Bout to break 426 days of sobriety

Bout to break 426 days of sobriety.
AMA fags.

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u gay?

did you get corona'd?

I mean, sometimes.
Nope, per.
I'm white trash and I'm in trouble.

Don't do it. Won't make anything better. Usually makes things worse.

Don't let your brain rationalize this shit. It's lying to you.

Too late my friend, we've melded once more.
The peebers called, insisted and demanded.
I was a fool to deny it for so long.
I missed you sweet alcohol.

Do it, I was sober for over 300 days then I drank for Christmas...haven't really been sober since

i bought a UK version of "the sopranos" on bluray and well, my smart bluray players (samsung) can play then but the fucking PC couldn't rip them with makemkv. then, i got a lifetime license for easefab and it could rip them but then, some wouldn't rip and i found that makemkv COULD but it delivered 35gb per disc. then, i use format factory to compress to h.264 (intel QSV kicks ass and i have a weird top of the line intel NUC i7 with 1TB of SSDs and 32gb of ram and it's fucking incredible.

anyway, i thought i lost season 4, disc 1, and looked for it all around, even using a flashlight. then, tonight, when i was looking around my actual chair, i saw an upside down disc and it was season 4, disc 1, with cat hair, dust etc but wiping it off, it's perfectly clean and undamaged.

"pine barrens" (pictured here) is a great episode (most people's favorite, and probably why the new jersey pine barrens were mentioned in "better call saul"), and "the happy wanderer" is as well. my favorite is "remember when", and that's for the real heart and soul of the show.

Why wait so long pussy?

oh the good ole red white and blue? man i haven't heard someone say that line in quite a while. Not some fucking bronie standup in texas are you?

Day one for me. Trying again.

Fuck texas.

Don't mess with Texas, they'll fuck you up

wish i had your strength.
best i done is 273

I'll Suck texas' dick until it's about to cum, and then leave.

Guess it just won't be your day out on the old prairie.

Is that you damian lol


Yeah boii

>but the fucking PC couldn't rip them with makemkv
fucking weird. PCs aren't regioned. maybe a britfag thing?

Don't do it. If times are about to get hard, don't make them harder. Maybe the fact that you stayed strong and didn't succumb will give you comfort.

PCs are far more complicated than you think. there's something that can fuck your bluray drive FOREVER if it's some weird high version. if a disc is like version 95 or higher, you're DEAD. the drive is dead FOREVER. now, that's just some strange emulation of hardware that can ruin the drive.

also, there's the limitation of number of times you can change your region. that's hardware locked, and 10 times means your drive is dead. i've been very lucky with this cheap bluray drive but i've seen some dangerous situations.

this pic is me ripping right now. it says 13 days left but the funny thing about makemkv is that the new version will come out any day and reset that 30 day bluray ripping limit. i've been doing this for years. perhaps longer than you've been alive. i was ripping in 2003 with dvdflick.

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Do you upload your shit anywhere? Who are you ripping this for?

aww... i'm not doing it for money. i LOVE this show. some of us were way ahead of the "binging" crowd and those 86 episodes of THIS show became... something we saw 20 times.

anyway, i just started that "lost" season 4 disc 1 and saw that my drives "AACS" "highest version" is like 53. i ended up reading about people who killed their drive by touching some fucking joke ass sony blurays with version 96 and could never rip again. once you go too high, the drive dies... fucked up.

there was an old fag that wasn't shy to show that he had his folder of "the sopranos" on standby at all times. yeah, that's how we were.

the prequel film is coming soon.

>the prequel film is coming soon.
Goddammit. You just gave me a reason to live.

OP here, drunk. Listening to death grips for some reason.
I love that this thread is ore than just DON'T DRINK OP.
Have a screen from a great film.

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