Can we just cancel this failure of a political party?

Can we just cancel this failure of a political party?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, they need to hit reset on this shambles of a party. They are now the voice of hysterical faggots who can't stop telling everyone how clever they are.

Both of your parties are fucked

This. $1.1T deficit during a boom economy. They are all laughing all the way to the bank while us wagecucks pick up the tab.

Wait until Bernie gets his fingers in the till

Can't wait.

No more tax cuts for the 1%, the republican blowjob.

an oligarch just bought his way into the DNC....

Not sure granting a debate spot equals 40 years of corporate cocksucking. Nice try.

that was for you.

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I never would've expected to see such a thing. I thought the Republican party was over before 2016. Trump single handily saved the party and transformed it into nationalism (which I love). It shows how the pendulum of politics is swinging the other way. All it took was for some guy picking up a 20 dollar bill that no one else saw, despite being dumb as fuck.

Bernie will probably walk all over Trump in a debate, but we'll see. His type have taken the Democratic party so left, it would be easy to trample all over his views with an ounce of logic.

The deficit is most significant when compared to GDP. Our last president had increased the deficit significantly more by this time with a shit economy and no gains in GDP.
It's a funny bit of math that those who pay the most tax get the greatest benefit from tax cuts. It's also rather odd how easy it is the get the part of the population which isn't paying enough tax to cover their share of defense and infrastructure to bitch when those who are making up the difference get a tax break.
Both side suck corporate cock. You just happen to no notice how much the dems suck the cocks of Internet billionaires and tech companies.

>Bernie will probably walk all over Trump in a debate

Schiff's gonna have only 2 options when this impeachment bullshit is over: suicide or prison. Can't wait either way.

I'm going to vote. I won't tell you who. :)

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this shit has got to stop. any party that enables this shit cannot be elected ever again

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Ben "The One-Man Klan" Garrison?

>doesn't give a shit about corruption until Biden enters race

Nice try, Billy Bob.

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Yep, they have absolutely Nothing to campaign on except failure and not doing their jobs.

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Better than this snake

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Did he really say this or is this just stupid meme shit?

The whole world thinks hes a guilty treasonous crook. The whole world knows now that his own personal agenda is more important than the entire country of america. Everyone is shocked how stupid you guys look right now. We don't care how he and his gang of thugs manipulated the system. You were conned into preserving that guys selfish criminality. It's a horrible moment in history

Ok Ivan.

>No more tax cuts for the 1%
>60% taxes for the 99%
Yeah, can't wait.

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Of course this asshat did

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>republicucks think they were given permission to speak
Top kek sit down and shut up inbred, let the adults handle things

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There is no greater truth than this. However, if we can eradicate the Dems, we will be able to much more easily eradicate the Republicans. We need a ballot that has no affiliation, with only names and accomplishments and plans attached.

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>Bernie will probably walk all over Trump in a debate
Everyone on the right keeps saying they want to see this. The left doesn't want to allow it. I don't think it will go well for Bernie, and that's saying a lot considering how Trump speaks.

Oh man, I saw this guy speaking on Youtube. What a disaster.

did you ask about the emails?

Funny how you won't hear a peep from the "patriotic" republicunts about this shit.

user is correct

that party is canceling itself

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Can we just talk about how shitty one party is without bringing the other up? We need to single them out and expose them, we know both are corrupt you fucking annoying gay.

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B-but that would require people to pay attention to who they're voting for and why!

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Valid point user

YES, all pro-Trump politicians and corporate-friendly Democrats should be publicly garroted.


c'mon now

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Wrong post.

Novel idea, huh?

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>lefty memes
Urgh, they're so fucking bad. Who makes these? Zero insight, zero thought. Is this shit supposed to make me think or reconsider something? They're the equivalent of the "Have you registered your boat?" pamphlets at the DMV.

You guys are pretty much a monarchy now, so it's done.

>You guys

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just sayin...

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And nobody gives a fuck

Fear not, attention will be fucking paid. Count on it.

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This a boomer-tier right here.

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Just wait for his 3rd election bra.


So it’s too controversial for you guys then kek

>Impact font
>No joke
>Nothing relent.
>Not funny

Please go jerk off to some porn now.

No, it does get worse! You fags believe in 53 genders, climate change, the parties switched, and that speech can cause physical harm. The left ignores and actively suppresses science and facts.

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You have to go back.

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What does this mean?

>this meme proves itself

Nothing better than the impeachment inquiry ITSELF being unconstitutional (requires bipartisan majority vote to be launched folks), two joke impeachment charges based on a PHONE CALL & not even in the same galaxy as impeachable offences, then dipshit broken-record clueless bitch Pelosi blathering endlessly about Trump somehow being "unconstitutional"

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What is pepe sad about?

i don't get it

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You are so full of shit

How long until Elizabeth Warren starts tweeting these to try to appease the younger generation?

>the absolute state of the right

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These make no sense. You still mad?

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I assume you are talking about how the republicans refused to see any witnesses and even several of them said yeah Trump did it, but we should leave it up to the voters to decide or that it isnt that big of a deal.

But lying over a blow job is a big deal so if that is a big deal I dont know how withholding money that was allocated by the government in exchange to publicly say that they will investigate a political opponent isnt a reason to remove the president.

just sayin..

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nice pic you leper.

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You think making fun of Trump is some attack on me? Did I even say I support him or even like him? You faggots are gonna have a bad november.

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I don't get it.

>Can we just cancel this failure of a political party?

Translation: We know trump is a criminal and we're finding every loophole to cover his crimes.

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Don’t worry America, trump may have sold this once-proud Nation out but there are still some true patriots left to defend the Consitution.

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see is this all you niggers got?

Dubs witnessed
Or .. Or .. Nothing happens because they don't hold each other accountable.
Omar gets to fuck around with the money and her brother
AoC and her dark money
And on and on
It's a nest of vipers.

If that's ALL libs have, then why did you conservacunts block witness from testifying?

Just sayin....

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Am I too late?

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Even Schumer said he used every legal option to defend himself.

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You're not thinking big enough.
Reset the Fed.
Convocation of States
Cancel the Fed
End the Deficit
Crash the global economy
Reinstate the Fed on the Gold Standard
Be fine
Fuck the world.

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Why didn't the dems present any of that stuff? They tried to get him on completely different things.

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Nope, right on time. I think the tie pics are masterfully done.

Just sayin...

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Facts?! FACTS?! You science denying fuck faces with your tech oligarchs and bull shit.
Fuck you and the latest ice ace, drought, poor tree management, and wind mills which cost more carbon to produce than they save.
Each shit you fucking piece of shit.
You are half of the equation of why we're fucked.

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Alexander Hamilton was just as bad a corrupt scheming sheckel grubbing kike as Schiff.

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left out the emails

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Hoo boy. I'm with you, but that's a lot of work. I would love it if it happened though. Here I am just wishing my representative would stop telling me how to vote.

>emotional thinker
do you need a tissue?

He IS foreign help.

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he’s rigging the election it’s not up to the voters

just look at all of the world papers. look at all of the online forums. Anyone who isn't american knows. You can hold whatever joke bullshit court session you want. It makes no difference. The world thinks the US is a joke except we're not laughing. Its fucking shocking

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And he still does a better job than the dems.

It's difficult to talk about how one party is shitty without bringing the other one up because both parties are egging the other on to be even shittier.

They're both playing this game of gay chicken to win but it's gotten to the point where they're taking turns reaming each other in the ass.

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So we’re all agreed Trump’s guilty right?

They wrote him into the history books.
The day a president was impeached, and no one cared.
The same president that his people cried when he was revealed to not be a puppet of a foreign power.
One day our descendants will look back on this moment and wonder what kind of dark time it was.

He's not wrong though.

extorting foreign nations to rig American elections is legal all elections are rigged

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top kek


literally had his boy there before biden was in the race.

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holy kek

the bottom left lady's face is classic! "Get the fuck back."

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Democrats sell the county to the Corporations, lead the charge on censorship, shelter the commies and the domestic terrorists, poison the well of the media, and hold up the umbrella of shelter the enemies of the citizen. God damn you suck.

>Bernie will probably walk all over Trump in a debate

Bernie got BTFO by some fat hoodrat niggrettes

Trump will destroy his soul

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Negative. You're just wrong.

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He should have. He did enough against America that was covered up by his crooked helpers and his sycophantic media.



a time when the entire senate openly covered up election rigging and were subsequently massacred by the people

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That’s shooped as fuck.

Oh is the only thing you have is to bitch that I felt something in the face of your absolute bullshit? You're a piece of shit shill and I hope whomever is paying you is tipping you good.
Otherwise you're dying a slow death as both a traitor and a cheap whore at the same time.

Oh fuck, where's the Like button? This should be a sig for every lib's post.

Obama used to stay at the Bellagio without his wife in a suite next to Katy Perry. They just happened to be in adjoining suites 3 times while his wife was not with him. I'm sure nothing happened though.

>crooked helpers and sycophantic media
Are you talking about trump

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>>Internet billionaires and tech companies.

Sounds like better dicks to suck than for profit colleges, timeshare scams, and 2 week loan at 73% APR companies.

they really are completely out of ammo. Sad!

Mmmmm yes your tears sustain me little incel.
Mmmmmmmmm soooooo gooood.

that doesn't even make sense.

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i love how the left can't make anything up by themselves. all those artists and no creativity lmao.

When you impeach the president and make sure he gets reelected for a second term.

Fucking good on him. I’d be worried if he didn’t tap that ass.

The real same fag.

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Still paying less taxes
Still know there are only 2 genders

>ignoring facts
typical lib

Not going to happen

Then you don't deny you're a cheap whore. Good to know.

I think the Ukraine is doing that

>transformed it into nationalism (which I love)
So you're a mouth-breathing dipshit. Got it.

lol where do you faggots come up with this stupid shit? is this what you're all saying on reddit or something?

The media coverage is 90% Negative on Trump. God damn you guys are shit. Are you brown? Are you some kind of punjab troll farm?

0/10 bait m8

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What the fuck does this even mean?

Pinocchio nose gif

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The same dude whose wife has a thick swinging cock and whose kids were born in test tubes

Michelle is Michael

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What? The hell you talking about?

Hillary could arrange both

holy shit did he rally do this?>:o

that does it, I'm done!!! To think I voted for this disgusting piece of human trash in 2016

but not anymore, this has to stop, in 2020 I'm voting for Hillary

#Istandwithhillary #teamhillary

(upvote if you like/follow me on twitter ;D)

only want you to leave us alone.

Have they released Hillary's server yet? They said they have it.

Never forget

Do you guys have some script that grabs the most downvoted pics from Facebook? These are plain awful.

oh you know, the recordings, emails, phone calls, memos and stuff your senator is covering up so Ukraine can take your vote from you

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the electoral college will never choose a woman to win the election

Where have you been? Ukraine is in the DNC's pocket. Haven't you paid any attention the last 4 years?

can we just nuke the Ukraine

well I guess then it's back to voting for Trump



Zero scandals?

>Fast and furious
>Operation chokepoint
>IRS targeting of political groups
>Drone strikes on US Citizens
>Healthcare bill designed to fail
>Used fake evidence for FISA warrant to spy on political opponent.
>VP's family works for a Ukrainian mobster.

Just because CNN doesn't cover it doesn't mean it wasn't a scandal user.

libcucks are down to posting retarded shit like this as if it's some kind of sick burn. quite pathetic tbh.

No. Ukraine is a good place which keeps getting fucked over. It is like Poland like that.
Ukraine wanted to take down Barisma
Biden stopped that
Ukraine was home of that prosecutor lady who went on to worship Putin
Ukraine is essential for Russian Natural Gas to reach EU and feed them.
Do not nuke them.
Use them as a chip against the EU and the Natural Gas that Putin needs to move.
There's a reason that blonde was put in jail by our elites when they got fucked by the Ukraine back in the day. It's contested and wild territory.

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you must mean suggesting

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I'm stunningly disappointed at all of the effort going into building anti-Trump records and how little is going into getting meaningful shit done. Trump wants money for a border wall. Trade him that money for a big reform in immigration law.

the entire senate just said they can rig the election if the president tells them to
fucking nuke them right now

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>Fusion GPS
>election tampering
>russian collusion
>violating tax code with ACA
>violating constitution with congressional recess
>FISA abuses
>jailed journos
>Uranium One
>400 Mil to Iran
>created ISIS
>most war-going pres in history
>most racially-divisive in history
>highest debt in history
>wiretapped Trump

The list continues forever. I don't think he has a week of not being a criminal.

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>no birth certificate
>no college transcripts
>His "muslim faith"

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>Hasn't seen how many people have been fired or resigned.
Nice meme! High five.

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Top kek. You women are soo gullible. They were talking about concerns of additional attacks and how his building now being the tallest became a cause for concern as it would be considered a target. It was all the kind of talk people were actually having at the time.
I worked in banking and had a fellow employee in fucking arizona of all places asking me if they should be afraid since they was in the tallest building in the state. In fucking arizona.

Except these are all batshit crazy falsehoods that never amounted to anything.

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It's not the legacy I think he wanted. He (Obama) was a genuinely good man. I say that as a person that now supports Trump.

I think the lack of real power in the office was a surprise for both of them.

>doesn’t know trump is well on pace to add the most debt in history

Debunked thoroughly. There is enough legitimate shit on Obama, no need to make any up.

>obama was a good man
The trouble with that statement is it can be said about any who would do good for his or her immediate loved ones however would rob and murder others.
Obama was the kind of arrogant that looks really bad for a person that is a chronic under achiever.

Fusion GPS/FISA are not debunked at all. The FBI is still reeling from the impact of it.

>Oh no, you mean the USA is going to owe money to banks? Oh shit. I hope they dont foreclose on us and repossess our nation. Its too bad we dont have the authority to print money from thin air..
Stop it.

>Most debt in history

This is a legitimate criticism. We need to see some major improvements on that in 2020-2024.

No they aren’t, 2 warrants were improperly extended, there will be tighter oversight and accountability. Carter Page was a Russian intel target since 2014 and should definitely have been being monitored. Glenn Simpson did the job he was hired to do starting with the republicans that hired him, it had no bearing on what the FBI did. You are a fanatic, and you are wrong.

We're spending about 30 cents on the dollar servicing dept. It is a legitimate worry that the debt is too high. It will take big shifts in defense and entitlement spending to fix, unless we sell a major asset.




look at me I get to spam horseshit like a demotraitor


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You won’t. The tax cuts to the wealthy are the cause, if you think trump is going to raise his taxes to save your future... just, lol.

Or unless, you know, the wealthy start paying a fair share again.

That must be why the FISA court judge said... the FBI's handling of the Page case "was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor" required by the law that established the surveillance court.

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it’s a fake court they’ve never turned down a surveillance request

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Yea, he was saying they weren’t being totally honest on two out of the four occasions the warrants were applied for. However, if you really know about Page, you know he was being targeted as an asset for Russia since 2014 and the FBI had loads of well founded suspicion and interest in knowing what he was up to.

You know it's bad when the ACLU takes Trump's side in an argument.

"This was not the first time the government abused its surveillance powers, nor was it the first time the intelligence court was made aware of surveillance abuses, [...] Congress must radically reform the FISA process to increase accountability, and to ensure that there is a meaningful opportunity to challenge the government's allegations in FISA applications. We can't trust the secret intelligence court alone to police this process."

They turn down something like 12%, there is plenty of nonpartisan blame to go around in that system on all sides.

Lol. Everyone knows the FISA court rubber stamps everything, that's all the ACLU is pointing out. That is not "taking Trumps side."

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Also, pretending Obama was in the loop on this is just ridiculous, blatant shilling without any understanding or care for how the system really works. You just want to deflect from the very obvious, public corruption that we have all just witnessed from Senate republicans.

I never noticed before but, damn, he does have a pencil neck.

He's acquitted forever. Dems went to the Senate with an incomplete case after rigging the process in the House and he still walks away 100% VINDICATED forever. "Just sayin"

So you are saying that Susan Rice was lying about her unmasking requests for call transcripts on behalf of the white house?

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Holy shit I can NOT wait for global society to collapse so every retard in this planet once again gets purged by natural selection once more

Let’s see that citation, buckaroo.

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No "right wing revolutionary" would wear a red beret, tardass. That's a commie emblem, straight up.
Now fuck your own ass back to red.dit

Trump will make Bernie have the 5th and final heart attack.

What did Rice do?
Rice acknowledged Tuesday that she engaged in unmasking Trump officials late in President Barack Obama's term, but insisted it was not politically motivated as her detractors have suggested. She called the unmasking process routine and said she only did it when it pertained to matters of national security.

Rice did not detail which Trump officials she unmasked or why, but current and former U.S. officials have told ABC News it happened on a number of occasions. In many instances, one official said, she did it to understand, per Obama's request, how far Russian meddling in the presidential election had gone and whether or not there was any possible collusion with Trump officials.

Rice alluded to that Russia probe in her interview, saying it was of "grave concern." Ultimately, she said no evidence of collusion between Russian officials and Trump associates was found, and that finding was shared by the intelligence community in a report at the end of Obama's term.


That's some really bad plastic surgery

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the political class is on both sides and the people are cattle. the argument between the parties is manufactured to distract that Clinton Bush Obama Romney Kennedy and all their buddies have lined their pockets with taxpayer money for the past 50 years. They're all dynasties that need to go home and get a real job.

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Problem with Democrats is that their party is split. You have far left/progressive versus moderate democrats. The moderate democrats aren't really all that great. The far left candidates are a little better. Moderate democrat voters won't vote for far left and the far left will mostly go independent or refuse to vote at all. Biden is the Democrats best candidate but he's just as crony as Hillary.

at first i thought you were talking about Condoleezza and i was almost sad but then realized it was some new rando in this shitshow of tax money laundering

>posting debunked quotes

the absolute state of the left

Yeah... because government spending has nothing to do with it.

Correct, the meaningless gesture, will be perpetually meaningless and permanently degrade the meaning of impeachment, congrats.

Bill Clinton committed perjury you stupid millennial faggot

You think Susan Rice is a “rando”? Oh boy.

So America lost huh. King Trump can do whatever he wants and commit any crimes he wants and will not see consequences. Republicans essentially try to kill Democracy. Will see if America's Constitution will survive the criminal attack or Republicans will win and destroy american freedom

I believe Rice when she says it was done for national security reasons, this article is from 2017, well before the Muller report established over 120 contacts between trump campaign individuals and operatives in the orbit of Russian intelligence. The fact that the Russians were actively reaching out to the trump campaign, it was receptive and it did not contact the FBI is absolutely a national security issue.