Why are so many people upset this nigger is dead? Yes it was sad and shocking...

Why are so many people upset this nigger is dead? Yes it was sad and shocking, but this is starting to get ridiculous now. You have grown ass men crying over Kobe dying. It's like dude, you didn't even fucking know him. I mean come on.

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yess let your frustration out here on Cred Forums

I'm asking a question retard. Is that alright with you? Granted you might have to take a fucking break from all the porn for a few seconds.

People are fucking stupid


go into the woods and drink some anti freeze the world will be a better place without u in it asshole

Kobe embodied success. To see the human manifestation of success be abruptly erased is somewhat of a shock to most people. It's not so much that anyone cares about Kobe as a person, but it's that even the most winningest of winners is subject to the nature of nature. Granted, a human (himself or the pilot) is ultimately what killed him, but fate is rather what led to Kobe being in the situaton in the first place. Obviously everyone knows that you can't manipulate death if it's going to happen, but it's a grand case of humbling to see that Kobe was killed in such a way at such a time in his life. Nobody likes to see a self-made human that figured out the game of life to be taken out in almost an inversely equal magnitude to how much success he had in life.
I guess you could say it was poetic, but humans will forever have empathy for people that have died and/or the surviving family.

OP is right, shits annoying

fuck you. kobe is king.

People are upset they can't yell "Kobe" when they toss something or rape someone now.

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Is this pasta already?

He was a fuckin rapist... typical nigger
one less nigger and one less rapist in the world. good riddance.

Are you kidding, its going to be the new "GERONIMO!" line.

it will be with us forever and always.

It’s because when they are not posting nigger hate threads, they are secretly gazing at BBC threads and wondering what it would have been like to have been taken from behind by Kobe.

Dude, are you serious right now? This guy was a success, yes, but he worked his ass off to be where he was. It's not like he just rolled out of bed and was given this natural talent, besides being 6'7. But regardless, this is just ridiculous now. We have people fucking crying and talking about getting a tattoo of Kobe on their arms and shit. I mean my god, you didn't even fucking know this guy. You would think Jesus Christ himself just died. And you have retards like Shaq calling Kobe his brother when he hadn't even talked to that nigger since April of 2018.

Perhaps you should read my post next time. I understand you're just trying to instigate an argument, but still.

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yes thats it retard, not that its on the news acting like this is a tragedy worse than the vegas shooting. go brainwash your testosterone lacking ass somewhere else.

I can feel your anger. It makes you stronger. Gives you focus.

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Why the fuck would anyone be angry about this? Are you for real? I just think it's starting to become too much now. Yes it was sad but come on man, you didn't even fucking know him. Imagine being a grown ass man and crying over an athlete dying that you didn't even fucking know.

I support any black man who rapes white women.

>I support any black man who rapes white women.
Is that how you were born?

Checked and cuz their beta nigger faggots who have so little going on in life their identity is made up of niggerball.

>Thor handing out haymakers like it was a charity raffle.

t. raging faggot in deep denial
Back to your BBC threads, darling.

Elevate athletes even further.

Agenda shit.

Yes, strike me down...

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Imagine being this autistic


virtue signaling. also, by feigning sadness the person claims a little of kobe's tragedy for himself in the hopes of getting some sympathy too

Usually I don’t give a shit about celebrity deaths but the Kobe one hit me hard. I welled up a bit and I really didn’t know why.

I mean, this is a guy who was on top of the world. Started from nowhere and through hard work, dedication, and determination accomplished just about anything he set his mind to. An outstanding human who brightened the world for so many other people.

I know he had his shortcomings, the rape dealings and all that. But that just showed how human he really was. How he was prone to the same mistakes as the even some of the worst of us. It made him more real.

Then to see him cut down, in the prime of his life (not career), is just tragic. Especially with the daughter he loved so much. To have achieved so much and have worked so hard, only to have those last moments filled with so much pain and fear and failure and everything.

The story of Kobe Bryant is a tragedy worthy of Shakespeare. He will be remembered and mourned for a long time to come.

He inspired people.

>the rape dealings and all that. But that just showed how human he really was
yikes... relativizing rape because nigger built some basketball courts in nigger neighborhoods and paid for some nigglets to go to college

sports fags are so crazy about their idols

Yep its fucking ridiculous that people get upset about someone who they've never met. He literally doesn't even know you exist ffs. Save your grief for when it matters you retards

I’d let him rape me for a basketball court

He isn't dead, you ignorant noon. Freemasonic puppets are always faking their deaths. Why? Because they are blackmailed into doing it. Blackmail rules the world.

Rape really isn't that big of a deal.

Nice straw man argument there. If you think that’s all the good Kobe did for the world then you’re crazy. Therefore your relativism argument is flawed and inadequate.

Besides I doubt you know anything about evidence presented or everything that happened. And neither of us knows what happened in that hotel for sure.

>parroting what libs say instead of reading the facts

You do realize people like Kobe work hard and die tragically everyday, right? Why don't you cry for all of them too?

Was that chris Jericho?

You're only upset because people are upset. You're reactionary just for the clout of being against the grain

Before his passing, he was talked about a great deal and still relevant within basketball culture yet you mentioned nothing because it wouldn't generate any shock value or attention

You're a whore for attention and should kill yourself

Because nobody knows who those people are. Everyone knows who Kobe Bryant is.


Because they didn’t help inspire me.

I grew up with Kobe in the spotlight. I was 6 when he suited up for the lakers for the first time. I played basketball, and people would say “Kobe” shooting the ball at just about every practice. This was a guy who’s mystique was intertwined with an integral part of my life.

He was 6'8. Get schooled, bitch.

Yeah cuz liberals are so strongly opposed to rich black men. Always trying to bring them down by excusing their crimes, increasing their paychecks, and presenting them as rolemodels regardless of their actual personality or behavior.

6’6 you dungbean

You didn't know Kobe either you fucking faggot. You just "knew" him because he played fucking basketball. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Would Kobe be sad if you have died instead of him? Would he even care for 2 seconds? Of course not. Yes, it is sad he died but come on, this is almost a full fucking week now with this. Enough is enough.

Okay but you still didn't know him personally. It was sad and yes it's fine you felt bad, but enough already. The only people who should be this upset is his fucking family. You have grown ass fucking men calling into radio shows in tears over Kobe fucking Bryant. This is fucking ridiculous.

Knowing who someone is isn't the same as knowing them. I know who Julius Caesar is but that doesn't mean we chat.

Sucking nigger cock. Typical Republitard.

Yeah no shit, that was my fucking point. What else are you gonna tell me that I already know, that 2 + 2 = 4?

Sorry, let me rephrase. I didn't know him on a personal level, but he's been in the media for 20+ years. I have HEARD OF him. I haven't heard of any random nobody that has been "successful" and then dies tragically. And even then, they weren't Kobe Bryant successful.

Kobe Bryant doesn't know who I am, he hasn't heard of me, and my death wouldn't make international news. You are really drawing fantastic comparisons.

Long live kobe and Gigi

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that's lebron

Okay yeah that’s fair, I mean I haven’t and am not doing that. It’s not like I’m making public comments or posts (outside of here).

I can only speculate on this but my guess is it would hit me a lot harder if I were a father. Man. That’s tough to see a family broken up like that. It’s kind of like, well shit, if it can happen to him it could happen to fucking anybody. And while that is a realization some people already have, what happened Sunday is still a stark piece of evidence towards that conclusion.

Forever? Zoomers don't even say that shit. No one says it anymore to begin with.


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because unlike you, he did something with his life.

I don't understand how you can be this mad about other people being sad. Maybe I'm a fucking autist, I really don't get it.

>And neither of us knows what happened in that hotel for sure.
We know that he settled by handing her a large wad of cash. Just like Michael Jackson did. That’s all you need to know about what happened.

many people hold sports above family, its like losing a loved one, if you cant understand that, nothing i can say will expand your awareness of human suffering and the hows and whys of it. ignore it if its a problem.

Yeah, but there's a difference when Jackson was dealing with teenage boys and Kobe was dealing with a known adult prostitute.

he is not mad rather alive and therefore confused about the attention shown and therefore jealous of it, its an envy based idea
-dr phils brother dill

It literally happens every single day. What are you even talking about? And it's ironic this nigger died being a rich privileged retard, flying a distance that literally 99% of the population would've just driven in a car. Being this upset is just ridiculous. It's not like someone broke into his home and beat him to death. I mean come the fuck on here.

So you can't be upset about someone dying unless they're rich and famous? People like you are part of the problem with this country. You worship fucking celebrities that you don't even know when these same people would step right over you if you were dying in the street.

This is true, why else would he make his own thread about this and then ignore any logical explanation?

>Why are so many people upset this nigger is dead

im not mad, im happy the RAPIST is DEAD

>I don't understand how you can be this mad about other people being sad
Because it's fucking ridiculous. Imagine being a grown ass man and crying over fucking Kobe Bryant. I mean my god, what the fuck is wrong with you? You didn't even know that nigger.

Op is right. Everyone needs to quit being soft ass pansies. Didn't know the dude did nothing for you. Unless they are someone you look up to and get something valuable out of like knowledge or inspiration than you look like a moron.

People who have touched as many lives as Kobe do not die every day in tragic accidents with their offspring.

Now you’re just being silly and immature. You’re not making arguments you’re just throwing out broad statements that are poorly thought through and don’t stand up to scrutiny. I’m leaving this thread. You’re not worth my time. I’ve explained why this hit me harder than other celebrity deaths. You can say my opinions don’t matter or you can thank me for providing insight into your question. Either way, bye bye. Enjoy your angry life.

Nobody knows who you are. You are nothing and you will never be anything. There is absolutely no point for you to exist right now.

Don't you have homework to do?

Coz he's a good looking nigger like Jordan.

The white girls for Kobe.

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Shave your neck and get a haircut.

Throwing a ball in a hoop. Wow. Touched so many lives.

>There is absolutely no point for you to exist right now
I stock groceries. If it weren't for me people would starve.

>t. triggered

He looked like an Asian milk dud.

Shut the fuck up already fat faggots, nobody knows you're alive or cares that you exist. Now go be mad that yoir president is a joke that no one respects which you take as a reflection for the way the entire world looks at your homosexual clown ass...

> being this much of a glow in the dark nigger past 1950

Exactly, you are nothing and you will never be anything. You're talking shit out of pure jealousy that someone who made themself into something is being grieved over by a large fraction of the world. You have an ego that you can't validate because you're worthless and you don't know what to do about it because you lack the composure and intelligence. Good luck.

>If it weren't for me people would starve

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The jew is strong in this thread. Celebrities are better than you. You must worship celebrities. OP makes a valid point considering other than their families nobody cares about the other people who also died (what were the names again? no google search allowed). If a celebrity hadn't died this crash, if it made national news at all, would have gotten a "that's too bad" and would have been forgotten a day later.

I grew up in Houston, TX. He spent a decade and a half raking the Rockets over the coals. We hated, and I mean HATED, the guy. Only after his retirement, seeing the way he conducted himself, seeing the positive messages he spread, did I realize we had no reason to hate him at all.

He was a great ambassador for the game, a good role model for kids. The only black mark on his whole record was that slut that fucked him in the Colorado hotel and then cried rape to go after his money. It was all bullshit.
The guy was exemplary in every way, other than being black lol.
Rest in peace.

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