OMFG. This shit. Trump makes a clearly illegal campaign contribution to the Florida attorney general...

OMFG. This shit. Trump makes a clearly illegal campaign contribution to the Florida attorney general, she drops the state's lawsuit against his fake university, joins his legal team, and argues his case before the senate. America gives zero fucks. WOW. Really?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're just now grasping this? America hasn't given a fuck about proper politics since we reelected George W. Bush

trump has a love for corruption, is that really such a crime?

get red pilled faggot.

your apart of the machine now.

stay mad kid

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Look more than half the country consists of easily gullible rubes. Just look at this board and all the alt right apologists. The common rubes are inundated with foxnews bullshit for days on end so they believe anything and overlook all. So they follow. Conservatives generally don't like to buck the system and usually have a real need to follow daddy like authority. Shit won't change even with a different present. Even If he's a mid road mild Democrat they will call him a commie and bitch and moan till they get yet another Grifter in chief.

would you fuck her?

depends. probably

If I ran into her in an elevator, and she hiked up her skirt and dropped her panties, no words, then yeah, I'd bang the shit out of her. But if I met her on an app and went out to eat and had to talk to her, then fuck no, it would never get that far.

>Trump makes a clearly illegal campaign contribution to the Florida attorney general
while Trump himself is simultaneously out on the campaign trail screeching about the Clinton's and "Pay to Play."

Look into the Clinton Foundation. What was that shit all about if not to buy influence?

Holy cow, really? That happened? And exactly the way you say it and you're not leaving out a thing???


there was a lot of well documented philanthropy that really happened as a result. The same can not be said for Trump's totally fake charity

How about those children Clinton Foundation members tried to kidnap out of Haiti? You know, the ones with living parents? The ones the Foundation members lied about and claimed to be orphans?

Nothing to see here. I'M WITH HER!

and I understand that you are upset with Clinton....but what did that have to do with what OP said? Why do people use straw man arguments whenever their side is being questioned? Just fucking stick to the statement at hand. It's just bizarre behaviour and makes you look like a maniacal buffoon. I have no stake in this argument, but I tune in when I see it just to see this happen again and again. It has to be some form of insecurity or something.

>That happened?
Yeah, and also Alex Acosta, another Florida AG, gave Epstein an illegally sweet deal to avoid real incarceration over his Florida pedo charges, and then went on to become Trump's Labor Secretary.

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>How about those children Clinton Foundation members tried to kidnap out of Haiti?

OH MY GOD! I am LITERALLY SHAKING right now! And I'm sure that's the entire story!


Anyone have her nudes?
Fookin hot

he’s the president laws don’t apply to him he can do whatever he wants

For all of US history, conservatives have been on the wrong side.

Conservatives in 1776 were on the side of the Crown.

They were the Confederacy.

They were the KKK.

They were on the side of the Robber Barons.

They were anti-suffragists.

They were anti-civil rights.

They were anti-LGBTQ rights.

They're anti-healthcare, anti-education, anti-environment right now.

With their failure to address Russia's attacks on our elections and their refusal to hold Trump
accountable for his crimes, they're also now anti-democracy.

They have always been the bad guys in US history. Every single generation we've had has had to
fight them tooth and nail to make progress. We win, and we leap forwards with policies like the
abolition of slavery, or the vote for women, or child labor laws, or civil rights, or abortion,
or gay marriage, but their wealthy owners sit back and regroup and launch another attack on
civilization after a few years.

And it works. Specifically because conservatives are tribalist cavemen who will do whatever their
Big Chief tells them to do. They're authoritarians by nature who believe that right and wrong don't
come from structured moral philosophies, but from whatever their chieftain tells them is right or
wrong. What's true or false.

They're weak-minded children at heart, who yearn for an all-powerful father figure to provide easy
structure to their world. Because they cannot handle the complexities of real life. Because the
burden of free thought is too much for them to handle. And because they are fundamentally terrified
of change. Change, above all, is beyond their understanding. Unfortunately for the rest of us,
they don't know it. That's what makes them so insidious.

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Bondi owns a home near a restaurant where a friend of mine works. He says she gets nasty when she drinks. One night she cussed out the bartender and threw her drink at him because she claimed there was a sliver of ice in her martini. She demanded another one, got it, slammed it, and stomped out. He said that wasn't the only time she went bitch mode.

it's a stupid person's ploy. also Fox news etc prepares them as talking points, so know nothings can just pull them out of their ass in an attempt to obfuscate.

Israel has been trading child orgies to world leaders in exchange for military and economic support for decades it’s nothing new

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Whats worse is they operate in both parties.

We have a dual conservative party system at the moment

Funny watching liberals talk after being embarrassed and demolished by emperor trumps defense team

It's called "what-aboutism." When a Republican is in charge & makes a mistake, the opposition demands accountability & some form of acknowledgement from their supporters that "their guy" fucked up. But the supporters never do that. Instead, they cry "well what about ___?" as if the mere appearance of a similar mistake by a Democrat makes it acceptable for "their guy" to do it.

Meanwhile, we're not talking about the Republican's mistake anymore, which is exactly what "what about-ism" is designed to do; deflect attention away so they don't have to suffer the indignity of admitting to a liberal that their sainted conservative bigwig did something bad/wrong/immoral/illegal.

Contrast that to when a Democrat is in charge. Republicans don't even WAIT for the Democrat to make a mistake before the accusations, charges of corruption & general "false outrage" come spewing forth. In those events, the opposition (in this instance, the Republicans) demands accountability & some form of acknowledgement from the liberal's supporters that "their guy" fucked up, but are the first to call out "what about-ism" as soon as it shows up. No, they INSIST that the liberal directly address their accusations.

Double standards for everyone, it appears.

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the left doesnt give a fuck about evidence, you don't need evidence anymore

Presidents are not emperors, in spite of what the Cheetoh-in-Chief thinks.

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Nice quads.

I will concede that there is a dual conservative party but only in the sense that the most left-wing liberal in Congress is still to the right of the average conservative in the UK's Parliament.

and again, I'm not really taking a stance here but I think you are completely correct. It truly feels like this kind of argument to someone pointing out something that Trump does wrong is to come back with something completely irrelevant from the past. It is absolutely banana land and I hope it stops but I'm not hopeful. Has it always been this way? Why couldn't that person who responded with the Clinton comment instead address what the OP brought up about FLA? Did that person who replied feel hurt by it and wanted to try to hurt that person back by assuming they were a Clinton supporter? It's such bizarre behaviour. It's what you would see constantly in that impeachment trial...Dems: "hey, why don't we have some witnesses since this is trial and if you are innocent then wht the hell does it matter" ....Rep: "ONLY IF HUNTER BIDEN HURRR DURRRR"'s literally a straw man argument that it seems way too many people in the US are eating up. What the hell man, how do we fix this?

if you take anything from a member of the cia at face value especially an opinion, you big dumb

That's why the right voted to not hear any more evidence in Nixon's impeachment trial. First impeachment trial in US history EVER to not have witnesses testify.

Face it: facts scare Trump & McConnell.

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So, she's an American female, then?

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>doesn't provide evidence
>hurr libruls
This is why no one takes you seriously

The wall has only been built 100 miles. He promised

Mexico hasn't paid. He promised

Trump sux

If you think thats crazy. The DNC has officially chosen to back Bloomberg. Which can only mean they themselves want trump to win. Bloomberg himself is on video talking about how taxing the poor is the best thing you can do.

Every high up political figure and shadow politicians want trump to win. It's being orchestrated right in front of all of you.

Why? Because trump holds media attention 24/7. He is the greatest mass distraction tool of all time.

Just another 4 years of your rights and liberties being slowly voted out of office.

Suck on that hoe.

Man (or woman), I really appreciate your reply bacuse it's what I suspected but you stated it well.
This is me btw: So what do we do because this only seems to be getting worse? It's like I no longer understand how people think (or at least nearly half of them). This is like some real world dystopian shit thats going on and it's not going to get better unless something drastic changes. What do you think will happen?

man, I loved this post. Very well put and I'm enjoying this conversation. I just want a real conversation with someone from the right (far right or just right of center) to explain their stance to me rationally. I'm not looking to look down on anyone, I just feel like I lost the ability to understand people (or at least a lot of them) lately and I want to figure out how we can grow through this.

>your apart of the machine now.
completely fucks up his sentence without alerting spell check

It just means you have no actual values and your morality is entirely self serving, therefore your arguments falls flat.

>Trump's University was totally legit. And his strategy for peace in the middle east is going to get him the Nobel Prize.

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I am not even american but you are kidding around right? This is just trolling or whatever to try and get a rise out of someone I assume. There's no way you actually believe that I'm sure... Why wouldn't you address the OP's comment instead of bringing up something different? I honestly want to know and not looking to argue, just curious

When the real conservatives on the right look at themselves and see what trump has done to their movement almost always end up leaving their party. Not many cause they have ginned up their movement for years by egging on rubes to vote against their own interests. They couldnt win presidential elections otherwise. But the real few that exist are struggling. Some leave and others made their peace with flushing the country down the drain for power.

that makes a lot of sense actually. I never really looked at it that way. I always thought "well, once a republican, they must always be republican"....but I bet it's this revolving door of people who are manipulated and people who learn the truth....unfortunately the hate and far machine churns out enough of the manipulated to win elections...or at least enough to support a party who tampers with elections. It's fascinating to me but also very disheartening lately. Seems like there is no more good or honesty in the world. Not that there are ALL GOOD democrats or's just that everywhere you look it seems like there is a group I just don't understand anymore.

Never voting democrat again, thanks to the incompetent way this shit show has been handled. Democratic party would have mopped the floor with this administration 15 years ago. Now they're incompetent fuck faces.