What's your favorite Vin Diesel Movie?

What's your favorite Vin Diesel Movie?

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Saving Private Ryan.

the one in which he rams his fat nigger cock in a willing young blonde



the one where everyone's playing games then he kills them all

Knock around guys

Pitch Black

Underrated flick.

Find me guilty

julia bond or nicki grind.

Frozen 2: Electric Boogaloo

the one with Vanessa Leon. the one where she came so hard in the bathtub that she almost drowned.

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The one I dont have to watch.

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the one of him in that gay porn

Fuck me I know its hated on but really love Chronicles of Riddick

same tbh

You fags riddick isn't hated

Brokeback Mountain

Because he got shot, right?

>"You can have any virus you want, as long as it's a Corona"
What did he mean by this?

Brilliant. Let him bleed out

his first. about 20 years ago, there was a special on tv about new indie films. one was PI, and another was "black, white, and red all over"--not the best film but actually well produced and trippy. i have to warn you though; it's total nigger indie shit and part of the special was the producer/director telling his niggers to BEHAVE when they arrived at some event, so not to make niggers look bad--and the first "vin diesel" film. the only clip i recall was his doughy stupid face walking up on some generic new york sidewalk looking shit, looking up and smiling. i've hated him ever since.

he's an industry plant.

Fast and Furious

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