Daily reminder for godtards: your god’s fake, your heaven’s fake, your hell’s fake...

Daily reminder for godtards: your god’s fake, your heaven’s fake, your hell’s fake, your baby jesus was nothing more than plagiarised fiction, your religion is a scam designed to separate idiots from their cash, your priest knows that he is a liar and you are drooling gigatard. Questions?

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Where did he touch you?

>godtard tries to defend his religioscam by tacitly admitting that priests are child-rapists
You’re doing my work for me, champ. Thanks bro.

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who are you quoting

You seem upset.


this is an 18+ board.

come back when you finish high school.

The post number is a clue.....

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You seem to be deflecting

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>Goes to Cred Forums to spout an ad hominenm.
>Tries to imply he's the grown up in the situation.
Atheists are just nu-jahova witnesses.
Anyone with half a brain would choose agnosticism, since atheism is just another form of faith.

That’s the best you can do? With the omniscient founder of the universe on your side?

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Are you agnostic about an invisible transgender purple giraffe orbiting Pluto? I say the giraffe exists. You can’t prove it doesn’t. Are you agnostic about it?

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I don't have enough faith to be an atheist

You’re already an atheist wrt thousands of gods. You’re just too stupid to realise it.

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Just a remainder that people who continually make these threads do it with the same motivation as the 4th grader that learns there is no Santa and has to tell it to all the kindergarteners. Its not "enlightenment" you're pushing but a jealous emptiness, a moral bankruptcy, and the void of oblivion. Poster is most likely a fag whose been told his degeneracy is a sin and is mad he's not invited into the club. Otherwise, what is it to you if people believe a lie in order to stay pleasant to each other and not spend their days screaming into a pillow? Yes religion also produces violence and stupid behavior but considering people will kill each other over a par of tennis shoes, religion at an individual level can still be beneficial.

t. buttshattered godtard
You’re an ignoramus, champ. Religion is toxic garbage and has been proven so for centuries. To this day, even non-tards are forced to subsidise the tax-dodging scammers in the religion business.
Instead of sperging at me, you should be mad at whoever planted the god lie in your brain when you were a child.


religion can be a good thing for a person as long as it's not forced on them

>religion can be a good thing for a person as long as it's not forced on them
Observable reality across the globe contradicts your anecdote. Read up on societal health indicators vs religiosity.

At the end of the day I will always be a godtard and have a little comforting faith that something exists, meanwhile you will always be a spiteful cunt because someone bullied you in 7th grade, I pray you find God someday anons, it will make your life better.

imagine posting this as an adult. just imagine.

speaking in absolutes without evidence is just as bad
>i dont need to prove a negative
you are making a very clear presumption of what is based on what you can currently observe while negating everything we are not able to currently measure
everything which exists has a source
so until we can definitively state what that is do not rule out the extreme possibilities
to add
using apophatic deduction we can certainly say what source is not, but until we can understand what and where we came from we cannot say it does not exist or define its characteristics∆

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I'm not OP, but my thoughts on this matter can be summed up with the following quote from H.P. Lovecraft:

“All I say is that I think it is damned unlikely that anything like a central cosmic will, a spirit world, or an eternal survival of personality exist. They are the most preposterous and unjustified of all the guesses which can be made about the universe, and I am not enough of a hair-splitter to pretend that I don't regard them as arrant and negligible moonshine. In theory I am an agnostic, but pending the appearance of radical evidence I must be classed, practically and provisionally, as an atheist.”

>religion also produces violence
Ideology produces violence. Stalin killed 20,000,000+.

not him but spiritual values and philosophy can both give stability and meaning in a mans life if if used in humble moderation
unbridled ego driven zealotry is the issue, not religion itself
it even manifests in politics, the need to drive ones ideals into the masses out of fear or lust for power is wholly evil in either case
but in moderation they are not bad
fire can warm you or burn down the village

Imagine having an imaginary friend as an adult. Just imagine.

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>everything which exists has a source
Very good. Who made your favourite god?

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Not OP, but your reasoning is absurd. Just because there are aspects about the origin of life and the universe we are unaware of doesn't mean there is any validity in COMPLETELY baseless speculation.

The search for scientific truth must be begin with observation, forming a reasonable hypothesis through that observation, testing that hypothesis, and repeating the process to build a body of knowledge.

You cannot observe any kind of "God," nor can we observe any supernatural phenomenon that even remotely supports the existence of a God. All phenomenon can and has been explained through logical physical mechanisms. Even if you ignore all of this, the hypothesis that the universe was created by "God" can't be tested, either.

Just because the idea of a "God" can't be disproved doesn't mean it's even remotely plausible.