What are your experiences with CBD like? Need something for pain that won't turn me into a junkie

What are your experiences with CBD like? Need something for pain that won't turn me into a junkie.

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It's not addictive at all good for pain try cbg

CBD is the snake oil of our time and does absolutely nothing. It is 100% placebo effect.

It's ok. Made me super fucking high at work once, so get used to it over the weekend, but typically it will raise my anxiety actually. Test it out, but I did use it at home by myself to help recover from a surgery. And I hate potheads, but it's better than booze or pills, with anything, just use in moderation.

And to add, I get the Cali shit with high THC.

I just ate some edibles today (leafbro) with CBD in it, it didn't really help my pain just made me groggy. but I probably didn't eat enough I only ate a 10 mg chocolate

Not a big fan of it for pain relief. If you can get it then go for thc oil.it will only get you high if you burn first or de carb it in the oven, vaping it may also de carb it. Not sure but I'd recommend eating some.

Also it doesn't matter what it is but if you take something regularly in order to get by and alter your perception of reality then your a junkie. It doesn't matter whether that's dulling nerves with pain killers or enhancing your mind and thoughts by smoking a j.

This is why I'm skeptical about it. Just seems too good to be true.

There are proven benefits to CBD, especially in regards to specific seizure disorders.
But majority of claims CBD sellers make are back by zero or very few scientific studies.

The sellers act like snake oils salesmen, which is unfortunate since CBD can have benefits for many sick people.

>Also it doesn't matter what it is but if you take something regularly in order to get by and alter your perception of reality then your a junkie. It doesn't matter whether that's dulling nerves with pain killers or enhancing your mind and thoughts by smoking a j.

Amen. Just because you don't have withdrawals like booze or heroin doesn't mean it's not bad for you or addictive. Use in moderation and as needed, don't live your life around it, seen plenty of guys in their 30's, 40's and even older that live their life around getting high, it's sad and pathetic.

I'd suggest you type CBD into the search engine of a credible scientific journal such as nature or the British journal of pharmacology and then revisit those thoughts.

Agreed. Just looking for the lesser of all evils in that sense though.

It's helpful, but some of it is placebo and a lot of it is pushed by ex hippies that want legal weed, the truth is blown out of proportion. Fucking pothead hippies.

to further the claims of placebo..

- it is a fact CBD is non-psychoactive (you feel nothing) and because of this it is unregulated and you and buy it at gas stations.

...a good percentage of the time you hear people saying it relaxes them or some other "feeling"..... it doesnt have a feeling associated with it because it isnt psychoactive.

placebo is real though, not just a slight trick.. according to medical experts.


I took CBD oil for a month and it did absolutely nothing

which is why scientific studies control for placebo effects by have blind studies and controls.

the placebo effect isn't stopping seizures with epileptic people taking cbd

while we're on topic.. know what else is fake?

Sativa vs Indica having noticeable different effect. people say sativa makes you "more awake" and indica is more sleepy.

its placebo as well. there is no evidence of this and no studied have ever been done. people just pass it around like fact.

95% of the medical marijuana industry has been and is a ruse to get it fully legal.

Im for it.

but people are going to look back at some of these crazy claims lime the old timey snake oil patent medicine salesman..

it’s legally more addictive than crack and more deadly than heroin
make the smart choice

Doesn't do a goddamn thing.

I've been using CBD for over a year now. Chronic pain from a really bad car accident when I was 18. I can't take Motrin or aspirin, Tylenol does nothing. Alcohol ebbs the pain, but I have no desire to become a drunk.

After lots of trial and error, I settled on "JustCBD" brand. There's no THC.It will not get you high. For me it knocks the pain down to a workable level. It also helps me get to sleep at night.

It effects different people in different degrees. Some report it reduces anxiety, but since I don't have anxiety issues, I can't answer to that. A small CBD gummie in the morning before work and a larger one before bed. The small one doesn't make me drowsy and I have morning coffee anyway.

CBD doesn't do much, look into Kratom

Doens't get me high but probably due to my tolerance.
Does wonder in reducing muscle tense after a long hard day, would prefer this over back massage since it's way cheaper, less time consuming and doesn't restrict movement while in session. I do hate the smoke btw, eating baked taste like shit too.

the only reason i haven't taken kratom is because i get addicted to things very easily and kratom is addictive so can't really do that

That's what I was gonna say. I only use it when I'm going to work, so I usually use it 4 days a week. When I ran out, I didn't get any withdrawals. I think half of the people who talk about it on here haven't tried it, and just read somewhere that it's super addictive.

Being this stupid

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Not saying your wrong i agree with cbd being a placebo

But the fact that you can get them at gas stations is irrelevant when spice aka K2 was legal you could buy it at gas stations that shit would fuck you up silly

kratom is the poor mans opioid

CBD is real and its effects have been studied heavily

Sadly, sketchy business entities looking to make a quick buck and capitalize on CBD awareness by churning out products for sale at Whole Foods checkout aisles that ultimately do nothing are also real.

Weed will be legal nationwide soon enough, but until then the best places to get CBD are actual cannabis outlets in states where it's been legalized. If you can get actual CBD flower to smoke that's even better, as smoking a joint/bowl of CBD-heavy weed will make you feel the effects faster than ingesting CBD products and help reassure you that its effects are real.

There are also just a lot of dumbass potheads who have been burnt out on THC-heavy weed for years and therefore can't feel a thing when they try CBD since their brains have such a strong craving for a psychoactive high.

it's not too bad, it's alot better if you're getting cbd vape to get with terpenes

this is about CBD, not weed in general.

if whatever you smoked got you legitimately high and was predominantly a THC product everything you just said is irrelevant

Sage advice. Thanks user.

jfc CBD isn't psychoactive, it literally doesn't get you high. that's the point of it, it's weed with THC compounds taken out so you only get the medicinal effects of it. most junkie types end up hating CBD because it doesn't make them feel anything.

Not OP

i tried kratom from different sources and different methods i popped like 12 capsules worth like 10 grams of kratom i didnt feel shit whats your experience user?

you used the words "feel" and CBD in the same sentence.

CBD doesnt produce a feeling. you're describing placebo.

think about how stupid the post you just wrote is in the wider context of medicine

ibuprofen relieves pain and reduces fever. when people take it for either of those reasons they literally have a sensation of feeling "better" despite the drug not being psychoactive.

psychoactive drugs are ones that affect your mind specifically. cannabidoil (CBD) is technically psychoactive since it is affecting your brain, but unlike THC the effects do not produce a noticeable high. Instead, you can feel anything ranging from

-improvement in mood
-a dampening effect on stressful emotions like anxiety

I bring tinctures to work with me for that last reason alone. I've also found that when I smoke a lot of CBD-rich weed as well, the feeling I get is almost like an alcohol buzz but without any mind-altering sensation. It's just a strong feeling of warmth but no real changes in your thought patterns/sensory perceptions.

CBD was long studied for its effects before it ever became marketable.

You gotta do waaaay more than they tell you

you're smoking weed - it has some amount of THC in it which leads to the feeling. doesnt matter if its only a small amount. that is what you're feeling and you convince yourself you "feel" the CBD.

this, you feel the effects much more with products that have typically 20-30mg per dose as opposed to 5, which is really common in a lot of CBD edibles that are sold.

Just make sure what you're getting in the 20-30mg range, if there's a decent amount of THC in it as well taking it will still likely get you zonked, especially if you've never had edibles before.

If you want real pain management just smoke some actual weed or take a few shots. Doing this in moderation is the best medicine imo.

For me, CBD is actually harmful. I have glaucoma and it actually increases the intraocular pressure in your eyes. It felt like it worked the first time I used it, but it didn't take long to notice it wasn't doing anything for me anymore.

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CBD is documented as non-psychoactive.

The way to go is CBD lab isolate from the dispensaries. You can snort it like coke. Haha.

>You can snort it like coke

and it still won't do jack shit

I'm aware of this user. My favorite brand of CBD flower has a 20:1 CBD/THC ratio. The company that manufactures it recently changed their recipe to add an additional THC compound to it - the overall ratio is still the same, but I noticed the presence of this other THC composition immediately after smoking and got them to send me the actual lab results for the new and old recipes so I was able to confirm my suspicion that something had changed, they were then kind enough to reserve some of the old batch at a nearby store for me.

Cannabis is a lot more complex than you think. It contains over a hundred different cannabinoids that can affect you in a variety of ways (CBG is another one that isn't marketed often and is harder to find but is great for dealing with anxiety alone).

I don't know what your experience with weed is but you sound like someone who has only had high-THC weed (which is most weed, especially if you're buying from a dealer).

Kratom bro kratom is for pain. Take under 5g per day and you'll be fine in terms of addiction, that works out to be 3 doses 2x 2g and a 1g booster when u need it. Trust me nothing has ever worked better for my pain

I said it was "technically" psychoactive. The definition of psychoactive is any substance that affects the mind. CBD does not produce a noticeable high the same way THC does, which is why it's frequently regarded as non-psychoactive (which it basically is in a colloquial sense), but it is still a cannabinoid that is interacting with your brain to produce the desired effects. Those effects just don't resemble a "high" the way most mind-altering substances do.

This is retarded, it has tons of alkaloids that help with pain unrelated to the opioid receptor and it isn't possible to OD in it. It's the smart man's opioid. If you use it responsibly your tolerance will never go up, you'll never be addicted, and it works well.

sounds like half of the anons in this thread have a poor understanding of drugs in general, it's really annoying

I've only vaguely heard about kratom, what the best ways to safely obtain/consume it?

>unrelated to the opioid receptor
it also has a bunch of compounds that interact with opioid receptors in the same way opioids do.

But classifying it as an opioid is just stupid. Mitragynine isn't even a full agonist

If by a bunch you mean 2, and mainly just one out of the 40+ alkaloids

They do, and I have a pretty broad knowledge and wouldn't mind helping you find a solution for your pain issue, even if it isn't kratom you decide to use. Do you have kik?

like i said
the poor mans opioid

>poor understanding of drugs in general
>I've only vaguely heard about kratom

user, you are a special kind of retarded

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Which is a completely inaccurate statement. Do opioids affect the calcium channel? Do they affect the adrenergic system? Do they contain antioxidants and smooth muscle relaxers? Gtfoh with your bs

I don't have any pain issues, I'm just curious about euphoric effects.

Don't have kik, sorry.

I meant the the way drugs affect people. I've never used kratom and haven't researched it much, I'm the guy who was mainly talking about CBD.

keep trying to defend your shit tier drug you junky

Oh ok good luck with your search then bro. Psychedelics are my go to for recreation and introspection. Also not addictive. There are many analogs you can order online but most of them do not have the research behind them that the traditional illegal psychedelics do. You can also easily cultivate shrooms at your house quasi legally if you'd like by buying spores online

LOL says the guy who considers kratom a weak opioid. That's the opinion of someone who's definitely fucked with hard drugs you junkie stop projecting

Oh I already had my psychonaut phase years ago, I've done LSD, shrooms, mescaline and a very very small hit of DMT (didn't blast off on that last one but was nevertheless cool experience and the euphoria I got from it was extremely powerful).

Don't be upset you're a moron when it comes to drugs and how they work, accept the new information and move on

All these fgts talking shit as per. My dad is diabetic and has some other issues associated with. He was fully against cbd bit I got home some and convinced him to take it. Within days his nerve pain vanished and he's blood sugar is more stable. He takes no codeine or prescription pain medicine any more. It was a bit of a mission to source in Aus bit it did everything we hoped. No more pain stable insulin levels and he doesn't take prescription meds which used to make him a huge space cadet shits legit

or im smart enough to never do any opioid even if its weak and shitty like kratom

lol, isn't the whole appeal of kratom to get an experience feels opioid-ish but without the hardcore addiction/potential toxicity? that guy's such a dunce

CBD isn't enough for the back pain i get from degenerative disc disease in my L5-S1. i have to smoke full strength weed.

Also cbd oil has no thc you do not get high at all

So you're just regurgitating the information of retards you've heard online? Go figure a dumbass listens to other retards

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It's one of the many reasons people use it, it is a unique drug that shares some opioid properties. Others take it mainly for the adrenergic stimulation and dislike leaf with traditional opioid properties

well only retards use kratom so who else would i listen to about kratom experiences?

Anyway I'm finished giving this dumbass basic information, the entire reason people like him are stupid in the first place is because they get upset when someone refutes their incorrect opinion and only accepts information online that is in line with their flawed perspective of whatever it is they are reading about. Good luck OP I'll catch u later

OP here. I used to take a lot of recreational drugs several years ago, syrup included. I'm not trying to get back into that lifestyle again so I'm looking for healthier alternatives which is why cbd stands out for me. I appreciate all of the info other anons have contributed so far.

;_; i'm not the dumbass you were talking to, I was calling the guy you had replied to the dunce

I'm CBD guy who wanted to learn more about kratom

oh wait you weren't calling me a dumbass either, I read that wrong lol

Idk about awake or sleepy but I do get higher from one hit of indica than one hit of sativa.


Full spectrum CBS does have the, though it's still not enough to get you high.

If you are going to bother with CBD at all, make sure you get full spectrum. Regular CBD is missing all of the other cannabinoids.

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cmon bro just a sip dont be a fucking PUSSY bro

I'm pretty sure it gave me schizophrenia.

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That shit is whack though. It was created for niggers to OD on it