If this post gets deleted then jannies are the big gay

If this post gets deleted then jannies are the big gay

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Saging to help the jannies out

>saging to help the jannies out

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lmao checkmate janny

damn bro

janny your move

>inb4 mods delete it instead
heh, nothing personnel, janny

well janny?

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top kek
I would cut their pay checks

janny shocked, tuxedo frog rocks!

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And if it doesn't then you are the big gay.

They do it for free, they have nothing to lose

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Bumping to help my friend, the OP, out

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Checkmate, jannies

ahem, AHEM, excuse me everyone

I would like to propose a toast!

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Ha! Now jannies can't delete it as it would make them, as stated in the post, the big gay

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Seems like OP's just too powerful, the jannies can't keep up with him

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most based thread on Cred Forums right now

there can be no reconcilation with the janatorial staff

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>the big gay
Go back to discord and never return.

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if no one responds to my post then your mothers will die in their sleep

>t. janny

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my post will help this thread be pruned

>only one out of six is a blacked thread


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quality thread

clean it up jannie

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You’re not gay, I’m gay! I really want to suck a long, fat cock right now. I’m so thirsty for cum...

I can't hold a drink. I am listening, however

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What goes on in people's minds to shitpost on a daily basis like this?

>t. seething jannie

my peepee twitched when i looked at this. am i monster?


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No. Maybe. I want a nugget GF too

>inb4 pruned

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Making you redditoid newfags cry is reward enough.

cope just sit there and take it, like good little boy follow the rules goy



>can lift her up and fuck her any which way
>will soon have robot limbs so she can overpower and ride you with her mechanically enhanced super strength
COME HOME white man

Janniness is next to godliness.

I'm not a janny. Just a comfy foreign movies poster who usually frequents the rare threads with actual recommendations and discussions. It's always weird to see how much effort people put into shitting up the board, though.

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Yeah I'm thinkin Janjans are based

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ah yeah making a frog thread takes so much effort
dry your eyes mate

Boutta finna

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What does through a janny's mind when he cleans it up for free?

>likely millionaires able to work for free for the board he likes
>healthy relationship with family, espacially his mother
>former shitposter grew up after the age of 14
>knows n*ets are just to weak to unload their frustration in reallife, gladly removes their unwanted posts and informs the mods about the shitposters insecurity so he limits the ban to 3 days
>copys the posts he deletes to r/Cred Forums to get reddit gold and good karma
>tolerates all races and religions
>browses Cred Forums on his phone during meetings in his multi billion company

>Cred Forums shitposter incel n*et
>kicked from university, seeks employment desperatly
>lives alone due to his family being freaked out by the amount of cartoon girl pictures on his pc
>no friends and no gf yearns for the effection of other shitposter, usually fails to earn it
>deeply concerned about race, ethnicity and religion
>takes hours of his making pictures of cartoon frogs to "spite" the janny

Don't bully the jannies. They do it for free.

Fair market rate

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W-what about n-words Mr frog?

more like user was BASED for this post

wtf delete this

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OP here, I only expected this thread to get 5 - 10 replies max before getting deleted after a few minutes. I guess the jannies really don't have any pride in their "work"

>mfw Janny is nearby, monitoring my posts
Janny, you're a nigger faggot.

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Guess OP was the faggot in the end.

Yes well done user

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>he's a janitor
>on Cred Forums
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends

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this is the only good thread on Cred Forums

Moved to /b in 5 ..4..3 ..2..1


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>thread doesnt get deleted
>OP is the big gay
wtf frogbros i thought we were the true chads

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Posting in a massively based thread.


based jannies protecting us from the pedophiles

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Still posting faggy threads?

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>jannies are going to let this thread get to the bump limit so they LEGALLY are not the big gay
You fucked up, user

reddit thread for a reddit board

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Haha sucker

OP on suicide watch


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>janny found a loophole

well played janny
well played

Clever Jan

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kek, all threads get deleted on Cred Forums
so it turns out jannie is the big gay and not as smart as they think

OP here, well played jannie. I would say you deserve a raise, that is, if you were getting paid

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KEK, they literally didn't delete it because of OP. Fucking cucks.

scapp me in the screenblock I'm posting in a shitposting thread duuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr

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OP is officially a faggot

>t. jannies.