Is the normie test accurate? Post your results

Is the normie test accurate? Post your results

Attached: normie.jpg (1125x1504, 526K)

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i'd say so yes

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Seems about right.

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its accurate enough.

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>Actual questions
Yeah, normies are idiots.

i got turbo normie but it didnt have a description

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-02-01 21-23-47.png (522x892, 127K)

Same as OP pretty much

For fuck's sake.

Does this implies that am some sort of autist without being a austist? Also, had never got laid, am a quintesential incel. This test is bullshit.

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I got the same result. We're outliers; redpilled and autistic enough to see the other side of things, but normie enough to fit in if we try. We don't belong to any group.

I took it a while back and i'm pretty sure it said I was an edgelord

got lame normie but I'm much more of a doomer than that

Fuckdammit fucking fuck this shit, I thought I was an austist and things turn out am not. Fucking fuck this shit.

I want to fit in somewhere, this does explain a huge whole load of my life. Fuck this test.

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such is the life of a man who desires to fit in. of course you aren't autistic

Hehe ye

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Attached: normal normie.png (621x799, 26K)

>gets laid
kissless virgin
>gets invited to parties occasionally
last party i've been to was in primary school.
>Too normal for the spergs, too sperg for the normies.
sounds accurate

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Found the aussie poster.

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got this, niche normie twice, and normie once. guess ive peaked

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i think the sex and not obesity is counteracting the schizophrenia

Attached: too normie.png (339x193, 8K)

Stop lying faggots

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I wasn't faggot, I literally checked "No Friends/0 Friends". Also checked on virginity.

Still got "Lame normie".

mah niggas

lets throw a party but for party dudes only

Fuck this test, it actually got closer than I thought.

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Only one person got sperg? That's pretty sad on many levels

take the test sperg

There are many "Lame" normies too. We are the stupid pricks that never fit in and never have fun, how is that any less sad?

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Kys sperg

based, you can come to the party

Attached: NormieTest_Feb120.png (758x933, 67K)

Thanks B)

Am i seriously the first person to get this?

thought this test was gay as shit, but ngl - it's mostly true...

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>Tfw bordeline lame normie and orbiter

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I don't entirely agree, but I can't completely disagree either.

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in the cross section of 4 but sperg

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Eh, probably

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Chad here, it's only sad because you pity yourself. People find that Aurora of self pity disgusting, which makes you hate your life even more u til you have come to terms and settled. You've given up.

just realized this is lowkey bs cause i got beta orbiter, then put my hotness from 1-10 from 3-6 to 6+ and i got party dude.

i think how you rate yourself out of 10 is a huge factor since everything else stayed the same

Did it fit? Because you are a quintesential cuck if so.

you're still invited to the party bro

yes it's pretty accurate, but no I'm not a cuck

Thought I was more autistic tbh

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Kinda, guess its close.

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whatd you get pussy

Pretty much I guess, though I'd say it's misusing the term "normie". It's not complex enough to say if you're a normie or not- it calls you a normie if you're societally capable but innately outcast.

FUCK ME I HOPE NOT my god I am a female and guys like this make me want to hang myself

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who got

>I am a female
yeah, right

spotted the sperg

i'd say this is close enough to the truth, if i took better care of myself and was not a nihilistic asshole then i could probably be a normie

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inaccurate, told it i had zero friends and I actively avoided social interaction and it labeled me a "cool normie"

I don't know how accurate this is, man.

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got brad. test is shit. i go from chad to depressed alcoholic recluse. well maybe not. maybe brad is the average of that.


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ah i got this one too. go fuck yourself.

You are small time.

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Was I really the only one who got this? lol

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Man of culture

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seems about right

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I'm a turbo normie.

Oh god they're so accurate.

Not sharing mine because let's be honest, nobody cares about what some rando got told by a website.

But yeah it seems pretty good, the icon I got even looks like me.

I feel like I’d be classified as even more of an outcast than a ‘lame normie’ because I’m almost 20, still a virgin, and haven’t made any friends in 7-8 years.

But maybe I should go outside instead of taking a tourettes test.

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Pretty much accurate

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>The epitome of what a man wants to be
looks like an absolute faggot

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no dice

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simp detected, use of lethal force authorized

It could be worse

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I feel it.

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>He has a point, He is no Bog.

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Accurate except for the getting laid part
I have no chance of getting laid unless I work more on myself

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this is like astrology but for mongoloids

I got turbo normie

Welcome to the Android life, user, we’re glad to have you.

Cracked me up

Meh, could've been shittier than I expected.

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Kind of right, mix of brad and sperg. Sperg with the boys and brad with general public.

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I got it too.

uh oh

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I'm a "cool normie" despite being weirder than most people ITT IRL