Be me

>be me
>20 y/o
>from Spain
>planning to join the US Army.
Any advice Cred Forumsros? Is it difficult to join the army without being an American citizen? How could I validate my university grade in the future if I ever move to the USA?

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7 years Air Force here. Pretty certain you'll need to get your citizenship to join any US military branch. Join the Air Force by the way. We're superior to every other branch.

My advice would be to get your BA in anything and commission, but if you want to join now just take advantage of the free college tuition and get your Associates or BA while your in.

Save your money, have a plan, and get out with great credentials if you choose. If not, retirement at 20 years isn't bad. You'll be 40 years-old with a guaranteed nice retirement check and TSP (which is like a 401K).

Some follow up advice, go for an Admin or Intel job. Do NOT go Maintenance unless you want to work on the flightline (12-hour shifts turning wrenches and shit).

I'm an E-5 (SSgt) and I'll be putting on TSgt (E-6) here soon, but I'm going Reserves. I got stuck at my second base for a long time. Not choosing where you want to live as Active Duty kind of sucks, but if you don't care it's fine.

Some people get lucky and move around a lot or get sweet assignments. Your job is a pretty big factor here. Good luck.

Join you're home countries army. They pay way better in comparison.

I heard that you need at least the green card (don't rlly know if there's any difference), btw what's the easisets way to get it without breaking the law?
Also, I planned to get a science-related university degree, and then try and join the army, so I could start in a higher class than just a normal private. At least that's what my uncle told me (he's a lieutenant colonel of the Army, he's American), but if I graduate here in Spain, I'm not sure if the degree would still count for me in the USA, and if it doesn't, how could I validate it?I'm a bit lost in that aspect.
But anyway thanks for the advice bro, the Airforce was my second opinion, still have to think about which branch to choose tho.


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>I heard that you need at least the green card (don't rlly know if there's any difference), btw what's the easisets way to get it without breaking the law?
I couldn't tell you man. I was born in the US. You'll have to research it or talk to a recruiter.
>Also, I planned to get a science-related university degree, and then try and join the army, so I could start in a higher class than just a normal private. At least that's what my uncle told me
If you have college credits you'll put on E-2/E-3 slightly faster yes. At least that's how it works in the Air Force. I can't really speak for the Army.

Ok, I'll keep searching for info. Thanks user.

Are youiterally fucking retarded you fucking idiot

>How could I validate my university grade in the future

Are you asking specifically with joining the U.S. armed forces or just living in the US in general?

I don't know about the armed forces, but in the U.S., foreign university degrees usually are recognized. A degree from a university in Europe probably will be recognized for any job, but it depends on the job you are applying to as well.

Same, he's gonna get PTSD and then hang himself in a couple of years

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unless you're an illegal, then you can join and be fast-tracked to citizenship

hate typing this shit out but here, during basic training you will get your US citizenship, its super easy and the process will be given to you, how to validate your uni grade, easy once your actually in and at your unit, take your uni transcript to the education department at your base they will transfer your other uni credits as well as what you gained from your basic/ait and put them in a Us related uni, ive been in for a bit and have more knowledge than most, ask me some questions before i leave this thread

I've been in the U.S army for 10 years. I don't think you need a Citizenship to join, however, you might have to contact your nearest recruitment center for more info. For my advice, it all depends on what you really want to do in the army. For Example: Admin work, I suggest, 42A (Human Resources) or, Something hybrid like, 92Y (Unit Logistics) which is office work and Field Work. Both of these jobs can carry on after you get out of the army and sustain a career. But if you want to blow shit up, I recommend 11B, 13B, 13F, 19D or even 18X. (These are infantry/Cav/Gun Bunny/Fister). FUN, but can't carry your career over. I mean, who wants to hire a guy who just pull a string and gun go boom?

or have the recruiter do it for you, so if you have atleast 4 years us they can promote you to e4 automatic (only army from what i know) saves the hassle of having to back log your promotion status and your finances

>> Pretty certain you'll need to get your citizenship to join any US military branch.
They always avoid mentioning the "... unless you get your nuts blown off" part in the contract.
Something about Spain you don't like?

nah retard, 92y is the only one that transfers out well being a 42a is great while your in but it doesnt transfer out to civi world, army hr and civi hr are 2 completely different things, im a 42 before you start reeeing hard

maybe he wants to see combat, and serving in most european militaries there's a greater chance the rapture comes than there is of you seeing combat

Am sorta on the same boat, I'm enlisting into what used to be the Marine Corps of my country. Got laid off from Officers' School because the chief hated my guts.

Still, it is a dope life once you get past the bullshit. Don't take anything personal or you will get your mind screwed very hard.

Also, any advice on what kind of works to do while I wait for bootcamp?

dont join the crayon brigade, every other branch offers more only thing crayola offers is the title crayon destroyer

If this is true, it actually helped me a lot. But I think this was a couple years ago, since the last I checked the Army website, they said pic related.

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How is this the same advice am getting everywhere? Do marines worlwide really eat crayola? It's some sort of test or something?

Also, am kinda needing money for equipment but I don't like the idea of borrowing.

If you can call going all out with your high tech killing machinery at some poor towelhead with an AK-47 "combat", then by all means

While still being BTFO'd by those same shitskin? It's still pretty unfair, but those goatfuckers sure know how to havoc.

There is a reason why mutts can't pull off what they did with Saddam with the rest of the middle east. Those people are dangerous as fuck with just rifles.

You don't. I served in the 80's with someone who wasn't a US citizen. He was probably excluded from some jobs that required a higher security clearance. It was a path to citizenship for him, but citizenship is even easier after 9/11.

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they are stupid, you have to be stupid in order to join a branch with the following
>lowest promotion rates
>worst equipment
>worst bases
>worst funding
>worst training
>less opportunities
just for what to let people know that your a crayon eater? everything the crayons do the army can do better, if you wanna do your 4 sure doesnt matter what you pick , if you wanna do anything past that you gotta be a retard to commit to a branch like that

I was in the Marines, served 4 years. There were plenty of non citizens I met throughout those 4 years. I think the only rule is you can't be a criminal and you can't be an officer. Don't quote me on it though, been out for 10 years.

Also as others pointed out its a fast and legit track to becoming a permanent citizen. Also as a vet you will be treated better than civilians when you get out. You'll have all sorts of benefits, try and go to combat though so you can fully utilize them. Combat vets have mind blowing benefits, better ones than any nation ever.

you need a college degree to even apply for OCS

Right, but even with a degree you can't be an officer as a non-citizen iirc

illegals don't have college degrees

>from Spain
>planning to join the US Army.
cultural cuck

fuck the usa and their army and their soldiers dying for billionaires' oil companies

So I've been considering something similar. What's the comparison between the different branches? Like Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and is the Coast Guard technically in the armed forces?

My current troop in the air force isn't an american citizen. You have to get citizenship when you reenlist. (more than 8 yrs)

ahh... I see you too are a freethinker. I tip my hat to you, my good sir.

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all different DoD jobs, different cltres too and yeah Coast Gard is in the DoD

army fights on land. navy fights on the sea. air force fights in the sky and does cyberwarfare. marines are a mostly like the army, but do amphibious shit too. coast guard are the mall cops of the DoD

Army does everything retard

Fair points. Guess that only applies to US military? In here marines have the best quarters, the best living conditions and the best everything except for budget. But then again, they are the only branch there is so we got everything meshed together into a weird clutterfuck of marines.

But I get your point, bootheads are boots all their life even after they end their service. I plan to join to become an engineer or something. Wasn't thinking on turning down infrantry until you and a lot of other people pointed out their retardness, even guys that are actively infantry say it's gay as fuck. All this sounds worse in my language.

Thanks for the heads up.

How to the others rank? In other words:
Unranked but presumed higher than mall cops:
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines
Mall Cop rank:
Coast Guard

in terms of prestige? air force is probably the most prestigious branch. the navy has historical pedigree, and 11 nuclear supercarriers. army is probably your baseline. marines is like the army's stepbrother: they have to make it do with second-rate equipment and are obviously not as well funded.

Can you go to the USA with a travel Visa then enlist and stay? OP might be your choice

and illegals can't join the military either. illegal and non citizen are two different things

So we're saying:
Best: Air Force
Better: Navy
Okay: Army
At-least-I'm-not-a-mall-cop: Marines
Mall Cop: Coast Guard

No. You need permanent residence here. You can get that really easy with a green card

basically, yeah

Nah man I would say Navy is the best if you want to get laid. They deploy every 7 months. Pussy is dirt cheap in Thailand

navy seems kinda shite tbh, and coast gard is pretty good

USMC CPL here(2011-15), here's your tip: don't.

You will just bloody your hands for the Bankers, Secret societies & Israel.

Straight up fact, I sent a shit ton of munitions to ISIS. I blame myself for all those who were slaughtered by those Mossad controlled maniacs.

Don't do it. You'll get what I got, a dual Israeli American infiltrator who calls everyone goy, rises the rank like nobodies business and promotes those who pledge loyalty to "our greatest ally" Israel.

Gotcha. Aside from the real obvious (ie: Air Force flies planes), what do they do? Like cyber warfare, for instance, was mentioned for the Air Force, does anyone else do that shit, or is the Air Force the only branch doing anything respectable on cyber? Like what garbage people do in that branch is each branch better at than the other branches that do similar things.

So you're saying:
Best: Air Force
Better: [blank]
Okay: Army; Navy (known for cheap sex, cheap STD's)
At-least-I'm-not-a-mall-cop: Marines
Mall Cop but at least he's buff: Coast Guard

Eres la puta vergüenza de tu país, hijoputa

No. A cousin tried to pull that up, got kicked back hard. Hast to wait a couple years before trying to visit ever again.

Don't try to pull this off yourself.

there's literally hundreds and hundreds of different occupations in each branch. very few people actually fly. you have maintenance crews, logistics, intelligence, security personnel for air bases, air defenses, radar, admin, the people who fire nuclear ballistic missiles. your best bet is to google or call your local recruitment center

Damn, that Polish president A. Duda looks hot

Not whom you are replying but based on some /k/ threads and other things I have heard from the US military it would go like this:

>Top Tier: Seamen and Chair Force
>Normal Tier: Army
>Crayon Eater Tier: M'rrine.
>Stay at Home to do Jackshit: Reserves
>Stay at Home to Pretend you are Military: Coast Guard.

Now, in all fairness each branch has it's perks and downsides.

>Air Force
Transferable experience into civil life.

Travel the world, learn some dope ass'd transferable engineering. Get cheap pussy overseas.

Stability and all the benefits, don't go infantry.

All these yummy crayons.

>Coast Guard
Get yelled constantly to feel like a real military guy. Shit hitting the fan constantly because they have to tell drugdealers to fuck off from US coastline.

Be prepared to be treated with scorn form other branches.

STFU Catalufo

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I wouldn't recommend going for either infantry or pilot unless you already had some experience on aircrafts. Even vydia would be a good start, otherwise you would end recycled into other jobs.

Getting recycles in the military is a shitshow. And infantry is full of what mutts call boots.

para que coño quieres meterte en el ejercito amurricano?

How the fuck have you spent 7 years in the military without knowing that you can join without citizenship?

Did you misstyped or something?

As far as I know no legal military in the world lets you join them without some sort of legal base.

Even the frog's Foreign Legion won't take you if you are a murderer or a criminal that hasn't paid for his offense. You still need some sort of identification to enlist with them.

I figured that part out, but these recruiters are less than fully helpful. Everything they've got is great, and I'd be doing well to think about their branch instead of the other branches which are obviously worse. It doesn't tell me anything. Like what if Army, Air Force, and Navy have cyber warfare, but maybe only the Air Force has reasonable cyber warfare and Army and Navy just have token shitty cyber programs and you can't use those skills outside the armed forces. I don't know that shit, and while the Air Force recruiter will say it, he says it the exact same way as the Army and Navy recruiters say that they have the best, so you can't trust him. That information isn't reliable. It's a sad day when I have to acknowledge you Cred Forumsastards as more reliable than the recruiters, but today is that day. Or maybe Army Air Force and Navy have cyber, and Air Force is definitely best for cyber, but Army and Navy aren't totally worthless, to the point where non-military management won't care either way (so it transfers well no matter which of the three). I don't know how it is, which is why I ask. If the recruiters could help in a reliable fashion, I wouldn't be here asking. Like the only thing I'm actually sure about is Nuclear Engineering, which I've heard that only the Navy does to any real extent (except that you have to suffer through the Navy's nuclear program, which apparently sucks). So Army, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard may have different degrees of shittiness but otherwise all do exactly the same shit to exactly the same extent; and the Navy also does exactly the same shit to the exact same extent except that they're the only ones doing Nuclear Engineering. That's what it looks like to me right now.

bro you can join, they just restrict what types of job you can have, like intel etc. and enlisting takes longer than you think, come get free college and a steady paycheck with rent and food covered. Talk to a recruiter if you're serious

Just trust what you already read on the thread. How dense can you get?

The best living conditions in the US military is the Air Force. This is basically an international standard because this also applies to most armed forces outside the US.

On the other hand, Navy will have the same shit but abroad. If they have a Radar/Nuclear/CyberSec program it will be in the middle of buttfuck nowhere.

Army will have the same as both but with less capability of sorts. As in, you might be the only guy in your team doing your job. While Navy and Airforce usually pack everybody together based on their field of expertise so odds are you will have a seniour teaching you.

But then again, this is all I heard, everything will be different from branch to branch and from administration to administration. The golden age of the US military was over in Vietnam.

USAF is considered the most "Civvy" of all the branches even abroad, but it's the one that transfers almost directly into civil life. Transfering from Navy or downward to civil life is harder. Nearly 90% of the boots I know never transfer good, might be better in the US, might be worse.

All things considered, it's a job that have higher odds of you getting killed. Just a little higher, so either make your mind or drop it.