This is what you look like. Are you proud? Everyone is laughing at you. You're a fucking racist loser...

This is what you look like. Are you proud? Everyone is laughing at you. You're a fucking racist loser. While black men are out in the suburbs fucking cute white girls, you're here on Cred Forums going hurr durr i hate niggers. Keep it up. I'm sure you'll stop being a virgin incel real soon. Cuck.

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That guy looks like the combination of a human and a squirrel. I bet he sucks Deeze.

These guys always look like products of inbreeding.

Says the cuck from California

He looks normal to me

>t. OP

Attached: Guess Jew....jpg (452x523, 22K)

But I'm not white?

>cute white girls
>reality is pic related
“She buy me weed tho”

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Hey, I just want you to know I'm Jewish and I hate OP too. OP is most likely a female bodied white guy though. At least in spirit, thats how me and this person who would kill me if they got the chance both feel about you.

Thanks for the heartfelt comments, Mr. Rosenberg

as Martin Lucifer Coon once said
>no one falls in love faster than a nigga needing a place to live

Get a job, Tenda

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You got it, Goymer

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Selling double dubs with the black hubs

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Im Canadian...

Ever notice how black men put White women on a pedestal? How perplexing that the mighty black man condones race mixing, devaluing the very thing they base so much pride on.

>meanwhile, in the superior WMBF pairing

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hurr durr i hate niggers.

Like that's better

And what would you know of canada? I'd love to hear it.

Dude are you autistic? He’s clearly a moron you triggered, just ignore his troll ass. He just mad cause he the type of guy OP called out, a incel.

>no freedom of speech
>no second amendment
>misgendering someone is a crime
>importing third world savages by the boatload
>there's no coronavirus, let's bring back a plane of contagion
>up here we say peoplekind
>diversity is our strength
>luxury soup
>a fucking leaf

He's the hero we need, but the hero we don't deserve.

You're a complete idiot. I may be the one responding but every now and then it's fun to indulge trolls and or severely retarded people. It's so funny seeing people who seek validation on a forum for MLP fans and pedophiles.


The response of retards we should all incerate en masse...

"Martin Lucifer Coon"

Look at this extremely punchable, easily injured fragile little girl...

>While black men are out in the suburbs fucking cute white girls
If you spend all your time on pornhub that's true.

I would honestly rather look like that dude than be black.

Attached: Mussolini_Ruins_Things.jpg (742x1100, 185K)

what are you trying to say, little fella

I sick of being compared to "white" americans , I see them as jews. for fuck sake just look at him.. its not even human.

Swatting should carry the death penalty.

those projection feels

remember alex minihasan when the term 'incel' became poplularized. mossad. never fails

lol kikes

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Americans are literally not white.