I'm not racist but I fucking hate asians. I swear they will get us all wiped out one day because of their degeneracy...

I'm not racist but I fucking hate asians. I swear they will get us all wiped out one day because of their degeneracy. This is not the first time a pandemic heathens humanity because they eat disgusting shit!

I wished they all disappeared

Translation in Chinese: CHING CHONG CHANG WING WONG DONG -_-

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no one honestly cares

>no one honestly cares
jews do, as you can see with OP

something like that
that's how I used to comprehend the "who let the dogs out?" line when I was younger,since English is not my first language

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hate the fuckers

One day we will all be brown. Your race will only exist in history books and anthropology museums.

I’m not a racist either but I fucking hate Americunts. All the time with their fucking arrogance and stupidity, their annoying fucking accents and their fucking illiteracy. The sooner the chinks or the Russians nuke them the fucking better.

Don't reveal your esl-ness.

Asian women are the true master race.

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wasn't it clear already?

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They get it and acknowledge their inferiority, and submit to the white man.

Fuck asian males

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>Not to be racist or anything, but Asian people *burps*

BIG ASIAN COCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Asians have highest iq among races and do better in school in America and make more money than any race I hate Asians too

The only place i don't like chinese people are in online MMO's

>but bat is rucky

>I'm not racist but I fucking hate asians
Already contradicted yourself in your first sentence, stopped reading there

Still better than east indians, easily the rudest and most arrogant fucks I've ever had to deal with. I swear if another currynigger comes into my shop and wants to haggle for 80% off I'm gonna lose my shit.

More images like this please


The West is more degenerate than China though

I fucking hate the Chinese and the Filipinos. The Japanese and Thai's are based.

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why do Europeans have such a strange complex about Americans, saying America is better isn't even an opinion its just objectively true, i get that its your home but calm down user

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The fillipinos are midget pieces of shit new One back in my day

Uhm, not trying to make you look like a complete hypocrite, but have you heard of rocky mountain oysters or haggis?

>I'm not racist but I fucking hate asians.
>I'm not a racist, but I group billions of people together like a racist.
That's some high-grade low IQ OP

>while on a website hosted by a server in san franscisco using tech developed by the US and made in china
You can hate us all you want user, you're still paying for my work campus to have a pool and my retardedly high salary.

Also, you're probably using something I personally helped make.

Haters gonna hate. When your country is weaker than someone else's, and basically ruling over the world, you tend to have a permanent rustle in your jimmy's

>I'm not racist but

I'm pretty racist, but Asians are based.

saddest bait ever, randos of any race eat weird shit