Are there any cities in your country whose residents are generally considered to be tards? In Australia...

Are there any cities in your country whose residents are generally considered to be tards? In Australia, it’s Adelaide, and I say that having lived in most of the state capitals. They are absolute hillbilly mongs. What could cause this phenomenon?

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Any liberal cesspools like Chicago or the entire state of California

Mobile, Alabama.
Gainesville, Florida.
Pueblo, Colorado

In Canada we consider the entire US to be tards

That seems fair

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So what would be the intellectual hub of the US? Mississippi?

Fuck outta here with that shit. If anything, Queensland is the cesspool. Might be pretty, but it's full of people that voted for Lib/Nats


I've been to both places, and I can positively state that there is nowhere in america where the majority are not retards.

There isn't one. It's a sea of retard peon slaves, just as the rich want.

OP here. This may seem a little specific, but I think it’s indicative of the average Adelaide brain. If you’re stopped at a red light, when the light goes green there’s a pause. Every time. The cars just sit there. It’s as if they need time to process just what that green light means. IT MEANS GO YOU FUCKING MONGS. I have not noticed this in any other city.

Adelaide derper detected.

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Do they at least use turn signals? Because they sure as fuck don't here in america. Anywhere.

Usually. The drivers here are petty, incompetent and suffer from Pauline Hanson-levels of butthurt. If there is road work going on, and say two lanes are merging into one, they will queue up in the free lane miles before it’s necessary, and furiously deny anyone the right to change lanes. If they had even a quarter of a brain, they would simply choose whichever lane had the shorter queue and then just alternate: one car through from the right, one from the left. But they’re too dumb to work that out.

Wrong. Smellbourne, Shitney, Brislame, and Fagelaide have all been my homes over my nearly 40 years. Adelaide's been the worst for commuting by public transport, but the best for commuting fast. Shit drivers, sure, but Melb and Syd drivers are aggressive as shit.

In terms of price and liveability, Adelaide has them all hands down.

Does that include not dying of boredom? There’s a reason why Adelaide derpers queue up for five hours when a new Krispy Cream opens. It’s because their little brains can’t think of anything better to do.

Every cunt that lives in the city, constant protest of abos, poofs and climate activist. They shit on the blue collar worker they made university a joke and all they care about is themselves.

My car slow so I just stick to the left lane and let others pass me

HELL all the united states south is fucking retarded... all of them..

Worked in every State and Territory all are the same level of retardation, it's just the most recent ones
always seem worse than the others.

Australia wide bad drivers usually women old people Indians and Asians and fucking Bogans and those dumb cunts that buy a Landcruiser or Navara who pretend to be expert campers buy all the shitting stuff
Those pullout canopys and wank panels etc etc...

Also 1 out of every 20 commodore drivers is not a dick head.

Agreed. I’m not proud to admit that I used to listen to ABC radio. Not any more. Now it’s the Abo & Bitch Club. Try switching to the ABC and see how long it takes for them to start jabbering about boongs or bitches.

Ive driven a commodore and can confirm that im a dickhead

NZ is gore.
Start about 1:30 for precise description.
These guys were invited to never return when this aired.

holy fuck, I sympathize. I hated Chicago traffic, but at least they know how to zipper.
I swear there were people who paid others to drive like snails during rush hour

Sure go ahead vote labour get in a shortman or vote in the greens who don't comprehend simple
processes such as back burning insisted states change backburning and scrub clearing because
of the animals, Just look at how well Labour has done

Huurrr have the monies every oztrailiens take them all excess tax oh shit
we better shut down hospitals and hire more pointless bureaucrats to regulate and enforce arbitrary laws
to justify their existence in a corrupt self serving system.

The Greens which way is west again oh ok no don't point in that direct or look at that
You can't say words like this you're not allowed to touch your property you're not no no
followed by Sarah Hansonyoung Gurgling on Tims turds for nutrition

Liberals are self serving will cut costs and reduce problems on paper have not worked a fucking day in their life outside of a university
Just like the other parties the only difference is they can count better.

The entire county of Essex in the UK.

They seem like nice people

mate Landcruisers are reliables trucks

Retards are reliable and being retarded.


They’re honest ha ha
Often gets an honourable mention on Shit Town of New Zealand. That’s a regular segment on one of our largest radio stations.

But I do get what you are say about those cunts who think they are top shit by having a 4x4 and soot on your car

Worst haiku ever

I don't think you could say a whole city or burough/mountain/town is completely retarded. Definitely places worse than the others (Biblebelt, New York) but there's plenty of wise and well educated people in those areas too. I know bigass heavily bearded rednecks that are chemical and network engineers and very effiminate upper elite that have families in the boonies they visit on every holiday and go to church

The US is a city in Canada?

If you're bored you're boring. Literally thousands of things to do. Who gives a shit if a family wants to hang out with their neighbors at a Krispy Cream. probably t

>Also 1 out of every 20 commodore drivers is not a dick head.
This is 100% correct and I say that having 20 years experience as a truck driver. Can you even buy a Commodore if you don’t hold a valid cockhead card?

Ontario, London

>Literally thousands of things to do
If you’re watching grass grow, you really can’t count each blade of grass as something to do

Yes but you have to put Chev badges on it.

One of my workmates re-badged his commode wagon as a Pontiac G8. Top cringe.

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