How do I successfully quit smoking Cred Forums? I don't want to buy a faggy e-cigarette...

How do I successfully quit smoking Cred Forums? I don't want to buy a faggy e-cigarette, so what can I replace nicotine with?

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Crack, you should smoke crack.

Moderation. One less cigarette a day each day. Keep cutting down on how much you smoke then quit cold turkey when it feels right.

Just stop buying them idiot.

You should give a try to Cytisine

Use untreated tabacco. They put addictive chems into regular cigs.
Pueblo, american spirit, and your local brands are just a few of the untreated tabacco.
I roll mine per hand, fun ritual. If you hate rolling, get american spirit pre rolled ones. Get the blue version of the tabacco. It will taste harsh, even the light mix.

I can go weeks without a smoke, no cravings from natural tabacco.

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Just quit.
I smoked for 25+ years. Tried every damn "quit smoking" aid I could find. Only thing that worked was just manning up and pushing through the cravings and withdrawal to quit.

You have to really want it and then just cold turkey 100%.


you have to wanna quit, be at your end.
im 11 months or something now idk. dont count, that shits just a constant reminder. you are a non smoker now. i used the gum for a week then quit that. you gotta drop nicotine all together fuck all that other replacement shit

you have to achieve peace first

even natural tobacco is bad for you. i grew it for the longest time. natural tobacco has a high benzine content, quite bad for yoy

then you just become that nigger who bums cigarettes off of everyone else. terrible idea.

just buy a juul like a normal person, they work. sorry that you don' think its cool.

cold turkey.

Its the most efficient method to actually quit.
People on faggy efags just replace addiction to a less harmfull one
People smoking lights or less fags just pull harder, resulting in the same nicotine level

Physical addiction dissipated within 3 sleepless days, afterwhich follows the dreadful mental addiction, which is just as hard for any other method. If you are really deadset on quitting its conforting to know you only need suffer 3 days and the health benefits start rolling in. If you are a pussy ass manlet and dont have the determination, follow some advice from former smokers and others who help you quit smoking for a living

Good luck user

(hahah funny faggot word)

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Then don't bum them either retard.

Reduce portions.
Reduce frequency.
Replace oral habit with toothpick or gum.
Repeat until portions/frequency reach zero.

Just stop. Simple.
This is how i did it. How everyone i know did it. I know of no other way... except maybe, well i don't know if i should tell you this but... nah i won't say it. You'll have to give me consent to tell you this super top secret method of quitting smoking that even i dared not to try. Someone even double-dog dared me and i still said no, so you'll really have to verify that you are 100% committed and that i would bear no responsibility for revealing the secret. I don't want any people at my door ready to snatch me for trying to help you. Say "i give my consent for user to tell me the super-duper top secret method for quitting smoking and user bears no responsibility for the consequences of telling me the super-duper top secret method for quitting smoking." If you say this i'll tell you but i can't just give out secrets willy-nilly, so you have to type it verbatim.

this user desperately needs a smoke

I'm smoking right now.

>i give my consent for user to tell me the super-duper top secret method for quitting smoking and user bears no responsibility for the consequences of telling me the super-duper top secret method for quitting smoking.

dude shut the fuck up

I used zyn. 32 days smoke free

its basically white snus

Ok, here's what you do...
Insert in pooper.

whens the last time you had a zyn?

go on..

That's it.

i think this guys onto something

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Yeah exactly.
If you smoke that it's way easier to stop smoking.
I've been smoking for 7 years only that (about 10 cigs a day), and I sometime stop for like a weekend or a whole 2 week vacation. I feel a little craving sometime after eating, but nothing I can't manage.
I know if I want to stop one day it's not going to be that hard.

I remember also when I started smoking regular cigarettes during the winter to stop freezing my hands. It was terrible, I was at 20 cigs a day in a week. And I really felt the addiction.

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samefag tryna get his shitty tobacco business off the ground

use nicotin sprays for a couple of weeks, so you can stop whit your smoking rituals/habits and after that the nicotinstop is not really anything


Literally this. Anything else keeps you addicted. If you cant make it the one week it will take to be free ... you dont really want to quit.

No no no...
You got it wrong.

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About a week ago, still kinda miserable. But...

Smoke until you puke. associate smoking with puking. replace with weed/alcohol and food because they are easier to quit

>food because they are easier to quit
>quit food
kek based advice user

a bullet

Moderation, if that doesn't work, cold turkey and just power through it, first 3 days are the worst, quit a year ago by going cold turkey, ITS way easier than what everyone says, you need to want to quit for it to work tho

>ITS way easier than what everyone says
This, everyone just likes pretending they have all the chips for their weak shoulders. I quit for almost a year, only reason i started again was because i fucking love the feeling of nicotine trying to paralyze my nervous system but i never got irritated or annoyed like everyone said. I just had a bit of a bounce and reacted a bit faster.