threatened to bring in the national guard becuz the police refused to confiscate guns over pre-crime.

Also Licoln was a literal republican.

Like how uneducated are you?

This is gold lmao


found the criminal republican

Progressives gave us eugenics.

Conservatism is the preservation of enlightenment liberalism you fucking autist.

Conservatism: The belief that the world hit cultural nirvana right when you were growing up, and now liberals are ruining it by not stopping there.

Fuck off with this pasta already

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Stay mad politic fucker


political parties and political ideologies arent constant over 100s of years

Republicans started as a liberal party but changed ideologies in the middle of the 1900s.

But that means Dems were originally the party of racist bigots. Meaning it doesnt matter what they do now, they need to check their privilege and historic atrocities and just like go away and die like the boomers they are, considering that’s the logic they use against their political opposition.

discordgg kgSNA7

You need to study your own political history.
btw also reading op's post would help

Yes, the democrats were the pro slavery party.
But guess what? All those politicians are long dead and buried and the modern democratic party has no policy similarities to the 1800s democrats. Just like how modern republicans share nothing with the party of 150 years ago.

What matters in modern politics is the current positions and ideologies of the two parties and how they affect people.

>B-b-b-but the demmekrats!
Read a book.

Conservative =/= republican

Um the modern republican party is still anti-slavery so that’s still a step up from dem’s history.
Where as dem’s were historical the pro-slavery and literal Jims Crowe KKK party.
Meaning they should be held responsible and be forced to disband, as they’re literally the party of slavery.
It doesnt matter if they changed, they’re still guilty of their ancestors sins, and should have their feet held to the fire more so, because they’re now the party that says white people are guilty for all the countries woes becuz of white people’s history in america, when in reality it was white people’s history, but white democrat’s history.

so youre for taxing white people for the spreading of reparations to blacks right?

You mean a history book? Like the ones going over democrat’s literal KKK racist history?
They need to take responsibility for their history and disband and for good measure all democrats should be given as slaves to blacks as reparations.

>Conservative democrats
Yep, that kkk

Yes, but only the democrat ones, since they’re the ones historical responsible for it. The jews should have to pay as well since it was their merchant ships that transported the slaves bought from the literal Africans who were selling slaves.

Of course conservatives have always been inferior subhumans, OP.

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Yep the same one who granted Hillary Clinton’s mentor Robert Byrd the title of Grand Cylops of the KKK.

dont reply to him
hes just a troll

>durr democrats racist durr
user you were already given a history lesson. You literally support the conservatism OP is talking about.
You are on the wrong side of history.

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literally nobody ever clicks on your stupid faggot memes trumpshit kys

All true Op.

how many dicks does it take to satisfy op

you suck just one dick
trump's mushroom cock

bump for trooth. infuriate a liberal, post facts.

>some stupid faggot shit nobody's clicking on
stop samefagging trumpshit

I know
Bots and shills but since it is Saturday I'm poking around to see if I can't spot some of their patterns.

if you knew history then you'd know that after reconstruction and into the new century (20th) there was a shift where the republican party because the precursor to the modern democrat party and vise versa. Basically they switched ideologies.

Putin doesn't allow history books.

When I was in high school we had to share (sometimes up to 3 people) textbooks which had been printed in the 70s
Pretty shameful for an American school in an area that isn't even poor

Great post, I would add it's not just in the US. The right are the bad guys everywhere. The reactionary, ignorant and bigoted are holding the human race back worldwide. Sorry guys, but Republicans are evil. It's really that simple.

If being on the wrong side of history means not supporting the historical racist, KKK, party that is generally still racist today, see Gov Coonman Northram of Virginia or Hillary’s mentor the KKK Grand Cyclop Roberty Byrd or how they manipulate minorities for examples, then i’ll gladly be on the wrong side of history.

Granted, i dont support either side, because they’re both corrupt hypocrites.
Its just more entertaining poking fun at democrats, becuz they think they have an ounce of moral high ground worth standing on, when they’re LITERALLY the Jim Crowe, Pro-Slavery, KKK founding, party.
Them switching ideologies doesnt absolve them of their history.

>Republicans are evil
Mostly they don't realize it. They allowed themselves to be coopted by evil


50 years from now, the name "trump" will spoken right alongside with names like McCarthy. And Obama, the Jackie Robinson of presidents, will be one of about 3 presidents your average high school senior can name.

Lmao thats the pot calling the kettle black if ive ever seen it.

This is the problem with having a two party system lead by two corrupt parties, one will always think they must be in the right since the other is in the wrong, leading to a lesser of two evils compromise when both a rotten to the core.

I never exclused the "the other side"

Try again, faggot

You need a fucking wank

Oh look, more lies and propaganda. yay.

I dont need to, becuz ur a bigot, using language like that, so you’re automatically irrelevant and require and deserve no further attention.

And you're just a virtue signalling little shit-munching troll.

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How can i be virtue signaling AND trolling? One requires a give a shit about the shit im signaling at least for the brownie points.
Not my fault ur ideology is root in double standards and eating ur own the second they step out of line.

Kill yourself, bigot.

>conservatives did the racism and supported muh crown
Imagine being this ignorant of history lmao
Oh, also slide thread saged

>How can i be virtue signaling AND trolling
How indeed
You know what you're doing. It isn't so different from the "it's okay to be white" posters

You can suck my non-binary feminine penis

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That’s called concern trolling, you tard.

No thanks, the fact you’d even say that to me is literally sexual harassment since i did not consent to such vulgar language, you literal sexual predator bigot.

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I love how you retards telegraph that your boomer tier reddit tards. If its not low T memes, its gay as fuck gifs like supernatural.

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You're just mad I caught you being a faggot (in the Cred Forums sense)

>Have a Cred Forums tier meme to go with it

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LMAO okay, retard.
Cope harder.

Oh wait, you’re the bigot, right? Fuck off and kill yourself, you literal bigoted sexual predator.

stop bumping

Conservatives defeated international spread of Marxism


You're aware that he has openly admitted to committing multiple felonies and dozens of misdemeanors, right? Literally spend thirty seconds looking it up on something that isn't Fox News you fucking mongoloid