Imagine being so brainwashed by (((Them))) that you think you live on a spinning ball flying around a fireball in the...

Imagine being so brainwashed by (((Them))) that you think you live on a spinning ball flying around a fireball in the emptiness of space with 0 evidence

On the other hand, the evidence for a flat earth is derived from many different facets of science and philosophy. The simplest is by relying on ones own senses to discern the true nature of the world around us. The world looks flat, the bottoms of clouds are flat, the movement of the sun; these are all examples of your senses telling you that we do not live on a spherical heliocentric world. This is using what's called an empirical approach, or an approach that relies on information from your senses. Alternatively, when using Descartes' method of Cartesian doubt to skeptically view the world around us, one quickly finds that the notion of a spherical world is the theory which has the burden of proof and not flat earth theory.

Perhaps the best example of flat earth proof is the Bedford Level Experiment. In short, this was an experiment performed many times on a six-mile stretch of water that proved the surface of the water to be flat. It did not conform to the curvature of the earth that round earth proponents teach.

I have yet to see a proper counterargument that does NOT have the following:
1. Fake JEW math
2. Fake CGI images/video
3. Hearsay 'witness' accounts from PAID government employees
4. Talking points from a HASBARAH Troll

Fuck the Jewish (((dominated))) 'scientific' community.

The earth is flat
It's time to WAKE UP

Attached: WakeUp.jpg (1920x1080, 965K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1580151986712m.jpg (341x1024, 51K)

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german here, we don't believe the earth is flat and our scientists are not jewish, what now, flatbrain?

Also Nazi flat earther is just a nice combo congrats on that one^^



Give me a proper argument that doesn't include any of the things you said and then we'll talk.

think about how the leftist media NEVER reports on flat Earth and it becomes obvious

Why don't you make your own rocket, fly to space and check by yourself?.
Then do us a favor and stop spreading your ignorant shit.

This shit again?
Get your faggot ass back to the Middle Ages bub. Flat earth is a psyop and you swallowed instead of spit. How’s it feel to be cuck’d by the CIA?

Attached: 13EAFBE1-0651-4B24-9210-40C9E8E776C2.jpg (758x425, 108K)

weak copypasta bait. a better question would be what has to happen to a person to make them a flat earther

Attached: t71vrggnpvb41.jpg (2048x1536, 158K)

Yeah. In that case, if the World really was flat, it would be flat... as your BRAAAIN!

Attached: blood-and-bone.jpg (1440x750, 114K)

Flat Earthers will cease to be a thing by 2100 A.D trust me.

I wouldn't count on it

Probably fell from midwive's hands to floor when born.....

juste one very simple question WHY would they lie to us, for what ? what the fucking meaning of chearching the truth in truth the heart is not flat no a fucking donut it's just a globe !

Imagine actually believing the earth is flat

>0 evidence
it's better than the evidence for flat earth. at least if you're right then the round earthers make an effort with their "fake" evidence

Yeah right? The only reason to why they belive that... is because they have Flat BRAINS!!! XD

Attached: MV5BMTlhZTE5NDAtZThlYi00NWZiLTkxZDgtYjJjODczMjFmNjBmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_CR0,45,480,270_ (477x268, 11K)

>at ? what the fucking meaning of chearching the truth in truth the heart is not flat no a fucking donut it's just a globe !


If the earths flat whys the moon round buddy??? Oof

Did you have a fucking stroke or something?


I think it's the other way around you're the sheep

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I believe in globe. can I circumcise you? might clear things up.

I love Carl

Imagine being such a cocksucker that can't even provide evidence to justify your denial

Another fucking John Lennon retard....

Simple solution.
Go to the edge of the earth and take a photos.
Come back when you have a photo of the edge of the earth.

Globe? Do you mean that... the Earth is "flat" thing?

Oh fuck off with this bullshit. Its boring and you're an idiot of the highest order. Kys

there's no way this isnt a troll thread.

Your precious Bedford experiment (1838) was flawed in that it didn't take atmospheric refraction into account. Just 32 years later and using corrected equations incorporating the refractive index, it was shown the results did indeed reveal the modeled curvature.
inb4 "Oh, the refractive index was created to further the hoax" yeah, yeah.

Pretty sure he meant "globe".

Shut up, SPERG!

I don't understand this

tucson has an elevation of 2389. phoenix has an elevation of 1086. i drove from tucson to phoenix three weeks ago and as usual, the mountains in the distance slowly came up. i mentioned the ELEVATION because i was going DOWN, but the hill tops had to RISE as i approached them.

not everyone can actually experience this but i can. i bet i can find a recording on youtube of this drive on I-10.

here you go bitch. tucson master race round earther in the house. for those that don't know--fucking tucsonans don't know--"tucson" means "that place next to the hill". that "hill" is the one in the background here, which we call "A mountain".

Attached: downtown-tucson-shutterstock_1106352437-small.jpg (1280x600, 149K)

4d is real and it's not time. It's delay in time in relation to others


0 evidence....fuck we could fly you out there and make you see for yourself and you would claim the windows make the illusion the earth is a globe... yes, you are that fucking literally have to come to the far corners of the internet to make your argument because everyone on this globe laughs at sad

Well, maybe if user didn't type like he's fucking ESL student

Attached: Flat-Earth-Funny-Memes2-5b3339ddf2934__700.jpg (700x764, 88K)

You actually think a bunch of space agencies would lie to the public? Why would they hide the shape of the Earth?

Attached: AA97129D-236E-432E-B3B3-5354706D451D.jpg (1080x1080, 268K)

Threads like this one are products of the Australian education system and are known carriers of lyme disease.

Tell me these expeditions were faked. It’s retarded to think that they faked a shit ton of expeditions to hide the shape of the Earth.

Attached: A4889DE4-E1CA-4785-A972-E68B11CBC8F4.jpg (1080x1080, 250K)

Gonna bite.

>0 evidence
That you don't understand the evidence does not mean it doesn't exist.

>the world looks flat, the bottoms of clouds are flat
Wrong. They seem so due to the scale; Earth's radius is over 6000km and you can see for maybe 15km (if the weather's good).

>Descartes' method of Cartesian doubt
Daily reminder that he doubted literally EVERYTHING, including what you see with your own eyes ('cause maybe there's an evil daemon who wants you to think apples are red? how can you know?).

>Perhaps the best example of flat earth proof is the Bedford Level Experiment
Indeed. You can find hundreds of videos of people attempting to do it and realizing they don't get the result they expect. Of course they all deny being wrong, but mostly just stare into the camera, unable of thinking about an explanation.

>Fake JEW math
Of course. Since the unfamous Pithagoras Tarsenstein and Thales Miletbaum math is known to be a Jewish invention.

Good thing that you're trolling. If that was your genuine view, you'd need hospitalization.