Just imagine how much of a fucking idiot you have to be to vote for this guy

Just imagine how much of a fucking idiot you have to be to vote for this guy.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hes cool af

No Refunds

Uncle Bern needs a 4th vacation house

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I think you mean this guy

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He is by far the less terrible tbh


The Economy under Bernie

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Grandpa Trump needs to keep his 7th house, so vote for him


Jews hate Whites, they lie about them, want to ruin the white race, get rid of whites for good

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I like Bernie but the DNC would never let him get past the primary process

No. op has the right image.

just imagine, how much of an idiot you have to be, that you think status quo is the only way and you rather vote for orange baboon who can't even make a sentence.

Trump was a billionaire when he got elected, retard.

Bernie has never worked a real job a day in his life. He's scammed his voters into giving him millions, which he and his family have pocketed and enriched themselves. He's a criminal, and you're his victim.

>>imagine being THAT brainwashed

tRUmp isn't a billionaire you moron. He's a corrupt traitor living on Russian credit.

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are you trolling or genuinely retarded? You do know where Drumpfh got his money right? He pocketed his fucking CHARITY donations and you're whining about Bernie?

>Trump was a billionaire when he got elected, retard.

He was a billionaire when he was born. Who even knows what he is now? But yeah, sure, he really worked so hard for his fortune that he inherited and wasted.

what 'cool' in him? an old ashkenazi geezer who is a caricature of his younger self who is in turn a caricature of larry david on his lousy days who is in turn... ill spare you that

>voting for any senile boomer scum?
No thanks. And that includes Trump. Stop being a cuck and voting for the same people who created our current problems in the first place.

And Trump works? Oh, you deluded dipshit.

russian troll faggots

It is scientifically proven that your are 36% LESS if an idiot voting for Bernard than you are for voting for agent orange

That guy is climbing in the polls and popularity. If he gets the chance this time around, he will fucking destroy Trump in an interview.

Because, face it, Donald Trump is a fucking dimwitted cuck. His own wife doesn't even act like she likes him in public.

>Bernie's a criminal
[Citation needed]

and at least Bernie is an American and not a russian stooge.

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Rofl after reading this thread, it's so fucking obvious who is American and who isn't

His policies

a 'jew' who has abandoned any trace of his religion (not that euro jews are even legit jews), will at his first oppurtunity not only abandon any good virtue that he pretends to support but will destroy any trace of it as any old puppet would.

>a 'jew' who has abandoned any trace of his religion
That is complete bullshit and you literally just made that up

That's what I worry about. I feel like for every crack like that, poor grammar or the intention being pure division, there's twice as many posts I think are real that aren't. Like that whole thing about thinking you're immune to ads/propaganda makes you more susceptible.

What do you mean

All he wants to give America is what the rest of the West already has and proven works. He is only radical to stupid Americans. To the rest of the West he is straight up center.

be more specific

1) he is supposedly a euro jew
2) euro 'jews' were converted en masse in the mid ages
3) what makes one a jew is a)ethnicity, b)practicing religion
4) he doesnt even observe the Decalogue
5) seem like a dimeadozen oppurtunistic traitor, and a senile one at that

what do you object?

>when you are white you dont know what its like to be poor


>your are 36% LESS if an idiot

And you liberal cucks will keep losing to him because of the pathetic candidates you keep running.

Ftr, I agree with you, but what about rv parks

And how the fuck is Biden, Bernie and Warren not status quo? They have been in office their entire lives. Are you 12?

I take the "oppressor" label with pride at this point.

that he's yet another puppet, and a weak one.

>tax cuts that overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy
>Mexican workers in the U.S up 400% last year
>environmental regulations gutted
>propping up the economy by subsidizing banks through the repo market
You are the real cuck, friend. And you don't even realize it. Sad. Many such cases.

Who gives a flying fuck about the environment

I have to agree there, democrats have no balls

Socialism is status quo in USA? are you high or something? I'm talking about policies, not persons

>tax cuts that overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy
You're right, so we should all agree to pay more taxes. That way it can go to Tyrone and Juan who will sit on the porch, THEY DO NOT OWN BY THE WAY, and sell drugs. Then we can pay for their healthcare and food stamps. That'll stick to the rich!

wtf are you even talking about? Whos porch are those Juan and Tyrone sitting on?

Your assumptions are not an argument. Your candidates are scraped out of the bottom of a barrel of shit.

You’re all fucking retarded
All US politicians should be executed for going against/supporting violations of the Bill of Rights.
Trump and Bernie included.

Who needs clean water? Let globohomo corporations pollute that shit.
Neck yourself, cuck.

Maybe stop thinking in such limited bi-partisan ways. Thinking you only have those two options keeps this charade going.

Imagine vehemently hating the only US candidate that genuinely wants to improve your pathetic existence

To the American fascist masses, central politicians are 'radical left'. They have no idea what they're talking about

You have to live in it you absolute fucking mongoloid

None of them are my candidates. Is it too much to ask for a non-boomer who gives a fuck about the environment and infrastructure, who doesn't want to flood us with immigrants?

>Whos porch are those Juan and Tyrone sitting on?
Great question, usually it's someone else's porch and Juan and Tyrone are living there through rent. But boy you sure as fuck would THINK they fucking own it. They sit on that fucking porch all day long as if they own that fucking shit.

Well I just think it's funny how you're complaining about rich people taking your taxes. But the ACTUAL people taking them for real you don't say a fucking word about it. Any reason for that, you motherfucking kike?

I know, you'd have to have a minimum IQ of 120. Practically retarded, amirite?

Juan and Tyrone dont need clean water. They need to slave away in a mine.

With this joke of a two party system, unfortunately yes.

>Who needs clean water?
You know it's funny how you bring that up. Because last I checked all the places having issues with clean water are cities that have been controlled by democrats, in some cases for decades. So it seems like it's the Klan members that don't even care if their slaves are drinking polluted water.

Donald Trump is a liar and a sociopath. It does not matter what your political preference is; you should be doing everything you can to get him out of office.

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The amount they take is a drop in the bucket and one of the most bang for our buck programs in our entire government. And I already came out against the flood of immigrants.

It's a widespread issue and a lot of it has to do with crumbling infrastructure. And deregulation of pollution standards while globohomo corporations buy up water rights sure as hell isn't going to make it better.

Far, far less than any trump supporter.

Give me a better option that has any chance of winning.


Literally over 16000 documented lies in office. By a bipartisan and reliable source.

If people would stop just going along with whatever their party crammed down their throats, it would change. Like how did conservation stop being a conservative issue? It's insane.

>> Just imagine how much of a fucking idiot you have to be to vote for this guy.
Man, you are some sort of counter-intelligence super influencer fighting the good fight against socialism, aren't you? Got a couple of minutes before mom calls you for your dinner? Good job!

The conservative party looks nothing like what it used to. Look at the platform of any conservative politician from 30 or 40 years ago and you'll find a pretty decent person. They're just fucking nazis now

My ass a drop in the fucking bucket. Those monkeys collect "free" healthcare, "free" housing, food stamps for themselves and their disgusting chimplets, don't pay a fucking dime in property taxes and go to school for "free", get hoards of other services they don't pay into, and you wanna point fingers at the fucking rich? Get the fuck out of my face with this bullshit. And the slave masters not only say nothing, but want to give these people even MORE gibs. Now they're talking about not arresting niggers and spics even after they get caught breaking the fucking law, and even the ones that do should still be allowed to fucking vote. The whole thing is a goddamn joke. And then we have fags like you parading around, acting like a fucking moron and ignoring literal facts and reality, because hur dur the democrats are on my team.

Because who wants taxes to go towards programs that will benefit the people paying them? Much better to just give it all to billionaires, who both don't pay any fucking taxes at all and then spend it on ads that con retards like you out of voting for their best interests!

And yet it is the blue areas that you scream about that tend to be the ones subsidizing the red areas. Go figure.

And if you think poor people don't end up paying property taxes through rent and other means, then you are straight up retarded. Also, I already stated that both parties are shit.

Oh really? Funny you say when California is literally turning into a fucking welfare state

>Rent through property taxes
Oh shut the fuck up with this goddamn bullshit. You think people who rent fucking apartments are paying property taxes you are a fucking clown. Any bullshit excuse in the fucking book you people can find for your pet monkeys and their chimp behavior. When these same poor people and chimps would rob you fucking blind if given the chance. But sure, keep thinking those "poor people" are on your fucking team.

Found the woman

You have to not understand basic economics and think government is a necessary good rather than evil. i/e, uneducated.

He's actually related to Larry David. Distant cousins iirc

Yet they are the #1 contributor to GPD.

Property taxes don't get passed on to renters now? Please don't tell me that you are that disingenuous.

"Can I live another 4 years? Elect me President and let's find out together"

Bernie 2020

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>Property taxes don't get passed on to renters now?
By this retarded logic, that would mean renters own the property. But then again, that's what your team probably wants anyway, for their pet monkeys to have more fucking rights than the owner of the fucking property.

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Bernie kicks ass

indeed, #Yang2020 is the only sane choice in the face of the robot jobpocalypse coming.

What FREE STUFF are YOU looking to get from Uncle Bernie???

I don’t see a problem with this

Question for Bernie supporters- For decades, Bernie has talked about the evils of "millionaires and billionaires". Now, Bernie is a millionaire and literally part of the 1%. He only talks about the evils of "billionaires".

How do you reconcile this? Why hasn't he given up his millions of dollars to people in greater need? Can you really believe him?

Look up "champagne socialism." Engels was one too.

Bernie is not status quo. He's a commie. A red. Never worked a day in his life. Got rich scamming and sucking on the government tit. Wants to print money and gove everyone a million dollars. Free everything. Sound good until you are forced to work the fields and have to stand in bread lines.

Trump is not status quo. He's a rich kid who never really grew up. At least he had jobs. And donates his salary. And his administration lifted regulations that allowed the economy to boom. So now more people are working. He is a dope though. Funny how mad he makes some people. They don't see how dumb they look being so mad at him. LOL

The public will then see the democrat party become full outted socialists? Will the free american people vote themselves into gulags? Methinks not.

like the DNC would pick a socialist to win anyway

Because people like Bernie are the ones who benefit the most from "socialist" bullshit. It's only the peasants who will be expected to pay more taxes and give up personal wealth. Meanwhile Bernie will continue to tout the commie bullshit, while he has millions of dollars in net worth. The whole thing is a goddamn joke and it makes me sad that people really do believe Bernie's lines of bullshit.

Its government that creates dirt water. Look it up. user- more recently, detroit. Literally governments run the water supply.

>The public will then see the democrat party become full outted socialists?
They already have that's the funny part. They have outted their endgame; full blown communism with open borders for the brown hoard.

Who takes twitter comments as something more important than trolling with twitter?

Your hatred has clouded your vision, user. Look at the economy. Look at what has been accomplished with China. inb4 your butthurt shows on these examples.

>shills are out early for the next cycle
fuck your cheeto and the self serving rabble that support him.
I'd rather have 4 years of a president that gives a fuck. The republicans will try to undo it when they get back in, but like welfare for old people, they'll find too many people will like the changes for them to flip the switch back to raping the poors as hard as they like.
I stand to lose money under such a system. but it would be better to make less in a world where I don't have to fucking worry over whether family members and my kids once they're out from under my care can get their fucking medical shit covered or not than make a couple extra 10k's each year.
fuck you dumbasses. all of you faggots act like you'll never get sick, get hurt or need a fucking hand.
you want mental illness? thinking nothing bad will ever happen to you and using that ignorant bullshit of a notion to justify letting the poor and sick die in the fucking street is mental illness.

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Your comment is not correct, sir. Please try at least to be educated the basics before you comment.

how's russia this time of year?

Better than the Republic will ever be


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Although I agree with the underlying complaint, I do not agree with the bigotry in the harsh descriptions you exhibit. People are people. Human nature is what it is. The joker who free ride it generationally ought be cut off.

The feds need not be involved with such things. That should be up to states and localities. All the various federal departments should be abolished. States and localities should be in charge of welfare, environment, education, etc. The people in the area should be in charge of their area, not some overpaid bureaucrat in lavish offices in DC.

Just saying.

you've never seen a graph of states contributing federal taxes vs receiving federal handouts or what? texas is the only one that's pulling its weight.
red states are the bottom of the barrel because the policy makers run on removing taxes, and don't bother to point out those taxes have real returns on investment. decent schools and government services make a decent population.
red states want people to fend for themselves, then think its hilarious as they just turn into a pack of depressed methheads stealing copper and shit.
here's your fucking red pill: the red states lose on every measurable quality that makes a state great, and its the blue states that make this country a world power.
you assholes would have us be a fucking 3rd world asshole backwater like any other corrupt ass red-logic country is.

>The people in the area should be in charge of their area, not some overpaid bureaucrat in lavish offices in DC.
you just end up with areas that literally pay their poor bus tickets to gtfo. it solves nothing and their bad policies send the problem elsewhere.
you can't solve national issues at a local level. some things need genuine cooperation.

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But you CAN have this NOW user! Just wrote a larger check at tax time. Nothing is stopping you from living the utopian dream. Simply add 30% to your tax bill. And write it to The US Treasury. They will be glad to accept your generous contribution. And think of all the people you help- all the nameless faceless bureaucrats can buy a new desk and cool lamp.

based and redpilled

Maybe that is what will convince people to assimilate into the american culture? Work/go to school/ contribute to society (at least fucking try) or GTFO.
You could take a few of these poor in your home and help them, user. Live like you preach. Don't leave it up to the government.

what sort of argument is this? right now that money would go towards useless shit like tax breaks for billionaires, corporate bailouts, or endless wars overseas. if bernie got in office then he'd change things so that tax money actually helps people for a change.

The idiots here who actually think voting selects anyone.

Its a selection process, not an election.

If you haven't figured it out by now then you're doomed to be a Slave.

>this shit again
sure, I'll just donate extra money to the infinite war machine. nah. I'm willing to trade money for a system that works, but not until then.
I'm not a big fan the the republican fiscal policy of simultaneously cutting taxes while running up the bills to kill foreigners.

So somehow electing socialists will miraculously change things for the better? I don't get how or why, user.

What about the retards that voted for Bush twice and also voted for President pumpkin head

>I do not agree with the bigotry in the harsh descriptions you exhibit
Motherfucker are you lost? Go back to fucking Jewbook if you don't like


>changing policies will change things?
yeah. that's how changing things works.
odds are nothing will ever make mississippi anything other than a shithole, of course.

Except though socialists call for unironic hatred towards white people

Isn't this how socialism works? the government owns it and you get everything from them? Your labor belongs to them and be god dam grateful you don't have an appointed job you don't like.


Yeah, Murica

Well actually 79% of the budget is welfare, education, healthcare. Your war machine argument is silly user. Sorry to break it to you.

you jackasses memed in the current disaster. so yeah, that's how it works. the GOP certainly didn't have that fat fuck on their shortlist during that election, but they were shitting themselves about splitting the vote and hillary winning, so threw in with him. the tea parties and other bullshit had their party clusterfucked for a few years already, and then the cancer metastasized, and they ran with it.

Replace "the government" with "capitalists" and you've basically described our society right now.

And Bernie is not even radical, he doesn't want to abolish capitalism anyway, he just wants us to stop spending money on dumb useless shit and start spending it on actually helping people.

>billionaires, corporate bailouts, or endless wars overseas.
There you go again pointing fingers at rich people, but saying nothing about your fucking pets. Why do you continue to leave out how much of our taxes go towards paying for your pets? Doesn't fit the narrative bud?

If the argument is explained with bigotry it becomes bigoted and will not convince the majority

Imagine thinking any of them are different..
>the absolute state of americuck

That's where you're wrong, bucko

The fuck sort of argument is this, lol? My pets? Are you on drugs?

Rich people literally write the fucking laws of this country you dumbass, of course it's their fault that shit sucks because they're in charge.

lol wut? Dude is about as legit as it gets. He's literally spent his whole adult life battling stupid bullshit, trying to make people's lives better, in spite of billionaires spreading bizarre conspiracy theories.

Mine. Juan has some awesome coke and Tyrone brings over some bomb ass skanky weed.

Check all the idpol fags

You mean entrprneuers? A solid majority of people work for small businesses, user. Your focus on a minority of billionaires is silly and rooted in marxist though. Exploit the jealousy to gain control over the masses. Not a great reason to hand all business over to government control, user. The fucking politicians can't run a popcorn stand. Have you ever been to the department of transportation to renew licenses? What clusterfuck- can you image these people running things? this is what you are advocating.

once the boomers have the decency to start dying in droves social security will finally right itself. voting power between generations as well.

True. He doesn't hide his bullshit like the rest of the Politicians do, that's a big reason why he won.

And who the fuck cares about "convincing" the majority? Most people are fucking sheep. I'd say a good 80% of the US population shouldn't even be allowed to fucking vote at all.

Yes, your pets. What confuses you about that statement champ? Now tell us, why do you refuse to address how we have to pay MORE taxes as the DNC continues to dish out "social programs" that do nothing but enrich the politicians who set them up. Like this ridiculous bullshit in NJ that Gov Kike Murphy just gave $20 million dollars to hospitals to end "gun violence", which is a goddamn fucking joke. But once again fags like you say nothing, while parading around like fucking faggots with butt plugs in your ass.

Anyone who votes for trump should automatically get shot. Maybe then america might become great again.


Thats not correct. Soc Sec is insolvent in under 15 years. There were congressional hearings a few years ago and the budgetary office testified about the looming disaster. They have to start scaling it back, and denying benefits or nobody will get anything. Ponzy schemes end like that.

imagine small businesses and enterpeneurs not having to worry about providing medical care for their employees. minimum wage could stay shit and people wouldn't have to worry about only getting 35 hours while the company dodges benefits
this is the main group wanting to keep out good shit for normal people. fucking middle managers padding bottom lines by keeping people suffering. that's the current system.

Small businesses do not dictate policy though. They do not control the government, large corporations do.

Because Goldman Sachs isn't jealous of every little penny I have in my pocket.

Why do you refuse to address that right now we pay a shitload of taxes directly into the pockets of the uber-rich? Why do you hate other working-class people like yourself but love the CEOs of Raytheon of Bue Cross/Blue Shield?

You're wasting your time with this kid. He's just gonna keep on acting like a fucking dumbass, while parading around like a homo on Pride Day.

Oh yeah the "uber-rich" that make up a literal fraction of the fucking population. But the millions of monkey ass niggers and spics on welfare you say nothing. Instead just more bullshit about muh rich people, while you parade around like a fucking dumbass.

that's because the system is top heavy right now. if the government had taxed while the boomers were working and saved money itself there wouldn't be a problem, but every time democrats setup a fund for something, the republicans raid it to give their brother or son-in-law's new company a no-compete contract to do nothing and get paid out of the fund for it.
my state is fighting a pension crises because the god damned reds wouldn't let the money sit and grow for its intended purpose, and then acted agast that there was no money for the pensions it was supposed to be covering. fucking retards

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>literal fraction of the fucking population
if 5 guys own half of all the shit, they're worth talking about.

A tiny fraction of the population, yes, but the majority of our society's wealth and power. As in, the people who have rigged the system to benefit them, and have convinced you to be their useful idiot and blame random people who hold no political power. Far more wealth flows to the top than trickles down in this country, but the elites have brainwashed you to defend their unearned billions.


>He STILL won't address the brown hoard on welfare

Serious question, are you a nigger yourself or just a huge nigger lover? Is your boyfriend black? That's the problem here isn't it?

Ever stop to consider maybe those people have so much money because they dont spend it on fucking bullshit? Like buying a fucking $1000 iPhone every 2 years or leasing a fucking BMW for $600 a fucking month. And then you motherfuckers wanna complain you have no fucking money. Oh boo hoo muh 1% I need more money so I can buy another 60 inch plasma fucking TV or $500 shoes that I only wear 2 times a fucking year. And I'm suppose to feel fucking sorry for you? Blow it out your fucking ass.

Are you going to post this same stupid thread every fucking day, you cancerous faggot? I'm 99% certain you're one of the neckbeard Russians orange wannabe Hitler hired to keep posting this dumb shit across the web.

The job market is not static. Nobody is 'keeping people suffering' user. IDK WTF that is exactly. Like you can't quit a job or look for a better paying one? Oh, maybe if the government owned the company the job would suddenly be less 'slavish?

Your imagination is overactive. I own two businesses and I manage in a production company. I have 6 employees. I pay well but no benefit package. I also get no benefit package, I pay of ray own insurances- including employment insurances like Work comp and UI for all my employees. My health insurance is super expensive since my wife has med issues. None you business but just take my word, if you aint happy working at a place there are lots of opportunities out there.

SO why are you so unhappy at work? Or is this just your imagination that so many others have it soooo bad? I just don't understand why we worry about the suffering especially when we do not see it- so how can I fix that? I run my ship honest and do the best I can. Keep the fucking taxes low and don't regulate me out of business and my employees will be fine.

Maybe you need a new job user?

Large corporations are subject to much more regulation and so they lobby for better situations. Don't hate them for wanting to stay in business. They employ many people and give benefit packages. Why fuck with that?

>im voting bernie bc I'm under the age of 30 and dont have any savings or assets and want the government to be an all-powerful socialist entity that regulates every aspect of my life. So I can get free stuff

I don't mind, he/she is just a dummy. One day they will grow up, lets hope they are this dumb then.

>brown hoard
there's way more whites on social security than blacks.
41% of blacks on welfare means of the ~40,000,000 blacks in us = ~16,000,000 are on welfare
which leaves, of the 50,000,000 on welfare, 34,000,000 whites.
there's almost as many whites on welfare as there are blacks in the entire fucking country
suck a dick, you statistically illiterate faggot

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You have absolutely no fucking clue what you're talking about if you think people become billionaires through not buying iPhones. They get that much money through rigging the system in their favor, plain and simple. A minimum-wage worker at Amazon would need to work for 68 years to make as much as what Bezos makes in one hour, and that worker would pay more in taxes than Bezos does (because he pays nothing). The elites control all of our society's wealth, but you're focused on giving them back the breadcrumbs they've left so poor people won't starve. You simply do not comprehend the scale of how fucking wealthy those people are.

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And yet Trump can't string two sentences together without sounding like a moron.

>why do you want the unelected oligarchs who control everything and lobby to change the system to benefit only them to be gone?
Gee I fucking wonder why

take your single (you) turbofaggot

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Sanders is cool man, eh doesn't afraid of anything

Account for population. There are more whites and mestizos than blacks.

>SO why are you so unhappy at work?
I've never been without benefits. I'm well paid and receive a good package.
You're saying you'd rather your employees have nowhere to turn if they get hurt on the job?
Considering you leave them to fend for themselves, I'm guessing you don't give a fuck what happens to them.

no shit the percentage is different by race. but you're arguing we should stop helping 35 million whites because 16 million blacks might accidentally not die in the street.
you're an idiot.

Top heavy. Who has more power, corporations or the government?

Who is deciding to continue unsustainable benefits whilst knowing the situation? Is it criminal to knowingly act like this? Then again, who will vote for the politician that says they will scale back benefits and/or reform the benefits to keep things working? Thats political suicide.

So the public votes itself mont and now will vote for what exactly? Fraud? One day the checks will not go out at all. Then what?

>His policies
you just want to smoke weed dont you user

Oh so we're just talking about billionaires are we? That's funny, I thought Bernie said millionaires were a problem? That was until he became one himself. Now it's only billionaires. But to address what you said, who the fuck is forcing anybody to work at Amazon? Who the fuck is forcing you to buy shit from there? Because the same people who bitch about Amazon and Bezos are the same morons who buy shit from them every goddamn week. And yes, generally speaking it's gonna be pretty fucking hard to generate any wealth if you spend all your money on fucking bullshit. Why the fuck should someone else have to give up more money, just to have some fucking nigger or stacy turn around and waste it on fucking shoes or make up or video games or some other bullshit they don't fucking need. This is fucking ridiculous.

>What is per capita
Yes, keep on parading around like a fucking dumbass faggot. You have done nothing but make yourself look like a complete fucking moron up till this point. What more horse shit are you gonna pull your asshole next for us?

> (You)
>>What is per capita
you can suck this too
blow me, asstard

In my State they changed the Rules. Used to announce your party at the poll, get a ballot, and vote in the Primary of your choice. Last time they changed it up and required that your voter registration was with a declared party. So I'm a Dem this time and that lets me vote against someone in their Primary! Who ever is leading in the polls right before the Primary will be voted against by me. I'm likely voting for that gay mayor or the chink guy since they have no chance to win. Unless I think ole Bernie would be a sure loss to Trump, then I'll vote for the Socialist.

>Who has more power, corporations or the government?
That's a false dichotomy. They are so intertwined that they are for all intents and purposes the same.

The image I posted shows the massive difference in scale between a million and a billion. It's a factor of 1000.

>who the fuck is forcing anybody to work at Amazon?
You've gotta work somewhere if you don't want to starve in the street.
>who is forcing you to buy shit from there
You've gotta buy from somewhere if you don't want to starve in the street.

>And yes, generally speaking it's gonna be pretty fucking hard to generate any wealth if you spend all your money on fucking bullshit.
You're not thinking rationally if you think everyone would be a billionaire if they just saved more money.

Aw is the nigger lover triggered? Is your nigger boyfriend on his way to hold you while you cry in his arms?

Imagine even being able to vote for that guy...

BOTH Democrats and Republicans suck in one form or another. Both parties are guilty of attacking the U.S. Constitution and both sides love to pick and choose what rights you should be allowed to have and what other rights should be taken away. Overall I would say that the Democrats are the lesser of all evils, but they still suck they just suck less than Republicans.

The thing I hate about the Democratic party is how dead set they are when it comes to banning guns. Personally I am a 100% pro-gun Democrat! I don't think we should ban any of our guns and I am willing to die protecting my 2nd Amendment rights. Republicans on the other hand attack the U.S. Constitution way more than Democrats do. Hell, Republicans are the enemy of the 1st Amendment and the 4th Amendment not to mention that they love to shove their Christian lifestyle down other people's throats. For the most part the Democratic party is the best choice, but I do admit that I hate how they treat the 2nd amendment.

Ummmm you are suffering delusions. Oligarchs huh. You funny.

So your solution is what? Elect czars?

How about let the markets run their course and stop propping up banks and other "too big to fail" entities? Let the free back in free market. Deregulate where things are ridiculous and unleash the economy. Things will always improve when the people are free to do business, start businesses, and work for their own money.

>just to have some fucking nigger or stacy turn around and waste it on fucking shoes or make up or video games or some other bullshit they don't fucking need
its also dumb that the rich really care about redistribution, when all it changes is which rich person is holding the money. poor people don't invest, they spend.
having welfare is like cycling a small amount of value back through every node in the pagerank algorithm to avoid infinite value pits.
almost the exact same thing, algorithmically.

Who gives a fuck about dead fucking proles

>Elect Tsars


Yes, oligarchs. Did I stutter?

My solution is to fucking kill them and take back the power they stole from us, but that ain't gonna happen thanks to cucks like you who hate themselves and want to remain slaves, so the best we can do right now is elect someone like Bernie who will at least make our government stop handing the oligarchs boatloads of free money all the time.

>nigger lover
you'd rather see 2 whites suffer for every black you can hurt.
you put the idiot in racist idiot

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Look into the Socialist Rifle Association. Socialists are typically pro-gum and hate both democrats and republicans as well, you might be a good fit.

Niggers belong in mines.

>You've gotta buy from somewhere if you don't want to starve in the street.
What the fuck are you buying from Amazon that stops you from fucking starving? I mean give me a motherfucking break here. You don't need to buy a single fucking thing from Amazon to survive. Now you're just being a fucking retard.

And no I didn't say that. But let's be honest here. This has nothing to do with a small population having a lot of wealth. This is about other people who think they are entitled to money they did not earn themselves, just so they can turn around and spend it all on complete bullshit. This isn't about the fucking wealth gap at all. You cannot tell me hur dur the rich are hoarding money while you are a hyper consumpter yourself. That is complete hypocrisy and I'm sorry but I refuse to play along with this ridiculous bullshit game. But of course nobody has the fucking balls to call these people out on their shit.

>I'll never get sick, injured or need assistance, so why should I make sure there are systems in place to help people unfortunate enough to have had such things happen to them
you have to be 18 to use this site, kiddo

Exactly, but these people are so fucking stupid and ignorant, they think rich people just have piles of cash lying around and they just sit on all of it. They have no idea how wealth is managed or how the economy works. They just stand there and get fed a bunch of literal bullshit from people like Bernie The Kike Sanders and they eat it the fuck up.

Thanks. It's really frustrating hating the Republican party with a passion, but loving guns at the same time.

outside of being made at blacks for being black, you have any reason not to make our country great to live in?

Either Amazon or Target or Kroger. Pick your poison, no matter where you buy the shit you need to live SOME billionaire is gonna get richer.

> about other people who think they are entitled to money they did not earn themselves
Like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and literally every other oligarch? Or do you seriously believe that they are 100,000x smarter than us and work 100,000x harder? Lol.

So you are worried about some fictitious people slaving away and not getting paid well enough to survive? Are you that dumb or just willing to believe that bullshit?

If my employees get hurt OTJ, thats what work comp is for. You can't read what I wrote? Too much detail for you user? I go slower.

Nothing is free. Even gibmes cost money, tax money the gubbamint takes and skims like the house in Vegas.

Your illusion of so much suffering is the root of this silliness. You watch too much news media and buy into the sob stories of downtrodden people. So many people suffering. Let me tell you user, there will always be some. You can't ever get to a perfect world. So you can only make your world better- by doing your life better. Stop worrying about politicians. They are self interested fools and you are too if you believe in them.

Donate your time and your money to help others, don't rely ion gubamint. Their gibmes costs freedom. Both freedom of the people who might otherwise be able to hire more people but have too high a tax burden- and the people who receive the gimmes... they have hoops to jump through.

You ought rethink your fascination with government control.

Oh I get sick, I just have enough to cover my expenses lol. Proles stay mad.

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This country was founded on revolutionary enlightenment horseshit. Why would I care what happens to it?

Intertwined? You, sir, are a product of the mass media's idiocy. Good for you kid. Maybe you'll grow up and when you do, come back here and we'll talk again.

>Like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and literally every other oligarch?
Okay so now you're just gonna be a fucking idiot, great. And if it weren't for Bill Gates your fat little fingers wouldn't be making the posts you're making right now. So yea, I'm gonna absolutely say both Gates and Bezos are smarter and better than you. But I get it bud. You're upset they have billions of dollars while you have to buy that 40 inch plasma TV on 3 fucking credit cards, like the broke nigger you are.

You are a goofball. Its ok, I don't hate anyone. But you are a goofball. haha

Sounds like you are the sociopath. Sorry, but you do. Re-read what you wrote. Really criminal, you know?

you misunderstand. pagerank attributes value from site to site based on links, with links from more linked sites pushing more. but the algorithm initially had huge errors caused by popular sites and unlinked sites triggering runaway value escalations. so they would purposely steal from all sites and redistribute the value in order to correct the algorithm, which made it work.
I'm saying paying the poor from taxes will just end up with the money being swept up by whichever person is providing services for the poor. but we'll be providing for the poor through that system
the rich stay rich with national welfare and medical care, so it's not really a big deal for them.
its just easier to not have to keep working to extract that wealth better than the other rich.
hell, taxing and redistributing probably creates a more real platform for competition than just vying for the paychecks other rich pay while trying to minimize the ones you do.
taxation and welfare doesn't break democratic capitalism in the slightest.
only central control does that. and if all the government does is mandate welfare, collect it, then send it to states to pay to companies to provide the services, we'll still have a thriving decentralized economy.

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Corporations lobby the government for benefits and free shit, government officials often come from corporate positions or get comfy jobs after they get out of office. Look at the Trumps, or Hunter Biden as the most obvious examples, or this pic for less known ones. The idea of a wall between government and corporations or that their interests are at all opposed doesn't hold up to scrutiny, they're the same fucking people who want the same shit: more wealth for them and no wealth for us.

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Im not the same guy you've been conversing with lol

Imagine if there were a minimum basic IQ test required before you were able to register to vote.
Simple, apolitical measure of education level. Higher points would increase your vote's weight. (0.8-1.2) Leaves the smartest decisions to the most capable residents of the US.

Voting outright should not exist.

If they get their wealth from government WHY should we want MORE GOVERNMENT THEN?

>that's what work comp is for
so, welfare. lol. you're literally depending on welfare for your employees health and safety, and letting the rest of us foot their hospital bills.
you want to use the system, but not pay for it, eh?

>Why would I care what happens to it
you live in it, dumbass.

Me thinks only property owners should be allowed to vote. nah nah ne boo boo

that was the most spirited argument i think ive ever read

Thanks Ivan

>bill gates invented computers and personally wrote all the code microsoft put out
This has got to be b8 lol

50,000 people die in this country each year because the elites have created a system where they can't get healthcare, but I'm the sociopath for wanting justice.42,000 die each year from the opioid epidemic, created by greedy pharma execs who wanted doctors to sell their shit, but I'm the bad guy for wanting to end their tyrrany. Hmmkay.

Socialists don't want "more government", we want a government which actually helps us instead of hurts us. Socialists actually want to severely limit the power of government in many ways through reducing the size of the military, police, and surveillance forces.

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No, again, I must be going too fast for you. It is insurance. I pay for it. Are you following yet? I literally pay $8k per year for this insurance.

Thats the equivalent to saying "durr you hate capitalism but you participate in it."

The problem is that taxes don't even hurt rich people. It's the fucking middle class that ends up suffering the most. At what point is the bullshit enough? This is fucking ridiculous, where every few years another tax is introduced or taxes go up, then the fucking democrats turn around and waste on more gibs and programs. It's NEVER gonna be enough for those monkeys and the slave masters. Anyone who thinks the democrats will say "okay we're done with taxes we have enough money" is a fucking fool.

>Socialists actually want to severely limit the power of government in many ways through reducing the size of the military, police, and surveillance forces.
Okay, I'll stipulate you're not talking out your ass, but all of what you say you don't want are necessary to redistribute and force people to do things they don't want.

Imagine being this guy and thinking that between Trump and Sanders, BERNIE was the criminal who never worked a day in his life


Funny though how this same logic isn't applied the other way. Capitalism is so bad and evil until it's time to buy that new fucking iPhone and Air Jordans, or lease that new BMW for $700 a fucking month, then suddenly people like you ain't crying anymore.

Shocking concept... people die and so will you one day. Your figures are silly because you got this information from elites who want you to kill oligarchs for some justice something. Greed and everything.

Tell you what, just get a good job and find a spouse and start a family so you don't go on sounding like a stupid fuck talking about killing people for justice or some such. Jaysus you are cringe.

>the government mandated taxes I pay a to a for-profit company to provide welfare for my employees while slicing profit off the top are somehow better than paying a similar amount of actual taxes for welfare that helps everyone
perfectly sensible.

So do 8 million Israelis, and they don't even live in the country

No? What are you talking about? Look at that pic I posted, what was the national guard doing in that? Why don't we arm the working class and disarm the cops and military. Then there'd be nobody to bust unions, nobody to kill or imprison organizers, nobody to enforce the tyranny of the minority. We outnumber them 200 to 1, if not more.

Rich people are in control of society so if society sucks it's their fault. Pretty simple really.

>you criticize society, yet you participate in it. Curious!
Brilliant argument there.

>Oligarchs want me to kill oligarchs
lol just listen to yourself, bud.

>stop noticing society's problems just breed and turn off your brain

and your argument amounts to asking why people don't just throw shit in the street anymore instead of paying taxes for sewers to be installed.
it's a nicer world to live in that has proper sewage and no outbreaks of fucking cholera and shit.

>Here we have the dancing faggot, right in the front leading the Pride Parade

>people die and so will you one da
Also nice try, trying to casually sidestep literal ongoing mass murder with "everyone dies". If they were shooting 92,000 people per year instead of killing them in other ways maybe your brain would make the connection that they should be stopped, but probably not, you're too brainwashed and would likely cheer them on.

Socialists want government to help us to death. By hook or crook they will help you by force of gun.

The government can't help anyone. They literally don't create or invent or do one fucking thing for anyone. They only steal from everyone to buy votes. Name one thing the government creates besides market dislocation?


>no actual counter argument, better pretend them a strawman and insult them for it

Lol and what does that have to do with the Republic? Fuck all. You do not even exist on the same ideological paradigm. Our concerns and aspirations differ so vastly you probably wouldnt even be able to comprehend.

I'm not gonna argue with you because you are clearly on some form of fucking medication. If not you should be. Your posts get dumber by the fucking letter.

you just said a whole lot of nothing
I love this country, and my countrymen.
I actually want to improve it and build systems that will improve the lives of those countrymen.

Also ain't nothing "strawman" about you being a dancing faggot, parading around for the entire world to see

just today he was pandering to "muslims". how did he do it?

by having a group behind him where the first row was all muslim women in head coverings and robes, a black guy, some white women and... a fucking army guy in uniform. first of all, muslim women have hardly any power in muslim relationships and a fucking white army guy? what the fuck?

>called me on bullshit, better pretend they're just mentally unsound. that'll keep me from having to address the issues that made me uncomfortable

user, quit it with the vacuous muh gays muh feels emotional arguments and listen to me. Why do you feel the need to defend the oligarchs who are making your life miserable every day? Why do you blame people with no political or economic or social power instead? For fuck's sake man, look at it rationally. This comic is from over 100 years ago yet it still rings true today.

>The government can't help anyone
If you believe this then why do you want the government to hand free shit to billionaires and corporations all the time? It certainly helps them, so why not use it to actually help you and me instead?

Why do you want your boss's son to have healthcare and a decent future but not your own? Are you a cuck?

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My employees earn their benefit of protection. Again, Nothing is free.

Work comp is not welfare. It is MANDATED by law here. It provides compensation for employees if they get hurt OTJ. Its part of business where I live. I couldn't have employees without it.

Did you follow? Ami I too fast?

>all of what you say you don't want are necessary to redistribute and force people to do things they don't want.
This is the height of retarded conservative jackoff fantasies. We don't need to spend billions on a military to get people to pay their taxes, or to get companies to pay taxes, or even to get billionaires to pay their goddamned taxes. If you really, actually think that Bezos (or anyone worth talking about) are gonna arm themselves to not pay taxes, you are absolutely delusional.

The rich will say "oh damn, I'm losing the 90% of the wealth I could never even hope to spend in a thousand lifetimes to help the people I've exploited all my life. Darn!" and then pay it so they can keep living, because the other option is the motherfucking guillotine (or more likely, some nutter who goes home bloody from their 12 slave shift at an amazon shipping center jihads his bald ass).

Lol. I don't. You care only for the downtrodden, pathetic, coloured, and weak.

The government kills many more people than you will count user. Look it up. By banning chemicals, not using nuclear power, etc... millions die each year from environmental issues. Your govt don't give one shit.

>by having a group behind him where the first row was all muslim women in head coverings and robes, a black guy, some white women and... a fucking army guy in uniform. first of all, muslim women have hardly any power in muslim relationships and a fucking white army guy? what the fuck?

This really shouldn't even surprise anyone at this point. Liberals are fucking morons.

>Why do you blame people with no political or economic or social power instead?
Oh HELL fucking no you did not just say this bullshit. You think those fucking niggers on welfare don't fucking vote? You don't think the the dems literally bus these people out of the dirty projects they live in, and to the nearest polling station? You cannot be fucking serious right now. Unless you're telling me people who collect welfare should be barred from voting? Which of course the democrats would never agree to because they'd lose millions of votes.

Trump has raised the national deficit while the rich get richer. Bernie's healthcare plan would save money

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>You think those fucking niggers on welfare don't fucking vote? You don't think the the dems literally bus these people out of the dirty projects they live in, and to the nearest polling station?
that would be correct, my conspiracy obsessed retard. We have the statistics to show that those people mostly don't vote

lol. it is literally a welfare law, just pushed to making the business owners pay for it instead of the government. if the government says you have to pay money or they'll show up and take your business from you, it's a government mandated tax.
if it's a tax to make your employees lives better, it's for the common welfare.
it's a welfare tax, hidden as a mandatory program, with the insurance company providing the service instead of the government that's mandating it.
I want everyone to have the benefit of health coverage. No one should fear getting fired or striking out on their own.
If your business goes under, your kids shouldn't find themselves without.
If one of your employees fucks up and ruins you via lawsuit, which happens to small business owners regularly, you and yours shouldn't be without doctors or basic needs.
you should get a hand getting back out there and fighting in the market again.
it's a better system. and I think it's worth fighting the current system to get it in place.
it's the one I'd rather my own children grow up in.

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Imagine thinking he's going to pass anything through Mitch.

you're a shit. you know damned well you could end up in the same position, and just don't care about yourself.

I agree, the government is controlled by oligarchs right now, so it does their bidding, doing evil shit like that. That's why I'm a socialist.

Corporate democrats fucking despise the people who vote for them and betray them at every opportunity. Voting every two years doesn't mean you have any political power when the candidates you vote for serve oligarchs.

Who has more power, ten thousand black people who cast votes for a democrat, or one billionaire who dictates that democrat's policy agenda? You're failing to see the wider picture here.

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Bullshit they don't fucking vote. And I don't give a fuck if it's even 20%. If you are a welfare collecting leech, own no property or business you have zero fucking business voting for anything or anybody. You have no fucking skin in the game and you are only going to vote for fucking bullshit. But the dems will NEVER agree to that because they know poor people, and minorities especially vote for them by the millions.

A big time idiot

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imagine not realizing that 1/3 of the Senate is up for election this year too.

>But the dems will NEVER agree to that because they know poor people, and minorities especially vote for them by the millions.
are you pretending the trailer park white trash and methheads of america aren't whole hog for the republicans and their anti-muslim rhetoric?
fucking welfare losers eat that shit up

Yeah, let's vote a guy who's incapable of even standing his ground at his own rally into presidential office.


Well they have quite a national health system set up in North Korea. Im sure your kids would love it there.

>pathetic wannabe oligarch ranting about democracy
if you suck their cocks enough they'll make you a job creator too

We are from a Midwestern blue collar family, so he understands our pain better than a NYC slicker like Trump

Bernie Sanders wrote to Margaret Thatcher about the IRA hunger strikers

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I’m voting for Bernie just to piss off Hilary clinton and Obama. That is good enough reason in it self.

Ah the great lamentation. "Woe is me" says the prole.

This. Vote for Bernie to make the Hillary libs lose their shit.

Politicians lie?!
What has the world come to.

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Are you still fucking ranting about the "oligrach"? Dude, go take your fucking medication while the grown ups are talking

Those "white trash" don't vote democrat because of exactly what I said. The democrats don't believe in property rights, don't believe those pets should be arrested for breaking the law, want more taxes, want to force good public schools to take in niggers and spics from the fucking ghetto(under the guise of "diversity"), list goes on. Why the fuck would a poor white person vote for any of that bullshit? Just so some rich liberal or smelly nigger can turn around and mock them?

>He's scammed his voters into giving him millions, which he and his family have pocketed and enriched themselves. He's a criminal, and you're his victim.
Citation needed. He's got a quite open economy, and with a well paying job and a few best selling books he's got approx threeish mill, mostly tied up in realestate. That makes him one of the poorest senators.

Only undesirables and dumb college students are going to vote for Bernie. LOL @ liberal arts majors thinking congress + the senate would ever pass student loan forgiveness. What else will we get for "free", Disney+?

Nah, I think we'll just vote for Trump.

Vote for andrew yang fuckin sheep

if you don't want to argue about it, fine. hey, no fags or liberals in north korea either. you might want to get there before they fuck it up making peace with the south.

>he wants to go into debt slavery

Honestly this. We're sick of the shit. These socialists only care about the coloureds.


You are deranged, lmao

I wish Yang had a fucking chance. Let him pull ahead and I would.

Why trumps a draft dodging pussy. He’s such a pussy he will not even get into a debate Bernie Sanders because he would look like a dumb ass nigger.

Yup, and I didn't even mention the 2nd amendment which is a whole other issue in itself. That alone drives them away from the democrats.


lol. again, as stated earlier with links, there are almost as many whites on welfare as there are blacks in the country.

Did you know that most internet browsers have an internal spell check now? Did you also know that multiple people can point out that your political views amount to "dictatorship of the bourgeoisie now" while recognizing that you are absolutely not allowed into the upper classes?

They won't let you fly on the lolita express, just settle down and think about this rationally

Did you take that fucking medication or what? Don't make me take away the playstation again

Go back to your coal mining job idiot. Oh wait those jobs are all gone lol. Guess Trump couldn’t help your hill billy nigger ass

incredibly powerful britbong boomer energy coming from the guy who keeps calling them coloureds

>Why don't white trash vote democrat?

Yeah man I really don't know why. Maybe we can get Dumbledore to help out figure it out?

I have an M.S. degree and make over six figures in the Midwest. Try again!

Everyone is a socialist until they get their first pay check. Don't worry, you'll get there!

imagine having an actually fulfilling life and not needing to larp on 4chen about being a successful adult who owns the business factory

The race is between two retarded men, one is a theft,crook, and plagiarized and the other is a dumb liberal/hypocrite

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I'm middle-middle class and I agree. Those diversity practices have recently been applied to my office (General Electric) and it's absurd. People who put in the time and earned the position are let go for people with bad work ethic who got the position solely for being a "person of color"

Not the guy you responded to, but I make six figures as well. I see nothing wrong with making sure everyone has access to medical care and basic needs.

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You're right, and it's especially important to keep an open borders policy, completely abolish our border patrol and invest countless trillions in climate change action that won't actually do anything except weaken the economy.

All rebublicans want is to live in trailer parks and shot guns and have no health care and no schooling. And give all there money to the rich to fight wars for gasoline.Basically they just want to be white versions of niggers top kek

Imagine deepthroating the boot this hard and being that fucking retarded at the same time.

Well that's one way of admitting you're a deranged idiot.

man.....to be this racist and angry has to be tiring. You gotta get out more my dude and see the world. You blame your problems (and apparently the world's) on other races. I really wish you the best and that you get the opportunity to see the error in your mindset. I have a feeling you will at some point. I just hope it's sooner rather then later. Try to keep an open mind, take care out there. We all have more in common then you realize.

Bernie: "Food Lines are a GOOD THING. It means hungry people are getting food, I don't see the problem with that"

>open borders policy,
>completely abolish our border patrol
literally no politician has called for this
>and invest countless trillions in climate change action
solar is already cheaper than coal. not polluting our rivers so bad they catch fire is just good governance. that's why we started the EPA. not the first time mind, but the second time a fucking river caught fire.
reasonable regulation isn't a bad thing when idiots are willing to cut corners with life and limb.

>literally no politician has called for this
Ok, now I know you're a complete idiot.


Is that truly why you think everyone wants to vote for Bernie? I'm seriously curious, or are you just trolling?

let's deregulate everything, investment and banks included. surely nothing wrong happened in the last '20s from exactly that leading to two decades of soup lines and ass dragging economy.

No one is for open borders, lol. ICE can go fuck itself, they aren't border security. and climate change is real, it will effect billions, and we can do something about it.

Wow a lot of DNC schills on here today

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Damn dude you get your facts from Fox News! you really are smart.

Cry some more you brainwashed idiot. Trump is winning this year and you know it.

Imagine being this stupid.

I want you to answer the first guy that replied to you. Do you not see the error in your logic? How do you think those fucked up red states get better by staying the course they are on?

It was literally the first result from a google search, idiot. Also it's an article covering an interview, not an opinion piece, retard

Would you prefer something penned by a fellow deranged leftist like yourself? Say no more:


It’s a real article moron. Go look on cnn or whatever dumb fuck news you watch. She said it and that’s it.

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Are people really rebulican in here? Or are they just trolling. Because you the amount of retardary can’t be real can it? I feel like trump could rape your wife shit your kid in the head and then you would still suck his dick afterwards.

Yeah, your brilliant deductions lead to that did they? Must be hard to have such a talent and still be stuck asking people what size drink they want with their value meals

Yeah right. Bernie is surging and if he wins the nomination he stands no chance against Trump. Every poll shows him winning against trump and that is because he also thinks we are getting screwed in trade. Bernie can and will pull more conservative voters than any other democratic candidate. Kiss Trump goodbye, the rolling starts in just a few days.

Notice how you don't actually have anything thoughtful or worthwhile to say, so you resort to braindead rhetoric. You really are a brainwashed socialist idiot. Not even sure who you're trying to convince here on a degenerate porn board; you're better off fucking off back to whatever forum you came from.

>The “abolish ICE” movement, while remains prevalent mostly within the far-left of the party,
gross, but I don't hang on AOC's dick, so I didn't see this.
I can't vote republican because they pander to religious fundamentalists, racists and refuse to help their fellow americans unless dragged into it kicking and screaming.
I want a party of reasonable regulation and universal rights, but feel pushed to the dems moreso than the republicans.
I used to think the government was better when each party held a part and they were forced to cooperate, but the republicans have been shifting goalposts and getting more extreme for about 25 years or so, at least, and it doesn't surprise me to see the dems doing it.
I usually prefer the obama style "right but with compassion" types.
>[ICE] do not deserve a dime until they can prove that they are honoring human rights, until they can make a good faith effort to expand and embrace immigrants … Until they can prove good faith to an American ideal, they do not deserve any resources for their radical agenda
this I agree with. but this is largely trumps doing with the decision to enforce hard splits and the southern states literally coraling people under underpasses and shit instead of providing actual buildings to house folks in.
we should invest in border security, but we don't need to treat people like shit for wanting to live in the us
we've spent a century and more exporting the american dream, it's little wonder it still inspires people to want to come here.

ICE isn't border patrol. ICE didn't exist a decade ago. Is that so hard to get through your tiny skulls?

>Every poll shows him winning
Ah, the polls, of course. They really painted an accurate picture of that last election didn't they? Along with that Brexit vote.

You idiots never learn, do you?

Will do my plebbit friend! I'll keep my mind open to fried chicken and Tom Brady from now on

unless this dick cheese
I actually thank you for replying with a link. feels like it doesn't happen enough that people bother to link anything. even fox just slants the news, there's still facts there, usually.

At the end of the day, they help keep more spics out, which is a good thing. Alas, braindead leftists like yourself welcome any form of mass immigration, because it helps inch closer to a one-party socialist state.

I like how this was just completely ignored.

*unlike this dick cheese, not unless

ummm wtf? Are you for real dude? Tell me about yourself because you literally seem like a bit character from some movie or book that just appears to be bred from hate and ignornace. I'd love to have a real conversation with you and not this weird random hate filled spewing you are doing. Do you think you are like this because of how you were brought up or something?

Did you get your feeling hurt buttercup?

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it was ignored because you retards weren't saying this shit when king nigger was fucking up the joint and spending money like he just got his first credit card in the fucking mail

Careful there tranny, you wouldn't want a blood vessel to pop on those mutilated genitals you have. That'd just be one more reason to top yourself and add to the 41%.

Motherfucker did you forget where the fuck you are? This ain't fucking Jewbook

do you think it's possible that the people who support immigrants do it because they actually care for humanity? Do you really think it's about this big conspiracy to further an agenda of making a socialist society? You honestly believe that?

man, that is literally the definition of a straw man argument. Talk about the graphic he put up, why bring up Obama....that's not the point of his post. It's so weird that people keep doing this.

obama actually put taxes in place to pay for programs, instead of spending off the government credit care.
republicans love spending on the future's dime
"the party of fiscal responsibility" my ass

>do you think it's possible that the people who support immigrants do it because they actually care for humanity?
Bawwww, you care for humanity? Boy you're such a wonderful person, aren't you? I'm sure all the degenerates on Cred Forums are moved by your kind and caring nature.

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>do you think it's possible that the people who support immigrants do it because they actually care for humanity?
Oh fuck off with this goddamn bullshit. How many of these people hvae you taken into your fucking home? Is the answer zero. Okay then, you don't care about shit. You only want them here because they vote for your fucking team. If all of these people were voting GOP you retards would be demanding a fucking wall every day of the week. You're only "generous" as long as someone else foots the fucking bill.

Ask yourself this, idiot: why do you think every country in Africa, Central America and South America is a complete shithole?

If you're going to say it's the white man's fault, you are brainwashed beyond repair.

lol but why not try to be real even if it's just with yourself? You have the opportunity to converse with someone who has no real stake in the US elections but is curious about human nature. How else do we grow? Get to know your fellow man and learn from one another, it's a fucking blessing to be able to do it completely anonymously...don't you see that?

we don't believe in open borders, which if what you stated was true, we would be. What sounds braindead is wanting to keep people out your country just because they are of a different culture, without reason. They aren't more violent than other people, and when you account for all variables they are even less likely to commit crime than someone of national descent.

Not that guy, but I genuinely care for humanity. Do you not?

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Bullshit that's not the fucking point. Where was all this fucking crying when Obama was fucking up the joint and spending money like a nigger with a Platinum Express card?

There's a reason you don't hear these lefties talk about Cubans much.


There’s no need to take it out on me. Just because your catholic loving republican parents got your butt hole torn up by your priest.

>What sounds braindead is wanting to keep people out your country just because they are of a different culture, without reason
>without reason
Yep, you're brainwashed.

>but I genuinely care for humanity
Oh yeah? And how much of your paycheck goes directly to charity? How many hours a week do you volunteer? How many bums have you taken into your home? That's right, ZERO on all fronts. So shut your fucking hole.

dude, don't fall for the straw man argument. That Bernie graphic is a good one and deserves to have conversation about it....the "what about-ists" use straw man to avoid discussing the possibility of a better future if it contradicts their mindset. I ijust wish it was possible for peopl to rationally discuss things that actually are important...insteand of making it "oh my team is better!!!"

That's one stupid mother fucker right there

You think the answer is as simple as, "They are all black?" Now that IS brainwashed.

not every country in africa and south america is a shit hole these days, but hey, white folks certainly didn't colonize one and send in the CIA to fuck the other.

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>no argument
No problem idiot. Enjoy sulking again in November.

They don't mention Cubans because they're already redpilled on all this communist bullshit the democrats want so badly. So of course they're not gonna vote for that fucking bullshit. This is what I was saying before. If you collect welfare, don't own property or a business you shouldn't even be allowed to vote. All your gonna do is vote for more bullshit.

why do you think I haven't tried to help humanity or even something as simple as my own community and town? Does that make you feel better about your path in life?

>not every country in africa and south america is a shit hole these days
Yes they are, retard.

are you kidding me. cuban expats hate communism like fuck.
you don't know shit.

ok, then tell me all about those shithole countries....you've been there have you? You understand their culture and humanity and know about their quality of life do you? Tell me how somewhere like the Red State South or Louisiana is better then these so called "third world countries?

>I can't read; the post

did you even read his post properly? the fuck are you smoking?

Give me one good reason then. They work harder than you, they pay taxes, they are scared of getting deported after a single crime so they don't do that either. GIve me one good reason besides, "They vote democrat"

You're the one that has been brainwashed into believing immigrants are scary and don't deserve rights. You want to treat them less than human and you cant' call that anything but waht it is, brainwashed cucklet, following the big men.

Thanks dude, I was that guy and I don't understand these posters who are so hate filled that they think everyone is like them....if anything, the majority are not like them. They just gotta get out more, maybe travel. I dunno