Are you OK with your life? Or do you think there should be something more

Are you OK with your life? Or do you think there should be something more....

Ok Cred Forumsrothers

I just aquired a shitload of strong blue Punisher Exstacy (300mg MDMA each)

Swalowed one half some half an hour ago, and I start to feel it slowly

I roll it the only right way > home alone

i am gonna be very sensitive and honest the next hours, so feel free to write here everything, i will be responding.

Are you OK with your life? Or do you think there should be something more....

Sorry in advance for some bad spelling that is going to be for sure present.....

Attached: mdma.jpg (480x360, 31K)

How the fuck do you guys even get this stuff? I dont know anyone here aside from my weed dealer and he doesn't seem to think that you can get mdma in my town

I'm Jewish, so I'm good.

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Yeah. I am doing the best right now in life that I have in the past 27 years. It's been a very heavy past couple of months, though.

>Sister spent all of December/holidays in the hospital
>Grandmother terminally diagnosed with cancer
>Left my girlfriend of 3 years because she told me to 'find somebody else for emotional support' for the above two situations.

It's been a time of soul searching, to be honest. I feel that I dodged a big bullet with my ex. However, she was my best friend. We did everything together. Every day 24/7. And I am very lonely because of it.

I have greatly improved mentally/emotionally over the past month since our break up. I am still doing great in University. I am set to graduate in the top of my class (yay) if I can finish these last 4 classes with A's.

Future me will be thankful to present me for leaving her. She turned into an asshole these past 8 months. I was stuck in an 80:20 relationship until she cross a line.

yeah, you have to know the ppl from the techno - rave scene

uh it just started

op here

its beginning.....

past ~10 years. my bad. lmao!

Hey brotha. Are you experienced with m? What other drugs have you tried? I have taken M more times than I can count haha

Pic related is about an oz of pretty decent M

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Attached: this is sparta.gif (264x264, 9K)

Everything is pretty good in my life apart from me, a character I have no interest in, but have high hopes for my next reincarnation.


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I love those punishers, have a good one m8

hello brother

OP here

thank you for responding
sorry to hear about these things. But these things make us stronger.

My heart was broken after my gf of 2 years broke up, and married soon after.

a couple of days ago she wrote me, her Husband left her and she is stuck with a baby

shit man
sometime the bad things of today are the good things of tomorow

damn this pills kick in like crazy

It wasn't that funny

hey bro. want to Roll with me tonight :)

i like open mindet company

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dont waste it staying at home and on four chan

damn Cred Forumsro

I took some blue punishers about 2 weeks ago and i swear to god that shit has meth in it. I was up for almost 3 days and the comedown was so harsh I had to dose myself with seroquil every 2 hours. Be careful.

this shit is kicking in like crazy

i mean WTF

OP here. please dont let this Thread die
i love u all

i want coronachan to kill us all

anything you wanna get off your chest then?

What kind of music you jamming OP?

You can just write OP in the name bar you don't have to say OP here everytime. I really wish I had some Molly or something

Reality: You're jewish, so you are bad.

hmmm actuakkt i did akkreadshit any

OP here
hmmm actuakkt i did akkreadshit any

personally, I'm doing great in life.

seems like OP can no longer read or type. must be good pills

If you come to the conclusion that the only person in life you can count on is yourself. Then there is no limit for your goals. People will drag you down. Even family members.

>too soon

Rip OP


Sorry for the late reply. I would but it's only noon here and I have a ton of PHP homework to finish. If I was done I would be more than down. If you have a discord I would join

OP is kill anyway

Hi OP i hope you have a good roll (there is no such thing as a bad roll) fucking love M.

I will try my best to be as honest as possible.

I had good childhood (parents cared about me and no uncle or aunt molested me). Cant even blame my fucked up ness on my childhood.

I dont know what is wrong with me, i just think that something in my life is always missing. I dont want to feel like this. I have friends, i have a girl friend, i have parents that love me, about to finish my degree in finance (from a decent school), i lift, have decent social skills, but even with everything going for me i still feel like something is missing, and the hole never gets filled. Like sometimes it goes away, but after a while it always comes back. I dont know what to do, everything feels fake.

I cant justify feeling this specially knowing the fact that many people in this world would kill to be in my position, but i just want to feel content. Will that ever happen? Who knows, i guess we will find out. Love you faggots.

try the forest-pill. faggot