There is nothing funnier than millennial's grasping at their youth, begging to be in the know...

There is nothing funnier than millennial's grasping at their youth, begging to be in the know, begging to be respected and begging to be adored. But, the truth is, that instead of having a family, building a carrier or accomplishing anything, they instead wasted their youth doing nothing of value.

Your so weak-minded, that you wouldn't have even noticed this post without the porn.

Its going to be really fucking funny when they realize that the younger generation hates them, and that their older, wiser, counterparts have already departed, leaving no one left to take the blame, but themselves.

Enjoy your Pop Vinyls and Marvel movies, because its going to be a bumpy 50+ years.

Your already as out of touch as boomers, but without the money.

Attached: download.jpg (1600x1067, 229K)

but why should i care? it's not my fault i'm like this

> Your so weak-minded

Imagine using the wrong your and calling someone stupid in the same sentence.

It's you're, faggot

What the fuck is a pop vinyl? I thought vinyls were a boomer thing?


Post more delicious BBC

Nobody cares about that tbh

Ok boomer

Im a 28 year old, 5th year electrician on track to make 70k+ this year

Suck my millennial fuckin diiiiiick

You are a legend.

Though maybe it's OPs raw liquid autism that makes anyone else seem awesome by comparison kek

Ok sweety! If you weren't depressed and alone, that would have been great! 40 years ago :)

OK Fake Boomer

Bank of America released data that 17% of Millennials have 100k+

Ok depressed zoomer.

And, we had 3 times that at the same age when the dollar was actually worth something.


You realize millennials are better than their predecessors in almost every economic, health, and social metric?
This attitude towards the younger generation is a function of humans, every generation feels this way about younger generations.

Millenials are what, like up to 30 years old? That's basically the entire demographic of Cred Forums.

Just use a different website, this one isn't "yours". I heard Facebook has a lot of minion memes, you like that sort of shit right?


I never called millennial's stupid, just depressed, old, and poor.

Also, no period at the end of your last sentence? Be consistent if you want to be a grammar nazi.

Millenial's implies possession

>Depressed As Fuck
>Has Accuse To Infinite Information, And Still Does Less Than Their Parents.

Nice cope.

We own you, so, "Millenial's"


I would imagine both of your IQs are horrifyingly low.

Tell me, how much money do you have? Homes, chromosomes, pets, cars, kids?

Saved up? About 130k. I'm a 30 year old resident physician who will be making 4-500k/y in 3 years.

Funny shit. *You’re btw

Read the thread.

So, you have more chromosomes than me?

No u

>Older, wiser counterparts
>World is completely fucked because of you assholes

You might be mentally ill. Go see a doctor.

>Begging to be adored

By kids? What are you, 12?

Try harder next time.

Zoomer, you have to be 18 to post.

Imagine raising that generation and then blaming them for their own shit views and drive. Almost like you refuse to take responsibility for causing it.

Not to mention the slide is inevitable. It will only get worse until the slate is wiped clean and everyone starts over. Create some new set of rules to live by strictly.. a religion. Then hundreds of years later each generation chips away at the rules until we end up back here... again

>World is completely fucked because of you assholes

*Fucked for you.

We have everything and will die in peace. You have nothing, and will continue to have nothing because of your lack of motivation. That's far from a failure.

>Almost like you refuse to take responsibility for causing it.

We want the world to burn with you in it, And, we succeeded. You're just mad that where better than you at screwing low-lives over.

Taking the bait. 33 yo millennial here, with a family and successful career. Likely will retire by 45, probably sooner. And with no pension, too! Meanwhile my parents are destitute, my grandparents penniless, and most other millennials are driving fucking Ubers in cars their Boomer parents bought them. How bout y'all boomers start another war to benefit ALL our asses?

>Likely will retire by 45

Ok larper.

Funny shit right here

> carrier

> (You)
>>Likely will retire by 45
>Ok larper.
Watch me shrug as apathetically as I possibly can

At least reply correctly autistic newfag.

How do I triforce on mobile

Well, you cared enough to comment, reply, and get salty over Cred Forums on a Saturday night.

Please, you have to go back.