Hi everyone, im doing fimosis circuncision this year... any user can tell me what am i about to expect after operation...

Hi everyone, im doing fimosis circuncision this year... any user can tell me what am i about to expect after operation? Thanks

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owning a set of mutilated genitals
seriously why would you do that? 99% of phimosis cases can be treated without surgery

How far can u get the skin down before it hurts?

how is that?

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you do know skin stretches right? it might be sensitive and painful now but over time with proper stretching it'll be fine, if you cut that sensitive skin off though? not going to be good

not much, just the tip showing

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i don't have any issue related to sex or hygiene, but i went to the doctor and he said it was better to do the procedure...

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the doctor wants your cock skin so they can sell it to a pharma firm, culture it, and grow it across a lab in big sheets to test pharmaceuticals. even if they just incinerate it, they're still getting those $$ for lopping it off when all you have to do is not be a lazy shit in the shower every day. I mean, did you even check for alternatives? all those blood vessels and nerve endings don't grow back.

Yeah you're frenulum, or whatever the part at the back of your cock is medically named, is like super sensitive and sore. It's only temporary. But for me, beyond that. It'll heal and should be alright. Post surgery nuttin eventually feels the same as you get used it. Sex was the same for me once healed. Wanking was a different story, but eventually got used to it, where I feel like it's the same pleasure. But others have said differently that it wasn't as good. Good luck.

Was the doctor a jew? Cuz he’d have an ulterior motive for snipping you.
Best to just let someone suck ur dick and tongue ur foreskin regularly till it can roll all the way down.

its in Post, dont have any different

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Hard to tell, looks like ur skin tone of ur foreskin and dick at the same. U got kik? Would be easier to see on vid

thanks for the feedback mate.

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He has a big nose actually...

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depends how you got the phimosis. if its dry or irritated skin with scarring you cant stretch it and should just tell the doctor you want him to save as much skin as possible when he does the surgery

don't do it.

you can expect a better quality of life

i will try to do that if the accept. Thanks

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why not?

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Thats what the doctor told me...

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Lmao what? He actually said that? Okay he’s 100% suggesting it for ulterior motives. Unless ur dicks literally scarring and tearing from it, there’d be virtually no difference “quality of life” wise.

Just lotion, possibly cocobutter lotion (helps women with stretch marks) ur tip and regularly, slowly, finger and stretch ur foreskin, eventually it’ll be loose enough to retract more and more.

See if you can fit a finger in ur foreskin while hard.